nsf statement of potential overlap

The substance of the relationship is more important that the form of the agreement. This includes: A systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied. This includes, but is not limited to, information related to current, pending, and other support (both foreign and domestic) as defined in 42 U.S.C. OVERLAP: Reference books and periodicals only may be included on the proposal budget if they are specifically allocable to the project being supported by NSF. placement of the individual or research organization in SAM or the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) to alert other agencies. Use of an indirect cost rate lower than the organizations current negotiated indirect cost rate is considered a violation of NSFs cost sharing policy. 169 0 obj <>stream Proposers should be aware of core strategies that are essential to the fulfillment of NSF's mission, as articulated in Building the Future: Investing in Discovery and Innovation - NSF Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2018 2022. A table entitled, NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance Pre- and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support [28] has been created to provide helpful reference information regarding pre-award and post-award disclosures. The sections described below represent the body of a research proposal submitted to NSF. In addition to any program-specific review criteria defined in the solicitation, reviewers may be asked to evaluate the degree and extent to which industry will be involved with the proposed research and the extent to which students and/or post-doctoral scholars will benefit from the interaction. For Concept Outlines that must be submitted via ProSPCT, users must have a valid Login.gov account to access the tool. hbbd```b``"fHF-D2e]" , fl#`r|H2Ad h^F? National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) The National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, USA Tel:(703) 292-5111, FIRS:(800) 877-8339 | TDD:(800) 281-8749 Questions or need help, contact us at sestat@nsf.gov. This includes, for example, Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED), Research Opportunity Awards (ROAs), Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs), Facilitating Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (RUIs), Research Experiences for Veterans (REV), and Research Experiences for Teachers, and Research Experiences for Graduates. (i) Name: Enter the name of the primary organization of the senior person. NOTE: The National Science Foundation released an updated Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) effective for proposals due on or after January 30, 2023. . Current and Pending Support: The support requested or available from other Federal agencies and other sources. Therefore, inclusion of a website address is optional. ), i. Communications within team and to the organization should be considered in the plan, minimizing singular points within the communications pathway (e.g., a single person overseeing access to a single satellite phone), and any special circumstances such as the involvement of multiple organizations or the presence of third parties in the working environment should be taken into account. If funds are requested for support of a small business industrial partner, the letter must certify that the small business industry partner meets the small businesses eligibility requirements listed above. Conformance will be strictly enforced unless a written deviation authorization is received in advance of proposal submission from the cognizant NSF Assistant Director/Office Head or designee. Unless a substitute negotiator has been designated by the proposer/recipient, the Division of Grants and Agreements (DGA) or the Division of Acquisition and Cooperative Support (DACS) will not process a new proposal with a former employee or IPA as PI or co-PI. (v) Certification Regarding Organizational Support: The AOR is required to complete a certification that there is organizational support for the proposal as required by Section 526 of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010. In this section, disclose ALL existing projects, as well as all projects currently under consideration for funding, in accordance with the definitions for current and pending below. When mandatory cost sharing is included on Line M, and accepted by the Foundation, the commitment of funds becomes legally binding and is subject to audit. NOTE: The National Science Foundation released an updated Proposal and Award . (iv) Speaker Fees. of the NSF budget. 0 At the NSF Program Officers discretion (subject to Division Director concurrence), they may invite none, some, or all of the project ideas as full proposals, with the final funding decision to occur after the full proposals have been received and reviewed. The email confirming approval to submit a planning proposal must be uploaded by the prospective PI in the Program Officer Concurrence Email section of Research.gov. NSF will not accept a RAISE separately submitted collaborative proposal from multiple organizations. This will aid in determining the appropriateness of the work for consideration under this type of proposal. A signed IHE-industry agreement on IP (including publication and patent rights) must be submitted prior to issuance of an award. The National Science Foundation has issued an updated Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), effective October 4th, which includes changes to the NSF biosketch and current & pending support documents. Biographical Sketch(es) of the person(s) who will have overall responsibility for maintenance and operation of the equipment and a brief statement of qualifications. Unless otherwise specified, there is no page or character limit. As such, the information is not provided to reviewers for use in the review of the proposal. To be responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of Research regardless of title or position. (See also Chapter II.D.2.d(iii)(d)) If the proposer has a website address readily available, that information should be included in the citation. The solicitation will specify the content and submission instructions for such applications. Such letters should be provided in the supplementary documentation section of Research.gov and follow the format instructions specified in Chapter II.D.2.i. Note this proposal preparation instruction deviates from the standard proposal preparation instructions contained in this Guide; EAGER proposals must otherwise be compliant with the proposal preparation requirements specified in Part I of the PAPPG. Participant Support Costs. Speakers and trainers generally are not considered participants and should not be included in this section of the budget. NSF has provided funding to the Online Ethics Center for S&E, an online collaborative resource environment that provides resources that may be used by the institution in developing their training plan. However, if the primary purpose of the individuals attendance at the conference is learning and receiving training as a participant, then the costs may be included under participant support. In no more than one page, the mentoring plan must describe the mentoring that will be provided to all postdoctoral researchers supported by the project, regardless of whether they reside at the submitting organization, any subrecipient organization, or at any organization participating in a simultaneously submitted collaborative proposal. T>RF#yNb`d@ B#^ If the specific location of the international conference is not known at the time of the proposal submission, proposers should enter Worldwide on the Cover Sheet. Renewed funding of an Ideas Lab award may be requested only through submission of a full proposal that will be subject to external merit review. An international activity is defined as research, training, and/or education carried out in cooperation with foreign counterparts either overseas or in the U.S. using virtual technologies. If the primary purpose is to speak or assist with management of the conference, then such costs should be budgeted in appropriate categories other than participant support. (v) In order for NSF to comply with Federal Environmental Statutes (including, but not limited to, the National Environmental Policy Act (42 USC 4321, et seq. Proposers are responsible for ensuring that proposed subrecipient costs, including indirect costs, are reasonable and appropriate. (iii) If the research is not designated as exempt, and has an approved, unexpired protocol at the time of submission, the IRB approval date should be identified in the space provided. However, inclusion of a subaward or contract in the proposal budget or submission of a request after issuance of an NSF award to add a subaward or contract will document the required organizational determination. See Chapter II.D.2.d(iii) for additional instructions on preparation of this section. [48] This coverage also applies to symposia and workshop proposals. If a decision is made to fund the proposal,the organization must provide a copy of the approval letter from the IACUC. Information must be provided for: Each Current and Pending (Other) Support entry should include: All Harvard individuals who are designated as Key Personnel on an NSF award/subaward are required to report all their research support to NSF via the Current and Pending (Other) Support form, which is required at JIT and with each RPPR if their support has changed since the last submission. Consistent with 2 CFR 200.332, NSF recipients must use the domestic subrecipients applicable U.S. It is NSF policy (see Chapter XI.A.1.g.) Indirect costs (F&A) are not usually allowed on costs budgeted as participant support unless the recipients current, Federally approved indirect cost rate agreement provides for allocation of F&A to participant support costs. If IACUC approval has not been obtained prior to submission, the proposer should indicate "Pending" in the space provided for the approval date. Equipment is defined as tangible personal property (including information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one year and a per-unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the proposer for financial statement purposes, or $5,000. (iii) Alcoholic Beverages. A letter of support is typically from a key stakeholder such as an organization, collaborator, or Congressional Representative, and is used to convey a sense of enthusiasm for the project and/or to highlight the qualifications of the PI or co-PI. For the personnel categories listed below, the proposal also may include information on exceptional qualifications that merit consideration in the evaluation of the proposal. These project ideas typically will be high-risk/high-impact, as they represent new and unproven ideas, approaches and/or technologies. Teaching/training in research methods may also constitute Research for the purposes of NSFs definition. As a general policy, NSF limits the salary compensation requested in the proposal budget for senior personnel to no more than two months of their regular salary in any one year. These issues apply to both the technical aspects of the proposal and the way in which the project may make broader contributions. for additional information. The template has been developed to be fillable, however, the content and format requirements must not be altered by the user. NSFs contribution to the national innovation ecosystem is to provide cutting-edge research under the guidance of the Nations most creative scientists and engineers. Travel, meal, and hotel expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. Such information must be provided in this section, in lieu of other parts of the proposal (e.g., Budget Justification, Project Description). If there is no potential overlap, enter N/A in this field. Concept Outlines can be submitted either by email to a cognizant Program Officer or via the Program Suitability and Proposal Concept Tool (ProSPCT). This will aid in determining the appropriateness of the work for consideration under this type of proposal. International Conferences. The Project Description should outline the general plan of work, including the broad design of activities to be undertaken, and, where appropriate, provide a clear description of experimental methods and procedures. NSF will add a term and condition to the award that prevents any research involving human subjects from being carried out, or otherwise restricts the drawing down of funds, until IRB approval has been obtained. for additional information on the administration of equipment awards. A proposer interested in submitting a GOALI proposal or a GOALI supplemental funding request to an existing NSF-funded award must contact the cognizant NSF Program Officer listed in the relevant funding opportunity prior to submission. *Statement of Potential Overlap: Provide a description of the potential overlap with any current or pending in-kind contribution and this proposal in terms of scope . The email(s) confirming approval to submit a RAISE proposal must be uploaded by the prospective PIs in the Program Officer Concurrence Email section of Research.gov. (ii) ORCID ID[29] (Optional): Enter the ORCID ID of the senior person. The agenda and duration[44] of the Ideas Lab are communicated to meeting participants by the cognizant NSF Program Officer. (See Chapter XI.B.4.). . If this application is funded, Dr. Y's effort will be adjusted on R01HL567089-07 to remove the overlap. [34] See https://orcid.org for information on obtaining an ORCID ID. In some cases, Program Officers may elect to obtain external reviews to inform their decision. This includes items such as: home address; home telephone, fax, or cell phone numbers; home e-mail address; drivers license number; marital status; personal hobbies; and the like. PIs are advised that they must submit a Concept Outline prior to submission of a RAPID proposal. Costs of translation services, audio visual, webcast, and computer services for recording, transmitting, and transcribing the proceedings. [15] Detailed instructions for submission of confidential budgetary information are available in Research.gov. The Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support documents require the individual to certify that the information provided is accurate, current, and complete. These services enable the federation of resources into an effective source of computing capacity for a wide spectrum of science applications. A computing device is considered a supply if the acquisition cost is less than the lesser of the capitalization level established by the proposer or $5,000, regardless of the length of its useful life. Note, however, that if awarded, a single award would be made to the submitting organization, with any collaborators listed as subawards. See Chapter II.D.2.f(vi)(e) for further instructions on proposals that contain subawards. Mandatory cost sharing will only be required for NSF programs when explicitly authorized by the NSF Director, the NSB, or legislation. (ii) The lead organization must then enter each non-lead organization(s) proposal PIN and temporary proposal ID into the Research.gov lead proposal by using the "Link Collaborative Proposals" option found on the "Form Preparation" screen. (45CFR46.102(l)). No appendices or supplementary documents may be submitted. [51] Proposal Not Accepted is defined as Research.gov will not permit submission of the proposal. Results may be summarized in fewer than five pages, which would give the balance of the 15 pages for the Project Description. If anticipated, any compensation for such personnel in excess of two months must be disclosed in the proposal budget, justified in the budget justification, and must be specifically approved by NSF in the award notice budget.[14]. Speakers and trainers are not considered participants and should not be included in this section of the budget. *Summary of In-Kind Contribution(s): Provide a summary of the in-kind contribution(s) not intended for use on the project/proposal being proposed to NSF, whether or not it has an associated time commitment. NSF encourages prospective users to seek more information on the XSEDE website. Biographical Sketch; (see Chapter II,D.h(i)); Current and Pending Support (see Chapter II.D.h(ii); and. Salaries. See Chapter I.D.1 for additional information on Concept Outlines. The table includes the types of activities to be reported, where such activities must be reported in the proposal, as well as when updates are required in the proposal and award lifecycle. (See PAPPG Chapter VI.B.1.). A description of such support should be included in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal. biologics, chemical, model systems, technology, etc.). Compensation classified as salary payments must be requested in the salaries and wages category. The appropriate rate will be: a negotiated rate between the NSF recipient and the subrecipient; a prior rate negotiated between a different pass-through entity and the same subrecipient, or the de minimis indirect cost recovery rate of 10% of modified total direct costs. Provide a list, in reverse chronological order by start date, of all the senior persons academic, professional, or institutional appointments and positions, beginning with the current appointment (including the associated organization and location). Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources: If there will be support from other sources for the travel, a description of such support must be included in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal. A brief statement of the overall objectives of the project/proposal being proposed or in-kind contribution must be provided. See Chapter V for further information. Note: The mandate to use SciENcv only for the preparation of Current and Pending (Other) Support information will go into effect for new proposals submitted or due on or after October 23, 2023. If a preliminary proposal was submitted, and the organization was either invited or encouraged/discouraged to submit a full proposal, provide the Preliminary Proposal Number. Beginning Investigators (applies to proposals submitted to the Biological Sciences Directorate only), 4. If the State/Province is not applicable, enter N/A. NSF provides support for a variety of individual Centers and Centers programs that contribute to the Foundation's vision as outlined in the NSF Strategic Plan. If the individual is reporting person-months that span two calendar years, the individual should enter the latter year. Such cost sharing will be considered as an eligibility, rather than a review criterion. In these cases, NSF is especially interested in activities that would catalyze new collaborations that broaden the participation of individuals or organizations underrepresented in NSF award portfolios. (iii) The PHS-approved Animal Welfare Assurance Number must be entered in the space provided. This site contains RECR resources by discipline, provides links to published codes of ethics, as well as includes pages dedicated to resources produced or used by specific professional groups. (v) If funded, both lead and non-lead organizations are required to submit separate annual and final project reports. [42] Departures from the Guide must be approved by the IACUC and based on scientific, veterinary, medical, or animal welfare issues (for more information, see Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) Departures from the Guide). Instructions for submission of proprietary or privileged information are provided in Chapter II.E.1. The box for "Proprietary or Privileged Information" must be checked on the Cover Sheet when the proposal contains confidential budgetary information.[15]. PIs are cautioned that the Project Description must be self-contained, and that URLs must not be used because: 1) the information could circumvent page limitations; 2) the reviewers are under no obligation to view the sites; and 3) the sites could be altered or deleted between the time of submission and the time of review. New version: NSF PAPPG (NSF 23-1) (NSF website) will be effective for submissions due on or after January 30, 2023. The Richard A. and Susan F. Smith The goals in identifying and eliminating overlap are to ensure that sufficient and . Provide a list of the senior persons professional preparation (e.g., education and training), listed in reverse chronological order by start date. The following provides guidance regarding the preparation, review, or administration of EAGER proposals/awards: The Project Description is expected to be brief and must be no more than eight pages. Note that the box for "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities" must be checked on the Cover Sheet if, pursuant to the Lobbying certification provided in SAM, submission of the SF LLL is required. The physical resources themselves are provided by service providers via separate awards from NSF. Persons traveling under NSF awards must travel by U.S.-Flag Air carriers, if available. All of the individuals Ph.D. thesis advisees. for projects that are appropriate for submission as "regular" NSF proposals; to support the collection of preliminary data; or. For example, funds may be requested to provide: prosthetic devices to manipulate a particular apparatus; equipment to convert sound to visual signals, or vice versa, for a particular experiment; access to a special site or to a mode of transportation (except as defined below); a reader or interpreter with special technical competence related to the project; or other special-purpose equipment or assistance needed to conduct a particular project. Overlap, whether scientific, budgetary, or commitment of an individual's effort greater than 100 percent*, is not permitted. Requests may be for up to $300K (including indirect costs) and up to two years in duration. [14] NSF recipients remain subject to the provisions of OMB M-01-06, Clarification of OMB A-21 Treatment of Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing and Tuition Remission Costs regarding requirements for committing and tracking some level of faculty (or senior researcher) effort as part of the organized research base. NSF recognizes that primary dependent care responsibilities, or other family considerations, pose unique challenges to the STEM workforce. Here are five tips from NSF program officers to help you with your Broader Impacts statement. Costs that will be secured through a service agreement/contract should be budgeted under Line G.6, Other Direct Costs, to ensure the proper allocation of indirect costs. All Harvard individuals who are designated as Key Personnel on an NSF award/subaward are required to report all their research support to NSF via the Current and Pending (Other) Support form, which is required at JIT and with each RPPR if their support has changed since the last submission. If the Funding of an International Branch Campus of a U.S. IHE, including through use of a subaward or consultant agreement box or Funding of a Foreign Organization, including through use of a subaward or consultant agreement box is checked on the Cover Sheet, the proposer also must enter the name of the applicable country(ies) in the International Activities Country Name(s) box(es) on the Cover Sheet. Use of a small font size makes it difficult for reviewers to read the proposal; consequently, the use of small fonts not in compliance with the above guidelines may be grounds for NSF to return the proposal without review. NSF specifies that the list must include the following, whether or not remuneration is received and whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). Data curation costs are expenses associated with preparing data into a form that others can use. If included, these resources will not be auditable and must not be included in the proposal budget or budget justification. All GOALI-related confirmation letters must be uploaded under "GOALI-Industrial PI Confirmation Letter" in Research.gov. One of the strategic objectives in support of NSFs mission is to foster integration of research and education through the programs, projects, and activities it supports at NSF recipient organizations. See 2 CFR 200.465(f). Funds may be requested for field work, attendance at meetings and conferences, and other travel associated with the proposed work, including subsistence. Industry involvement assures that the research is industrially relevant. Proposals for new centers with potential overlap of an existing center must provide evidence (usually a . In the absence of an acceptable, written recipient organizational policy regarding meal costs, 2 CFR 200.475(d) will apply. All funded work must take place in the U.S. (including work done by consultants and contractors). (vi) Antarctic Proposals to any NSF program require Logistical Requirements and Field Plan supplementary documents to be submitted with the proposal. See 2 CFR 200.216, 200.471, PAPPG Chapter X.F, and the applicable award terms and conditions for additional information. Projects involving research with human subjects must ensure that subjects are protected from research risks in conformance with the relevant Federal policy known as the Common Rule (Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, 45 CFR 690). (See Chapter II.D.2.h(ii)). Do not submit any personal information in the Biographical Sketch. which specifies Federal agencies are required to use the negotiated F&A rate that is in effect at the time of the initial award throughout the life of the sponsored agreement. Overlap Sample Statements: There is commitment overlap for Dr. XYZ between 5R01AG123456-01 and the application under consideration. The information in the tables is not required to be sorted, alphabetically or otherwise. This information should be submitted as a single copy document and uploaded in the Additional Single Copy Documents category. Invited full proposals (which are prepared in accordance with standard research proposal formatting guidelines) must be submitted within two months of receiving NSF notification after the Ideas Lab. [29] See https://orcid.org for information on obtaining an ORCID ID. Do your homework. Meals and Coffee Breaks. No maximum funding amount has been established for such requests. If this application is funded Dr. XYZ will request approval to reduce his effort on 5R01WE1234546-01 to 2 caledar months. The approval letter must affirm that an animal-use protocol covering the proposed activities has been approved and should explicitly list the organizations PHS Animal Welfare Assurance Number, the proposers name, the title and number of the NSF proposal, and the date of IACUC approval, as well as show an organizational signature. Any project proposing use of live vertebrate animals for research or education must comply with the provision in the PHS Assurance for Institutional Commitment (Section II) that requires the submitting organization to establish and maintain a program for activities involving animals in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide). Resulting awards will be administered in accordance with standard NSF policies and procedures, including no-cost extensions and supplemental funding requests. If the project will be performed at a location other than the awardee organization, provide the following information (where applicable). The planning proposal type must be selected in the proposal preparation module in Research.gov. If the individual is reporting person-months that span two calendar years, the individual should enter the latter year. NSF is committed to preserving the benefits of life sciences research while minimizing the risk of misuse of the knowledge, information, products, or technologies provided by such research. If any PI or co-PI identified on the proposal has received prior NSF support including: Information on the award is required for each PI and co-PI, regardless of whether the support was directly related to the proposal or not. If the State/Province is not applicable, enter N/A. If the State/Province is not applicable, enter N/A. The checklist is not intended to be an all-inclusive repetition of the required proposal contents and associated proposal preparation guidelines. (vi) GRFP recipients must include a letter from the Fellows faculty advisor supporting the CLB/GRFP supplemental funding request; No privacy-related information should be included in the request, i.e., the rationale for leave should not be disclosed to NSF; Questions about the submission of a CLB supplemental funding request should be addressed to the cognizant NSF program officer. In addition, the proposer must submit a justification demonstrating how the potential benefits of the research far outweigh the risks. The industrial participant cannot use or receive any NSF funds on a GOALI award with the exception of small businesses that meet these requirements and are not currently funded NSF SBIR/STTR recipients: Must be a small business (fewer than 500 employees) located in the U.S; At least 50% of the companys equity must be owned by U.S. citizens or permanent residents; and. RAISE proposals are not eligible for reconsideration, if declined. Work in foreign countries. Many of these mechanisms are funded by interested NSF Programs on the basis of merit-reviewed proposals. Cambridge, MA 02138 See Chapter IV.B for additional information. Indirect cost recovery for IHEs is additionally restricted by 2 CFR 200, Appendix III, paragraph C.7. If external review is to be obtained, then the PI will be informed in the interest of maintaining the transparency of the review and recommendation process. Collaborative proposals may be submitted to NSF in one of two methods: as a single proposal, in which a single award is being requested (with subawards administered by the lead organization); or by simultaneous submission of proposals from different organizations, with each organization requesting a separate award. Optional ): enter the ORCID ID chemical, model systems, technology etc. An effective source of computing capacity for a wide spectrum of Science applications resources themselves are provided in proposal. 44 ] of the required proposal contents and associated proposal preparation module in Research.gov accept RAISE. Science Foundation released an updated proposal and the application under consideration the Biographical Sketch Foundation released updated... Sciences Directorate only ), 4 terms and conditions for additional information publication and rights! Traveling under NSF awards must travel by U.S.-Flag Air carriers, if available appropriate for submission ``. 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