The elevated incidence within this population might also reflect differences in reliance on shared transportation, limited access to running water, household size, and other factors that might facilitate community transmission. The description: One year on from the start of Deb Haaland's historic term as America's first Indigenous Interior Secretary, Native political watchers give their insights into the major issues likely to make waves in 2022. Only 175 out of the more than 300 native languages remain today according to the Indigenous Language Institute. In 2020, the rate was significantly more due to shutdowns during the pandemic. This funding included $20 billion in emergency funding to help Tribal governments rebuild economies devastated by the pandemic. Thanks for very thorough overview! By prioritizing Tribes in all of our economic recovery and development efforts, the Administration is laying the foundation for robust Tribal economies, making health care more accessible, expanding early childhood education, modernizing infrastructure, and advancing climate resilience. Coupled with this apparent contempt for Native culture is the exploitation of it. Online resources, such as SAMHSAs list of Behavioral Health Services for American Indians and Alaskan Natives, is a definite help for those who dont know where to turn. Elevating Native American Voices. Efforts have been made by the communities to safeguard natural resources and protect the environment. It is also predicted that without any measure set up to salvage the remaining languages about 20 will be left by 2050. Agencies generally agreed but have not yet fully implemented all of them. In September of 2021, the national unemployment rate fell to 4.8 from 5.8 compared to June 2021 (Native Americans rate was 8.5), showing that people are finding more job opportunities now that things are beginning to settle. Many Native people on reservations are unable to register to vote. GAO has also identified such challenges and made a total of 41 recommendations in its 2018, 2019, and 2021 reports. Investments in the Build Back Better Plan would bring record funding for Tribes in the areas of child care and preschool programs. In addition, in June 2021, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced a Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative, a comprehensive review of the troubled legacy of federal boarding school policies. If you watch the news you'll see headlines about mascots, celebrities wearing headdresses, and pipelines. 3 Native Events Included in ABAs Top 100 Events Countdown to 2023 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow, Native Americans Nominated for Webby Awards. With Tribal consultation and input from knowledge holders and practitioners, the Administration will develop a guidance document for federal agencies on how the collection and application of such knowledge can be mutually beneficial to Tribes, Native communities, and federal agencies and can strengthen evidence-based analysis and informed decision-making across the federal government. Native American languages are gradually becoming obsolete. The proposed withdrawal will not apply to Individual Indian Allotments or to minerals within the area owned by private, state, and Tribal entities. In recent news, Indigenous people have flocked to the White House to help lead protests that urge President Biden to end fossil fuel projects and to declare a climate emergency. Within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2022, UNESCO highlighted that discrimination continues to affect indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples in Latin America. Despite the hardship and grief, there were many inspirational stories among Native communities in the newsproving that their bond and perseverance remain strong no matter what. Native American tribal elders died at an alarming rate in 2020, dissolving knowledge, language, and connection. Still, there is some hope on this front at least;Voxhas reported that an especially high turnout within Arizonas Navajo Nation may have helped to clinch Bidens win in the state. The President also signed an executive order promoting access to voting, leveraging the resources of the federal government to expand citizens opportunities to register to vote and to learn about, and participate in, the electoral process. Numerous federal programs are working to increase broadband access on tribal lands. Only 19 percent of Native Americans ages 18 to 24 are enrolled in college compared with 41 percent of the overall U.S. population, according to the Postsecondary National Policy Institute. I am concerned over the attacks on the Indian Child Welfare Act that might be overturned by a rightwing Supreme Court!!! We testified about efforts to implement the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. University of Kansas returning Native American remains October 18, 2022 LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) The University of Kansas has begun the process of returning Native American remains and other sacred objects that were recently discovered in its museum collections, the university said. The American Rescue Plan included $19 million in supplemental grant funding to ensure the survival and continued vitality of Native American languages. For the past 500 years, Native Americans have faced genocide, dislocation, and various forms of physical, mental, and social abuse. A Navajo photographer and his daughters took the "jingle dress" dance on a journey across the country to bring spiritual healing and bring attention to indigenous issues. While 28% of the general population holds a college degree, only 13% of Native Americans have a college degree. The living conditions of some Native Americans have also been compared to those in third-world countries. To help broaden opportunities for Native children, President Biden issued an executive order advancing education equity, excellence and economic opportunity for Native Americans, pledging to expand opportunities for students to learn their Native languages, histories, and cultural practices; promote indigenous learning through the use of traditional ecological knowledge; and promote education opportunities that prepare Native American students for college, careers, and productive and satisfying lives. These Tribes are distinct political entities whose inherent sovereignty predates the United States and is reflected in their government-to-government relationship with the U.S. government. Publicly Released: Jan 03, 2022. Advancing Educational Equity for Native Children. However, the report notes that more work is needed, especially to repatriate more than 116,000 Native American human remains still in collections, of which 95 percent have not been culturally affiliated. Multiple federal and tribal agencies are involved in regulating development of these resources and distributing royalty payments. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pow Wows are one of the best ways to connect with your ancestral heritage and celebrate Native American culture. Sacred Sites Memorandum of Understanding. In November 2021, the Departments of Education, Health and Human Service, and the Interior entered into a MOA that promotes the protection of Native languages through the establishment of a Native Language Working Group. Just 17% of Native American students continue their education after high school compared to 60% of the U.S. population, according to data from thePostsecondary National Policy Institute. Native American languages are gradually becoming obsolete. The STAC will facilitate intergovernmental discussions, serving as a forum for open dialogue between high-level DOI leadership and bureau officials with elected Tribal representatives. Only 175 out of the more than 300 native languages remain today according to the, . Did you know that in 2019, suicide was the second leading cause of death for American Indian/Alaska Natives between the ages of 10 and 34? This health care disparity has led to high rates of obesity, diabetes, HIV/AIDS. My e-mail is thank you. , and individuals on social media help bring awareness and put a stop to the harmful actions which the government and big organizations have allowed. "I run because my ancestors gave me this ability," Haaland wrote. High Country News shares six important things we should know about this bill. Tribal treaties are not readily accessible to federal employees. Only 175 out of the more than 300 native languages remain today according to the Indigenous Language Institute. He has taken executive action revoking the Keystone XL pipeline permit; restoring protections to the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments, Arctic waters and the Bering Sea, and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; and prioritizing environmental justice. Since 2008, the. The President has nominated a historic number of Native Americans to Senate confirmed positions and there are already 52 Native Americans serving in political positions, including Natives in 1 in 5 appointments at the Department of the Interior (DOI). In the past 10 years, more than 400 indigenous women and girls were reported missing in Wyoming, according to the reportwhy have we not heard of them? Teaching and LEARNING, is the best TOOLS to do. The MOA promotes collaboration on programming, resource development, and policy related to Native languages. Bob Wheeler, Plz help me & my bro. The Biggest Issues Facing the Native American Community Right Now November 12, 2020 Written by DiversityInc Staff Some of the challenges Indigenous Peoples face like derogatory sports mascots and natural resource exploitation have made the headlines lately, but many remain underreported. As a therapist born and raised on a Navajo Reservation in Blue Canyon, Ariz., Segay is keenly aware of the unique needs of assisting these communities in culturally sensitive ways. Thankfully, many people are working to raise awareness of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) through media outlets, social media, and political campaigns, and there are various ways individuals can get involved. Currently, over a third of American Indians live on largely concentrated reservations with over 700,000 inhabitants. On Feb. 14, National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) President Fawn Sharp delivered the annual State of Indian Nations Address at the NCAI 2022 Executive Council Winter Session. Federal agencies have worked to repair damaged infrastructure in Alaska Native villages, and build their resilience to environmental threats. Federal agencies have implemented all of GAO's 2010 recommendations for improving the implementation of NAGPRA. Native American Issues: Federal Agency Efforts and Challenges Repatriating Cultural Items GAO-22-105685 Published: Feb 02, 2022. Mostly, the development of houses on reservations is attributed to underfunding by the federal government. Some issues are completely unique to Native peoples, tribal governments, and nations. Cases of missing or murdered Indigenous women persist nationwide, but without more comprehensive case data in federal databases, the full extent of the problem is unknown. Heard on All Things Considered. Eighty-four percent of Native women report having experienced violence at some point in their lives according to theDepartment of Justice. For example, South Dakota has about a 49 percent rate while Oklahoma has a percent. The President has also nominated numerous Native Americans to federal boards and commissions. Tribal Treaty Rights Memorandum of Understanding. It is obvious though, that Native individuals and communities are strong and resilient, and that they continue to lead, fight, and heal no matter what comes their way. Native American activists are doing their part to be heard so that their future language will be heard for many more years to come. ), Erosion and thawing permafrost undermine the land beneath homes in Newtok, Alaska, Tribal Funding: Actions Needed to Improve Information on Federal Funds That Benefit Native Americans, Alaska Native Issues: Federal Agencies Could Enhance Support for Native Village Efforts to Address Environmental Threats, Tribal Epidemiology Centers: HHS Actions Needed to Enhance Data Access, Native American Issues: Federal Agency Efforts and Challenges Repatriating Cultural Items, Small Business Administration: Steps Taken to Verify Tribal Recognition for 8(a) Program, Missing or Murdered Indigenous Women: New Efforts Are Underway but Opportunities Exist to Improve the Federal Response, COVID-19: Lessons Learned from Interior and Treasury's Administration of CARES Act Funds Could Improve Federal Emergency Relief to Tribes, Indian Education: Schools Need More Assistance to Provide Distance Learning, Native American Cultural Resources: Improved Information Could Enhance Agencies' Efforts to Analyze and Respond to Risks of Theft and Damage, Indian Health Service: Actions Needed to Improve Oversight of Provider Misconduct and Substandard Performance, EPA Grants to Tribes: Additional Actions Needed to Effectively Address Tribal Environmental Concerns, Tribal Broadband: FCC Should Take Efforts to Promote Tribal Access to Spectrum. Unfortunately in 2021, missing and murdered women and girls of other races, especially Caucasian, continue to gain more news coverage than that of a Native woman or girl. The Native Americans dropout rate is twice the nations average and is more than any other U.S racial or ethnic group. A small Massachusetts museum had about 150 items considered sacred by the Sioux. Places such as social media platforms are bringing more awareness to mental health challenges within Native communities. Many treat Native Americans as ancient people whose cultures are no longer relevant. Sacred land in Virginia will be returned to the Rappahannock Tribe. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland will be in attendance at the celebration. But the Center's strategic goals do not clearly state what is to be achieved or, Federal agencies are required by law to provide a variety of programs and services to tribes and their members. These health disparities have nothing to do with any predispositions inherent in Native American people, but rather alackof health resources, funding and culturally competent care allotted to their communities. , suicide was the second leading cause of death for American Indian/Alaska Natives between the ages of 10 and 34? While these are important issues, there are other problems facing Native communities that are more significant. Sarah. Challenges that Native people face are experienced socially, economically, culturally, and on many other fronts, and include but aren't limited to: There are currently 574 tribes that are recognized by the federal government, which are faced with these ongoing issues. Unfortunately in 2021, missing and murdered women and girls of other races, especially Caucasian, continue to gain more news coverage than that of a Native woman or girl. Hollywood has seen a proliferation of authentic, Indigenous stories, ushering in a new age of Native American representation both on screen and behind the camera. Your email address will not be published. Native Language Memorandum of Agreement. The law will establish Native American voting task forces. "Over the past decade, U.S. foundation support benefiting Native Americans declined from 0.5% to 0.3% of total foundation giving," states a 2011 report from Foundation Funding for Native American Issues and Peoples . Stay informed as we add new reports & testimonies. The Biden-Harris Administration issued a memorandum recognizing Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge as one of the important bodies of knowledge that contributes to the scientific, technical, social, and economic advancements of our nation. A 2015 report said the schools were a component of "cultural genocide.". Preserving indigenous languages is crucial, it means identity. Only 19 percent of Native Americans ages 18 to 24 are enrolled in college compared with 41 percent of the overall U.S. population, according to the, Efforts are being taken state-wide and nationally to increase the graduation rate among Native Americans, offer equal access to. Chaco cultural sites were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 and are one of only 24 such sites in the United States. "Fire is an important part of our community," said Redbird Willie, a land. To elevate the voices of Native Americans in the Administration, President Biden restored the White House Council on Native American Affairs (WHCNAA) earlier this year and has fostered an all-of-government approach to working on Native issues. President Biden tasked the DOJ, DOI, and DHS with addressing specific law enforcement issues, as well as providing support for Tribal Nations to implement Tribally-centered responses. Jan. 21, 2022 WASHINGTON The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide a question left open by its landmark 2020 decision declaring that much of eastern Oklahoma falls within an Indian reservation. Due to the high poverty rate among the Native Americans, many live in overcrowded and poor conditioned houses on Indian reservations. Hundreds of thousands of Indigenous children over the span of 150 years were taken from their families and made to live in U.S. boarding schools. OSU has hired Indian law experts to advise on this indexing process. Creation of First-Ever Housing and Urban Development Tribal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee. Native American Issues: Federal Agency Efforts and Challenges Repatriating Cultural Items GAO-22-105685 Published: Feb 02, 2022. By Terry Tang, AP. IHS. In the U.S.,1 in 3Native Americans are living in poverty, with the average individual earning a median income of just $23,000 a year. The MOU sets a timeline of 180 days for signatories to report back to the WHCNAA on their progress for strengthening the protection of Tribal treaty rights. The Native Americans, a diverse race of people, are subjected to racial abuse, societal discrimination, incorrect and inappropriate depictions in the media and arts, mental, spiritual, and physical violence, and much more. On some reservations, Native American women are murdered at a rate, 10 times more than the nations average. WASHINGTON, June 29 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday dramatically increased the power of states over Native American tribes and undercut its own 2020 ruling that had expanded. National Center for Educational Statistics. Students will learn about today's WAMPANOAG PEOPLE, the Native American tribe who interacted with the Pilgrims at Plymouth nearly 400 years ago. 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