Hi angie thanks for getting Bk to me, so the surgeon saidmri didn't show anything but hecould feel the bump under my implant so wants me to have US with contrast next Friday. I am just shocked how quick the results came back I had a ct with contrast due to lymph nodesdone in August and results took 10 days to come back. Experts say MRI scans are helping medical professionals better understand changes in the brains of people with depression. A healthcare provider may also call to assure you everything is okay or discuss any needed follow-up tests. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Not allowed to discussESPECIALLY by phone..patient confidentiality etc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A critical or unexpected result of radiologic examination should always be immediately discussed in a telephone call from the radiologist to the doctor who ordered the test. You can also request an appointment online. Instead she, in my opinion, callously and cynically took the low road in positing that physicians are money grubbing, greedy bastards who hoard the medical records of their patients in order to keep them coming back. If something bad shows on your CT Scan, will the doctor call you in right away, or will he wait until your next Medical Ask an Expert Medical Questions Dr. David, Board Certified Physician 64,573 Satisfied Customers Experienced Physician trained in New York City. Chronic conditions that are well managed shouldn't require many appointments, either. How long your results take depend on several factors, including if you are getting the MRI due to an emergency situation. As long as they didn't suggest you "bring along your DH or another family member" - as they did when my friend was diagnosed with breast cancer - I think you're safe.. Example I had an MRI of my liver and the doctor called me that day to say there was a tumor and I need surgery. nag your doctor. Keep an open mind and remember they're meant to be a partner in your care. Note. Do you think I should be worried? I met my new doctor a month ago. I don't know; I'm not medical, I've just read way too much about this sort of thing so I'm trying my best but please don't take what I say as necessarily right. doctor wants to discuss mri results in person Home; About; Schedules; News & Events; Contact Us Your temperature may go up by a degree, but don't worry it's not dangerous. Oh also you are right about the MDT, they do discuss every case, I've just had a rejection letter after mine was reviewed, it wasn't considered interesting or important enough to worry about so it can go either way! Thankfully everything was fine. Ideally, when your doctor orders an MRI, they should tell you how long it will take to obtain results. check out the. The upshot is that they can't usually be 100% certain of a diagnosisusing MRI, but they might get quite a good idea about the nature of what's in there, and it will help them decide if it's worth taking out so that they can check what it is properly. Marley Hall is a writer and fact checker who is certified in clinical and translational research. With all the HIPAA stuff floating around, you really can't give results over the phone anymore. I signed up for my patient portal at my dr office so I can see ASAP. Thanks! Do you know the difference between a PET scan and an MRI? I am so relieved and thank you for your concern. Add to the fact that she said they're closed for the day. Most insurers don't want to pay for unnecessary appointments. I got the MRI done yesterday morning at 10AM and they got the results back same day, letting me know at 3:30PM. Search Its quite possible that the radiologist happened to be close by, or was even reading other scans and yours was next. Behavioral questions are some of the most common interview questions asked. Nothing like paying hundreds of dollars for an ambulance trip that never leaves the parking lot! How long does it take to get the test results? I'm ready to help. Im going round and round in circles could the MRIhave missed anything? So it's often the case that they have the report quickly or whenever the radiologist has written it up, but how quickly they actually contact you is probably more of an indication if that makes sense. If results are normal, they can usually be delivered via a phone call, letter, or secure message. I do have issues with anxiety, and my blood pressure went through the roof at having to have this stupid discussion with the nurse! Sometimes the doctor will say "If you don't hear from me, everything is fine." Well, given the complexity and comprehensiveness of medical exams nowadays, that's probably not a good idea. Trisha Torrey is a patient empowerment and advocacy consultant. And they can take an actual look at things inside and on implant if you don't hear from me you canpresume all went well. You poor thing being poked and prodded, I don't think they realise how uncomfortable that is, it's bound to be upsetting. Recently I read an article in the New York Times by Elisabeth Rosenthal. November 30, 2011. Clin Infect Dis. Well at least it sounds like there could bea benign explanation for it, if he thinks you are reacting to the implants. Its actually very interesting. Even if the news is "good," it may be important for the healthcare provider to explain what the results do and don't mean. There are many reasons you may need to get an MRI. Best of luck. My GYN called the very next day when my blood work was whacky and when I needed an abdominal sinkgramni got results right away as well. I am getting my mri results tomorrow do you know what kind of information they can give from a mri? I can really sympathise. I made an appointment at the moffitt cancer center. Mri results back 2 days after mri is that a good or bad. That's the really complicated bit I don't understand very well! For diseases that can relapse, such as cancer and some autoimmune diseases, regular visits may help identify and treat a relapse early. Search thousands of physician, PA, NP, and CRNA jobs now. Without a network portal like this one I would be so stressed. Good luck, and let us know if you are okay with that. Chemo? It also plays a role in how you. You're right See-Ann (sorry, that's how I think of your name, literally! 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Results are considered "positive" when the test finds the disease marker DNA, antibody, or protein that it is looking for. Transparency is good, and as both a purveyor of medical technology and as a preacher of the merits of social media, I look forward to the increasing openness of medical information. Now I feel better. So it's a good idea for you to keep track of your records yourself. well I'm seeing the surgeon on 9th March so even if the US still doesn't explain nothing I know some point after that the implants will be out soon. Gupta R, Guptha S. Strategies for initial management of hypertension. What would you consider urgent, and non urgent? They finally started being willing to give me the results over the phone. And ask for a copy to keep in your files. I mean I can appreciate the confidentiality but that just leaves me to worry for a few weeks lol. Im no doctor, but if I was dealing with a tumor, Id not feel comfortable making a diagnosis based solely on an MRI. I thought maybe they said that to everyone and then they would give me good results on the phone. I really hope that's true, but I've known every employee at this small town clinic for years, and I basically used my "teacher voice" on this nurse to enforce how serious it was if I take a half day off only to have her say, "What a nice brain you have". They finally called their primary physicians office and found a sympathetic receptionist who agreed to forward a copy of a lung biopsy report. While there are a few insurance companies who will pay a physician for their time in making phone calls to their patients, the vast majority (including Medicare) reimburse physicians on a fee for service basis. Getting test results may prompt new questions, which you can ask at this appointment. Id still go to the follow up maybe, even if the report is ok, IF you like this doctor and want to move forward with him. Last medically reviewed on July 13, 2021. Step 1: Wait for MRI results. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. The pain is deep stabbing and throbbing consistently day and night, and then theres shooting pain that feels like electrical shocks or growing pains which can go all the way down my legs but usually stops at my knees, and then theres achey/dull pain which makes sitting/standing/lying down sooo uncomfortable and a lot of times unbearable. We avoid using tertiary references. Please dont let the fact that they called you to make an appt just 4 hours after doing the MRI cause you to worry. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But theyrecommendyou have the scan between day 3 and day 15 or so of your cycle, so I would imagine that it would have been OK in that regard as the hormones that change the appearance of your breast tissue tend to peak several days before your period, meaning they would have dissipated by the time it'sa few days into your new cycle. If a healthcare provider asks you to schedule an appointment to go over test results and it doesn't seem necessary, ask why. Urgent most likely would be the same day, or next day, but I feel that if she is wanting to see you within 2 weeks, she is concerned about something, but not necessarily something bad, but just the fact that she knows about your tumor history. Surgery? Ask your healthcare provider about how test results will be delivered. I also suffer from vertgioetc and had an MRI done, and the nurse called me that afternoon. Want your test results? Keep in mind this doctor has nothing to compare to since he doesnt have your old scans. Don't wait. I also know that most of the physicians I know dont wake up in the morning thinking about how they can make money by not giving people their test results. When I walked in the room and saw that it was an open one, I relaxed. Also get numbness/tingling down to my toes, most of the time on my left side but Id say once or twice a week it switches to the right if not both. Ms. Rosenthal makes these bold statements on the basis that they must be factual because a Harvard Law professor told her so. I went to the spine doctor last week for the first time and he ordered an MRI (I last had one in 2019 and it was normal) and also scheduled me for injections at the end of the month. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Don't be alarmed, you're not being selected for special treatment. Oh, good, that leads to my joke about the "open" MRI. Hi everyone, I'm in a bad state tonight and mostly need a place to vent. Hi. Especially as they then told me over the phone that I would need to be fast tracked urgently. My neurologist told me he discusses ALL MRI results in person. (0 members and 2 guests). You basically know he will see something on the scan, he will at least see what you know is already there. If there's a cause for concern they will often try and get you back earlier, although in some cases there can be a bit of a wait. Forums Temporarily Unavailable. You still have to pay for it, but it can save you a lot of time. If it is concerning the tumour you never know it could be good news. But I don't want to worry for a whole month if there is no reason to! No one here can tell you whether the reason your doctor wants to see you is serious or not but if he/she is not asking to see you immediately it is very possible that it is not life threatening. Helpful - 0 Comment AndiJ78 Me, too! This article will look at when it's needed, when it's not, and how to set expectations with your healthcare provider. Learn more. They will have looked at a lot of breasts and a lot of lumps so sometimes it is obvious to them, but even then it often has to be checked with a biopsy, or taken outto be on the safe side. I don't think they would have asked me to come in for a week or so if I hadn't rung, and only then to be told it could wait a few months for a non-urgent appt. "Plenty of patients ask, but techs should not give information and should not even react to what they're seeing on the image," Edwards said. MRI results can vary in the amount of time it takes to receive them. But there is a solution. My appointment is on Friday of next week. I hope this all gets sorted out soon. It is simply more expedient to say that any testing with potentially far-reaching implications (like surgery) should come in for a follow-up visit. Sometimes, you will receive intravenous (IV) contrast dye. This is especially true if you require immediate treatment. The fact that your Dr. wants to talk to you about the results is very good. I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People. Meeting in-person to go over results helps you both see what's happening and figure out why. Period, end of story. Then YOU have the disc for your records if they scan you in the future, and you can see if there is anything worrisome in the report. In these cases, a positive test result means you may have the. Let your provider know if you notice any crazy variation. Alarm bells always start ringing when we get a quick turnaround don't they?! Add message. Even with potentially serious chronic conditions, like HIV or diabetes, once your condition is under control, you may only need to see a healthcare provider once a year. Blood tests. Part of being a medical assistant is attention to detail. Youre primary care doc wouldnt have told you the results are normal if they werent. But there are lots of ways to save money, lots of things to cheap out on, and lots of middlemen that can be removed from medicine. Read our. Most of the pain is in my lower back right where the SI joints are and deep in both sides of my bottom. If somebody wants their entire medical history at my practice, this can usually be provided to them within 1 to 2 business days. Healthcare providers will usually send a copy of your records to a new practitioner at no charge, as a professional courtesy. I went to the spine doctor last week for the first time and he ordered an MRI (I last had one in 2019 and it was normal) and also scheduled me for injections at the end of the month. If they call and want to move the appointment up with the words right away then you might want to worry. It simply does not take that long. Ive had the same thing, where I was very nervous because they wanted to see me, and I found out that I was nervous for nothing, because all it was was that the doctor wanted to let me know everything was fine. After twenty minutes of feeling like Pooh stuck in his honey jar, and finally surviving it, I asked the technician, and he said, "yeah, it's open on the other end, but we were looking at your head, so of course you were in from your head to your hips". Founded in 2004 byKevin Pho, MD, KevinMD.com is the webs leading platform where physicians, advanced practitioners, nurses, medical students, and patients share their insight and tell their stories. This is because of the fact that in the time it takes me give out sage medical advice for free, I could have been seeing another patient. Blood pressure, cholesterol. And yet if they take a long time then we always find ourselves complaining! (0 members and 1 guests). However, the person had a follow-up scan ordered by another physician, which was interpreted by a different radiologist who interpreted the follow-up scan as malignancy can not be excluded. They eventually went to another physician and demanded another biopsy that was unnecessary, and, of course, still benign. They were relieved to find that the biopsy report showed benign tissue. Im guessing the appointment was to have you come in so they could go over the results with you. I had a STAT MRI of my brain in early November and with that, they give you the results immediately. After explaining my policy to a patient who was undergoing a lung biopsy, her family called and demanded the results without an office visit. JavaScript is disabled. All of these things are pretty standard and don't mean you have got cancer. I really sometimes scratch my head over the whole HIPAA thing, because. Shes the same author of the enlightening article, My doctor charged me $117,000 and all I got was this lousy hospital gown. That may not have been the exact title of the article. A. It's usually that there's something wrong with it, not seriously wrong with it. But, I had an MRI done on the thoracic area of my spine in June. And maybe it's just me, but if the results are bad, even cancer bad, I would like to know that as soon as possible. Best day to book nursery on Alaskan cruise. Step 3: When all physical causes have been ruled out I will consider psychiatric ones. https://www.reddit.com/r/ankylosingspondylitis/comments/ou44qv/looking_for_opinions_for_my_anecdotal_evidence_of/. Can doctors see beyond a patients weight? In your case they probably found the source of your pain and want to talk about a treatment plan. Well it can give them quite a lot of information about the nature of the tissues in your breast and it's a better way of doing that than say ultrasound or CT (which is better for some other things). Try not to panic. Yes, but then he couldnt bill the insurance company for a visit. You can also discuss side effects and dosage changes that may be needed. Waiting is the absolute worst! chyna ( 49478) "Great Answer" ( 3 ) Flag as . Chill out. I called the family and spoke with the daughter and family and explained how sorry I was that they had received results that were incomplete. Been to multiple drs and none of them know what's wrong. Just because you get results fast due to efficiency doesnt mean its bad news. Although some people and some doctors dislike discussing things over the telephone so they might not be willing. If they felt it was urgent, youd be in that same day. Your doctor is not one of them. Oh it's cool I am just glad if any of it might help set your mind at rest. Perhaps the tumour is shrinking or still dormant or after 16 years medical advances have been phenomenal and there may be something that can be done to help you which was not available all those years ago. By Trisha Torrey What @filmfann said. The doctor will present the MRI findings to you either over the phone or at a follow-up appointment. haha). Make a follow-up appointment beforehand if the results might be something you need to discuss. I would try not to worry about it to much and just get in whenever you can. veggiedog. If you're taking medications for chronic conditions, regular in-person appointments can help you stick to the treatment regimen. The hurricane in Puerto Rico is leading a shortage in saline bags. An MRI can be noisy because of the work the MRI makes to generate a magnetic field. Hottest Topics -- Last 30 Days If the office says they can't deliver results by phone because it violates HIPAA privacy laws, they're wrong. 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