In short, color and culture enrich classrooms. Not only do they serve as educators, but for many kids, the classroom is where they feel the safest. Each child and family is unique and benefits from choices and flexibility. this childs sense of work that morals and good values are developed. Read about this initiative focused on equity in early childhood and find other equity-related content. We often lean into our values when talking to a colleague or sharing with a group of professionals. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Diverse Children, Uniform Standards: Using Early Learning and Development Standards in Multicultural Classrooms, Why History? As Routledge. thoughts. We build relationships with community partners and are an integral and well-respected part of the community. What role do our values play in our work as early childhood educators? eat, and keeping a clean and orderly classroom. Take the time to write down your values and what is important to you, then write down the self-talk that you notice, especially the negative self talk and see if you can start . I believe that children benefit from practices that are grounded in research. An example of one such course is a two-year early years foundation degree that might be endorsed by the early years sector and provide . The early years of a childs life are busy. Include your thoughts on child-led vs. teacher-led activities, the educator's involvement in playtime and the presenting of brand new ideas vs. discoveries made by the children on their own. With coauthor Barbara Kaiser, she has written Challenging Behavior in Young Children(now in its fourth edition) and Challenging Behavior in Elementary and Middle School, which both earned Texty awards from the Text and Academic Authors Association; and Meeting the Challenge, a bestseller selected as a comprehensive membership benefit by NAEYC. Describe how you handle any behavioural difficulties that arise in this part, as well as why you think your method will succeed. area would have a big comfy chair for me to read and then small comfortable The authors, Jeanne L. Reid, Catherine Scott-Little, and Sharon Lynn Kagan, provide several examples of culturally influenced differences in how children pay attention, approach learning, seek guidance, and express their knowledge and skills. My personal beliefs about children and learning include; having the children feel safe and welcome, because safety is the number one rule in a child care center. 1992. As a facilitator, I support children as they embark on a journey to make discoveries about themselves and learn to recognize and name their feelings. Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood While working with children and families, we encounter different situations and questions that shape what we value. ACECQA's values are based on putting children at the centre of everything we do. I believe the environment plays a major role in the success of an early childhood program. So when views may seem Moreover, teachers should be accountable in learning from students as well. But research has shown that this artificial blindness keeps us from recognizing, acknowledging, and appreciating important differences. children was illustrated when I thanked the good children of the class at the Children should be given choices, responsibilities, and opportunities to initiate their own learning. You'll want to make sure you clearly outline how you'll address a variety of demands when writing your philosophy. to an array of circumstances, such as the various formations of a family and philosophies will be respected. Values such as freedom, honesty, justice and equality of opportunity are some of the basic beliefs most Americans cherish. out of all my teachers from preschool through graduate school, my second grade I assure you that I will keep all information confidential. Your commitment to further professional development. Many people, including educators, have long believed it is better to act colorblind and/or cultureblindthat is, to not acknowledge color or culture. These theories are based on experiences and provide teachers with an understanding of how children develop and learn. Clear statements about what you believe and how you intend to implement and support your beliefs. permeate throughout the classroom in order to ensure an optimal learning It is my role as an educator to take responsibility for every childs educational development. and willing to help as I become a teacher. ought to wash them (pg. Stay up to date with research-based, teacher-focused articles on birth to age 8 in our award-winning, peer-reviewed journal. Early childhood studies is an established academic subject area benchmarked against the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) to produce a range of undergraduate courses in UK higher education. As the makeup of the US population becomes more diverse, there is more cultural dissonancewhich impacts childrens behavior. What if we are not sure about our values in education? ways of teaching, such as the knock-knock game for subtraction, which made teacher left the greatest impression on me. is a philosophy such as the one I have set forth that will encourage all Changes in the perspectives of early childhood can be linked to the influence of recurrent discourses (Cunningham, 2006). You may want to do it to guide your behavior in day-to-day situations or to serve as an inspiration to help you embody the . important to reflect upon the period of time when one was a student. Early Childhood CARES In this way, culture creates diversity. We acknowledge that parents are their childs most influential teachers and life-long advocates for their child. You may also decide to comment on additional issues as well. Use present tense, in most cases. It is important for teachers to be well-versed in these theories because they shape the trends and standards of early childhood classrooms. If someone asked you to explain your personal philosophy in early childhood education, what would you say? The child should be the main concern of the One of the major intellectual influences was I remember in school being Early Childhood CARES is affiliated with the College of Education, University of Oregon. in school I can remember saying to myself, If I were a teacher I would never I believe in their ability. During orientation, consider giving them a copy of your statement. How do your values shape your work with young children. The environment should take into consideration the social skills, communication skills, physical abilities or challenges, and learning styles of the children being served. A high quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development will ensure a positive continuation of the childs education process, Early childhood is a time of curiosity, a time for play, and a time of rapid development. Judy Sklar Rasminsky is a freelance writer who specializes in education and health. learning in her classroom so easy and fun. All of this, and more, plays a part in how you view the behavior of the children you teach. How does this relate to your basic beliefs about young children and learning? Children are curious from infancy and have a desire to learn from their environment and those around them. My family was furious and no matter how many I seek ways to differentiate instruction and provide different teaching styles to reach students of all abilities and intelligence. For instance, my belief in fairness for all Science research has proven that learning and mental development begins right after the child is born. My philosophy of Early childhood education is based on research that indicates that a childs growth is developmental. As a teacher, I seek to guide children from needing assistance with a task to accomplishing a task independently by providing experiences that are challenging yet attainable for every child. 168. A good way to think of it is by writing down some of your beliefs regarding children's development and learning. second grade teacher. Experience 1. From there, the sky is the limit in the classroom! Search an ECE degree directory, explore professional standards, and join our community of practice. Here are some examples of personal philosophies: I believe that as an early childhood educator I am responsible for providing infants, toddlers and young children with positive learning experiences. that at my new school, when I transitioned in the 1st grade, were I am a student at Florida Atlantic University studying early childhood education. Yes, our values will change as we experience work and life. A child saying, Youve got dirty hands, you and 6 other students back a grade on account of being too immature. Philosophy of Early Childhood Essay 855 Words April 28th, 2019 - A personal philosophy of Early childhood Education My philosophy of Early childhood education is based on research that indicates that a child's growth is developmental Every child is unique in terms of life experiences developmental readiness and cultural heritage I also. Helping children to see themselves in your pedagogy, curriculum, environment, and materials enables them (and their families) to feel welcomed and valued. 54. This is a transcript of the Preschool Podcast, episode #18 "Reflective practices to challenge your beliefs". specifically for you only $16.90 $12/page! It's a statement about your beliefs which influence your actions. The National Association for the Education of Young Children states that high quality, developmentally appropriate programs should be available for all children. 16). By including specific examples of teaching theories and approaches, you are able to let your reader take a mental peek of your classroom. Our organisational focus is on how we can improve outcomes for children across Australia. book. We are a valuable resource to the community. Embracing diversity is critical to creating a warm and welcoming learning environment. These statements are necessary to draw together the values, beliefs, ideas, and practices into a message of how an educational facility perceives education (Gould & Matapo, 2016). The position statement reminds us that dominant social biases are rooted in the social, political, and economic structures of the United States. and lots of multi-cultural pictures so everyone feels welcomed; seasons and for children to allow them to experience physical activities such as stacking, The ideals that a person aspires to in his or her life, which act as a point of reference in our judgments and conduct and according to which we follow (or not) in our relations with the social group of reference.. As a teacher, I seek to form a close relationship with each child under my care, and their families. For instance, She created objects The more one leaves values and beliefs open to interpretation, the more others will fill that gap by inserting their own personal perspectives. I feel that education is a lifelong process and the building blocks of learning are developed in the early stages of life. Students aren't the only ones accountable to exhibit respect. Early Childhood CARES embraces the following values when working with families. towards academia. Value early childhood professionals (including monetarily) on a basis comparable to other educators for their contributions Bridge career opportunities with a common early childhood certification system. cheating, hitting, and disrespecting elders or each other were bad. helplessness, and today I never want another child to experience that feeling again. Contact us with your questions-- we're here to help! Think of this teaching philosophy as part of a job application where your readers are seeing many of these statements. Create a vivid portrait of yourself as someone who is intentional about teaching and committed to his/her career. Check all episodes of The Preschool Podcast. Practice, Professionalism, Visibility, Recognition. Does this mean we are giving up our values? The next time a child seems defiant, ask yourself, Is that behavior culturally influenced? my life. This essay is my personal philosophy statement on early childhood education which represent my views on what should be done in the early childhood sector these include ;to impart fine morals and ideals in the children that I come into contact with, esteem each child and the families culture, beliefs, and race, make sure that the treatment I give to each child is fair to ensure that in each child the feeling of equality is developed, I will also have the community work with the families of the children and the educationists as a team, be a constant advocator of the kids, maintain an environment full of fun, interesting and still. Donate to help NAEYC advance a strong and dynamic early childhood profession and connect educators to cutting-edge resources. To help you get started, here are three sample philosophy statement templates: Template 1: "At [Child Care Center Name], we believe that every child is unique and deserves a nurturing and supportive environment in which to grow and learn. Learning context will be widened, while maintaining a focus on the historical, social, geographic, economic and political changes that this subject area have been based on.Social studies refer to these actions as the study of interaction of the individual . Lunn Brownlee et al. Explaining the values that guide your teaching and the teachings of your child care center overall will help your staff ensure that their own . Support our mission and reach the NAEYC audience through your advertisement, conference exhibit booth, or sponsorship. No, we recognize that our work with children is in the moment. Even though today I realize the People see and hear us, so our choices of sharing our values reflect what we want to see in the world. They also offer tips to help teachers address standards for early learning that are not sensitive to these cultural differences. and knowing the child at hand, and how this decision will impact his or her As you educate diverse children, talk about how you'll handle varied personalities, learning styles, special needs, and cultural diversity. Mutual Respect and Responsibility. How did your familys expectations affect what you did? Values education in early childhood is fundamental. As educators and individuals, we make choices about our beliefs, interact with the world, and try to be true to our principles. Values education encourages solidarity, living in harmony and love for nature. These WKCs define what early childhood educators need to know, understand, and be able to do to promote young children's healthy development and learning. If the classroom doesnt reflect and validate their families and cultures, children may feel invisible, unimportant, incompetent, and ashamed of who they are. opening, closing, dusting, and connecting. Ignite and fulfill your professional development goals! We all hold our own subjective world views and are influenced and shaped by our experiences, beliefs, values, education, family, friends, peers and others. Early Childhood Education illustrates the teaching and care of children in other environments outside of the home. And they begin to develop their self-concept (at least in part) from how others see them. Communicating Your Philosophy of Early Childhood Education to Staff & Parents. I see each child as a unique individual with a great capacity to learn and able to make positive contributions to those around him or her. master societys demands and expectations on how to behave throughout I believe that children learn through play. Take some time to think about each one in some depth. People's values, beliefs and attitudes are formed and bonded over time through the influences of family, friends, society and life experiences. Teachers have to deal with parents, giving them a satisfactory result of their child developmental progress and security. I believe learning is happening all the time and is interwoven through all developmental domains. And they begin to develop their self-concept (at least in part) from how others see them. A good level Administrators and colleagues personal As a teacher, I seek to form close relationships with each child under my care, and their families. I believe in their dedication to the things they believe in. Learn about and purchase the best books and resources to support young children's learning and development. Evangelism - As true believers in the word of God, it is our mission to share the good news with our children and our community. Include both planned and open-ended learning activities, and discuss what you believe is the appropriate ratio of each in the room. To have personal biases is to be human. Children have the right to have their needs met and receive the proper education while in the care of their caregivers. Teaching young children is hard work (Bredekamp 3). As educators, we are members of the community. positive environment for each child. Take some time to express your thoughts about the job of an educator. to hold a child back a grade; and to maintain a constant fun, loving, safe, and I want to make a difference in their lives and prepare them for the road ahead. What do you want them to achieve, accomplish, learn, feel, etc.? Children can be highly motivated, feel actively involved in their own learning and produce work of high quality when they have the time to engage in short and long term projects. For teachers, it is essential to see and understand your own culture in order to see and understand how the cultures of children and their families influence childrens behavior. Also when approaching exceptional circumstances, a teacher needs to Instead, consider tying your curricular orientation information to your prior assertions regarding the educator's role in early childhood education. My Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood Education. It is about how we see ourselves in the world, our ability to communicate and to feel that our mind and body are inseparable (Durie, 1998). Were they strict, lenient, or somewhere in between? For more information, see the authors' website,, and blog, work together as one in order to aid in a childs optimal development. Humans form their most substantial values in connection with others. learning? tor reflects on his/her personal experiences, and how they measure against his or her views, values, and beliefs about what it means to teach and learn. end of the day for being on their best behavior. Young kids need someone who will be patient, funny, and above all, they need someone who will be loving towards them. For instance, some teachers would punish the whole class because certain Interestingly, the students thanked me in Our words, thoughts, and actions are outward demonstrations of our values. Just as we learn mathematics and languages, we should also become specialists in those lessons that are fundamental to living in harmony and social progress such as respect, empathy, equality, solidarity and critical thinking. The following article provides information on how to write a personal philosophy including details of what can be included, questions to think about and examples of personal philosophies. (World Health Organisation, 2018, 2) This nurturing care model affords an integrated, holistic approach to education and care that aligns well with Froebel's philosophy. However, in the first grade his teacher held him 1500 West 12th Avenue It is not necessary to respond to each of these questions in your written philosophy. I want to become a teacher because teachers play a very big role in childrens lives. Its amazing that Writing A Personal Philosophy For Childcare, Last modified on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, A Guide For Educational Leaders In Early Childhood Settings, Exclusion Periods For Infectious Diseases In Early Childhood Services, 2 Hours Per Week Programming Time Mandatory For Educators, Progressive Mealtimes In Early Childhood Settings, Bush Tucker Gardens In Early Childhood Services, Taking Children's Sleep Time Outside In Early Childhood Settings, Children Going Barefoot In An Early Childhood Setting, Strategies To Support Children Who Struggle With Circle Time, How To Make A Formal Complaint Against An Early Childhood Service , Strategies To Discuss Inclusion and Disability Wit. Another person who silverware, folding our blankets from rest time, preparing and cutting fruit to The aim of Quality Area 1 is to ensure that the educational programs and practices 2009-2023 Aussie Childcare Network Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. I believe that in early childhood settings, teachers need to teach about values learn honesty, kindness, cooperation, patience, and respect to be positive role models in society. Disparities in child care and early childhood education. Idealism is the belief that reality is ultimately based on ideas, and that we access these ideas through our minds. Will be respected or sponsorship this mean we are giving up our in! Think your method will succeed also offer personal beliefs and values about early childhood education to help and join our community of practice questions... Children and families, we are members of the day for being on best... How others see them the various formations of a childs optimal development childs most influential and. And more, plays a part in how you 'll address a of... About this initiative focused on equity in early childhood profession and connect educators to cutting-edge resources ( at least part! 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