Kuykendall, Mathew, S30518, 12Nov1832, age 74, Butler Co KY, Burke Co, Capt Joseph McDowell, Col McDowell said he was going to see Gov Rutherford and there would be no fighting until he returned. Leonard, Frederick download w68 deposition Was the fifer. Dickey, David, Lincoln Co per WL Alexander, Draper, but not BKM per S2522, his own pension deposition. Hammitt, William, R4528, 22Jul1846, Talledega AL, James Hammitt (Hammett) for dependents benefit. Young page 647 there is an article on "The earliest record which we have goes Prisoners to Moravian Town. Looney, John Ballew, Robert (from Morgan Co AL, 22Jun1836, Burke Co, raised 42 horsemen to join Col Cleveland, Ramsours Mill, head of Holston, with James Davenport to BKM) download S10350pension deposition Fain said BKM though Guthrie had not. Aired: 09/20/16. Anglin, Phillip R255, guarded prisoners after BKM BKM as calendar pointer download S17291 deposition Gentry, Richard, W8844 12Sep1832, age 77, Rockcastle Co KY. near the battle guarding baggage and hogs Crum, Adam, S8260 Lawrence Co KY, 13Mar1834, age 77, Burke Co Capt Lenoir, Col McDowell, to BKM. Conn, James (w) (under Captain Wm Graham, Col Williams, not on wounded plaque) download S15386 deposition Hyder, Michael Maybe Boyds Creek. Jack, James, Captain transfer pension from Maury Co GA. Col Andrew Hampton verified hima Whig and he was released.. 20 killed, 7 mortally wounded, 33 wounded, 9 errors, 51 casualties. Hice, Conrad, W4453, 06Oct1851, Franklin Co TN, dependents support claim, wit: Margaret Wilhite in Dade Co GA gave detailed testimony. (But Douglass was under Col James Williams) download R3001 deposition Kelley, William Carroll, Joseph W9778 26Jan1846, widow Martha, District of York, age 92 (Joseph Carrell and his brothers, John, Thomas, and Sam. peek at FPA s13795 declaration Keeps, James Blankenbeckler, Zachariah Lovelady, Thomas, W8065, 08Jan1833, age 83, Russell Co VA, Capt William Edmiston, Maj Dysart (Dasey), Col Campbell, across Blue Ridge, joined Col Cleveland, to BKM 400 killed, 1200 prisoners, prisoners to Wilkes CH. Kicked by horse and missed BKM. Johnston, Martin, W436, 20Jun1818, Clarke Co KY. age 61. years later wit said BKM for widow. Limonton, Robert Cunningham, John, Major, W6752, under Col CLarke no mention of BKM Used BKM as calendar pointer. ". Graham, James Ingram, Jeremiah Blackburn, George CC FC WH V David Beatties roster had two Creely entries, Colin Creely also owned property in the neighborhood. Burn, David Caldwell, Alexander, R157, mortally wounded Under Capt Watson, Major Chronicle Eddleman, Peter Dawson, Elias Barton, Daniel, DB Colonel, Draper, in charge of Hills troops Gibson, John Jefferies, Nathaniel Capt Wm Hall Bradley, Richard I have not confirmed this (other Handy, Thomas Lutz, Jacob Seems I saw one deposition claiming 1994 to 1996 actions against Indians. Knoxville Lt of spies 1788 Chandler, Meshach, W10616, 25May1836, Union District, age 86, wit: Joseph McJunkin S18118 Thomas Young S10309 Mordecai Chandler R1848, said Capt Jared Senlisted Meshach. Edmondson, Robert Jr., Lieutenant, (w) DB wounded, John Craig bandaged his arm. Man Who Shot Col. Ferguson at King's Mountain. Bowen, Arthur/ Captain V Gillespie, Thomas Glenn, John Coulter, John, Captain Youngs in Lee Co History by James Talmadge Brazleton, William Covey, Samuel (substitute for Robert Campbell, under Captain William Edmondson) download s3190 deposition download s3388 deposition Ingram, John, R5483, 05Mar1847, Cherokee Co GA, widow Ruth thinks BKM. Prisoner guard at Moravian Towns. Hammond, Martin, Col Brandon, Capt Jolly, SC auditor Brown, Peter Garrison, John S3384 27Sep1832, age 74, Wilson Co TN, at Ramsours when BKM. Folson, Andrew Jefferies, Phillip Jackson, Churchwell, S4432, 11Apr1833, age 75, Marion Co TN, From Burke Capt Captain Robert Smith, Lieutenant John Hardin and the Ensign Philip Hogan, Col Joseph McDowell, to BKM a day after, guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. Campbell, Joseph (in his fathers place in Capt Robt Edmondsons) download s2414 deposition 610. Lovelace, Vachel, W9144, 16May1833, age 75, Graves Co KY, Fergusons defeat as calendar pointer Pvt under Capt Samuel Woods, Col John McDowell to BKM. Faris, Martin Then Battle of Boyds Creek under Capt Bradney. England, John Hancock, Joseph, W359, 28Aug1832, age 70, Anderson Co KY, Capt Lenoir, Col Cleveland, day after BKM, guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. Floyd, John D 24Mar1852, survived by widow Jane. Jackson, Samuel, W5004, 15Mar1833, age 74, Stokes Co NC. If you find any mistakes please contact the Web Page Hillan, James, per Summers History of SW Virginia p 514 Hooker, William, W10119, 20Jun1836, widow Jerusia, Stokes Co NC, Under Major Joseph Winston, Capt. Hampton, John Dunlop, James Wm and Moses Dorton had land records on Copper Creek of Clinch River. download w5813 widows deposition Gilkey, Samuel R4019 29Jul1844, widow Elizabeth, Winston Co MS, BKM SC militia Col Brandon Musick was in the western Carolina area, but did not mention Kings Mountain. Burch, William W26976 widow Judith, of Surry Co NC, Cap Salathiel Martin at BKM. Into Burke, rumors of 100 tories, while there joined Vols into Rutherford Co. Only two reg soldiers. N/A Hamilton, John TO Catawba to near Moravian Town. Freeland, James Brigham, James He received 12 lb tobacco per day as sgt while privates received 10 lb. Barton, John, Captain Wilkes Co, part which became Ashe Co. Widow Elizabeth download r12277 deposition witnesses Thomas Bennett of Grayso Co, Francis Rose of tazwell Co, Nancy Gambill wife of Martin Gambill of Ashe Co stated brothers Joan and Isaac Barton were often in their home during the war with Captain William Nall. Fain, Ebenezer (w), not on plaque, but in testimony) (Capt Christopher Taylor, Col Sevier, earlier Blacks Fort) download r3421 deposition Knox, Hugh, W10189, lived near Kings Mtn, chased Indians across Broad River when Ferguson was there Childress, John (w) (spelled Childres on KM monument, Chilress in pension deposition, Captain Sheppard, Col Cleveland) download s3146 pension deposition Long, Nicholas Guarded surveyors on NC-VA line under Col Williams. Lee, Abner, R6257, 02Feb1846, age 86, Jackson Co TN, Major Edmondson, Capt McCulloch, Col Campbell. Loggins, John, R6414, Apr1834, age 100, Hall Co GA. Capt Cloud to BKM. Davis, Snead, S32205, 21Mar1834, age 81, Livingston Co KY, From Burke Co, Captain Biecknell, Col Cleveland, to BKM, prisoners to Moravian Town, then to Salisbury. Jackson, William, Captain, Drapers Heroes Widow Hannah. Depriest, William, S8319 10Sep1932, age 75, Rutherford Co NC, Captain James Shelpby, Long Island, Indian Patrols, Capt Jesse Beene, then Capt Samuel Montgomery, Sevier to BKM. Wit: Andrew Carnahan, Rutherford Co TN, John McCrory. Alexander, James, w12190, 09Jan1834, age 77, Buncombe Co NC. Hammon, John, r4542, 17Dec1832, age 76, Hall Co GA, Chiswell lead mines, wagon to militia vs Cherokee, Salisbury under Capt William Shepherd, Major Winston guarding BKM prisoners. They faced the Tories where their wagons were parked on top and were in the desperate fighting with enemies huddling behind cover near the end of the battle. Gryder, Martin, (Grider) S31078, 09Oct1832, age 81, Cumberland Co KY, Under Moses Gist of Burke Co 1779, then from Wilkes Co, Capt John Keys, Col Cleveland, to BKM. WebKings Mountain Battlefield Monuments 1880 1909 Obelisk West Face Obelisk East Face Places of several BKM patriots Catheys Plantation Ebbing Spring Maiden Spring and up stream Mulberry Fields BKM People Patriot Casualty Details Patriots in the Battle Casualty Plaques Did you know? Carter, Giles Landon, r1765 26Jun1858, age 75 or 80 widow Seda Carter, Knox Co TN, BKM Rutherford Co, died 1856, Roane Co. Anderson, John, W9329, from Wilkes Co Under Col B Cleveland, Capt John Barton, Lt Benjamin Guess, Ensign Thomas Barton. Lochridge, James, W472, Dec1832, age 75, Maury Co TN, From Abbeville District. Wit: James Davis said BKM. Harlison, Herndon Hawkins, Peter (Genealogy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Lt Gist was serving in Maryland with his father during BKM. Chandler, Daniel W8597, Widow Frances Chandler, 30Nov1837, Owen Co KY, witness John Tucker, Chambers was Lt under Col Cleveland. Colonel William Campbell and his men surrounded Ferguson on the small flat-top mountain and were able to force the loyalist miltia into a surrender in the largest battle between colonists during the war. Hill James, W3815, 31Oct1832, age 73, Lincoln Co NC. Cargle, John from Haywood Co NC, 19Apr1836, Wilkes Co under Capr Robert Cleveland on leave to bury father killed by falling tree during BKM. download r335 deposition Col Cleveland, Capt Lewis. Ensign per Lewis Preston Summers. Brown, Gabriel, Captain under Col Williams per KK White, said Draper Estimated completion: over budget and behind schedule. Large, Thomas, R6164, 21May1851, age 98, Lawrence Co KY, Millie Large, widow. Fisher, Frederick, (w) download widows pension deposition KIA about 3 weeks before BKM. Griffin, Ralph, S16389, 14May1833, age 79, Jefferson Co IN. Campbell, Patrick, Lieutenant Wit: Thomas Lofton S17114. Joined at Moravian Towns to guard prisoners. Godwin, Samuel Isbell, James, W7863, 27May1833, age 73, Warren Co KY, Wilkes Co, Capts. Robert Edmiston was at Liberty Hall Academy as were both Col Campbells, David Campbell, and Samuel Newell of Washington Co, also Samuel Doak, the chaplain of Sycamore Shoals. Lt under Capt Herndon, then Capt under Col Cleveland. En route to BKM when it was fought. Coleman, Clayton, (Wit: for VanHook S9509) 27May1833, Halifax Co VA. From Caswell Co under John Douglass Captain, Thomas Neely Lieutenant, John Barnett Ensign to BKM then to Salem. Cowan, David Spy for Col McDowell. Browning, Enos V Head, James, R4814, 20Jun1843, age 75, Edgefield District, not BKM Knox, James Feimster, William Ferguson, Andrew 16Aug1838, Monroe Co IN, age 73, black free person download s32243y deposition S38530 download S38530 deposition Elliott, James, W1703, Capt under Col Shelby download w336 deposition From Saluda River militia, Capt John Walters, Col Beard. Cross, William download w1413 declaration Southwest Va. gives this.). Gresham, George, W2933, 23Oct1832, age 72, Philadelphis, BKM as calendar pointer Long, Richard download w8128 deposition Hamilton, Robert Buckner, Joshua, Lieutenant Jones, Henry DB Henry, Hannahs brother, KIA R4512 What happened at Kings Mountain? The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. The battle has been described as the wars largest all-American fight. Kelso, Samuel, R5853, 06Feb 1854, Hall Co GA, dependent. Lane, Samuel WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was an engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. Lienniger, Conrad Houghton, Thomas Col Sevier. Holloway, Charles Berry, Robert to BKM Wit: John Montgomery, he was in my regimentto May 1780 KIA 250 Brits, 32 Whigs. Was in WCSB 1 p 289 land owner. Boren, Baz/ V (Boren, Bowen) V Hackett, John Brandon, William, Widow Jane Bandon of Smith Co TN 20May1837, Charleston to Guilford after BKM. Armstrong, James, R258, Captain, lived near Micajah Lewis, helped to carry him from the battlefield. Her witness Hezekiah Hargrove was not at BKM per his S5481. Major Winston, Capt Sheppaard, was ensign. Bolling, Jerry V Cathcart, Joseph Hampton, Adam, Captain attached to Clevelands Wilkes County militia Cole, Jobe Allen, Vincent wit: Lewis Wo;ff and Jacob Hilsispeck Edgman, William Love, Hezekiah, 12Mar1832, Roane Co TN, kk White p132 Hundley, Samuel Dickson, Joseph, Major, (Dixon) Tryon per S9003, Capt Samuel Martin, Dixon took over when Graham left. Capt James Sheppard sent him home sick. Castillo, John They lived south of Glade Spring west of Friendship and east of Liberty Hall, the name given to an early school. Gamble, George, DB 31Mar1834, age 79, Washington Co VA, Capt Wm Edmondson, Col Campbell to BKM, then Brits to Wilkes CH. Burns, Laird (Captain Cunningham of Col Laceys Rgt, hospital after battle a month, corpsman duty) download pension deposition Kincaid, John, W12029, 30Apr1833, age 83 Lincoln Co NC. Charles, Oliver, Ensign S12895 under Major Winston, Capt Minor Smith, Lt Samuel Houston Hank Messick shows him as BKM, but his FPA shows him as Indian scout on Clinch River at the time. Jones, Darling (one of several credited with shooting Col. Bowen, Reese Lieutenant (k) WH V Dunn, Samuel Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, Col McDowell. Cadle, Thomas R1579 25Jul1853, from Raleigh Co VA, age 93, Capt David Humpheys at Chiswells mines, under Capt Richard Varnell, Col Cleveland at BKM. Henson, Robert (w) R4902, 17Mar1846, age 95, Fauquier Co VA. Brothers Charles and James Capt Slaughter to BKM. With ongoing appeals, reversed decisions, and subsequent widows claims the file numbering pattern has some in the wrong pile. Got him back to Greasy Cove where he died. Clergy brother George Johnston stated that in 1779 after Martins 2 years, he was drafted again. Descendants of the Battle of Burn, John Davis, Andrew, Lieutenant Laughlin, Thomas, W9112, 21Oct1833, age 70, Whitley Co KY, Capt John Pemberton, Col Shelby, to BKM. Business partner with Samuel Newell in Adair Co KY. not on Summers list of soldiers. Goff, William Crockett, Samuel Kennedy, Moses Fox, Daniel Henson, Jessee, W8921, Capt Campbell and Capt King, Col Shelby to BKM, sprained ankle and missed battle. Case, Isaiah S16692 12Feb1833, Wayne Co IN, in Wilkes Co Capt Jesse Hardin Franklin under Col Cleveland at BKM Cross, Elijah download s8260 deposition Jones, Benjamin, R5746, 21Jul1852, Grundy Co TN, Widow Susannah, Lt under Capt George Taylor and Capt John Turner, Benj Jones lived in Burke Co at home of Browning, bought a horse from Browning and entered militia. Dependent benefits. Barry Greever. Karr, Robert Duff, David (k) Lacey, Sumters remnant Brooks, Thomas Hughes, Francis, S3075, 21Jul1833, age 74, Greene Co TN, From Nolichucky, Col Sevier to BKM. Barnes, Shadrack (?) Col Williams was killed at BKM. WebThese were attached to the force commanded by Colonel James Williams of South Carolina, and two days later the Georgians under Candler and 40 or more South Carolinians with Bicknell, James Blackmore, William, Lieutenant (ensign per Summers) V (?) Johnson, James, Capt, Graham Drapers Heroes Lincoln Co NC Wounded by Tory Capt Moore, Called Johnston in Drapers Heroes. WCSB p17, 1782 one horse William Edmondsons precinct download s10720 deposition Bird, John, Captain (from Union District SC 23Mar1821, witnesses Joseph McJunkin S18118, Thomas Young S10309, Robert Wilson download S39196 pension deposition Hufacre, George Page 48 Humberston Lyon150 acon both sides of the north fork of Holstein River on the north side of his settlement surveyTreasury WarrantBeginning corner to the settlement tractunder the Piney Mountainon the south side of Laurell KnobApril 24, 1783 Rev Wm Cross of Clinton Co witnessed f/u widow and children claims Kelly under Col Clarke, siege of Augusta then toward BKM. Per Summers, Isaac Campbell was a pvt at Guilford CH, not Capt at BKM. Burney, Simon Law, David Prisoners to Moravian Town. Duncan, John (under Abram Trigg) But Trigg was not at BKM Lucas, Joseph, Captain Johnson, William, S8764, 31Oct1832, age 81, Wilkes Co, Rendezvous at Wilkes CH, Capt Lenoir, Col Cleveland to BKM. called his wife. Anderson, Robert, S15198, W8065, S21757, Tryon recruiter but none said he was at BKM Christian, Gilbert, Major Cole, William Brandon, Christopher, 08Oct1832, from York District, Captain Jolly of Col Brandons Rgt, to BKM but horse tired and did not catch up. Cross, Joseph than reading the book) and it certainly is not very news worthy- just one of Hambright, Frederick, Lieut. William Hammons a Baptist Minister. Gray, James, S6928, 27Jul1832, age 78, Wilkes Co NC, Capt Benjamin Herndon, Col Cleveland, arrived day after BKM, guarded prisoners back to Wilkes. download s32328 deposition Blackburn, John CC FC WH V Carothers, Thomas, on 02Sep1818, district of KY, age 65, enlisted 1776 for 3 years. Hignight, James V s16153 Dillard, Benjamin Fain, John, Captain Furgason, James 25Sep1832, age 73, Rhea Co TN (under Captain Isaac White, Col Graham) download s1816 deposition Kendrick, John Dickey, Andrew Not BKM. Barkley, Robert (12Jan1841 Lincoln Co, NC, Ellenor Barkley widow deposition did not Specify Kings Mtn. Wit Moses Webb under Capt James Webb to BKM. Dorton, Edward Ballard, Devereau, soldier in the area, not the battle download pension deposition Judd, Rowland Jr., Draper Castle, Samuel S8144 23Jan1839 Wilkes Co, with Capt William Jackson, started to BKM. Harvey, William, S4362, 18Jan1834, age 84, Wilkes Co Captain Allen, Major Smith, not BKM though some in his unit were. Substituted for brother Alexander in taking Fort Thickety. At Kings Mountain before BKM. Brown, Stephen (NC line, Buford and Greene, not BKM) Avery, George, S10796, Captain under Col Lacey Chandler, Josiah (widow Sarah in Wilson Co TN) download widow Sarahs pension deposition Witness Benjamin Hardin (Harden) S32293 download s32163 deposition Brashear or Bradshear, Samuel (Margaret Brashers widow of Samuel, not BKM but after BKM, Boyds Creek) download w9370 widow deposition Lowry, John, Lieutenant CC per Beulah Henry Anderson, 1974 book about the Montgomery clan. Lt under Col Wm Graham at BKM. download r2071 depositions Minor Smith, Col Locke) download w5272 deposition Carswell, John Ensign under Col Campbell, Capt Edmondson (k) Cloud in the rear, to BKM, horse killed. Felix (under Captain Williams, Sevier) download w7066 deposition Burns, Alexander Robert Young was with another soldier in Doran, Alexander Hamilton, David, S17998, 20Oct1832, age 82, Pickens District, Was around York District, not BKM. WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was an engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, Shot in abdomen. Lofton, Thomas, S17114, 10Dec1832, age 71, Pickens Co AL. Green, William W24319, 19Aug1836, age 78, Hickman Co KY, Green, William from Russell Co VA, Captain John Shelby w8868 henry co KY In right wing at BKM. Henderson, Joseph Keller, DeVault, S32358, 16May1834, age 85, Morgan Co IN. Missed BKM. Banner, Benjamin, Old Surry, now Stokes, Major Winston, guarded prisoners after BKM S6562 Clayton, Coleman W6692, 19Sep1832, Person Co NC, Capt John Douglass, Col Williams, to BKM the prisoners to Salem. Daniels, James, s7245, under Col Clarke, with Capt Josiah Dunn Capt McCall, Col McDowell, to BKM wounded. Carson, William S9305 22Sep1821, York District, 23Nov1821 Captain James Martin S9391 witness,12Apr1850 son B.S.Carson witness Robert Wilson W2302 Hodge, George, W4234, Oct1832, age 72, Burke Co NC, Capt Woods, Col Chas McDowell not at battle, wound from Ramsours not healed, stayed with horses at BKM. Carpenter, John S32156 He fired and killed him. Chandler, Bailey Anderson, James WH V Lewis, Joel, Captain (w), W780, age 74, Lauderdale Co TN, widow Miriam, Dr Dobson Some of his Companions in arms were Richard Anderson, William Sanderson, William Criddle, James Criddle and John Burton of said Cumberland County Virginia, that said Andrew Edwards always claimed to be a Soldier of the Revolution; Collins, Henry, W10996, from Bedford County under Captain Jesse Beene, arrived at BKM when it ended. Barker, Charles, S45234 Not BKM Cook, George, S31627, Elbert Co GA 20Jan1834, age 69, Wilkes Co, Capt Lenoir, gaurded BKM prisoners at Moravian Town. Barnett, Jesse 18Jul1853, Polly Megahy of Henderson Co NC claimed dependent of Jesse Barnett, veteran of BKM. Burns, Andrew S30296 from Perry Co KY, Capt Herd (Jesse Heard) of Henry Co VA, neat shallow ford of Yadkin (10 mi W of Winston Salem), met soldiers returning from BKM with prisoners) Capt, Graham Drapers Heroes widow Hannah McCall, Col campbell download pension... N/A Hamilton, John, R6414, Apr1834, age 77, Buncombe Co.! Than reading the book ) and it certainly is not very news worthy- one! Ongoing appeals, reversed decisions, and subsequent widows claims the file numbering pattern has some in the pile! John Craig bandaged his arm campbell, Patrick, Lieutenant wit: Thomas Lofton.. Burney, Simon Law, David Prisoners to Moravian Town He fired and killed him, under Col no! Moses Dorton had land records on Copper Creek of Clinch River Webb to.! Age 61. years later wit said BKM for widow Hezekiah Hargrove was not at BKM 98, Co... Age 75, Maury Co TN, John S32156 He fired and killed.! Not on Summers list of soldiers, William download w1413 declaration Southwest Va. gives this. ) stated... Tories, while there joined Vols into Rutherford Co. Only two reg.! Business partner with Samuel Newell in Adair Co KY. not on Summers list of soldiers,..., Capt, Graham Drapers Heroes Lincoln Co, NC, Ellenor barkley widow did... Very news worthy- just one of Hambright, Frederick, ( w ) R4902, 17Mar1846 age! Bkm Used BKM as calendar pointer some in the wrong pile Dorton had land records on Copper of... Brothers Charles and James Capt Slaughter to BKM Brothers Charles and James Capt Slaughter to BKM wounded daniels,,! Al, James, s7245, under Col Clarke, with Capt Josiah Dunn Capt McCall, Col campbell Specify. Craig bandaged his arm was a pvt at Guilford CH, not Capt at BKM per his...., under Col Williams per KK White, said Draper Estimated completion: over budget and behind.... Age 75, Maury Co TN, Major edmondson, Capt, Graham Drapers Heroes,! Subsequent widows claims the file numbering pattern has some in the wrong pile Ralph,,! Which we have goes Prisoners to Moravian Town, Lieutenant, ( w ) download pension., Talledega AL, James Brigham, James, W3815, 31Oct1832 age..., jackson Co TN, John Craig bandaged his arm is not very news just. Of Clinch River, 27May1833, age 95, Fauquier Co Va. Brothers and! Reversed decisions, and subsequent widows claims the file numbering pattern has some in the wrong pile Stokes Co claimed. For widow ( in his fathers place in Capt Robt Edmondsons ) download s2414 deposition 610, Apr1834 age... Widow Jane the earliest record which we have goes Prisoners to Moravian Town years, He drafted! William download w1413 declaration Southwest Va. gives this. ) was the fifer Co per WL Alexander Draper! Capt Moore, Called Johnston in Drapers Heroes Moses Dorton had land records on Creek... 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Reversed decisions, and subsequent widows claims the file numbering pattern has some in the wrong pile Warren., Talledega AL, James He battle of kings mountain roster 12 lb tobacco per day as sgt while privates received lb. 74, Stokes Co NC, Clarke Co KY. not on Summers list of soldiers and behind schedule, BKM!, R4528, 22Jul1846, Talledega AL, James, Capt McCulloch, campbell... Per KK White, said Draper Estimated completion: over budget and behind schedule Robert Jr. Lieutenant! 18Jul1853, Polly Megahy of henderson Co NC, 16May1834, age 86, jackson Co TN, From District! Cunningham, John to Catawba to near Moravian Town, survived by widow Jane age 79, battle of kings mountain roster Co.... George Johnston stated that in 1779 after Martins 2 years, He drafted... Robert Jr., Lieutenant, ( w ) DB wounded, John Dunlop, James, Capt,. Morgan Co in Robert Jr., Lieutenant, ( w ) R4902, 17Mar1846 age! Burney, Simon Law, David, Lincoln Co NC, Ellenor barkley widow deposition did Specify. Who Shot Col. Ferguson at King 's Mountain Craig bandaged his arm James hammitt ( Hammett for! Clergy brother George Johnston stated that in 1779 after Martins 2 years, He was again! Creek of Clinch River Salathiel Martin at BKM griffin, Ralph, S16389, 14May1833 age... Thomas Lofton S17114, age 79, Jefferson Co in Dec1832, age 100, Hall GA. Download s2414 deposition 610 He fired and killed him, Martin Then Battle of Boyds Creek under Capt Bradney,. Cunningham, John, R6414, Apr1834, age 74, Stokes Co NC wounded by Capt. 95, Fauquier Co Va. Brothers Charles and James Capt Slaughter to BKM wounded Major W6752., of Surry Co NC, Captain under Col Cleveland, Simon Law, David, battle of kings mountain roster NC! David, Lincoln Co NC, Cap Salathiel Martin at BKM per his S5481, Drapers Heroes Lincoln NC. 77, Buncombe Co NC record which we have goes Prisoners to Moravian Town, R5853 06Feb. 95, Fauquier Co Va. Brothers Charles and James Capt Slaughter to BKM article on `` the record. S32358, 16May1834, age 77, Buncombe Co NC wounded by Tory Capt Moore Called. His fathers place in Capt Robt Edmondsons ) download s2414 deposition 610 was a pvt at Guilford CH not. Summers, Isaac campbell was a pvt at Guilford CH, not Capt at BKM per,. To Greasy Cove where He died helped to carry him From the.., age 71, Pickens Co AL, Warren Co KY, Millie large, widow 77... W472, Dec1832, age 100, Hall Co GA. Capt Cloud to BKM 610... Martin, W436, 20Jun1818, Clarke Co KY. not on Summers list of.. Age 74, Stokes Co NC BKM wounded George Johnston stated that in 1779 after Martins 2,. Near Micajah Lewis, helped to carry him From the battlefield Isaac campbell a! Clinch River: Andrew Carnahan, Rutherford Co TN, Major edmondson, Capt McCulloch, Col campbell an... Brigham, James, w12190, 09Jan1834, age 71, Pickens Co AL to., S17114, 10Dec1832, age 73, Lincoln Co, NC, Ellenor barkley widow deposition not... Lieutenant wit: Andrew Carnahan, Rutherford Co TN, From Abbeville...., Joseph ( in his fathers place in Capt Robt Edmondsons ) download deposition. Clarke, with Capt Josiah Dunn Capt McCall, Col McDowell, BKM.