He would always put the time and effort to drive 3 hours to come see me 4 times a week. Am I doing something wrong. But I also dont want to be wasting my time. I need some help. I didnt think that I liked him, but I did think he was cute. Ok so the next morning woke up made out almost didnt get out of bed eventually did went to a mall because he has n function with his mom the evening and he has got a few things he needs to buy. Now that you know; start asking him questions and see how he physically responds. Take care of yourself sweetheart. I have asked him what his intentions are with me not so long ago and he said the long road were we settle down buy a house get married and have a family. How does a Pisces man test you? Hed just say what I wanted to hear and then keep doing the things he said he wouldnt do. It seems unfair to me. I didnt know how to feel. Giving him space will be your best option, followed by reaching out to him to see if he is Okay. I decided not to sleep with him to see his real intentions with me. This is what makes Pisces men such good liars. If its an issue to him then again its not the right relationship for you. He pretends not to care about the plans you make because he is trying to push you away because he is so afraid of getting hurt. Body movement is a good indicator also. He replied 10 minutes later with its march 3, dont forget. Then we went to his home we made out and I gave him a hand job after that he was completely emotionally detached like I felt it very powerfully. The more you do this, the more gets aired out and maybe moved past so you both can be healthy. Its so rude. I declined. And, if you want to know how long until . Find Out What's He's Hiding - Gently 3. I have worked tirelessly to figure out a way to fix all relationships with Pisces men. Ill be watching for your email. I feel like the universe keeps bringing us together again but I think hes afraid of commitment or at least with me. The Pisces Man Offers Illusive Answers If your Pisces guy tends to leave out details when you've asked him what he's been up to; he is either feeling he doesn't have to answer to you or he knows he's being dishonest. While he is an expert at convincing people of anything; he is flawed. One day I told him. While all this is going on he is also going through a something that can affect his life. Dont take offense to his behavior right now. Take a look at my next section to find out more. After the break, he seemed a little distant as if he didnt want to talk much anymore even though we had a really fun time over text. Ouch yes pain can make you say and do horrible things. Hes been very flaky, so Im not sure if thats revenge or if hes afraid of trusting me again. It will seem as though he never existed except your heart will feel the sadness. The first year was sooooo AMAZING but he wasnt stressing out about the exam during that time. Defensive behavior can be a turn off. I wouldnt say a Pisces man is a player! As things started to get alittle more intense; I finally couldnt take my dishonesty anymore and wanted to break things off. He said everything I needed to hear. We then went to another message, text app to text privately. Don't get mad. Im overthinking things and Im feeling like he doesnt want to be bothered anymore even though he told me how he felt. We ended up taking a scooter to go around the city and later having drinks and talking about business and philosophical issues. If he cares, he will answer you and tell you if he still wants to keep going with it or if he wants out. As embarrassing as it is to say, a video game. He got drowned by his own thoughts. I guess Ill see what happens in the near future but he works on a ship and is gone a month at a time so its critical to see eachother during the off times or theres nothing. I wish you the best! Ive only been with my Pisces 3 months. Weird, I know. This point ties in nicely with the previous point, but a Pisces man can be really, really sensitive. He should tell you exactly what he feels. so I can hear your voice. Hes so good at telling lies or bending the truth that hes become very comfortable with himself. Get to know your Pisces guy before you commit yourself to him. We talked kissed cuddled and he performed oral sex on me. He always talks about us traveling and doing this and that but nothing so far, he still says it but nothing. Both parties have to be willing to do the work. He considered those girls online disposable he didnt want to use me as a disposable thing till hes ready to commit. This is one of the signs that your Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. He will be pretty obvious about it. PISCES. I find out from Facebook it was his ex he was helping out. So after that he took me for a drive on his 4 wheeler talking like everything was perfect bit I felt that detachment. He is a pisces man with venus in Aquarius. Even if he loves you, at some point his emotions become overwhelmed and he will want some time by himself. I hope this helps! You have a right to do this when youre left in the air with it. Tell him you love spending time with him. I wish you all the best! They are direct and purposeful, independent and overall pretty happy. We are now best friends according to him and he still takes me on dates and stays over sometimes. I learnt these things the hard way, and I only wish I had handled things better. Try to be patient with him. Instead of trusting your fears, you should trust your own intuition. Help! After a while and some weeks passed, I started to get this weird nervous feeling in me every time I walked by or was in the same room as Kohen. And I also went through some personal stuff with my ex husband so I told him Im going to take a step back I have things I need to work on and then Ill get back to him. And he said no we will make plans to see each other the Sunday. As a Virgo, you should relate to that because most Virgos are also extremely private. You can still show him you care without coming off as clingy. Here are some things you can look for in order to determine what may be going on. He knows all the right things to say to get into your life or into your pants. Also whats with the empty promises.. Maybe his not planning to take me out anywhere not even a date. When a Pisces man is in love; hell want to be with you as often as possible. Let him know that you wont stand for this nonsense. I do wish you all the very best in life sweetheart! We immediately connected and seem inseparable. Serve It Right Back (If He's Treating You Badly) Final Thoughts Check in with him sweetheart. He has always replied to my texts and texted me if I ever kept quiet for longer then he likes. If hes saying he needs to look at himself, hes telling you the truth. Pisces men want lots of attention and adoration from the person they consider to be their partner. He never took me out but say he loves me. Give it time. Thanks. He broke my heart in pieces and so I spent a lot of time grieving as I was super young. 4 months into dating he said he loved me but I couldnt say it back. So I told him I respect that he wants to do the right thing so Ill give him the time he is asking for. I wish i had known it better. So I just ended up telling him about my daughter in the midst of a breakup. Don't let this idiocy make you furrow your brow. If you told me youre swamped with certs, I wouldve understood. we met here for a reason. This is often how a Pisces man will test you. I think what you need to do is leave him alone for a bit. It might not even be your fault, but he will conveniently blame you for something because he expects you to fix his problems for him. He also asked my opinion on what to buy like couple do we prayed before we ate breakfast everything was amazing. The miscarriages were probably the universe saying dont have kids with this guy at least not now. I wasnt embarrassed, just caught off guard. If you would like to know more about the Pisces mans mind, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. what do I do? They value honesty and enjoy being carefree.. Ok so here is what you do. I also realized that he has intimacy issues. I sent an apology email, and I messaged him on messenger, apologizing and asking to be unblocked. Give him a chance but tell him what you want out of this and ask him what he would like to do. I dont know what should I do, do I keep distance with him? He also asked my roomate if we were having sex, but my roomate is just a close friend. He sounds like a great guy. I think that you should stop talking to him. He had his head in other places and breaking up is probably the best thing for you to do with him. Its been 3 days. ya da, ya da. If not then hes being selfish and taking time to himself after he promised it to you. He will blame everyone else for his problems and make excuses about why it is never his fault. The second time though I broke up with him and basically he told everyone that we were never together at all. I texted the next day and asked if he was okay. Well I got to meet his sons and fell in love with the kids. The Pisces man is often a catch all of characteristics, displaying many of the main traits of the other signs. I am not sure if he was upset that I asked for validation again or because I didnt believe him. Anytime after we would argue, hed go quiet and distant. From the beginning we had a great Connection. I broke up with him recently but I am confused in my head if I did the right thing. I am a Pisces and my guy is a Pisces (2days apart) what should probably be the greatest love story told has actually been an emotional nightmare for 2 years that i cant seem to wake up from. I never met a pisces man, or had a relationship with one. I could tell he was jealous because me and him would never play like that he didnt get to know my real personality. He is a year older than me but also played the trumpet. I regret having sex with him for the 2 years when we werent together but I know he was only physical with me. Another thing Ive observed from them is that, the less emotionally invested you are in them, the more they care. He never once asked me for anything. You just want answers to understand him better and to either keep going or to let him go. Im a Virgo. we meet again at a family meeting he was tall grown and unrecognizable we didnt realzed we met when were younger until we talked he was my type and of the bat, I liked him so I started doing little things (flirting) but he also seemed interested and was flirting back then next thing I know I try to leave the room we were in the quietly says Pisces guy about a week ago via a dating app. Make sure you read all the way until the end. This man in the armed forces, overseas. Something like Hope you are well. It can feel like there wasn't a real reason to break up. You have a right to know where he thinks things stand so you can be on the same page with whether or not its something good or its just a friendship. He wants a family but is acting like this? Maybe its because I live attention and Im not getting it as much idk please help. We even had our first night without sex which was so weird but i didnt mind he was still very affectionate and loving also we didnt because I had come of birth control coz of hormonal issues so I think thats also a reason. I imagine its difficult for a Pisces to be with Virgo simply because Virgo is outspoken and can easily hurt the Pisces. he says he wants a family.. we had two pregnancies that ended in miscarriage now we dont have sex as often and I told him I was ovulating if he wanted to try again but he didnt really say anything then we didnt have sex. He is 18 years older than me. Hi Youll be able to tell if hes being honest or is giving you total crap. well, Ive known this Pisces 4 years prior when I first met him 4 years ago he was 10 and I was 9 we were young and clueless Im a libra by the way anyways 4 years later!! We then moved on to exchanging numbers and would message each other almost everyday. Since you are an Aquarius, you want the truth so go ahead and ask him for it. So how can you tell if a Pisces man is leading you on and is done with you? He found somebody else played her but now hes back into my life. If he says he doesnt then you will know that its just not going to happen. i wish i didnt go back because i want him to text me again and i wasnt even into him from the start. SUBSCRIBE TO MY SECOND LIFESTYLE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYToEqxl9jxH6c-NtXMeeAJoin this channel to get access to perks:https:/. He does that hot and cold business. Though I noticed he bought a new phone and new expensive items in his apartments and he bought a new car a month ago too, video called me showing it to me. Im in the ninth grade. He said he had to leave and asked me to come to his place. Right now youre giving off mixed signals to him by telling him that its too soon to be exclusive but then now wondering if he has a girlfriend. I stay the night every night I dont have my son. It's alright to let him have some free time and space. He keen intuition, found his perfect match He always asked me to some sexy pictures and videos to him and most of the conversation is steamy. This is where I first met this guy named Kohen (also not my real name). I tried to understand but he kept doing it for 2 months. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. Unfortunately it may feel as if youre working twice as hard and he isnt. Hes so detached or scared to show he has feelings so he wont get hurt. check out my 3-step formula for a Pisces man. Im sorry youve had a harrowing experience with yours but keep in mind that we all have the 12 signs in our birth charts. Hed just do something petty to get vengeance. Remember that Pisces men can be incredibly manipulative. Leo and Pisces Compatibility - 2 years. I deflected and didnt give a solid answer. He told me he would pay me back, I was in such an emotional uphevel, I did not do it and backed out. I just want to know if I should pursue this feeling of mine or let it go. He came over to my place Friday and as soon as I opened the door the sparks flew and we made out in the foyer. But WOW, Not sure what to do! When hes done, hes done and you wont hear from him again. He wants to see how far he can push things with you and how much he can get away with. So told him Im ok with it I understand certain things are important so I dont mind waiting to see him. Then, send him a random text or call him to talk about your favorite memories. The chances of this happening are minuscule! Im confused and we virgos are big worriers. These guys are super sensitive to other peoples emotions, but this also gives them a great amount of power because they know how to push peoples buttons. I have been dating a Pisces who is younger than me (likes older women) and is a athlete. He tells me we are just letting things be but wont give me a direct answer if we are over or not. Therefore, hell omit the truth of the situation so as to not rock the boat. I told him that I like him, enjoy our time together, feel very comfortable with him and would like to get to know him even better in a romantic way obviously. I try to show him how I want to be touched but he really doesnt do it. How To Make a Ghoster Regret 1. A few days ago I walked into the band (which is where the band nerds usually hang out) and kohen and his brother were in the locker area where we keep our trumpets. It's always surprising when a ghoster randomly returns, like a specter in the night . Maybe he is actually busy and not doing what you think he is doing. I was devastated so I apologized and said everything I could to patch it up. He answered 30 minutes later and we began to have little conversations but he didnt say much. Then, they will tell you an explanation for their actions. You have to ask him the hard questions honey. Then again he asked me to buy him a $500 i-tunes gift card. As days went by I actually started to develop real feelings for him and ended up telling him straight up. They can change their thoughts or feelings on a dime. ! I said no and started blushing. The second seven signs are the indicators that he's gone for good. He made me introduce to his friends and wanted me to meet his family but never initiate any form of physical intimacy. HE found me!!! He gives me such mixed signals. Our relationship last year, when everything was good, was amazing. You need to be perfectly honest with him and ask him if there is someone else in his life. So the story is we matched on tinder and we talked for a while and we met up it was great het also said he enjoyed spending time with me so we talked for like 2 more days like this is going in the right direction and then one morning he told me if I could give him some time he would appreciate it, because he wants to talk to his parents about us and because I have a son he wants to make sure he is ready for this and make his parents comfortable with it. In fact our longest was 20 hours!! Its hard to know which is which without a bit of time and research. But just as the article said, he never delivered. He was so honest sweet, gave me alot of attention but not too much that it was irritating because his naturally a busy and successful man with alot of businesses. He will ask questions that seem out there or he may say one thing yet do another to see how you respond. So my Pisces guy and I have been together 4 years he has done a lot of shitty things like leaves and doesnt message me to tell me where hes going and at times gets drunk and stays out very late without me knowing where he is. But its only until he fully trusts you that he may start to change his ways. They know how to play with peoples heartstrings and this gives your Pisces man a lot of power because he knows how to control people based on their emotions. Then he began to tell, me, that you sacrifice for the man you said you loved. Give him some time and be patient with him. 12 Of The Worst Negative Personality Traits That Are Truly Nasty. Check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets sometime. A Pisces man scared of the future? So I send h a text that if he needs more time it is his Im not going anywhere and I also send him this very nice song. Your Taurean pride may lose him though. And I said, what abt? And he said, I think Im staying in marching band. I was so happy and I told him how glad I was to hear that. I feel lost is it over between us? When I was upset and angry about something he did wrong hed accuse me of making a big deal out of nothing. This is again one of the tactics your Pisces man uses to test you. This also makes you very suspicious of others and have your wall up. Though during the day we hung out with his best friend and the best friends gf then later we were alone for maybe 8 hrs and let me add how he said to them that Ive been giving this girl so much stress but she has been so calm about it, I usually dont last with woman . Then we stopped texting for a while. Then I felt really bad. Its been confusing cause I feel like our relationship didnt really start until end of 2020. Perhaps he will figure things out in his head and then better communicate with you. Pisces men are the very much introverted yet charming men of the . Help please? Required fields are marked *. Even when he is traveling he will call and text me all the time but lol where is my invite??. If youve already seen enough, and want to finally get out of his vicious circle of games, check out my 3-step formula for a Pisces man, it will guide you in the right direction. I would message him asking if everything was okay, did something happen that evening, we were cool, etc. Ive got some information you need, so keep reading! Its just so confusing why he wont commit but acts as if hes committed? But he still acted like he didnt care. Show Up 4. Let us unpack all the signs and see if this Pisces man is using you and leading you on. Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man. Its this type of thing that can cause Pisces man to play mind games. Weve both told eachother we love eachother several times both before we met and that night we met. This is both a blessing and a curse. I felt an instant connection (Im a Taurus) He added me as a friend on FB and started PMing me not long after. I have never asked him for money and asking him for money for birth control has always happened and his always sent it and weve discussed it so its not unusual. He is a athlete and travels allot and barely has time but he does try to make time for me and show me that he misses me or wants to see me, but then he can be flakey because hes so busy and barely has time that he tries to over extend himself which drives me crazy. He was soo much fun that night. Thats pretty normal for a Pisces man in love. He was after me for almost a year before I gave him a second chance. He shouldnt be worried about what other people think otherwise why is he with you? If he cannot answer its because hes not sure. Hes trying to beat around the bush in telling you he doesnt want to be in a relationship with you. We had made an agreement to see each other the next day, which was Monday. We finally met for one day and spent 18 hours together at a hotel We agreed it was an epic night not because of the sex but because we just loved being together and just had a great time. At the time, I wasnt sure if he was just toying around with me or maybe that was just his thing to get around women. Oh and Im an aquarius lady. So last week he finally texted me and we made plans to see on another. You cannot do this overnight. When they are in immature mode or just not ready to commit, they may play just to have fun and enjoy themselves not thinking of the consequences that may befall them. However, since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreamy states of mind and fantasy, they cant help it but reconstruct an irreal version of their past. Yes, Gemini moon can make him two faced. Right now I feel like Im done with him he send me a text this morning and Im not even feeling bad for not responding Im also not planning ons talking to him again. So I think 3 weeks passed and I started talking to him again. If this happens, he'll be more motivated to get you back. I kid you not!! I feel like we connected very well on all possible levels. Pisces has a hard time dealing with their feelings and can become a bit of a mess when that happens. I actually feel like I have found my soulmate (he also tells me the same too). He also loves to sleep or his alone time, he will come to my house and just fall asleep, & I get annoyed but I dont say anything because I know he gets tired from traveling and sports. I wish you all the luck of the stars! Tell him what he would like to know how long until found my soulmate ( he also asked roomate. He knows all the time and space take me out but say he you! Is giving you total crap as days went by I actually feel like we very! Detached or scared to show him you care without coming off as clingy in other places and up! 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