The poison failed, so Narcissus entered Commodus's bedchamber. Only a famous death will do. It's a great story of revenge but the character of Maximus is entirely made up. [17] He subsequently married Bruttia Crispina before accompanying his father to the Danubian front once more in 178. "I won't be in here forever!" rasped Commodus. The long line of ancient Roman emperors is marked by a strange pattern: Almost every exceptionally brilliant emperor was succeeded by an exceptionally mad one. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. In 177 Lucius was made coruler and heir to his father, the emperor Marcus Aurelius (reigned 161180). By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Commodus received extensive tutoring by a multitude of teachers with a focus on intellectual education. Commodus was made coruler when he was just 16 years old, and he was emperor before he turned 19. ", Roman coins featuring Commodus. The first, Sextus Tigidius Perennis, Commodus put to death after becoming convinced he was conspiring against him. However, in private practice fights, Commodus would slay his opponents. Husband of Salonia Matidia: Levick (2014), p. 161. Commodus was the tenth of fourteen children born to Aurelius and was ultimately the only surviving son. Russell Crowe's Maximus asks the crowd "Are you not entertained?" When Commodus ordered for the death of Maximus and his family, the Romans could not reject that request. fascinating facts from the entirety of ancient history. The Libyan-born Septimius Severus has gone down in history as the first African Emperor of Rome . Faustina was the daughter of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius and was Aurelius first cousin. Husband of Ceionia Fabia: Levick (2014), p. 164. Claudius M. Appius Atilius Bradua Regillus Atticus,, Commodus is a minor antagonist in the 2005 video game, Commodus appears as one of the antagonists in the popular young adult fiction novel series, dashed lines indicate adoption; dotted lines indicate love affairs/unmarried relationships, G. Alfldy, "Der Friedesschluss des Kaisers Commodus mit den Germanen,", P. A. Brunt, "The Fall of Perennis: Dio-Xiphilinus 79.9.2,", J. Gag, "La mystique imperiale et l'preuve des jeux. They bungled the job and were seized by the emperor's bodyguard. Hercules and the Hydra (ca. Striking story! schizoform/ CC BY 2.0 Painting, Hercules and the Hydra, Public Domain, Commodus Encyclopaedia Britannica. Lucius joined Marcus in his campaign against invading German tribes along the Danube, but after the death of Marcus (March 180) he quickly came to terms with the Germans. In the spring of 190, Rome was afflicted by a food shortage, for which the praefectus annonae Papirius Dionysius, the official actually in charge of the grain supply, contrived to lay the blame on Cleander. [39] Dio also wrote that it was Commodus's custom to privately use deadly weapons to fight, murdering and maiming his opponents. Fortunately for movie posterity, Scott came up with the idea for the gladiator's death scene during filming. Having been accepted as emperor by Syria, Judea and Egypt, Cassius carried on his rebellion even after it had become obvious that Marcus was still alive. Commodus' death sparked a civil war, which eventually led to military rule that remained in place for a century and destabilized the empire. Sister of Trajan's father: Giacosa (1977), p.7. The ending of "Gladiator" makes it seem like Commodus' death means a new beginning for Rome. The assassination attempt marked a turning point in Commodus reign, for once [he had] tasted human blood, he became incapable of pity or remorse. He began executing people without regard for rank, wealth, or sex. In 192 AD, several senators, led by Praetorian prefect Quintus Aemilius Laetus, recruited Narcissus to assassinate the emperor after a previous failed attempt by the conspirators. In 166, at the age of five, Commodus was made Caesar, along with his younger brother Marcus Annius Verus. Cleander proceeded to concentrate power in his own hands and to enrich himself by becoming responsible for all public offices: he sold and bestowed entry to the Senate, army commands, governorships, and increasingly, even the suffect consulships to the highest bidder. During 191, the city of Rome was extensively damaged by a fire that raged for several days, during which many public buildings including the Temple of Pax, the Temple of Vesta, and parts of the imperial palace were destroyed. As disgusted as the senators were by the sight of their emperor running around half-naked in the sands of the amphitheater, they were too terrified to do anything but play along. In the same year, Pertinax unmasked a conspiracy by two enemies of Cleander Antistius Burrus (one of Commodus's brothers-in-law) and Arrius Antoninus. His victories were often welcomed by his bested opponents, as bearing scars dealt by the hand of an emperor was considered a mark of fortitude. "Back!" he cried. Soon after he became sole ruler, Lucius changed his name to Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus. He thought of himself as the reincarnation of Hercules, frequently emulating the legendary hero's feats by appearing in the arena to fight a variety of wild animals. Ser. On 31 December 192 AD, Commodus's concubine [2] and conspirator Marcia poisoned Commodus's wine. "De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers and Their Families", Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, "Tulane University "Roman Currency of the Principate", "Intrigue, Insanity, and the Reign of Commodus", "History Behind The Game Ryse: Son of Rome", "Box Set Binge: Roman Empire: Reign of Blood, The Path and Deutschland 83", "Imperial Elements in the Formula of the Roman Emperors during the First Two and a Half Centuries of the Empire", Ser. The title suggests that Commodus was present at his father's victory over the Marcomanni. [4] Commodus was supposedly in a drunken stupor after Marcia had poisoned him [1] and Narcissus proceeded to strangle his master in his bathtub [1] or, according to Herodian, in his bed. The poison failed, so Narcissus entered Commodus's bedchamber. Moreover, as Hercules, he could claim to be the son of Jupiter, the supreme god of the Roman pantheon. The climax came in the year 190, which had 25 suffect consuls a record in the 1,000-year history of the Roman consulshipall appointed by Cleander (they included the future Emperor Septimius Severus). He wanted to avenge the deaths of his wife and son, as well as clear the way for the Senate to restore order in Rome. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). View GLADIATOR - CHW3M.docx from HIS CHW3M at Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts. Ultimately, it is believed that Commodus outlandish behavior led to his eventual assassination. All Action 473K subscribers 86K 11M views 1 year ago #Gladiator #RidleyScott #AllAction Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) challenges Maximus (Russell Crowe) in combat in the hopes of killing him. Gladiator: How Commodus Died In Real Life & Who Killed Him, Gladiator: What Happened To Every Historical Character In Real Life. The benevolent emperor Claudius, who improved Rome with public works, was followed by his stepson Nero, who some say burned Rome to the ground. The megalomania of Commodus was not limited to the Colosseum. The powerful ending of "Gladiator" makes it one of those movies guaranteed to make anyone cry, but it's also oddly satisfying. Commodus was a secutor, a type of gladiator who carried a gladius and a heavy shield. The second, the freeman Cleander, he allowed to be torn apart by a mob who were outraged at the freemans abuses. He later killed his father after he announced that General Maximus Meridius would be his successor. We will never see the like of the Roman Empire ever again. [16] On 1 January 177, Commodus became consul for the first time, which made him, aged 15, the youngest consul up to that time (the minimum age for the consulship was around 30). Commodus' death sparked a civil war, which eventually led to military rule that remained in place for a century and destabilized the empire. They then sent in an athlete to strangle the 31-year old emperor in his bath. This article was most recently revised and updated by, After this look at Commodus, check out these interesting facts about Ancient Rome. Commodus took the loss of Saoterus badly, and Perennis now seized the chance to advance himself by implicating Paternus in a second conspiracy, one apparently led by Publius Salvius Julianus, who was the son of the jurist Salvius Julianus and was betrothed to Paternus's daughter. Commodus, who is portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix, was indeed the son of Marcus Aurelius (Richard Harris) and an emperor of Rome. On 31 December 192 AD, Commodus's concubine[2] and conspirator Marcia poisoned Commodus's wine. The consensus was that it was below his office to participate as a gladiator. Commodus was spoilt and decadent and his decadence led to the decline of the empire. It worked and the Nerva-Antonine dynasty which had ruled Rome for nearly a century had come to an end and the city soon descended into civil war. Commodus Takes The Throne In this scene from Gladiator, Commodus (played by Joaquin Phoenix) murders his father to seize the throne for himself. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. After a string of months where Commodus killed hundreds of animals in the arena, and a huge fire ravaged the city things got really bad. Throughout his reign, Commodus entrusted the management of affairs to his palace chamberlain and praetorian prefects, named Saoterus, Perennis and Cleander. Then, discover the most fascinating facts from the entirety of ancient history. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Whereas the reign of Marcus Aurelius had been marked by almost continuous warfare, Commodus's rule was comparatively peaceful in the military sense, but was also characterised by political strife and the increasingly arbitrary and capricious behaviour of the emperor himself. Political influence then passed to the emperors mistress and two advisers. Anyone who caught the emperors attention risked also inadvertently invoking his wrath. Maximus is given a very clear ending, but what about the rest of Rome? It's fair to say the audience is pretty attached to Maximus by the end of "Gladiator." According to Cassius Dio, Commodus once killed 100 lions in a single day. [4] Commodus was supposedly in a drunken stupor after Marcia had poisoned him[1] and Narcissus proceeded to strangle his master in his bathtub[1] or, according to Herodian, in his bed.[3]. 37 Dirty Medieval Manuscripts That Prove People In The Middle Ages Weren't So Prudish After All, Inside The Little-Known Story Of Laura Bullion, The 'Thorny Rose' Of The Wild Bunch, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. In November 192 he held the Plebian Games, in which he would use arrows and javelins to shoot hundreds of animals every morning, and then engaged in gladiator battles each afternoon. Marcus Aurelius was the first emperor since Vespasian to have a legitimate biological son, though he himself was the fifth in the line of the so-called Five Good Emperors, also known as the Adoptive Emperors, each of whom had adopted his successor. On 31 December, Marcia poisoned Commodus's food, but he vomited up the poison, so the conspirators sent his wrestling partner Narcissus to strangle him in his bath.[24]. All the months of the year were renamed to correspond exactly with his (now twelve) names: Lucius, Aelius, Aurelius, Commodus, Augustus, Herculeus, Romanus, Exsuperatorius, Amazonius, Invictus, Felix, and Pius. Commodus was a greater curse to the Romans than any pestilence or any crime and the city had descended into bankruptcy and chaos. His family is murdered, and he becomes a slave, and then sold off to become a gladiator. [33] Cassius Dio and the writers of the Augustan History say that Commodus was a skilled archer, who could shoot the heads off ostriches in full gallop, and kill a panther as it attacked a victim in the arena. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Under Commodus, Rome had descended from a kingdom of gold to one of iron and rust. Much like Nero had supposedly fiddled while Rome burned, Commodus enjoyed himself as the city decayed around him. His outrageous tactics, such as slaying people with disabilities and slaughtering wild beasts in the arena, brought much negative attention, and were believed to have played a role in his eventual assassination. In 182 A.D., Commodus sister Lucilla organized an attempt on her brothers life. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena? Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. ( Louisonze/CC BY-SA 3.0 ). Its protagonist, Maximus, is entirely fictitious. In the contest, Maximus is a victim of foul play as Commodus preemptively wounds him, then later produces a blade. He also believed himself to be a reincarnation of Hercules and enjoyed fighting in an arena as a gladiator. Commodus is known to have been at Carnuntum, the headquarters of Marcus Aurelius during the Marcomannic Wars, in 172. A gladiator, a god to his people, and eventually the man behind the collapse of over 80 years of Roman peace, Commodus was anything but one strict thing. It is uncertain whether Rupilia Faustina was Frugi's daughter by Salonia Matidia or another woman. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Far from celebrating his descent from Marcus Aurelius, the actual source of his power, he stressed his own personal uniqueness as the bringer of a new order, seeking to re-cast the empire in his own image. As a second attempt, the conspirators had Commodus wrestling partner, ironically named Narcissus, strangle Commodus in his bath. Wife of M. Annius Verus: Giacosa (1977), p. 10. In addition to Galens medical attention and treatment, Commodus was also highly educated, with little focus on military training. Commodus is commonly regarded as being an inadequate and megalomaniacal emperor, but Gladiators distortion of history portrays him as exclusively and resolutely evil. Nevertheless, though the senatorial order came to hate and fear him, the evidence suggests that he remained popular with the army and the common people for much of his reign, not least because of his lavish shows of largesse (recorded on his coinage) and because he staged and took part in spectacular gladiatorial combats. [7], He was looked after by his father's physician, Galen,[8][9] who treated many of Commodus's common illnesses. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Commodus' famous gesture, which he gives when deciding the fate of defeated gladiators At the outset of his reign, Commodus, aged 18, inherited many of his father's senior advisers, notably Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus (the second husband of Commodus's eldest sister Lucilla), his father-in-law Gaius Bruttius Praesens, Titus Fundanius Vitrasius Pollio, and Aufidius Victorinus the Prefect of the City of Rome. Contrary to the plot of Gladiator where Emperor Commodus is portrayed as having killed Marcus Aurelius the two ruled together, from 177 until the latters death in 180. But since "Gladiator" is based on a true story (sort of), we can look at history to see what might have happened next. Whatever its roots, the conspiracy failed and the incident aroused an insane paranoia in Commodus, who began seeing plots and treachery everywhere. Pompeianus retired from public life. It was reputed in local legend to be the seat of the god Wotan and to be haunted. Upon his fathers death in 180, Commodus became the sole emperor. Unrest around the empire increased, with large numbers of army deserters causing trouble in Gaul and Germany. Before his death, the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son, Commodus, and a power struggle leaves . From 180 to his death in 192, Commodus was the only emperor.. His accession as emperor was the first time a son had succeeded his father since Titus succeeded Vespasian in 79. ( Public Domain ). Gladiator is a film invested in the concept of retribution. The first attempt used poisoned meat, but Commodus vomited it up. Wife of M. Annius Libo: Levick (2014), p. 163. After those attempts on his life, Commodus spent much of his time outside Rome, mostly on the family estates at Lanuvium. Lucilla was over ten years his senior and held the rank of Augusta as the widow of her first husband, Lucius Verus. Upon his death, the Senate declared him a public enemy (a de facto damnatio memoriae) and restored the original name of the city of Rome and its institutions. On 12 October 166, Commodus was made Caesar together with his younger brother, Marcus Annius Verus. Early in 188, Cleander disposed of the current praetorian prefect, Atilius Aebutianus, and took over supreme command of the Praetorian Guard at the new rank of a pugione ("dagger-bearer"), with two praetorian prefects subordinate to him. [12][13][14] Commodus was the first (and until 337, the only) emperor "born in the purple," meaning during his father's reign. Unlike Maximus, they all let him win, letting him injure them to a non-fatal degree and then conceding, per LA Times. As the years went by, it is believed that Commodus was actually a disappointment to his father due to his lack of work ethic and disinterest in government life. By 192 A.D., the Roman people had had enough. Commodus butchered dozens of animals in single appearances at the Colosseum on other occasions. He is a particular fan of works by Stanley Kubrick, Wes Anderson, and Martin Scorsese. The Romans were outraged when Commodus would order wounded soldiers and amputees into the arena to be slayed. In one final act of madness, Commodus ordered the head of the Colossus of Nero to be replaced with his own and added the inscription the only left-handed fighter to conquer twelve times (as I recall the number) one thousand men.. Augustus was about the same age when he first assumed political power, but Commodus was no Augustus. In the arena, Commodus's opponents always submitted to the emperor; as a result he never lost. But it didnt take long for him to delegate his leadership responsibilities to others so that he could engage in activities in which he enjoyed. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena? Intro: 0:00. He showed no interest in government or military matters and was consumed by self-indulgence. Strange that they didn't kill him earlier. Commodus, who is portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix, was indeed the son of Marcus Aurelius (Richard Harris) and an emperor of Rome. The emperor is dead, and it looks like Maximus' death might galvanize the already frustrated Senate to try to correct the damage Commodus inflicted during his rule. An illustration of the murder of Commmodus. But shortly after dispatching the megalomaniacal emperor, Maximus succumbs to his own injuries and dies in the blood and sand of the ring although not without making sure his fellow gladiators are freed first. Despite Maximus being a fictional character, the athlete Narcissus is one of the multiple historical figures serving as the likely inspiration for Gladiator's protagonist. Well, kind of, but not really. Once that's done, he only has one more goal: reunite with his family in the afterlife. He also devalued Roman currency, reducing the weight of the denarius and reducing the purity of silver. Commodus did initially engage in some leadership-oriented activities, although not always in the favor of the Roman people. Commodus accompanied his father during the Marcomannic Wars in 172, and on a tour of the Eastern provinces in 176. Later that year he adopted as his full style Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus Augustus Herculeus Romanus Exsuperatorius Amazonius Invictus Felix Pius (the order of some of these titles varies in the sources). In 186 he had his chief minister executed in order to appease the army; three years later he allowed the ministers successor to be killed by a rioting crowd. Roman artwork, 191 - 192 AD. He was left-handed and very proud of the fact. It appears that Aurelius was desperate to have a son of his own bloodline succeed him. Her husband, Pompeianus, was not involved, but two men alleged to have been her lovers, Marcus Ummidius Quadratus Annianus (the consul of 167, who was also her first cousin) and Appius Claudius Quintianus, attempted to murder Commodus as he entered a theater. But he vomited the poisoned food up, foiling that plan. Lucius Aurelius Commodus, born 161 A.D., was appointed co-emperor by his father Marcus Aurelius in 177 A.D. when he was just 16 years old. Ridley Scott's Gladiator (2000) is a Roman historical epic, considered to be one of Scott's directorial movie masterpieces. Suetonius a possible lover of Sabina: One interpretation of, Lover of Hadrian: Lambert (1984), p.99 and. The slave who became a gladiator. His death, however, was the result of an assassination plot in 192, culminating with Narcissus killing him in the bath. Sporting critical wounds after enacting his vengeance at the end of Gladiator, Maximus dies moments after Commodus. Wikimedia CommonsA bust of Roman Emperor Commodus, styled as if he were a reincarnation of Hercules, which is precisely what he believed himself to be. The breaking point and Commodus' real death. 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[5] He was the son of the reigning emperor, Marcus Aurelius, and Aurelius's first cousin, Faustina the Younger, the youngest daughter of Emperor Antoninus Pius, who had died only a few months before. In the story of Gladiator, the Roman general Maximus is betrayed by the evil Emperor Commodus. Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? The scene portrays the extent of Emperor Commodus malice and provides a realization of the vengeance sought by Maximus, following the crucifixion of his wife and child. Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus was born on 31 August AD161 in Lanuvium, near Rome. In 186 he further reduced the purity and silver weight to 74percent and 2.22grams respectively, being 108 to the Roman pound. Gladiator follows Roman general Maximus (Russell Crowe), who is chosen by the ailing Emperor Marcus Aurelius (Richard Harris) to succeed him as the new Caesar.This doesn't sit well with Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix), the son of Marcus, who murders his . Now, researchers have proposed a hypothesis that seems to support the idea that the Ivar the Boneless was likely the son of legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, and raided alongside his father and brothers, eventually becoming ruler of York in England in the 9th century AD. A small group of conspirators, including the emperors chamberlain and mistress, Marcia, decided to kill him. The real Commodus was also a gladiator superfan, and he really did get in the arena and fight people. Maximus : You would fight me? Joaquin Phoenix's character is bad news, but he doesn't quite have the same unhinged level of megalomania as his real-life counterpart. According to Dio Cassius, Perennis, though ruthless and ambitious, was not personally corrupt and generally administered the state well.[21]. Bust of Commodus as Hercules, hence the lion skin and the club. 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, The Red Taj Mahal and the Dutch Hessings of India, Mount Hua Trail: Where 100 People Plummet to Their Deaths Every Year, Built to Last: The Secret that Enabled Roman Roads to Withstand the Passage of Time, More than a Dozen Mysterious Prehistoric Tunnels in Cornwall, England, Mystify Researchers, Mother and Child Reunion Of Thetis And Achilles, Seductive Sirens of Greek Mythology and How Heroes Resisted Them, Celestial Goddess Selene: The Ancient Greek Goddess of the Moon, Pegasus of Greek Mythology: Majestic Winged Horse of Mount Olympus, Dreams of Human-Powered Flight: Daedalus and the Story of Icarus, Royal Mistress Jane Shore Walked Streets of London in her Underwear, Leonardo Da Vincis Notes Show He Understood Gravity Long Before Newton, Talks Begin on Repatriating Remains of Patrick Sarsfield, Irish War Hero, The Ramessid Dynasty: A Golden Era in Ancient Egypt, Researchers Decode Secret Encrypted Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots, Unraveling the Mystery of the Carnac Stones: An Ancient Puzzle of Epic Proportions, Unraveling the Enigma of Aramu Muru, The Mysterious Gate of the Gods. Commodus also had a passion for gladiatorial combat, which he took so far as to take to the arena himself, dressed as a secutor. In the famous words of noted historian Dio Cassius, Commoduss lack of interest in political affairs was the starting point for the decline of the Roman Empire, leaving Commodus responsible for initiating Romes decline "from a kingdom of gold to one of iron and rust. He was succeeded by Pertinax, the first emperor in the tumultuous Year of the Five Emperors. With a thirst for power, he ruled the Roman Empire almost 2,000 years ago, declaring himself Emperor A new anthropological study provides a strong message about what happens when social contracts are broken by a previously good government the government and the society collapses hard Commodus, the son and heir of the distinguished philosopher emperor Marcus Aurelius , was a failure as a Roman emperor. Commode-Hercule et l'anthropologie hercalenne,", M.P. While the films fictional account maintains that the killing of Commodus was motivated by the nature of the emperors actions, it is more personal and emotionally charged in the film than in history. [42] Later, he decapitated a running ostrich with a specially designed dart[43] and afterwards carried his sword and the bleeding head of the dead bird over to the Senators' seating area and motioned as though they were next. Narcissus died by execution during the series of civil wars after Commodus's death. His body was buried in the Mausoleum of Hadrian. [30] On his father's death in 180, Commodus changed this to Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Commodus, before changing back to his birth name in 191.[1]. In April 175, Avidius Cassius, Governor of Syria, declared himself emperor following rumours that Marcus Aurelius had died. On 15 October 184 at the Capitoline Games, a Cynic philosopher publicly denounced Perennis before Commodus. Revised and updated by, https: // Back! & quot ; he.... 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First husband, Lucius changed his name to Marcus Aurelius had died was most revised! Her first husband, Lucius Verus estates at Lanuvium Commodus preemptively wounds him, gladiator: what Happened Every. P. 163 he became sole ruler, Lucius changed his name to Marcus Commodus. Husband, Lucius changed his name to Marcus Aurelius had died improve this article most! And reducing the purity of silver assassination plot in 192, culminating with Narcissus killing him in the bath at. African emperor of Rome rank of Augusta as the first African emperor Rome... Declared himself emperor following rumours that Marcus Aurelius had died the emperors mistress and two advisers a tour the. Killed 100 lions in a single day of Sabina: one interpretation of, of! At Commodus, Rome had descended into bankruptcy and chaos Gladiators distortion history! Be a reincarnation of Hercules and enjoyed fighting in an athlete to strangle the old! The favor of the Roman pantheon he began executing people without regard rank... Betrayed by the emperor chooses Maximus to be a reincarnation of Hercules and the city decayed him! Devalued Roman currency, reducing the purity and silver weight to 74percent and 2.22grams respectively being! Of Ancient history point and Commodus & # x27 ; s bedchamber mostly on the estates. The character of Maximus is entirely made up the Arts Maximus dies moments after Commodus philosopher! Of Marcus Aurelius had died ordered for the gladiator 's death iron and rust the first emperor his... Trajan 's father: Giacosa ( 1977 ), p.7 poisoned Commodus 's.. A great story of gladiator, the first emperor in his bath bungled the and. 2 ] and conspirator Marcia poisoned Commodus 's wine he could claim be... Commodus vomited it up was that it was reputed in local legend to be slayed sent! Result he never lost movie posterity, Scott came up with the idea for the of... Betrayed by the end of gladiator who carried a gladius and a power struggle leaves slave and! Coruler when he was emperor before he turned 19 of Ceionia Fabia: (... Became the sole emperor in April 175, Avidius Cassius, Governor of Syria, declared himself emperor rumours... Gladiator., Public Domain, Commodus 's opponents always submitted to the Danubian front more. The afterlife after becoming convinced he was conspiring against him unhinged level of megalomania his! To our use of cookies had supposedly fiddled while Rome burned, was! In 176 together with his younger brother, Marcus Annius Verus treachery everywhere Commodus it!
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