\hline \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ Marketers also study patterns of co-purchasing, such as when skis are purchased or rented with boots, snowsuits, lift tickets, hotel rooms, and cocoa. C. $75,000 A market segment is a group of customers who share similar inclinations towards a brand. Those important weights underpin how segments of customers differ. C. There is a belief that sales promotion can be over used by too much frequency, resulting in a decrease in brand equity. B. Research indicates that the average Canadian household redeems approximately _____ percent of the coupons they receive in a year. A. D. cost-plus. His boss indicates that with complicated business purchases, it's not one person making the decision and that each purchase involves different roles. D. A sales promotion works best when its theme is not an integrated part of the organization's marketing communications. Meet actual demand. E. all of the above. Premiums Choose one answer. D. In-store coupons for $1.00 off Miracle Whip, 33. D. consumers may think it is of poor quality since samples are being given away, 42. B. Ingredient-sponsored cooperative advertising a. Asymmetric idea b. Price: Will customers pay what you would like to charge? C. Bonus packs, trade allowances, and slotting fees C. integrated dyadic communications If a brand is strong on one attribute and average on another, it will still dominate a brand that was just average on all its attributes. C. Sweepstakes This is an example of: Distribution deals with realigning the discrepancies between quantities and selections. A. Price-off deals The "Intel Inside" logo which appears on many computers is an example of: is a form of multi-size expansion that allows the company to retain some control without complete ownership of capital expenditure. D. encourage retailers to use Eastern Canadian's planograms, 24. Governance costs are those costs associated with coordinating and controlling the members in the channel. C. Coupons distributed through freestanding inserts in newspapers Retailers argue they are justified because there are costs associated with taking on a new product, such as entering the product into the computer and finding warehouse space. D. Trade promotions, 29. $1.10 They will typically be somewhat price sensitive. MolsonCoors's heavy financial involvement with and support of freestyle skiing competitions, beach volleyball tournaments, and other sporting events is an example of: C. maturity In sampling the researcher selects a sample of respondents from an available population of similar respondents for collecting data. Examples of leadership activities that support conceptual leadership include all of the following EXCEPT: Arts & Humanities Writing Creative Writing EARLY CHIL EC350. D. pull money. What is the total cost of the coupon promotion to Uncle Ben's? This can be viewed as a supply-based strategy that is focused on sales, distribution and promotion that directly leads to a sale. Situation analysis (e.g., Internal factors such as Strengths & Weaknesses; External factors such as Opportunities &Threats analysis) C. Orange Crush. D. the payoff is larger. The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises several different data types that allow it to store different types of information What is Structured Query Language (SQL)? The advantage of online surveys is _______. Clydesdale Corporation has a cumulative temporary difference related to depreciation of $580,000 at December 31, 2017. Let's make more money: A company can state sales objectives in terms of currency, market share, units, change from last year or quarter, region, and investments made toward current sales - the philosophy underlying return on investment (ROI), return of marketing (ROM) or return on quality initiatives (ROQ). D. Rebates and refunds, 18. C. Horizontal cooperative advertising Bonus packs B. self-liquidating premium C. permit a brand to obtain prominent place where high traffic occurs. A. A. vertical cooperative advertising _____ is a recent development whereby companies are customizing their sale promotion programs for key retailers. A. coupon C. 24% Which of the following is a reasonable objective for consumer-oriented sales promotions? Consumer product companies are launching fewer new products each year. B. price-off deal Manufacturers are spending more money on media advertising. A free tube of Colgate toothpaste in a box of Life cereal A. 8. _____ occurs at venues such as concerts, cultural festivals, and at a brand's marketing activities. A. event marketing Additional managerial commitment required No scanner data are prevalent for businesses. D. The growing power of retailers and their demands for sales performance. 16. An appliance manufacturer offers a $50 payment to salespeople who work at Culligan's Appliance if they sell one of the company's new refrigerators. Using the scale of 1 (not very important) to 7 (extremely important), participants rate the same categories again (water sports, meals included, available excursions, nice rooms and good quality for money). D. car, 63. B. Vertical cooperative advertising They distributed 1,000,000 promotional packages, at a cost of $20,000 for design and production. 88. New usage suggestions Cash cow: products in low growth markets but with high relative market share (milk) A. can really only be accomplished through advertising A. a slotting fee. Which of the following statements about the slotting allowances charged by many retailers is true? B. Let's redefine our position: A company can redefine its position with a product by building new product sales, building product category, or building brand equity. Sampling for a product such as expensive skin cream that is designed to reduce wrinkles over a long period of time might not be feasible because: C. A rebate award A 50-cents off coupon on a box of Minute Rice to encourage repurchase. D. rebate. Initiator: an administrative assistant who notices a printer in the office frequently needs repairs. B. Coupons Networks to study collaborators Focus groups for concept testing The following costs were incurred during the companys first year of operations: During the year, the company produced 25,000 units and sold 20,000 units. C. Location sampling D) Ensure that the audit firm is independent. C. definition of business rules and organizational policies incorporated into the. 4. A. joint sales promotions B. 79. B. bounce-back A. baby stroller Growth: Sales/Revenues & profit margins rise as consumers buy the product and competition increases, & due to shakeout poor performing firms may exit the market. 5Cs: Gray market conflict is unauthorized buying and selling among channel partners. A. Which of the following statements about the coordination of advertising and sales promotion efforts is true? \hline 230.67 & 17.90 & 40.17 & 43.91 & 4.60 \\ 3. Trade sales promotions have a better track record than pull strategies. 112. B. The two approaches are the attribute-based approach and multidimensional scaling (MDS). Sampling and rebates Marketing information should be gathered constantly, STP: D. is really not very important given the prolonged economic prosperity that Canadians have enjoyed. Development of strategic alternatives Convenience purchases: Staples (standard, frequently consumed goods such as bread or gas) and impulse purchases (candy or National Enquirer available near the check-out stand). Conjoint for new products C. subsidized Sampling through the mail Positioning studies are used to understand how customers view a business in the marketplace. C. build an Eastern Canadian brand identity and image Targeting: Attracting some of those customers makes better sense than going after others. A recent study of coupon redemption patterns found that: A. increase the market share of an established brand B. is an effort to influence consumer perception of a brand or product relative to the perception of competing brands or products. Segments are homogenous groups of customers. Which of the following is NOT an advantage inherent in the use of coupons as a sales promotion tool? Nordica provides sales personnel in ski shops with training classes, detailed manuals, and other tools to help them better understand how to sell the company's ski boots. A strategy in which a firm increases demand for its products and draws (pulls) consumers to the product. D. transference charging, 98. \text { Actual machine hours for March } & 610,000 & C. more effort is required. 49. D. There is no general number associated with coupon redemption. D. Mail-in refunds and rebates, 57. C. to set direction. C. Sponsorship of the local Easter parade A. A. slotting fees Descriptive: Surveys and scanner data are used to obtain large-scale stats. Fewer clusters means greater heterogeneity within a cluster. D. cross-sell, 61. Type of Firm includes non-profits, retailers, hospitals, degree of formality and centralization. Customers pull goods through the channel, while intermediaries push the goods to consumers from the manufacturer. D. magazines, 55. VALS (values and lifestyles) is a popular tool for segmenting using psychographic data. Positioning studies and perceptual maps are closely related to this marketing research technique. Segmentation: Customers aren't all the same; they vary in their preferences, needs, and resources. A. Spiffs B. consumers purchase more on the basis of price, value, and convenience than brand. A. consumer franchise-building promotion B. A third method of redefining our position is by place (channels) which includes determining appropriate channels, multi-channels, lower cost channel interactions, and deciding whether to outsource functions to channel partners. Multidimensional scaling for perpetual mapping, targeting and positioning Prepare an income statement for the year. B. most coupons are redeemed immediately following the initial coupon drop They distributed 1,000,000 promotional packages, at a cost of $20,000 for design and production. 77. An end-of-aisle display The retailer was engaged in: Why are organizations like McDonald's, Wendy's, and Labatt placing more emphasis on sales promotions than ever before? A. Which of the following statements about on-package sampling is NOT true? D. handling costs. B. The preliminary engagement activities include all of the following except: A) Determine the audit engagement team requirements. 15. C. Premiums Marketers have to be certain that the attribute helps to determine customer needs and preferences and is not a simplistic stereotype. B. horizontal cooperative advertising Loyalty programs An in/on package coupon that is redeemable for a future purchase of the same brand is known as a(n) _____ coupon. Sampling through the media D. Event marketing, 105. Which of the following sales promotion techniques would be most effective for generating excitement or interest in a brand? C. A bonus jar of Hellmann's Mayonnaise, offering 1 L for the price of 750 mL. Firms can increase profits by decreasing costs. This can be a very costly sampling method, particularly for multiproduct companies. Effective Segmentation allows access to customers B. slotting fee D. bonus pack, 66. Probability sampleImplies the probability of selecting any respondent from the population into the sample is known D. contests; rebates, 72. Which of the following sales promotion techniques is impacted negatively by the presence of professionals or hobbyists who take advantage of the promotion without making a purchase? Optimize cost-efficiency. Tailoring Strategy: Customizing For Segments. 7. C. Seasonality of purchase and length of promotion A. Consumers do not want to be bothered saving cash register receipts and proofs of purchase. Which of the following would be the best example of a premium offer that contributes to consumer-franchise building efforts for a brand? A week into implementing these marketing activities, Colins phone starts ringing, as retailers and distributors inquire about stocking the product at their stores. Which of the following developments have resulted in a transfer of power from manufacturers to retailers? E. Planning eliminates the need for effective leadership. D. a spiff. B. decline C. frequent patronage programs 0-$5001$2022-$X3$1964$3505$451, Brian's boss is explaining the concept of buying centers in B2B marketing. B. A. retailer power Legitimate power ("I'm a Great Dane, and you're a Chihuahua"). A. Vertical cooperative advertising D. joint trade promotions, 110. They predict that the redemption rate will be 5%. Exploratory: Focus groups and interviews are used to formulate marketing questions. A. Price-off deals Niches fall between the one-to-one and segment strategies. D. The prime time evenings that attract the biggest percentage of the brand's target market, 38. C. Large companies with popular brands are the most likely to have to pay slotting allowances. _____ is generally considered the most effective method for generating trial of a new product. D. sales promotion trap, 22. What is the cost per coupon redeemed to Uncle Ben's? A survey estimates that approximately ________ of consumer purchase decisions are unplanned, i.e. B. is accomplished through short-term price-oriented promotions 92. A. sweepstakes and contests Five Paradise Island, Bahamas Resort Hotels combining efforts to sponsor an "It's better in the Bahamas" ad campaign, is an example of: is a diagrammatic technique used by asset marketers that attempts to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. B. to maintain trade support for established brands. A. to obtain distribution and support for new products. C. induces one-time trial purchase of a brand for which there is low awareness The company applies factory overhead to jobs on the basis of machine hours in Factory 1 and on the basis of direct labor hours in Factory 2. Establish an effective distribution network. Horizontal conflict is among partners at the same level. Coupons, bonus packs, premiums, and samples are promotional offers that are targeted toward: 7. B. Why can on- or in-pack incentive programs like Pepsi Points or iCoke Rewards be problematic for brands? The downstream partners that help a company reach consumers comprise the channel members; they provide the way to channel merchandise to the customer. C. spiffs Sampling and rebates Consumers must pay the manufacturer's out-of-pocket costs for a _____ premium. B. the face value of the coupon redeemed Examples include country, area of country, culture, climate, and urban vs. rural. C. On-package samples can be distributed by attaching them to products not made by the distributing company. D. Rebates are increasing in popularity among both manufacturers and retailers. In order to provide an incentive to a current user to purchase Breton instead of other cracker brands while the consumer is shopping for crackers, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Dare? C. Self-liquidating sampling Moderate customer involvement: Some effort is expended prior to purchase to obtain good value. 3. Sampling A. 78. B. reflects the overall quality of the product and is consistent with its image and positioning Some push oriented activities include advertisements to partners, selective distribution, sales force incentives, price discounts, quantity discounts, financing typically directed at the intermediary, and allowances for marketing activities. The primary distinction between segmenting businesses and consumers is that the data sources tend to be different. Companies such as ____ manufacturers with wide product lines use cross-ruff coupons to encourage consumers to try other products or brands. A. A portion of the data is shown in the accompanying table. Psychological /Psychographic variables are harder to identify but may be more insightful in determining customer needs and preferences. A. encourage consumers to buy on the basis of price B. C. high-involvement sales promotion B. trade discounts C. Image advertising The building or reinforcement of consumer-franchise or equity for a brand: \hline 230.67 & 19.20 & 44.79 & 47.64 & 5.10 \\ Special pricing of 2 packages for $5 instead of the $2.89 regular price C. trade allowance To obtain trial of a new brand D. In-or on-package sampling, 43. B. \text{0} & \text{1} & \text{2} & \text{3} & \text{4} & \text{5}\\ C. Contests and sweepstakes Simple random sampleWhen every population element (e.g., a person) has an equal chance of being included in the sample Which one of the following is NOT a stage in the Product Life Cycle? A pull marketing strategy, also called a pull promotional strategy, refers to a strategy in which a firm aims to increase the demand for its products and draw (pull) consumers to the product. A. newspaper freestanding inserts (FSIs) D. Most users of direct mail coupons are non-users, 56. C. Account-specific marketing 2. C. are not an effective way of loading consumers with a product and reducing their susceptibility to a competitor's promotional offer. which customers might like their product, and how to get the product into their hands. Example: the survey rating is 1 (not as good as others) to 7 (better than others). B. to ensure results. When New Balance sponsors a campaign advertising the availability of its running shoes at Foot Locker stores, this is an example of _____ advertising. to a company attempting to a C. Consumer switching behaviour is curtailed. C. maturity stage Network methods to identify opinion leaders in buzz marketing. 4. Which of the following promotions is targeted toward the trade rather than consumers? Understanding power structure and handling conflict are important to channel success. Uncle Ben's Rice attached a $1-off coupon to the outside of their packaging. D. On-package sampling. Lynch Company manufactures and sells a single product. Consumer-oriented sales promotions are part of a promotional ______ strategy. ________ is an exchange between a firm and its customers. Interviews to study company's employees b. c. organizing neighborhood watch programs d. changing the delivery of police services c One hazard of citizen patrols is the possibility of a. volunteerism. B. D. promotional allowances, 93. A. C. advertising subsidies Using focus groups is an exploratory and descriptive technique where eight to ten consumers discuss products and competitors' products. Brand equity includes awareness, positive brand associations, brand preference, trial, repeat, brand loyalty and brand love. D. Mail-in premiums offer immediate reinforcement to the purchaser. A. sweepstakes; contest Nonprobability sampleA sample drawn due to specific research considerations and/or the researcher's judgement (a shopping mall-intercept survey). Firms can also increase profits by increasing revenue. What do customers really want if they can't have all the features and a low price? 4. B. contest; sweepstakes The sales promotion tool that critics contend is most guilty of detracting from brand equity and at the same time being detrimental to a brand franchise is: In positioning, the marketing department creates an image for the product based on its intended audience. Clustering methods use survey data to group observations (individuals) that are most similar into a cluster (group). is when one party can make another party do something by taking away benefits or inflicting punishment on the other party. C. spiffs C. Sweepstakes Brian's boss is explaining the concept of buying centers in B2B marketing. C. Supermarkets now carry an average of 30,000 products compared to 13,000 in 1982. Sampling Trade allowances are detracting from the image of the retailers who carry their brands. Which of the following statements describes how brand equity is affected by the increased role of sales promotion? \text { Estimated machine hours for year } & 600,000 & \\ Which of the following statements does NOT correctly describe the relationship between building brand equity and sales promotion? Examples of pull oriented activities include consumer-directed advertising, wide distribution, coupons, rebates, loyalty points, price discounts, quantity discounts, and free samples. Retailers justify slotting allowances by pointing to the costs associated with taking on a new product. Some measures on a dashboard would include sales, profit margins, market share, employee satisfaction, and customer satisfaction. Decline: Many competitors & remaining firms serve the smaller customer base. Unfortunately, this approach . D. Bonus packs. The following are illustrative examples of a push . D. trade promotions; consumer promotions, 12. Forward buying 89. A limitation of this sampling method is that the sample is distributed only to purchasers of the carrier brand. Many attempts at one-to-one marketing have been cost ineffective. B. a rebate D. Discount trading, 99. D. event sponsorship, 47. The contest or sweepstakes offer may overshadow the brand. A. Retailers are not justified in charging slotting allowances since most new products are successful. C. assist consumers to experience the brand directly C. 40 95. Sales promotions do not contribute to the erosion of brand equity. Perishabilityservices cannot be stored and hence matching supply with demand is critical. Critics argue that trade promotions generally result in higher brand equity. B. Contests C. Coupons are often used by consumers who already use the brand and would purchase it without a coupon. D. To enhance advertising and marketing efforts, 31. Price is the final method to redefine our position, by determining which identity serves the company best: high price or low with correlated quality implications. Kraft is concerned that families consume Miracle Whip only on sandwiches, using a tablespoon or two at a time. -Collect data Sampling would be an appropriate promotional strategy to do each of the following EXCEPT: D. decline stage, 114. A. Some firms have found that the response they get to their online sales promotions is better than response they get to traditional sales promotions. With reference to the illustration above, for example, a production company runs marketing campaigns directly to consumers. A. Lower cost Channel power/leadership allows control of conflict by domination of the channel by one partner. C. Sampling through the mail 87. Inseparability in services the production and consumption cannot be separated. This is an example of a(n) _____ coupon. 20. A customer compares brands by the most important attributes or dimensions. To integrate advertising and sales promotion programs successfully, different themes should be used for each. Marketing strategy is the link between corporate goals and operational tactics. Door-to-door sampling Scanner data for pricing C. same purchase All of the following are examples of trade-oriented sales promotion activities EXCEPT: 9. D. a joint trade promotion, 111. Which of the following helps to explain the increase in sales promotion activities over the last decade? 2. Sampling through the mail D. Coupons can encourage non-users to try a brand. D. to inspire effort. Over the past decade, the amount of money consumer products firms devote to ______ has been declining while the amount spent on _____ has been increasing. D. Bonus packs, 39. C. sweepstakes; premiums B. 1 According to SS+K, which of the following is both about engaging the audience and discovering opportunities to connect with them? Demographics include company size, account size, market share, and number of employees. Consumers have become more sensitive and responsive to sales promotion for each of the following reasons EXCEPT: Effective Segmentation has profitability potential In the _________ stage of the product life cycle, promotional dollars may be used primarily for advertising to stress differences and keep the brand name in consumers' minds. One problem resulting from the overuse of sales promotion is a decrease in: A. In-store sampling a person may not be retried for the same crime. Because they are easier to enter, _____ attract more entries than _____ and have become a more widely used sales promotion technique. B. Attribute-based Approach: To create a map based on attributes, customers complete a survey. Which of the following promotion tools is less likely to be used when the goal of the marker is to build brand equity? Segmentation is breaking the heterogeneous market into small, homogeneous markets. Typically, a focus group should include _________. Kellogg's is introducing a new brand of breakfast cereal that is high in fibre and targeted at adults between the ages of 25 and 50. 113. C. Mall poster The first question is "How does our hotel rate?" Which of the following is NOT a limitation of rebates? 7. A. Coupons Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the use of contests and sweepstakes? The customer makes two kinds of ratings: How does our company rate on a number of attributes? 52. The best example of word-of-mouth in pull marketing would be the viral videos that have been going around on social media. B. D. same purchase, 60. B. merchandising support Using intermediaries often reduces costs of producing and bringing products to market due to economies of scope and scale. 25. Gillette's market research shows that most consumers decide upon a brand of deodorant at the point-of-purchase rather than before entering the store. _____ is advertising supported by raw materials or component part manufacturers to help establish end products making use of their materials. The use of premiums is very popular in fast food restaurants such as McDonald's. B. sweepstakes; contests The VP says that the person who first kicks off the purchase process is the blank________. C. decline stage Manufacturers can use any of the marketing mix variables to push to partners or encourage pull from consumers. Sampling Effective Segmentation fits with corporate goals This is an example of: are networks of interconnected firms whose activities enable products to be sold and consumers to have easier access to those products. The toy company Hasbro teamed with the retailer Toys R Us to create direct mail booklets offering discounts on Hasbro toys good only at Toys R Us stores. C. is becoming less important to marketers as competition intensifies Observational data to check on competitors \hline Scanner data for pricing and coupon experiments and brand switching A. Which is NOT one of the four classes of goals? D. End-of-aisle display, 101. Forward buying Actors in the distribution channel are manufacturing firms, distributors or wholesalers, retailers, consumers and any other supply chain partners. Once the appropriate number of clusters has been determined, the marketer names each segment by some identifying common characteristic(s). B. Tropicana suspended shipments of its products to a retail store that was taking advantage of promotional deals and then selling the product to other stores in another part of the country. Incentive marketing B. growth stage made in the store. C. sweepstakes C. Retailers have access to data concerning how quickly products turn over, and which products make money. is about defining how you'll "differentiate" your offering and create value for your market. C. Indirect advertising Marketing research gathers those facts through design, collection, interpretation, and reporting of facts. 5. Which of the following is NOT an example of a point-of-purchase display? D. induce trial of a new brand that is clearly superior to the competition, 41. B. pull monies Which of the following types of sales promotions would NOT be used to help in the introduction of a new product? A. B. nonfranchise-building promotion Score227.00230.67230.67STR19.0017.9019.20TSAL44.0140.1744.79INC48.8943.9147.64SGL4.704.605.10. D. Trade allowances are encouraging retailers to stock and promote their products on a regular basis. B. C. The increased emphasis on long term strategy and performance by most companies Uncle Ben's Rice attached a $1-off coupon to the outside of their packaging. B. cross-ruff 5. D. allow a marketer to offer a price reduction to consumers who are price sensitive without having to reduce the price for everyone, 48. _____ is advertising sponsored in common by a group of retailers or other organizations offering a product or service to the market. The selling price of the companys product is $50 per unit. B. Self-liquidating premiums \text { Actual direct labor hours for March } & & 245,000 \\ Participants rate on the following items: water sports, meals included, available excursions, nice rooms and good quality for money. Qualitative: interviews, focus groups, observations, ethnographies C. A free sport bottle with the purchase of a four-pack of Gatorade Marketers refer to a "dashboard" as an analogy for the many indicators of a performance that should be monitored, much like an instrument panel in an automobile. B. direct mail is when one party cooperates with another because the former seeks affiliation with the latter. D. bonus pack, 65. Every marketing decision should be based on facts and information. An effective premium is one that: Pull marketing strategies revolve around getting consumers to want a particular product. Office frequently needs repairs its products and competitors ' products the concept buying. Product is $ 50 per unit selling among channel partners 7 ( better than others to! On media advertising to identify but may be more insightful in determining needs. And centralization & 43.91 & 4.60 \\ 3 turn over, and vs.... By taking away benefits or inflicting punishment on the basis of price, value, and customer.! C. subsidized sampling through the media d. event marketing Additional managerial commitment required No scanner data are used obtain... Will typically be somewhat price sensitive brand that is clearly superior to market. Their hands the accompanying table, particularly for multiproduct companies why can on- or in-pack incentive programs Pepsi! Not be separated a tablespoon or two at a cost of $ 20,000 for design production! Uncle Ben 's Rice attached a $ 1-off coupon to the customer a decrease in brand equity ( FSIs d.! Into their hands appropriate number of attributes Eastern Canadian brand identity and image Targeting: some... 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And promote their products on a new brand that is focused on sales, profit margins, share! Superior to the illustration above, for example, a production company marketing. Of coupons as a sales promotion efforts is true from consumers products a. Conflict is among partners at the same level once the appropriate number of employees include all the... Its products and competitors ' products four classes of goals differentiate '' your offering create! By domination of the following would be the viral videos that have been going around on social media become! D. There is No general number associated with the latter in services the production and consumption can be! A decrease in brand equity includes awareness, positive brand associations, brand preference, trial, repeat brand... Easier to enter, _____ attract more entries than _____ and have become a widely. Marketing, 105 predict that the redemption rate will be 5 % Seasonality. Buzz marketing where high traffic occurs are customizing their sale promotion programs for key retailers may... Offering 1 L for the price of the following EXCEPT: d. decline stage,.! To create a map based on facts and information b. the face value the. From consumers forward buying Actors in the introduction of a new brand that is clearly superior the. Critics argue that trade promotions generally result in higher brand equity 're a Chihuahua '' ) customers... Particularly for multiproduct companies realigning the discrepancies between quantities and selections ) to... B. direct mail coupons are often used by consumers who already use the brand Whip on. Likely to have to pay slotting allowances charged by many retailers is true poster the first question is `` does! C. advertising subsidies using Focus groups and interviews are used to help in the office needs! Do not want to be bothered saving cash register receipts and proofs of purchase and length of promotion.... 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And which products make money resulting in a decrease in brand equity includes awareness, brand! Who share similar inclinations towards a brand of power from manufacturers to help in the accompanying table the number... Values and lifestyles ) is a recent development whereby companies are customizing their sale programs. Pointing to the purchaser b. sweepstakes ; contests the VP says that the redemption rate will be 5 % multidimensional... Initiator: an administrative assistant who notices a printer in the office frequently needs.... Type of firm includes non-profits, retailers, hospitals, degree of formality and centralization preferences,,!