spider man identity revealed fanfiction

Work Search: [Come discover th Jagged can tell that Marinette is close to a breakdown and when asking what's wrong? When Peter fights back against his foster father, Skip Westcott, he and his foster siblings end up at Avengers Tower, Peter has to figure out how to hide his nightly activities and Tony needs to figure out just why this teenager and his dead son have so much in common. Well, he would have gotten away with it if he just learned how to lock a freakin' door in "Amazing Spider-Man" Vol. (Age discovery is a fairly common thing in aloneintherain's fics, as you can see. Better Than We Used To Be by Alyx17 - Deadpool enlists Spider-Man's help on a dangerous case before realizing he's a minor and freaking out. Similar to the storylines in the Earth-616 universe, Venom bonds with Peter Parker before being rejected by him, which results in Venom becoming obsessed with Spider-Man and finding new hosts. Spider-Man, is Peter Parker. Sometimes, all it takes is tearinghis civilian clothes from his body telekinetically to reveal the costume underneath. James Potter was 17 years old when he was bitten by a weird science spider at an university trip to Riddle Corp. Your gang one of the deadliest out there and are assumed as males when the ga [Welcome visitors to the reaction room!] But because Peter had put up such a measly fight against Doc Ock, the villain assumes that Peter had been impersonating Spider-Man, and everyone else follows suit, thinking Peter isn't the real hero behind the mask. Its no secret that Marvels original 2006 event storyline, Civil War, written by Mark Millar and drawn by Steve McNiven, is drastically different from what wound up on screen in Captain America: Civil War. Spoilers for Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Finale !!! "What's a reaction room?" A retelling of how everyone found out that Peter had an alter-ego, in classic "Peter-luck" fashion (aka in the most nightmarish situations possible, because of course that's how it went). All she does is quietly fold up the costume and head back home. But while some versions of Spidey have better luck than others at keeping their web-slinging and personal lives separate, it's always interesting to see how friends and family members react to discovering that their loved one is actually Spider-Man. Ganke's initial shock quickly subsides, and they bump fists, which indicates Ganke will likely be around in Miles' next adventure. This is exactly what happened in "Amazing Spider-Man" #420, written by Tom DeFalco and penciled by Steve Skroce. Feeling betrayed by Peter, Harry dons the Green Goblin costume he'd taken from his dead father and becomes the second iteration of Green Goblin in The Amazing Spider-Man #136. "With great fanfic comes great. posting? After Peter dies and Miles Morales takes the helm of being Spider-Man, Venom then set his sights on the new Spidey. I once found him passed out on the ceiling. When They Know the Truth He could hear screams. At the end of the film, Miles reveals in his monologue that he's become a fully realized Spider-Man, but also that he properly revealed his identity to Ganke by hanging from the ceiling unmasked. newsletter. "At last I will look upon the face of one of my greatest enemies." Kingpin pulled on the stretchy mask. In horror, he looks at the large barb, impaling the Green Goblin in the stomach. That's exactly what happens when the two bump into one another in search of the infamous Wendigo while in Canada in "Spider-Man" #10, written and penciled by Todd McFarlane. Vulture's a-ha moment is punctuated by the car stopping at an intersection, which casts a red, then green light across Toomes' face as he confirms that Peter has no alibi for any of Spider-Man's heroic interventions. Eventually, he would make a deal with Mephisto in "Amazing Spider-Man" #544, written by J. Michael Straczynski and penciled by Joe Quesada, to save Aunt May's life at the cost of his and Mary Jane's relationship, this was alongside Mary Jane's own deal to restore Peter's secret identity. He slept late last night because of patrol so he planned on getting patrol over with right after school. He'd check under the bed and in the closets for monsters every night he tucked Morgan in. Get out.' Except, Kenma is pretty convinced the reason Tetsurou dragged him out was not because of a love confession, but to finally tell Kenma that he's Spiderman. Not only did he out himself, he did it to the entire world on television. Their friendship later blossoms into a romantic relationship, and MJ would become Spider-Man's most recognizable love interest in various universes and storylines. Smart Peter Parker. Why do they keep pursuing him and how far are they willing to go till they catch him? In "Amazing Spider-Man" #87, Written by Lee and penciled by Romita, Pete is againsuffering from the flu (but doesn't know it). Peter initially pushes back, but when he realizes Mysterio lied to him about the Elementals, he admits that he's Spider-Man and enlists her help. He grasped Spiderman's mask at the top of Spiderman's head. Better Than We Used To Be by Alyx17 - Deadpool enlists Spider-Man's help on a dangerous case before realizing he's a minor and freaking out. Sequel to "Who is Sebastian Smythe?" His assassin missed, but managed to hit their secondary target, Aunt May, placing her in the hospital and near death. The two cross paths several times, and Felicia develops romantic feelings for the young hero, even sharing a kiss through his mask. Peter had gotten shot while swinging around the city yesterday doing Spidey things, and Wade had patched him up. Tetsurou is going to tell his best friend he's in love with him. Peter puts his hands up even though Wade Robin never told them his identity and wasn't allowed to. But Spider-Mans story was probably the most changed. Yep, you heard it here first, folks! Mary Jane asked Peter to switch his duds (he had been wearing a cloth version of the black costume since dumping the alien/suit), so he agrees and returns on the last page in his original costume. He dodges at least 1078 bullets a week. Unless, actually, the patching up hadn't gone as well as they wanted, he was in pain the whole time at work, and looky there, he's fallen on the ground and is bleeding in the Avengers common area.Getting treatment means he gives the Avengers every bit of information they need to realize he's Spider-Man, which isn't something he particularly wants to do, but he doesn't know if he has enough blood in him to make it home to deal with the issue himself. The two men battle across the city of New York until they come to a point where Doc knocks a part of a building loose, threatening the people down below. This obviously alarms Peter, whose spidey sense doesn't go off. -Negligible angst Play fake prisoner of course! Where Peter is the prisoner and the Avengers keep him captive. Now, Peter has to hide his superhero identity and wrestle with some less than holy feelings, as he and Wade find themselves in a string of absurd situations. While initially hurt that her nephew has been lying to her for years, she comes to understand his decision and supports him as Spider-Man. Press J to jump to the feed. The time of reckoning has come, the day where Peter Parker will finally be proven innocent.They've been waiting for this day for months, and now they can finally put this issue to rest, howeverThat man still lurks in the shadows, regardless if he's dead or not. I would love any and all recommendations where the world finds out! Hard to deny you're Spider-Man when an incredibly powerful psychic scans your mind and blasts your clothes off. [Ed. Spiderman Spiderman unmasked Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate spiderman Scary spider GOD, Flash just shut up for once in your goddamn life!!! In the 2019 film,Peter successfully defeats Mysterio in London by disabling his projecting drones. It would be a lot easier if Peter Parker hadnt seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth. Throughout decades of the wall-crawler's adventures, Peter kept his double life as Spider-Man a secret from May, since he knew she'd likely be worried about his safety and disapprove of his dangerous lifestyle. ..His life? As Pete walks into the door, he is holding his mask in his hand and depressingly admits, "Spider-Man is finished" and tells his friends his secret. 2 #37, May stumbles upon Peter's secret. I know you think the world revolves around you but one of these days youre gonna realize it doesnt and when you look around youre gonna realize that NO ONE FUCKING LIKES YOU! I put my WIP's here so I can keep track of em! His situation? (I do not intent to insult anybody or any of that, I'm just making a stor What happens when the Avengers want a new teammate? After learning Peter's secret, Jameson goes all in on wanting to discredit Spider-Man, even though they have similar stances on the Superhero Registration Act. First, Jameson sued Peter for fraud. Little does he know that the Green Goblin is out to get him in "Amazing Spider-Man" #39, written by Stan Lee and penciled by John Romita. In it, Peter tries to deny his web-slinging nature to Nate Grey (X-Man). Norman Osborn's eyes meet Spider-Man's for a moment as he gives one last wheeze, whispering a pained, "Peter. Even though he could have retained his anonymity, Peter did the unthinkable in "Civil War" #2, written by Mark Millar and penciled by Steve McNiven. Spider-Man Identity Reveal Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly Hydra agent 'Spider' is sent out on a mission to retrieve blueprints from Avengers Tower. On top of all that, the film's villain, Kingpin, teams up with Doc Ock to open up a portal to multiple dimensions, which results in multiple Spider-People from other universes landing in Miles' modern-day Brooklyn. By taking photos of himself and selling them to the Bugle as news photographs, Peter lands himself in pretty hot water legally, and he inspires an even higher level of vitriol from Jameson. He just wants to keep his head down, do his job as Spider-Man and to keep his loved ones safe. That's something else entirely. Brought Down to Normal: Venom's plan is to definitively expose Spider-Man's identity and then use the gene cleanser on him to leave him vulnerable to his enemies. Ganke immediately faints and falls out of his desk chair a super understandable reaction. The various revelations of Spider-Man's secret identity not only offer some comedic beats but also significant consequences for each Spidey hero. Without hesitation, Nate points his hand at Pete and says "Save the coyness for someone you can con!" No underage fics with sexual content. She walks in and there is her beloved Peter, lying on the bed all bandaged up, and a Spider-Man costume torn to shreds on the floor. He was ready for University and why his dad wasn't able to let him live his life was a Steven Grant somehow managed to join the Avengers group chat and Tony is a curious nature. A story of which being Tony Stark's daughter and having powers is the definition of Chaos. In Spider-Man: Far From Home, the last movie in the MCU's Phase Three, Peter and his classmates are still reeling from the effects of Avengers: Endgame, including people being "blipped" back into existence and the death of Tony Stark. The Spideys all scramble to the ceiling to avoid detection, but Ganke looks up and sees them, just as Spider-Ham asks if animals talk in Miles' dimension. The Peter Parker of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is already ahead of the comic book character in one important way: He has friends and mentors who know that hes Spider-Man. Miles faces off against Venom to protect his family, both in his own home and in the hospital where his mother, Rio, works and where Jefferson was sent to recover after being injured by Venom. After some retconning and a little story tweaking here and there, it turned out he was the real Peter Parker all along (until it turned out he wasn't). When Iron Man appears one day and presents Spider Man with an opportunity too good to pass up, Peter finds himself having to make up his mind about what helping the little guy really means. Of course, it ends up being used on him instead. responsibility. Wade doesn't know about Peter's super-sized secret, and to make matters worse, Spider-Man and Deadpool have had a longstanding friendship that further complicates the budding relationship between Peter and Wade. They wait in an uncomfortable silence for a few moments, Mr. Harrington checking his watch every couple of seconds. During the Civil War crossover event, Spider-Man initially sides with Iron Man and voices his support of the Superhero Registration Act, which would regulate the lives of people with superhuman abilities. Doc Ock's crime-filled ways soon had him crossing paths with Spider-Man, and they faced off several times early in Doc Ock's career. He begrudgingly agrees to work together, but it just goes to show you that keeping a secret can be tough around powerful psychics. but what happens when old high school friends and acquaintances make Young Justice/Robin Before he succumbs to his injuries, Captain Stacey reveals that he always knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man and he tells him to continue to care for his daughter after he dies. I FINALLY MADE THE COVER 5 times Flash had a crush on Spider-Man, and the 1 time Spider-Man had a crush on Flash. 'I swear to god, just leave. Kingpin walked over to Spiderman. His victory is made even sweeter when MJ finds him on the London Bridge, and they share an adorably awkward series of kisses once they admit their romantic feelings for one another. Caught red-handed, Peter admits that his "Stark internship" is really costumed heroics, and Ned becomes the second person after Iron Man to learn Spidey's secret identity within the MCU. And yet, there was no way. Language: Pete took the whole sniffing out his secret identity pretty well considering it came right out of left field. Felicia Hardy, better known by her costumed persona of Black Cat, is a recurring character within the Marvel Universe who's has helped, hindered, and flirted with Spider-Man at various points throughout the years. This led to whats still the most controversial Spidey story of all time, One More Day. Straczynski even took his name off the story. They pick Aleksyi Sytsevich, who was currently serving a life sentence. Everyone just assumes the teen was out to protect Betty and immediately dismisses the notion that he could be anything but the freelance photographer who was only playing at being a hero. Well, Matt Murdock, otherwise known asthe Man Without Fear, Daredevil, sure does. Peter gets dosed with some nasty chemicals by Mysterio and temporarily loses his powers in "Amazing Spider-Man" #200, written by Stan Lee, and penciled by John Romita. Whatever you have to say, save it, Im too tired for your shit.. Hallie and Peter have only known each other about 18 hours, but they're suddenly exploring their new soulmate bond. But man, does Peteget pissed off about the whole thing. Link please or picture, https://archiveofourown.org/works/12292941 - Deadpool keeps flirting with MCU Spidey until he discovers Peter is a teenager, is horrified with himself, becomes protective and starts looking out for him. Peter got a job and yknow what comes with that. Not only does he kick his Spider-Buttrather quickly (and is surprised he was able to do it in the first place), he has no difficulty at all removing his mask! Fortunately, this wasn't actually a surprise since Pete had previously found the pics. Sign up for the It is finally revealed that the young man is afflicted with terminal cancer and there is nothing that can be done to save his life. Once again, he is suffering from a cold while his Aunt May might drop dead at any moment if she were somehow aggressively shocked. Once Spider-Man lays his gloved hands on the Chameleon, a chemical on his clothing renders him unconscious. It was a strange way to restore things somewhat to the status quo but nothing can beat the time Peter Parker admitted to the whole world that he was your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! ", How These Characters Reacted When Discovering Spider-Man's Identity. One of Spidey's oldest enemies, the Chameleon, has returned after his imprisonment in Revancroft with the ultimate plan to take out the web-slinger for good in "Spectacular Spider-Man" #242, written by J. M. DeMatteis and penciled by Luke Ross. Of course, the spider-themed vigilante in town may make this venture that much harder. But then a simple accident changes his life forever and suddenly, Spiderman is the only one who can help him understand his new powers. This revelation takes the shock the thugwas already experiencing and ramps it up a notch straight into a fatal heart attack. Peter Parker's Aunt May raised him after his parents died, and she became Peter's only remaining family member after his Uncle Ben was murdered during Spider-Man's origin story. In the "Sensational Spider-Man" #4, written and penciled by Dan Jurgens, Spider-Man/Ben goes web swinging back to the alleyway he stashed his duds after stepping in to break up a robbery. Toomes is then sent to prison, and during Homecoming's mid-credits scene, he's shown keeping his identity secret when Mac Gargan inquiresabout who's behind Spider-Man's mask. Preferably not very romance-focused if any at all, but, again, still accepted! What if they were a bit more of an asshole than our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man? In another dream, Miles Warren visits the incarcerated Harry Osborn, whose a little bit looking better. One of the first stories to showcase a scenario where Spider-Man's secret identity being revealed was The Amazing Spider-Man #12, where Doc Ock kidnaps Betty Brant from the Daily Bugle and orders J. Jonah Jameson to print out an ad challenging Spider-Man to come to find him. Blasts your clothes off, placing her in the stomach revelation takes the shock the thugwas experiencing... To work together, but it just goes to show you that keeping a secret can be around! Come discover th Jagged can tell that Marinette is close to a breakdown and when asking what wrong., this was n't actually a surprise since Pete had previously found the pics a lot easier if Peter hadnt..., as you can con! scans your mind and blasts your off! Previously found the pics s daughter and having powers is the definition Chaos... James Potter was 17 years old when he was bitten by a weird science spider at an university to. The stomach recognizable love interest in various universes and storylines faints and out! 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