Winter. Well its a calculated risk he took the day they laid that weighty bronze circlet on his brow, naming him King.). In which a king, princess, and assassin fall in love. The three letters he sends out alters things very much for three very important and central figures to my story. To win, you must forsake your honour, but do not forget it. Or any Season 8 remakes, for that matter. The bite of steel on his heart felt painful as the cold and darkness covered him. - Never read ASOIAF (I know, I suck), so this is off what I know from Show what other stuff I know from the fandom. Since birth she'd been groomed to take a seat on the Iron Throne. Joffrey in particular was determined to kill his enemy and would have done everything in his power as king to destroy House Stark. oc Targaryen brandon stark PoD where Edmure do not take to the field at the crossing mill, so Robb suceed luring Tywin to Westerland and defeated the Lannister army. On her thirteenth name-day her brother, Perwyn, more father than brother gives her a silver dagger. With the events of the Red Wedding altered, more viable contenders for the Iron Throne would have survived to see the series finale. It wasn't until her travels to the North that the craft she "How about we play a game, princess?" This 76-chaptered fanfiction dives in deep on Arya Stark's story from Season 2, when she's . RELATED: Robb Stark Vs. Jon Snow: Who Was Game Of Thrones' Better King In The North? What alliances will be made? What if Robert Baratheon had actually died at the Battle of the Trident and Stannis had taken the Iron Throne instead (with Ser Davos at his side, of course!)? Aegon Targaryen never united Westeros under the Iron Throne. Prelude. It wasn't until her travels to the North that the craft she. Unfortunately, his new form makes it quite difficult to convince Jon to take the throne - or, really, to communicate with him at all.But Robb tries. Can Roslin Frey be ooc if she isn't characterised in depth in books or TV show? {DISCLAMER I do NOT own these characters} Arya Stark, despite her best efforts, falls back into the Game of Thrones. A tale in which Robb Stark lives, Daenerys Targaryen is desperate to secure allies, and Rhaegar Ta All imagines, preferences and drabbles about Robb Stark from Game of Thrones written by showandwrite. This fanfic:- Robb died in the Red Wedding but is revived as a Vampire. Im Jason, said the grandfather, Whats your name?Im Robb, said Robb and added: Snow.You fought in the war?, asked the little boy excited.Robb mostly didnt fight, usually surrounded by dozens of his sworn swords, but he supposed that still counted, so he nodded.Well, the war is over., said Jason. Jon Snow The War of the Five Kings could have ended differently if Robb Stark had survived his fatal moment at the Twins. Knowing he must assume his duty and take up the mantle as Lord of Bear Island, Starag creates a plan to enjoy one last tour of Westeros while also restoring House Mormont's honor. She goes to Winterfell with her family to marry the young wolf, but soon after, Ned Stark dies, and Westeros falls into war. The War of the Five Kings could have ended differently if Robb Stark had survived his fatal moment at the Twins. She could not be that stupid Could she? And often hears more than she's supposed to. - Keywords - politics, war, (stark wank? Work Search: In this fanfiction, Arya is transported back to the time of the Mad King's reign, where she has another list of people to kill, naturally. After war ended Catelyn traveled to Winterfell with . Press J to jump to the feed. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show Game of Thrones nor A Song of Ice and Fire except my made up character Rhaella Josslyn always knew her father, Tywin would have her marry for political gain but when The King suggested she marry the stark air she did not think her father would allo Robb Stark is newly the Lord of Winterfell, and soon to be wed. Everything is as it should be, until a cloaked stranger puts things into perspective, A few imagines of a few handsome gorgeous men. RELATED: Sansa Stark Vs. Cersei Lannister: Who Was The Better Queen In Game Of Thrones? It's probably the greatest Robb wank, greater than even Robb returns, it totally glorifies a pretty shady family, the Tyrells, and often goes into full Gary Stu and Mary Sue territory. A subreddit for fanfiction of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and its HBO Shows Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Robb takes it as a sign that he and Jon are both single on Valentines day, and proposes a blind date of sorts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Red Wedding was one of the major climaxes in A Storm of Swords. After being elected as the King in the North, Jon Snow along with his faithful advisor Ser Davos Seaworth and Melisandre of Asshai travel to Dragonstone after receiving a letter from the mysterious Dragon Queen. Unfortunately, his new form makes it quite difficult to convince Jon to take the throne - or, really, to communicate with him at all.But Robb tries. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. For his sister's safety and to save his House, Robb could have negotiated a truce with Tywin Lannister. The Game of Thrones is forever changed as Jon embraces his destiny and sends ripples across Westeros. He could not quell the irksome pacing of his heart whenever he stood too close to her. She struggles between duty, her heart, and what she has always desired. Protective Robb Stark. The Young Wolf would have avenged his father's death and crushed his enemies, all while winning autonomy for the North. Robb does win with Tyrell help, but he does the heavy lifting. The Starks Win The War. And as he finds love and adventure amongst the darkness and bloody conflicts present in his new world, he realises that prophesies and fate might not be as finished with him as he thinks. This is a North-centric story. King's Blood; Fool's Blood by Little_Ghost14. A talk that will slowly change some of Eddard Stark's views forever. Robb didn't wield a Valyrian steel blade but he was a renowned battle commander with the fierce direwolf, Grey Wind, at his side. He was plagued with consuming, forbidden, impure desires that led directly to her. I know it has some best written battle scenes so I'll probably pick it back up in future. When Jon Arryn resigns as hand, to care for his wife, Eddard Stark steps up bringing his daughters to King's Landing. Or, alternatively, Ned Stark cant restrain himself from banging his wife while shes in Kings Landing and inadvertently saves his son (though not himself) from his own stupidity. But for every thousand worlds of those, there is always one where Noble Blood refers to something literal. When the Tyrells switch allegiance before Robb Stark can be killed by the Lannisters, it only serves to stoke the fires of the wars in Westeros, the after effects rippling across the realm for years to come. Primarily, Sansa would not have become Queen in the North while Robb still lived to bear the crown. The bite of steel on his heart felt painful as the cold and darkness covered him. Do you have a fantastic sorting system or..? If Robb's devastating demise at House Frey's hands hadn't happened, he could have returned to his beloved country to purge the Ironborn presence. Expecting to see the silver-haired Targaryen Princess, the trio sees a group of people long believed dead and Jon comes face-to-face with a secret that shocks him to the core. With her knowledge of the future and a desire to make things right, can she change the events of the future and her own fate? Another alternative outcome could have included Robb traveling to the Wall to join the Night's Watch. But that honour hung on a worn-down threat that grew more precarious in her presence. Robb's survival is fun to speculate, though in typical Game of Thrones style, his alternate story could have ended equally dismal. This work could have adult content. What would Game of Thrones be like if he lived? The first is if we take over from the very beginning. Read Plan B from the story The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) Completed by XLeintje with 1,487 reads. Robb manages to escape the Red Wedding partially. Chapters are to be written in non chronological order. This one's a good old fashioned romance fanfic, revolving around Jaime Lannister and an original character, Myra Stark, who's apparently the twin sibling of Robb Stark. What if Napoleon Bonaparte, as his army was retreating from the Russian frontier, came up against the Wall, the Night's Watch, and of course, the Night King??? A series of six sentence fics written every Sunday, all centered around the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. Robb, walk out of here. pretty much everything goes as well as it could be. The Game of Thrones TV show section under has almost 4,000 stories alone, if you've got the time. Even marrying Euron Greyjoy. An unlikely scenario could have featured a reluctant truce between the Starks and the Lannisters. Do not lose hope, Robb Stark. Theon doesn't care for all the things that brought them to that place but what he does care about is that he is essentially a prisoner.He discovers that, rather than a prisoner, he is the one who controls Jon like a puppeteer controls his puppets. Robb Stark survived the red wedding, wounded but alive. The Stolen Rose has Margaery fostered at Winterfell after the rebellion to keep the Tyrells loyal. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. GAME OF THRONES - SEASON 1 to 8 "Be quiet and silent, let none be the wiser and you may just live." On her thirteenth name-day her brother, Perwyn, more father than brother gives her a silver dagger. Balon Greyjoy plots on the Iron Islands, seething in revenge. And then to their luck, they spot land, a continent called Tamriel. Is this a known issue by the other mods that I've missed since I'm still new or is it news to you? And often hears more than she's supposed to. Books I and II are now complete! Ned also escapes before his execution and is MIA. Now more than ever, we have to be there for each other, you guys. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You can help the. The Northern rebellion has been crushed in what is now known as the Red Wedding. Arya centric but Robb's storyline is very cool. it have some of the greatest battle scenes ever, specially the Assault on Kingslanding. Neither yet realise they're each other's last chance.Also Jon and Dany. Obsessed with travel? Reporting on what you care about. Please consider turning it on! Reau, the OC Targaryen x Stark story! It's not long before conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters causes a dangerous rift between her and her betrothed, and the battle for the Iron Throne begins. In a slightly alternate universe, Jon and Daenerys grow up on opposite sides of the world but are able to share their dreams with each other and communicate. He still despises it but is able to understand it still. Bleak, cold and harsh. I'd say Wrath of Brothers fits this and its mentioned below already. Do you have a link for this fanfic?? Eddard Stark is aware of the great game. On her thirteenth name-day her brother, Perwyn, more father than brother gives her a silver dagger. Robb fought for Northern independence. ), read, If you've ever wondered what it would have been like if Sansa just left with the Hound in Season 2, read, If you love Jon and Arya's reunion before "The Long Night," read, If you wish we'd gotten more of Maester Aemon, read, And finally, if you shipped Jon and Dany real hard, read, That Kit Harington Quote Saying "Game Of Thrones" Haters "To Go F*** Themselves" Is Not About Reactions To The Finale, 27 Unpopular Opinions About The "Game Of Thrones" Finale, The Hot Actor Who Plays Robin Arryn In "Game Of Thrones" Is On Instagram, You Guys, Let's Talk About What These "Game Of Thrones" Prophecies Actually Meant, "King of Winter, King of Rivers, King of Ice And Snow. The three letters he sends out alters things very much for three very important and central figures to my story. Some people sa. Rape/Non-Con. Though they were explicit, they did forced me to think on it." Robb Stark admitted aloud. Remember back when Tywin made Arya his cupbearer, not knowing her true identity? Plagued not only by dreams and nightmares of a life he cannot remember but also by a magic he is not sure how to control, Harry takes relief alone in the fact that the trials of his past life seem to be far behind him. Robb Stark's war against the south threatens even the Lannisters, the most powerful House in Westeros. Yeah, execpt in this story Ned makes a lot of unreasonable demands to Tywin, and Tywin just goes along with it. War for the North Fanfiction. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Information about the events of the War of 5 Kings will be added into each story. A singer, a seamstress, and a silent ghost in her father's halls. Stannis Baratheon marches on King's Landing, his brother's corpse behind him. Robb could have lived through his encounter with the Freys only to perish later on Tywin's orders. In which Annalys Baratheon is arranged to marry Robb Stark and when her 'father' dies, she is forced to side with the North in the Five War of the Kings to save herself. [Completed, 113 chapters, 600,000 words, rated mature] Snowfall by Ruinous Crow On the slim chance that Tywin would pardon him if he surrendered, the Lannister patriarch could have banished his rival from the Seven Kingdoms, sparing his life only to quell an uprising from the North. Daenerys Targaryen dies at the hands of Jon Snow, but is taken back to the past, around the time Khal Drogo and her son have died. Game of Thrones Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Livya Baratheon is the daughter of Cersei and Robert, betrothed to Robb Stark. Sansa has been sent back in time, and awakens with the intention of fixing every mistake her family made to ensure the survival of the Starks. Aegon Targaryen never ventured west. Robb perished long before Daenerys Targaryen returned to Westeros' shores. Press J to jump to the feed. Now, with another bargaining chip in his possession, he has a chance to turn the war. Work Search: Ramsey Bolton Well its a calculated risk he took the day they laid that weighty bronze circlet on his brow, naming him King.). Yet, they were keeping their silence. Mother, he said, Greywind Go to him. Everyone wants her, especially Prince Joffrey. I have replaced Jon Snow with a true born second son of Eddard. I think the Auto mod keeps removing your comments. This was really good before Robb and Margaery got together. Once they did though, things started to get super easy for them and there was no conflict. Geschichten und Texte zu House of the Dragon - Das Lied von Eis und Feuer - Bcher - Fanfiction | Seite 12 Fanfic. His presence would have been invaluable during Jon's various duels with the army of wights. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. A Rose by Any Other Name is a Margaery SI who, aware of what's to come, immediately starts grooming Robb as her future husband. 'Complete', and has some interesting concepts, if not terribly well executed. What Robb did now was for his . ), `- Rating & Archive Warnings Mature canon typical violence. Robb knows duty, he learned it standing at his fathers knee and sitting in his mothers lap before he had a concept of what it actually meant. Instead, he went back east. As the first King in the North in over three centuries, the Young Wolf was an important figure in Westeros who could have changed the entire country's future. cocksucking lips) is his biggest political asset. But his family has been torn apart one too many times, and war seems endless; his only option now is to burrow in for the long winter, no matter the cost. Depending on your taste . Expecting to see the silver-haired Targaryen Princess, the trio sees a group of people long believed dead and Jon comes face-to-face with a secret that shocks him to the core. Lord Tywin Lannister occupies the crossroads near the ruby ford and waits to see how Houses Arryn and Stark will respond. Winterfell would have remained fortified against the wars to come. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Then, there is Lucian Maegyr. I need you to understand this!" King Robb Stark was the eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell and his wife, Lady Catelyn. Eddard Stark, like many a man before him, underestimated the cunning of Olenna Tyrell. In the ashes of war-torn Westeros, the fate of the remnants of House Starkand that of their lovers, allies, friends, and foeshangs in the balance. idk it's pretty vague, Khal Drogo/Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Meleys | Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon's Dragon, Female Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys) Lives, Stark Siblings are Wargs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Viserion | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen Dragons has a diferents name, Will update tags as I go because honestly I'm not sure where this will go yet, this series will have canon-typical levels of violence, the logic of which boils down to 'yeah but I like this part better', this has been called by my worst friend "A Major Stark Wank", also: it's not an encato au but ever since that movie came out it's been called that in my head. Will his decisions have a lasting impact on House Stark and the War of the Five Kings? Robb's absence left Winterfell vulnerable; the castle quickly fell to Theon Greyjoy and his Ironborn soldiers in season 2. To survive in a lion's den, a wolf has no choice but to adapt. Some smallfolk pulled him from the trident and nourished him back to health. Well, I can't disagree with you, but the plot was quite good and the writing decent, so still enjoyable. Now. theon has a potty mouth in this. Roslin. His sovereignty could have put him at war with Daenerys, who wanted to reclaim all of Westeros. - . When he gets to the Twins, Lord Walder Frey wouldn't allow him to cross, some lords adoviacted for just take the Twins . Her voice, her Septa tells her, is like her mothers, a voice as pure as the running waters. Catelyn Stark sounded harsh but she was trembling inside and nothing could calm her. - Title - A spark to an avalanche, a snowball to an inferno, - Links - HBO. Robb/Myrcella and Robb/ Dacey,, Inseparable as children, there is little doubt that Robb would allowJon to journey alone in the dangerous lands in the North. This fanfic:- Robb died in the Red Wedding but is revived as a Vampire. His father had raised him to act with honour. Apparently there's a Robb/Shireen romance in this one, so, ya know, do with that what you will. The King in the North, his pregnant wife and his mother have been slain. Game Of Thrones: 10 Things That Might Have Happened If Tywin Lannister Survived. Will they survive? Had he lived, his path would have eventually crossed with the Dragon Queen's. The problem? When she is forced to return to Kings Landing, the trueborn daughter of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon cannot ignore what has always been hidden in plain sight, the secrets of her bloodline. Now King Eddard of House Stark is dead and his young son must become King, of a prosperous but besieged kingdom, both from the North, threatened by brutes and unimaginable things and from the ambitious kingdoms divided from the South.With the help of his hand, Aerys of House Targaryen, the young King will be able to face his enemies and protect his kingdom. Teleute7 3 mo. Arya's last scene in the series finale might have unfolded differently, too. - Sansa Stark disppeared eight years ago after her boyfriend admits to an act of terrorism that kills her mother and father.Eight years later Jon finally finds her.---Mentions of past rape, drug use and terrorism with blackmail and survivors guilt thrown in. He could not bring himself to believe the words his brothers Lord Hand had the gall to utter to him after yet another fractious meeting with the vexing Dragon Queen. . Work Search: Can Roslin Frey be ooc if she isn't characterised in depth in books or TV show? Robb Stark, First of His Name has the same premise as above. cocksucking lips) is his biggest political asset. Eventually, of course, they find their way together. He was born to be Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North. Robb Stark survived the red wedding, wounded but alive. His breathing was heavy as he looked around for any sign that would allow him to make sense of what happened. When Jon Arryn resigns as hand, to care for his wife, Eddard Stark steps up bringing his daughters to King's Landing. ), No bashing, Jon snow/Daenerys, Robb stark/Roslin Frey, Jon snow/Margeary Tryrel, - Rating & Archive Warnings - Explicit - Summary - The movement of one tiny piece gives Robb Stark the chance to play the Game of Thrones properly, marry his Frey girl, and take back the North. Heatstroke, Diplomacy, and Other Ways to a Woman's Heart By: ConicalNatures. Robb knows duty, he learned it standing at his fathers knee and sitting in his mothers lap before he had a concept of what it actually meant. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (88), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (184), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (90), Robb Stark/Original Female Character(s) (24), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (124), Canon Divergence - Red Wedding | Roslin Frey and Edmure Tully's Wedding Goes Differently (28), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (21), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jon Snow/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), The North Wind blows, and with it, marches Death, Grand Maester Pycelle (A Song of Ice and Fire), The North is Powerful (A Song of Ice and Fire), The Vale of Arryn (A Song of Ice and Fire), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Robb Stark/Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), OH BOY IDK IF THIS FANDOM IS ALIVE ON HERE BUT--, Game of Thrones but PG-13 cause yall arent getting a lot of graphic violence, especially with human rights and dealing with the smallfolk, Aela the Huntress/Male Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, It takes weeks to go from one end of Skyrim to another, Asha Greyjoy | Yara Greyjoy & Theon Greyjoy, Gendry is a Baratheon (A Song of Ice and Fire), Quaithe of the Shadow (A Song of Ice and Fire), Ghost of High Heart (A Song of Ice and Fire), Skinchangers & Skinchanging (A Song of Ice and Fire), Azor Ahai Prophecy | The Prince That Was Promised, Wildlings | The Free Folk (A Song of Ice and Fire), Giving My Blorbos Everything They Deserve, No Red Wedding | Roslin Frey and Edmure Tully's Wedding Doesn't Happen, Basically Roslin gets thrown into the middle of the war of five kings, The Old Gods and the Seven and R'hllor are all fucking about a bit. The Martells scheme against the Lannisters. "Jaime Lannister sends his regards. No War of Conquest was waged, but a War of Restoration. Robb waits just a moment longer before heading south in the War of the Five Kings. | Comments: 345 | Kudos: 340 | Bookmarks: 106 | Hits: 16462 | ID: 24044461 | Download: EPUB or MOBI. Four friends find themselves talking about how they'd fare in the world of ice and fire, and destiny gives them a shove by transporting them into the world of Planetos. Its abit one sided and pretty much everything goes as well as it could be, but it's not a bad read imo and I'd say it'll be complete soon. After the Dance of dragons, the Targaryen lost everything. Robb's survival would have meant the ultimate revenge for House Stark. Post-A Dance with Dragons Game of Thrones Fan Fiction The North Remembers by qqueenofhades. When she is forced to return to Kings Landing, the trueborn daughter of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon cannot ignore what has always been hidden in plain sight, the secrets of her bloodline. Robb, the young wolf with rage and vengeance in his heart. The Hand of the King was pushed to war with the Young Wolf by Joffrey killing Ned; he would likely have welcomed a Stark surrender. The Lannisters defeated the Starks at the Red Wedding, only for Joffrey and Tywin to die soon after. Robb manages to escape the Red Wedding partially. Robb's story could have trumped Bran's to qualify him as King of Westeros. A singer, a seamstress, and a silent ghost in her fathers halls. Robb Stark's tragic death at the Red Wedding was one of the most shocking moments in HBO's Game of Thrones. The Long Night is coming and the fate of Westeros depends on The Prince That Was Promised. Site: Archive of Our Own | Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones | Published: 2020-05-06 | Updated: 2021-03-18 | Words: 74202 | Chapters: 16/? Roslin. But it hasn't been updated in at least a year, Linkao3(spark to an inferno, snowflake to an avalanche), A Spark to an Inferno, a Snowball to an Avalanche by cjr2. The movement of one tiny piece gives Robb Stark the chance to play the Game of Thrones properly, marry his Frey girl, and take back the North. "Be quiet", Tyta tells her, in the earliest memories scarred onto her mind. Never meant to meet. Even the Lords had various expressions on him being here. This 76-chaptered fanfiction dives in deep on Arya Stark's story from Season 2, when she's wandering around with Hot Pie and Gendry, into full adulthood, and does plenty of theorizing about her life as a wife and mother. Two worlds. She could not be that stupid Could she? Joffrey Baratheon After the battle, Maester Aemon reveals that he has kept secrets of his own while serving at Castle Black, including two dragon eggs.". There is some love for Jamie too, but we pick up right as Robb calls his banner men for the capture of his father. Same theatre, but a different play. Cue a torrent of emotions friendship; love, sisterhood, amongst other things. Honestly, Kingdoms at War is only worth it for the battle scenes. ), Ramsey Bolton/Daenerys Targaryen (one-side/ NO SEX), Harry Potter/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Three and a half Wolves (An ASOIAF Self-Insert). In those worlds, you know the story that plays out, the way the song of ice and fire ends, the curtains that close on bloodlines you come to love and loath. Oh, how he tries. Robb Stark Lives. I own nothing but my ocs and plot deviations. And since you say your standards aren't particularly high (mine either lol), you might give these a try, too. That's what Jaidyn Mormont was raised to be. Not as well done, but there's a lot more of it, including a sequel. The Battle of the Whispering Wood was one of the first actual battles in the War of the Five Kings Robb Stark leading a host of 18,000 soldiers from the North, to free his father and confront the Lannister armies in the Riverlands, to help his grandfather Lord Hoster Tully. When secrets long hidden finally unravel, can the rightful heir to the Iron Throne survive her enemies and a love that threatens to destroy her? However, every King needs a Queen, and Olenna has a certain candidate in mind. Widowed on her wedding day and facing a future with a boy King, Margaery Tyrell is jaded and tired. In which Annalys Baratheon is arranged to marry Robb Stark and when her 'father' dies, she is forced to side with the North in the Five War of the Kings to save herself , A warrior is a brave or experienced fighter. I wouldn't mind something only focus on their relationship (and not on the plot) if the characters are well written. Hay un nuevo dicho en Westeros La mayor desgracia para los enemigos de la princesa Visenya es que ellos son los enemigos de la princesa Visenya.Fem Jon Snow x Male DaenerysTercera parte de la saga de colores. Over 85 chapters (buckle up), this saga explores how everything could have turned out differently, and also includes plenty of that great Tywin vs. Arya banter that was the best part of Season 2. Red Robb and the Burning of the Riverlands by strangebloke. We are watching and waiting. Tywin, and other Ways to a Woman & # x27 ; s corpse him. When Tywin made Arya his cupbearer, not knowing her true identity written battle.! Bargaining chip in his heart felt painful as the cold and darkness covered him see such.... 'S supposed to be like if he lived, his pregnant wife and his Ironborn in... The King in the North ( Robb Stark 's tragic death at the Red Wedding one! Is if we take over from the trident and nourished him back to health characters Arya. 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