california civil war reenactment groups

Because all of this dramas been over a flag.. Sasse's Iowa 4th Page, 2nd Kentucky Cavalry, Co. A, Lexington Promoting Southern Heritage. Our members currently reside in Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. We are a family oriented unit . 1. Registration is now open for the American Battlefield Trust's 2023 Annual Conference in Franklin, Tennessee. We are a dis-mounted and mounted contingent. I. Delaware Florida . We are in formation in the Burlington area and looking for some eager Cornfeds to fill the ranks. IL. We are currently a four gun battery and will be a six gun battery by Spring 2010. Recuriting new members. Many reenactment groups, museums, and militaria collects accurately portray the history of previous conflicts which may include the display of flags and logos deemed sensitive to some. When we venture down south we fall in with the Liberty Rifles. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. / 9 th Virg.Vol.Infy, We are a family friendly units in Mineral Point, Boscobel, and Water Town. Since 1997, The Armies of Tennessee has been a re-enactment organization dedicated to the preservation of American History. Confederate unit that likes to portray soldiers on campaign, one that also tries to make the battles look as real as possible by taking many hits early on. We strive for a well disciplined, sharp drilled and savvy field unit that upholds the highest traditions of the historical units that we portray. 8th Confederate Cavalry / 7th Kentucky Cavalry, 3rd Arkansas Volunteer Infantry Company A, 1st Arkansas US Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 2nd Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery Regiment, Co. is a mounted Confederate cavalry unit. Our time period is the 1850s through the 1860s. Our goal is to teach through living history. Now Recruiting, Please visit our Info site and consider one of the most authentic units, Recognized by the National Park Service. U.S. Co. C was founded over 20 years ago and since that time the 69th has been a major influence in the development of Civil War reenacting and Living History events throughout Southern California. The 1st Arkansas Cav. Reenactors walk across a field of the Confederate camp at the 28th annual Civil War Days Living History Event held at the Huntington Beach Central Park in Huntington Beach on Saturday, September 4 . Re-enactments, living history events. Whether you are looking for a unit to join or to invite to your next event, the directory below will have what you are looking for. (The Flat bottom Boys). Please go to our web site for more information. Our local event is Idlewild park in Ligonier Pa. Memorial day weekend. The game is Captain Morgan's Revenge. We endeavor to represent the REGULAR US engineer Battalion in the Army of the Potomac. The 148th PVI Co. C Reenactors Group of Central Penna. We do Confederate and Federal! We have members from PA, Maryland and Delaware. 5th Texas Rangers Co.B has free membership plus has a union side to join as well to join email us today. New Mexico Reenactment Groups. We are a very family oriented unit. Civil War reenactments first began during the Civil War itself, when both Union and Confederate soldiers would stage mock battles in order to train for actual combat. for short time & help you save $, The Muscogee Rifles Co.E 12th Georgia Regiment of Infantry. Membership is primarily in southern piedmont of NC. 4th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Co. A. Nonpolitical unit that is family oriented. Asked if some reenactors hold genuine admiration for the Confederacy, Iacono balked: OK, well, when you say Confederacy, you have to give it, I mean, pro-Southern? We offer Confederate and Union Infantry, Medical, Artillery, Cavalry, Civilian impressions, all impressions are welcomed. We have members from all over the Piedmont and are always looking to sign on new recruits. Family oriented rifle company with members in Pa,Del,NJ,Va,. The 7th Kentucky is a non-profit Education Corporation in Kentucky. A living history and reenactment unit portraying Confederate artillery. We have members ages 18-60, We have a civillian group also. Old West/Gunfighter Groups. It is hosted by the Pawnee Guard, a local historical reenacting unit that participates in other reenactments across the Southeast. A, 148th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co C, 2nd and 4th U.S. Infantry, "Sykes' We are always looking for new recruits. Infantry, CSA. We are currently looking for some good recruits to fill our ranks. Family friendly unit portraying mounted confederate cavalry and a period refugee camp. Annual Conference 2023. Hope to hear from you soon! We are dedicated in preserving our history, and providing fun and educational entertainment members wanted. The 1st Arkansas Confederate Mounted Rifles co K is a Mounted/Dismounted Western Theater Confederate reenactment unit based at Loosahatchie Horse Ranch and Camp in West Tennessee. We are a family oriented unit that does Battle Reenactments, Living History and Educational Programs and we are currently recruting Troopers. For many, taking part in a reenactment is a way to connect with their ancestors and gain a greater understanding of American history. Nevada Reenactment Groups. A company that represents our state and. Rebellion in Huntington Beach. We attend events all over the UK and live, sleep and fight as they did during the American Civil War 1861-1865. The reenactment group was formed in 2013 to meet the needs of the growing Civil War reenactment individuals in the state of Montana. An American Civil War Sharpshooter reenacting group based in South Carolina, with members in Georgia & Carolina. We are a family oriented group of individuals that portray E. Tennessee Unionists. Family type unit with several guns covering Mo, Ar, Ky, Il, & Tn. The Federal Generals Corps is a non-political, family oriented organization. We do living history and personal appearences(certain schools).We don't travel more than 3 hours from where most our people live. Rifles, 21st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, The USV is a US 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit organization. It was the incongruity of it all that caught the eye of Oakland photographer Brandon Tauszik, who spent three years immersed in the world of Civil War reenactments in Northern and Central California. CA Civil War Round Table of San Gabriel Valley, (CA) Civil War Round Table of Southern West Virginia Civil War Round Table of Toronto . Available for reenactments/living histories in KY, TN, VA, and Northern GA. We have members located all throughout the State of Alabama and are door is always open to those who would like to give the hobby a try and for those who seek a fun, Family Friendly atmosphere. The Website is located at: New Company being raised in the Midlands of SC. Chris Hansen, Part of the new Thomas Legion being formed in the South Eastern part of the U.S. We are a Confederate Unit seeking Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery, we need recruits desperately for Company B and Battalion Legion. structure, coordination, and collaboration of like minded historians. WWII Historical Re-enactment Society. We do living history and battle reenactments.Looking for men,women,and children. We are a Family oriented unit which marches and fights as Union Infantry. The companies of the orginial 1st Kentucky were the first from that state to rush to arms for the South. Three artillery batteries attached to the 5th Kentucky Infantry Regt. We attend reenactments and living hisory in Arkansas and surrounding states. We currently have chapters in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Pennsyvania and are always welcoming more members. 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company C, Inc. Company B of the 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 87th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company C, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company A, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Co B, 151st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company D, 10th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 12th Virginia Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, Co. E of the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 33d Regiment - Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Company K, 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Association, Company E, 3rd Regiment, Confederate Engineers. 9th Missouri Battalion of Sharpshooters CO. C. CSA, We are skirmishers, who reenact in MO. We are also known as the "Fremont Hussars". - DeBray's Mounted Rifles (dismounted), Family-oriented with members from 6-60. The WW2 Airfost Re-enactors are a WW2 reenactment group based in the Republic Of Ireland, covering both the Axis and Allied sides. We are a group of Military and Civilian men, with a Ladies Benevolent Society. Always looking for new recruits. A campaigner/progressive Confederate Mess accurately recreating the North Carolina infantryman on campaign. Northwestern Pa. Reenactment group. Newly formed independent confederate messdedicated to sharing cw era soldier life with the modern public. The USV is a Union combined forces army brigade command comprised of The NCWA was a pioneer in the integration of Union, Confederate, and Civilian impressions into one reenacting organization. We are a very family oriented group. Civil War Days was founded in 1993 by Maureen Rivers and Carl Clink in Bartlett Park behind the Newland House Museum in Huntington Beach. BOOK TIP: "The Illustrated Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era". Become a part of the famous KY Orphan Brigade with the 6th Kentucky Infantry, Company C. We also have Artillery, Medical, and Civilian groups. Not for the kiddies! Photos and descriptions of reenactment groups will not be listed without expressed consent. Confederate Infantry re-enactors based in Oklahoma from Tulsa to Oklahoma City looking for recruits. If you want to ride hard and fight hard, you want to ride with us. If you want a unit that is fun without the politics. 118th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, a UK based civil war re-enactment group. Visit our website for events and info or call Lt. Bob Petrich 708-917-3333. groups, thus making the USV a national umbrella organization for the command Join us by contacting Cav. A member of Longstreet's Corps. An active event program and living history demonstrations in Gettysburg, provides for a great mix of battle reenactment and teaching this great hobby to families and school. 7th Florida Infantry Regiment, Company F. 21st Georgia Volunteer Infantry Civil War Reenactment Unit, 24th Georgia vols Company B civil War reenacting group, Company A, 2nd Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, 104th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Company H, First Maryland Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Company B, 4th Texas Co. E / 16th Michigan Co. B Civil War Reenactors, Reynolds' Battery L 1st New York Light Artillery, 75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A, Company "C" 2nd Regiment Berdan Sharpshooters. Hello and a Hundred Thousand Welcomes. We participate in large and small scale battle reenactments, living history camps and school presentations. His ancestor's story comes to life in a fascinating new work that is certain to become a classic among historical novels. Civilians. 2nd Bttn GA Sharpshooters, Co A and 64th Illinois,Yates Sharpshooters, Co A - This unit is an authentic minded family organization looking for those who wish to experience the tragic years of the War Between the States as a soldier or civilian while honoring the memory of those whose lives were torn apart across both North and South. Participants say they are drawn to the events for several reasons camaraderie, love of history, sartorial escapism but for many, personal political views play a role. Civil War reenactments are held in places as far flung as Hawaii and England. 1-540-662-5363, Levi's Barr's Battery, Virginia Light Artillery, CSA. Unit 22nd SCVI is a new family-oriented reenacting/living history that is being reformed in South Carolina. Please write,and I will forward your address to our recruiter. Civil War Alliance (Southern CA USA) The Civil War Alliance is an informal association of independent reenactor units that work together to participate in sponsored reenactments. 4th California Infantry Regiment. Mostly its below the surface, he said of the ideological undertone, but its just below the surface.. Perform most of events in the Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas area. Will accept young, old, childeren, and the ladies in camp then were for you. The imbalance in military might was reflected during the reenactment, which showed Californio solders struggling with muskets while a group of U.S. Marines loaded a 275-pound reproduction of a . Check out our site for lots more info, Unit Presentation of period worship services, performance of period weddings (in states where authorized), and presentation of persona of Lt.Gen./Bishop Lenodias Polk. Milsurpia is not responsible for anything a encountered after leaving this domain. We are a family friendly organization that serves the mountain region well. J.R. Wyatt (901)355-0701 or 1st Lt. Paladen Harris (901)229-7774. Family oriented. We have some rules like no drinking or swearing. Dismounted Cavalry commanded by Captain Matthew Joe Mallory. Family oriented. Huckstep's Battery is a Confederate living history artillery unit. These events began around the same time as our famous Civil War Days events and we are proud to now be expanding the Revolution . Full size 5 gun battery, napoleans, 12 pounders, ordinance rifles,12lb whitworth. Though the original 148th began its service as a garrison regiment in the Norfolk, Virginia area, it went on to serve distinctly in such battles as Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Drewry's Bluff, Chaffin's Farm, Fair Oaks and the numerous battles and skirmishe. Historical reenactment groups and living history groups offer an insight into how men and women lived in past times. 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Co. H. Irishmen of New England! Being a Civil War reenactor is about stepping back in time to create believable characterpersonaor what reenactors call an "impression". Living-history mode unit, meet third weekend every month, sabre, pistol and rifle drills and shoots, drills with 12-lb Mountain Howitzer, combatant and con-combatant roles, men, women and children. Mounted and dismounted troopers recreating the war in the west. The 1st US Sharpshooters seeks to authentically recreate Company H of the Berdan Sharpshooters, from their conception in 1861 through transfers to the 124th NY and 93rd NY. The American Civil War Society. Its perplexing, Campbell said. The 13th Kansas is a non-profit Federal Civil War Reenactment Regiment located in NE Kansas and NW Missouri. Family friendly. Recruiting Sharpshooters/ Call 336 376-9930 / One of the largest groups of Sharpshooters and light artillery groups in NC/ Recruiting new members scope and non scope rifles. The unit is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the public about the American Civil War, about the role that field artillery played in the war and about the people, 1st CWT Division (Combined Western Theater). We do parades, battle reenactments, living history presentations, drills, ceremonies, honor guards, post garrisons and a lot more. It attracted nearly 200 people. The American Civil War is one of the most fascinating and defining moments in our history. The presentation of mock battles or reenactments dates . We Participate in Battle Reenactments,Parades,Living History events. RevWar '75 Continental Army Orderly Books Crown Forces Orderly Books Articles from Military Collector and Historian. Civilians: In addition to soldiers, reenactments often feature civilian encampments, where people can learn about the day-to-day lives of those who lived through the Civil War. Rileys Farm, Oak Glen, California (one of our absolutely favorite places - worth a trip to . World War 2 Research & Preservation Society: California. full scale Parrott gun operating in Indiana. Visually, the settings introduce jarring anachronisms such as redwoods and sequoias in a hobby that prizes fidelity to the 1860s South. We are members of the 1st Division of Southern Reenactors and are Family Oriented and Family Friendly. Our unit, based in northern Florida, does this strictly because we enjoy history and enjoy each others company. Recruited from the same geographical area as the original Company A, Field Music, 1st Penna Reserve Volunteer Corps (PRVC) or 30th PVI is. 1st Arkansas Infantry, Co. D based in South East Arkansas. We are a family-oriented group that also does some living history. And its far easier to do that, he said, if you imagine soldiers as embodying a shared heroism, and both sides fighting for valid principles, as opposed to imagining that one side was fighting in defense of the right of human beings to own other human beings., But why should reenactment culture resonate with Californians? Namely, to promote public education of the history of the War Between the States (1861-1865). We have members from southern Pennsylvania, Maryland and northern Virginia. Visually, the settings introduce jarring anachronisms such as redwoods and sequoias in a hobby that prizes fidelity to the 1860s South. A US regular reenacting unit that portrays a skirmish (or sharpshooter) unit. Todays 69th N.Y.S.V. However, these reenactments were not open to the public. Living history/reenactments/school program. We are a rifle company affiliated with the 5th Division ANV . Calif.). We are looking for some good men who are proud of their heritage. A Confederate cavalry unit with both mounted and dismounted members. representing the common soldier of Company F with honor, accuracy and respect. This unit is being started in remeberance of and in dedication to the memory of Stonewall Jackson,and the men of the 12th Georgia.Help field this unit,one of Jackson's Foot cavalry. Non-political group that is family oriented. We also do living history. Toggle navigation lori goldstein husband HISTORY. We are a family oriented unit that portrays both US and CS. We are a family organization with something for everyone. Officially the First Illinois Volunteer Light Artillery - Battery A. Living history, film work, Combat reenactment. We are based out of Corinth but want members from northern Mississippi or southern Tennessee. We are a family friendly company that does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, disability, etc. Reenactment Camp Battle Civil war. GA. Vol. Huntington Beach, California. However, these reenactments were not open to the public. Reenactment - Battle of Round Mountain. We are a family oriented Confederate artillery group . 26th Texas Cav. Do attend at least one "national" event each season. We will welcome experienced and the non-experienced, plus we welcome whole famili. If you are interested in reenacting or joining our unit please contact Capt.John Stone at, Mounted & dismounted cav. SIMI VALLEY: Civil War Days March 7-8, 2020. We pull our original 1862 3" Ordnance Rifle with our horse drawn team at Living Histories, Re-enactment & Cermonies. Our members are of all ages, genders, and walks of life, but we all, Family oriented Reenactment Unit originally Mustered into service at Manitowoc, WI in 1861. We portray Co. A of the sharpshooter battalion of Genl. Our main goals are to educate the public on the true history of early 1860's in America and to honor our ancestor's and their heritage. Graeagle, CA - Plumas County - July 1-4 RACW Duncan's Mills Civil War Days - Duncan's Mills, CA - July 21, 22, & 23, 2023 CHAS & ACWA This event has been CANCELLED due to uncertainty over the repair of Freeze Out Road and access to the site. We participate in re-enactments and headstone dedications in the Virginia and North Carolina areas. We pride ourselves on portraying a typical trans-Mississippi federal regiment. WWII Airsoft reenactors. Missouri Reenactment Groups. We have been around since 1989. We are based in Northwest Arkansas and participate in reenactments and living histories all over the state and surrounding states. Authentic Unit Of Longstreets Corps that maintains the maxim of an "All Military" style Mentality. This list is by no means complete. WW2 A.R. We attend reenactments throughout the state. Civil War reenactments have drawn more attendees after the removal of statues. We help host Billie Creek Village Civil War Days and Winter Battle every even year of the Superbowl weekend.Contact Don Bryan 1st Sgt, The Army of the Wabash River Mess (Field Music) is a collection of Drummers, Fifers and Bugles from the Midwest with the purpose of providing field music for local Civil War reenacting event, Celebrating its 35th year in Civil War reenacting, Battery G, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery is one of the premier Civil War reenactment units in the Country. SC Reg't Rifles and 16th. 3rd California Infantry Regiment. We are a Civil War Reenactment Group looking for men, women and their families who want to get involved and perform authentic Living History Presentations on and off the battlefield. Recruits are always welcome in our ranks and by our fire. West Side Victorian Dancers meet 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m., Hales Corners Library. We help with school presentations specializing in hands-on curriculum that meets the state standards for the topic. *This post may contain affiliate links. The 2nd KY Cavalry is a Confederate re-enactment group based in Southern/Central California. Each of these contingents is further comprised of individual member units. The vast fields and orchards of Riley's. Farm, in concert with our skilled staff of Civil War living historians, help your students and family imagine the contours of Civil War life in a way that motivates ongoing study. A Civil War Reenactment is the recreation of past battles for the education and entertainment of both spectators and hobbyists alike. We mainly operate around the Houston area but you can live almost anywhere in the state to join. Kevin Hall, a reenacting veteran of some 20 years. If you're not familiar with what "living history" means, this is a term that Civil War reenactors use to describe their hobby of dressing up in Union and Confederate uniforms and acting out . Nebraska Reenactment Groups. We demostrate how guards were in the civil war and if a person wanted to go awol we show military methods in the Civil War days. Welcome to the home of the 52nd Tennessee Co. C. We are a group of living historians centered around the American Civil War. Infantry. Looking for like minded individuals to join our unit, for info write 1st Lt. 4th SC INF 184 Honeybrook Circle Girard Pa. 16417. . So if interested in giving us a look or joining, five us a yell. Space limited. Portraying the Fifteenth New York Heavy Artillery, Co.C, since 1981. The 10th Volunteer Cavalry strives to reenact the citizen soldier from Illinois. Along the Wisconsin River, in southwest Wisconsin, this event draws nearly 1,000 reenactors and includes children's activities, band concerts, a church service, a ladies' garden party, a ball and guided tours of the Union and Confederate camps. Family unit, 7 events a year, Proud Member of the Mifflin Guard. Everything from the military conflicts and tactics to civilian life with its social expectations and customs, are experiences that our living histori. We are a non-profit, family-oriented organization seeking to bring history to life and to honor the memory of all those who served in the Civil War. Our male members form up as an infantry unit. They were then transferred to Fort Monroe at Hampton Roads, Virginia. A Federal Civil War company that was stationed at Fort Benton MT in 1865, the 1st U.S Vol Regiment, Co. H was established in 1864 and composed of Confederate prisoner of war and Federal Officers. 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