i hate teaching elementary school

Mostpeoplehave lights in their home, but that doesnt make themelectricians. The parents are absent. Others just wait until the end of that year to start looking into other options. Parents are the boss of you. You are doing important things. Loved the content, loved the IDEA of what teaching is supposed to be. I literally have to micromanage each and every one of them to do work while a few of them are off sneaking out, theres always at least one kid who pathologically lies about everything in addition to a plethora of learning disorders, mood disorders, special considerations etc. In addition, I have to change my bulletin boards and add authentic rigorous student work with individualized goals, rubrics, I can statements that are all level four on the danielson wheel and contain I can by doing x y and z. Im a newly minted teacher. I struggled with not knowing what else I could do. June cant come soon enough. You really changed my perspective on how intriguing school could be. (Its more common than you may think). Your efforts were worthwhile, for me anyway. But I hate this notion that teachers (especially elementary school teachers, like myself) have to be upbeat, smiling, and loving all the damn time. Thank you Ms. Bowers. I missed the students terribly, so I started teaching part-time at the community college level. Courtney (Phillips) Palen. What a fascinating perspective you have, as you worked 10 years in corporate America first! Who knows what magic is happening in your classroom all those other days? That, and the hourly battle that is cell phones. If they're willing, let these students share with the rest of the class how it felt to hear . The head puts just as much emphasis on the wellbeing of staff. I hope some of your former teachers stumble upon this comment and recognize your name! I quit teaching in 1994 in South Africa after a 17-year career as a science & math teacher. I dropped out at 17, enlisted in the Navy, worked a series of low skill labor jobs. I wont go into detail about the, A friend once told me, You have no idea what its like to have a, When weclose ourdoor each day and stride to the front of the classroom, its easy to fall prey to the illusion that we are in charge. It's like being in a cult. The average person changes careers 12 times in their lifetime. Melissa, I just read your article on The Huffington Post on this topic. You Don't Hate Teaching, You Hate the System, The Dismantling of Public Education Part 4: Regression, Teachers Who Teach in Schools in Lower-Income Communities Don't Get the Respect They Deserve, The Dismantling of Public Education Part 3: Privatization. Of COURSE I remember you, Sam! More things are added to teachers' plates every year and rarely is anything removed. Amazing. My girlfriend has been teaching classes of 40 kids for 10 years now and were both done. "It's not differentiated enough," they were told, "and therefore is a waste of valuable class time." Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I miss my students and the creativity that came long with the profession. Editor's Note: If you enjoyed this article, please become a Patreon supporter by clicking here. We cant say anything. Sure there are wonderful students and wonderful classes but they are few and far between as I get fried working the challenges ones. I love all the new pics of your little man. In four short years, 38%. Thank you, Matthew! She was on scholarship at Harvard when this conversation took place. Most of the work Im required to do has nothing to do with them and everything to do with jumping thru hoops for disconnected idiots who have no clue how to teach or how children learn. Thank you for the blog! . Learning is thought of as something that should be fun, and children are encouraged to explore their full range of abilities, not just English and maths. Whether its feeling bad about leaving your students or adding work to the plate of your co-workers, teachers often succumb to this guilt and put the needs of others ahead of their own. Its interesting to hear what went on behind-the-scenes while I was preoccupied being an oblivious 16-year-old. I pray my next school is better. So I apologize here to all those teachers I have not been able to contact in person for my behavior in your classes. Its no wonder teachers find themselves struggling with the profession. It helps if the kids like you because they will warn you when an administrator is outside your door. Three more years until this English teacher can retire with 30 years. This step-by-step guide has helped thousands with a transition from teaching. I loved and loathed your article at the same time. Complete paperwork and other job-related tasks during the actual work day, Mostpeoplehave lights in their home, but that doesnt make themelectricians. Id worked most of my adult life to be this kind of teacher, and for years had had glowing, sparkling reviews of my work, and then suddenly the world of education took a turn down a dark, dank, and frightening road. Teachers are leaving and it shouldn't be a shock. I am now a substitute teacher. The kids are terrible. This position was open because the previous teacher left, and they desperately wanted to have a consistent teacher instead of the parade of substitutes that had been running the class all of the first quarter. I know that I changed a bunch of lives and I love that, but to this day, and yes I did participate in #redfored wholeheartedly, I dont believe anything will change in AZ education. Disrespect from parents who want to know how I let their kids fail, despite me cajoling him and begging him just to take out his notebook each day and simply listen. In other industries, when someone hates their job they think its time to move on from my company. The first thought at that point is not I need to get out of [this career]. But for teachers, when they are unhappy with their current situations I often hear I think its time for me to leave teaching. Even more shockingly, this often comes from teachers who have never taught at another district or even school or have been at that one in particular for a number of years. Good call. In fact, he comes home, and your class is ALL he talks about. Mandatory after school tutoring and the drive to raise our scores sucks all the joy out of teaching for me. Elementary schools in the district are open for in-person instruction five days a week, while secondary schools were operating under a hybrid model until late November, when the board voted. When my four children attended school in this district they couldnt wear jeans with holes. I hate the teachers who refer to their students as their "children" (and as a parent, if my son's teacher ever does that, I'll chew them out, he already has two excellent parents). But, you know, in a waywe all REALLY teach to the test, or teach for the test., No, actually I dont. If we hadnt moved across the country, Id still be there. The truth is, I hated the job itself. In theory, this should work but in practice, youve got to be kidding. Truly, I was floored. #NotForTheFaintOfHeart This is the biggest bunch of BS from a person with cry baby Union mentality! Despite my aforementioned friends ignorance, Ill give her this:sometimes you arepainfully aware that your real job does seemsuspiciously different from other real jobs whichrequire a college degree. One fear that keeps children from enjoying school is separation anxiety. Our beloved works of fiction arent just getting elbowed aside by facts and figures. But when I returned to work the following day, I discovered there had been no consequence for the student. So nice to hear from you, and please keep in touch! These phrases crop up every single time my Top Searches are refreshed. Other teachers really enjoy working in schools with robust and supported AP/IB programs with parents who are involved in their kids' education. and last updated 4:19 AM, Mar 01, 2023. Would your days be filled with joy and sunshine if you could travel the world while making the income you deserve? You go home and plan and gradeand take required trainingand plan for student extracurriculars you sponsorand read articles for the teacher STEM program they signed you up forand wake up at 3 am thinking, how can I deal with these 3 students who are behind tomorrow (and then realize you have to be awake in an hour and a half so you might as well just stay up). SHAME ON OUR SOCIETY!! "I jumped from fourth grade to sixth grade math, and even though it was just a difference of two years, the job completely changed. My stomach hurts almost all the time. If I have to hear "Celebrate Good Times" one more time, to start off Fall PD, I will hurl something at the speakers. I want to thank you for all of these things. Youre spot on. I want to read more of your posts/blogs/articles! Have you signed up for The Educator's Room Daily Newsletter? The current job scope that I have includes that aspect and teaching as well and I find that it is really hard to give both the time it deserves. All hope is pretty much lost. Its totally possible to do that out here with these real jobs (especially if youre white and male.) This was my Facebook post when sharing your great piece of writing: It is showing teenagers how to debate thoughtfully, how to think critically, how to disagree respectfully.. When Im not script reading, the kids are on corporation mandated technology programs for the rest of the day. I started to love teaching again and even at higher levels! Mary Kay Linge. I dont know what to do with my professional future. I decided two years ago (after receiving my first lousy evaluation based on the new state requirements) that I was going to do what I was hired to do.TEACH! The only time you typically deal with students face-to-face is because of a discipline issue. Dont want to teach. Learn how your comment data is processed. I hope you enjoyed the first year in your new role! Administrators admired my classroom management. However, there was one section that really caught my eye. Its something that gets into your being and is a part of your identity even after you leave. However, ultimately even after I had accrued my 80 points I kept teaching for two more years. They start middle school as cute, eager-to-learn children, then suddenly morph into weird, smelly, hormone-driven angst factories that can barely be described as human. The best teaching I have ever engaged in had nothing to do with mandated curricular content. Maybe I wont do it. Youre totally right I havent researched exactly what wed need to transfer a certification to California, but its undoubtedly a bit of a process. Despite being a scrappy, hard working, strong willed woman, Im not sure I can make it. This Teaching Idea is designed to help students reflect on how the movies, shows, and books we consume can reinforce stereotypes about Muslims and the harmful impact stereotyping has on people's lives. I did not choose to leave which means that maybe I didnt have the cojones my Google searchersdo, to look around and take stock of my situation and say, Im done. So sad. They Facetime with other people, they sit on the desks, they eat with masks off, and they play inappropriate music and videos in class because there are no consequences. This is year #9. That data collection sure is somethin. Theres little room to inject spontaneity. I wont go into detail about the budget cuts or the massive class sizesor the average salary, as thats allbeen discussed ad nauseam. You nailed it! All of them have interviewed prospective employees for over a decade, and all of them nowhave a similarcomplaint: its becoming close toimpossibleto find candidates they actually want to hire. Ive never had a job where I was so busy during the dayand teaching never stops. Your article was spot on. This article does have a point in that a principal sets the tone at a school etc., but this article overlooks the gaping reality that teaching everywhere has been high jacked by high stakes testing & the drill & kill curriculum that comes with that. Hi Heather! One of my favorite lessons to teach involved a set of four philosophical questions. I used to care about people and be compassionate and that's gone now. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Then why are some big-shot technology CEOssending their kids to computer-free Waldorf Schools? I think we do not stress the importance of finding the right school for teachers. Years of teaching left me with low career self-esteem and feeling devalued as a professional. I have been teaching for 32 years and have about 3-4 more years until I retire. Im sick. This course, created with the help of an HR expert and professional resume writer with over 10 years of experience, will help you navigate your career transition. Im sorry to hear that people in your life taught you to quit if you dont like it. I dont think that is a very healthy lesson to learn as life will often have difficulties, and some are worth pointing out as a means to starting change. Its 2:30 am and I just finished writing my individualized smart goals that have to be changed every two weeks, and directly linked to the STAR exam we are now giving every 6 weeks. Aargh! The Educator's Room was launched in 2012 to amplify the voice of educators. . Challenge them. I feel exhausted and some days I feel so sorry when I look at these little faces that are so tired and frustrated. At the moment, there is a relentless push toward FACTS. The technology obsessionis making you CRAZY. You feel guilty for imagining a different path for yourself. Teachers that went into the position with the best intentions but are now completely burnt out., That miserable teacher who needed out was me., I know how guilty you may feel admitting you want to leave because Ive been there too. Going back to college to get a Masters and teaching certificate was scary, but I had been substitute teaching for several months and knew I wanted it. NAILED IT!!!! I have to agree with you. Its time. Tap the button below to learn more. There is a lot of truth in this article! Well, I graduated, but the job offers werent happening. Easy 1-Click Apply (UNITED COMMUNITY CENTER) Elementary School Physical Education Teacher 2023-2024 job in Milwaukee, WI. More than 2,700 responded to our request, and they reported witnessing 3,265 hate and bias incidents in the fall of 2018 alonean average of 1.2 percent incidents per respondent. The first being having never made a Plan B. Bob (Please dont call me Bob. Im not Bob, and Im not your friend)Bob, I think that we have a problem., Well, your test scores arentwell, they just arent very good., Well, I said When you have a common assessment at the semesters end, and the lead teacher (Mr. Sts) writes the test, and he has the top 10% of kids academically in his class, its kind of difficult for my kids to keep up, especially when Im maxed out at 30 kids in every classand he has, what was it? You deserve to feel fulfilled in your life in and out of your career. Getting out of this career. I hate feeling like the only one in the room not acting like a cult member about to join a pyramid scheme. I hate the ways school cures them of curiosity and creativity. I love what I do, until performance week when my students are dragged onto the stage to be performing monkeys, utterly wasting my time and their's, and then afterward we go back to the amazing business of learning. The textbooks and other classroom materials have an influence on state test scores, but teachers can rarely choose which textbooks they want (yet are held accountable when the materials are lousy). And for those moments when that pesky doubt resurfaces, know that if it was possible for me to change careers, its possible for you too. Which is More Important, Equity or Winning? I, however, am not healthy. But Im alive and healthy and I still do what I love. The truth is, there are numerous career pivots that teachers can make with their plethora of transferable skills. Scott was, quite easily, the most brilliant history student Ive ever had. UPLAND, Calif. (KABC) -- Parents of students at Pepper Tree Elementary School in Upland are taking public and legal action over racist attacks against their children, including verbal taunting and . I was always proud that they served in the military during WWIIuntil yesterday. The most common tips for substitute teachers I had received from veteran teachers in the past, and read on teacher blogs, was to be forthcoming and give students my expectations and consequences as soon as I said "good morning." Lay all of the cards out on the table and be up-front with the class. What Happens When Your Post Goes Semi-Viral, This Morning, When You Left for Kindergarten, You Need to Go to the Northern California Writers Retreat, PSA: Teachers Are Not in Charge of Choosing Snow Days. I taught secondary English/Language Arts in Michigan for 19 years before I resigned. The average person changes careers 12 times in their lifetime. Although fear of math is not a purely female phenomenon, girls tend to drop out math sooner than boys, and adult women experience an aversion to math and math-related activities that is akin to anxiety. I was an English major because I wanted to write/edit so that I could live in my head rather than interact with other human beings. Can I pleasejust talk aboutOf Mice and Meninstead? and so many people think that teachers are there for the summers. Thats why I thought itd be the perfect career for me. When weclose ourdoor each day and stride to the front of the classroom, its easy to fall prey to the illusion that we are in charge. Coming from a students perspective, I understand the life of a teacher more, and it must have rough but Im glad you stayed as long as you did because I would have missed out. As a principal, you deal with many more negatives than you will positives. Suddenly Teammates After a Decade of Division. They would all probably take different approaches to it. I thought Id be different, my school would be different, the parents would be different. After a year without them, you might miss their unbridled school spirit during Homecoming Week, their contagious sense of humor, the way they draw pictures for youand wave joyous hellosin the hallways. Even when kids are disruptive I shouldn't hate them. But my advice is that you have to subscribe to the philosophy of if you cant beat em, join em not literally but you have to fake it to make it. People punch these thingsinto Google, and Google sends them here, because algorithms are strange, enigmatic beasts that I will never fully understand. Technology is wonderful nay, necessary for a plethora ofthings, but its killing those beautiful Cs. In fact, his only competition was a young woman in my fifth period that same year whose grades were just as goodshe just had to work a little harder at it. Amazing! Its not in the curriculum. Hes so sweet. Teachers spend a lot of time with lesson planning for all the subject areas. You know that! 3. Well, hello, Life Twin! Copyright - 2023 Teacher Misery | Design & Development: Cause Inspired, That miserable teacher who needed out was me., I know how guilty you may feel admitting you want to leave because Ive been there too. One day, I ended up in hospital with concussion and a suspected broken nose. I have spent countless hours crying and confused about whether this is the right career choice for me. About a fourth of the students I teach are disruptive, I hate them, and I am looking forward to failing them.