By 2390, Typhuss was in command of the USS Hoshi Sato. However, T'Uerell escaped with the Enterprise and the Intrepid-A in hot pursuit. It would remain on auto pilot in space for twelve days until it was recovered by the crew of the USS Kansas. Three months later, as Starfleet prepared to send an exploratory task-force, led by Voyager, to the Delta Quadrant, Admiral Kenneth Montgomery ordered Captain Typhuss James Kira to join Project Full Circle but Typhuss turned down the offer because of the Xindi War. (VOY episode & novelization: "Equinox"). His skills have been instrumental in the development of most of Earth's advanced technology. For months, LA County public health. The task force is quickly overwhelmed and the Narada fires it's advanced weaponry and cripples the USS Intrepid-A with a single volley. The USS Enterprise-E was to rendezvous with the Battle Group, but was instead ambushed in the Bassen Rift by the Scimitar. When he joined the expedition to Starbase Atlantis, he was very eager to be part of the expedition. In 2354, Vala gave birth to her daughter Adria Mal Doran on January 23rd and Vala would later tell Typhuss about his daughter in 2385. Typhuss's heroism during his long Starfleet career earned him a promotion to the rank of Admiral in 2409. Typhuss and Samantha dated for two months, he proposed to her, whom she accepted. His more famous ancestors included Erika Hernandez on his mother's side, and Zefram Cochrane on his father's. Shortly after, Kim and Halliwell finally learned about Tom's past and asked him if it was true. In 2360, Typhuss joined the Stargate Program and SG-1 under the command of Colonel Jack O'Neill. In 2389, Typhuss was on Starbase 240 during the peace treaty with the Xindi. Typhuss had to go on the run to find out who set him up. Typhuss died in Helen's arms. There was only one survivor: a four-year-old Human boy named Jeremiah Rossa. An armed conflict was averted when Captain Jean-Luc Picard decided to return Jono to the Talarians, since it is that home which he had known most of his life. (Sanctuary episode: The Helen Magnus Impostor), In 2388, Kira filed for divorce from Typhuss, Kira was lonely and felt that Typhuss wasn't there for her. Captain Janeway decided to combine the two crews into a single Starfleet crew for the voyage home with Chakotay as her first officer. They first met in March 2360. Samantha Carter is a Colonel rather than a Brigadier General. Typhuss was so happy to see Sam that he kissed her on the lips and Sam kissed him back. Typhuss was at the opening ceremony for the new Deep Space 9. Update information for James Halliwell-Phillipps Born: June 21, 1820 in London, England, UK. In 2354, Typhuss met Victoria Constance Marie at a bar after his divorce with Cheryl Anderson. Tom and Typhuss decide to remain friends. Seska was killed during the conflict, and her child was later found to be Maje Culluh's, Culluh taking the child with him. Kim and Halliwell was able to stop themselves in the last minute but realized that they had gone too far. In 2366, Olivia and Typhuss were ordered to track down former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras again. Believing that the Klingon Empire was still at war with the Federation, Kohlar decloaked, fired on Voyager, and quickly recloaked. Oct 05, 2022 | By James Halliwell Verified | . (VOY episode: "Gravity"), In 2375, Voyager discovered another Federation ship lost in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox, captained by Rudolph Ransom. When his captain was killed during a battle with a Cardassian warship in the Beloti sector, Typhuss took command of the Zeus, serving as captain from 2354 to 2355. Within this reality Typhuss is in command of the USS Enterprise-E not Jean-Luc Picard starting in 2372, Sarah Mackenzie is a Major rather than a Colonel and Typhuss was never assigned to the USS Voyager in 2371. Voyager's first mission was to travel into the Badlands to locate Chakotay and his Maquis crew, along with Lieutenant Tuvok, who was operating undercover. (Star Trek: Intrepid, Star Trek: Renaissance), In the year 2410, Typhuss joined his fellow Voyager crewmates in efforts to explore the Delta Quadrant that had become accessible via a series of Iconian Gateways leading through the Solanae and Jenolan Dyson spheres. In the interim, space parasites had boarded Voyager but were hunted down by the crew. Nevertheless, he did show a tendency to overwork, avoided formal vacations, and had reported bouts of insomnia. In an alternate reality, Typhuss and AR-1 investigated an alternate USS Daedalus in 2384. In 2350, Typhuss and his mother were on board the USS Iowa for a visit with his grandfather, Admiral Jonathan James Halliwell. The USS Intrepid-A which was the only ship to survive the conflict along with the USS Voyager. Typhuss evacuated to Destiny and later returned to the base after the attack was over. During his early days at Starfleet Intelligence, Typhuss worked with agents Nikita Mears, Michael Bishop, Alexandra Udinov, Seymour Birkhoff, Sonya, Sam Matthews, Sean Pierce, Ryan Fletcher and went on many missions with them. The captain of the Klingon ship, Kohlar, believed her child to be the kuvah'magh. Tom remarked that the whole ordeal was actually tougher on his father than on him. Captain Kathryn Janeway ordered to investigate and had Lieutenant Tom Paris set a course for the nebula, which was approx. Julia took Typhuss to her apartment and had some wine with him. Typhuss was promoted to Admiral and Kira was promoted to Fleet Admiral. The shuttles were rescued by Starfleet a week later after the destruction of the USS Iowa. Four weeks later they got married. Paige was born on September 23rd, 2336 on Earth in San Francisco, California to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett, her family comes from a long line of Starfleet officers, dating back to the United Earth Starfleet of the 22nd century and . During the war, the Kansas pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt. Log In or Sign Up James W. Halliwell See Photos James Halliwell (james wright) See Photos James Halliwell See Photos James Halliwell See Photos James Halliwell See Photos James Halliwell See Photos In 2357, the Federation colony on Galen IV was overrun and destroyed by Talarian forces, who saw the Federation colonists as encroaching on their territory. In 2379, the Xindi and the Suliban attacked the Federation, forming the Xindi-Suliban Alliance. When the Starbase plays host to an energy entity, Carter likened it to a similar entity that took the form of Colonel O'Neill and then came up with the idea to use technology she had previously encountered to go into the mind of Rodney McKay. The three men suffered horribly in the prison and the stress of prison and the neural implants did take its toll on the three of them: when Paris once, suffering from delirium, dismantled a tool Kim was going to use for an escape attempt, Kim and Halliwell, enraged at what Paris had done, lost control and almost killed him. Janeway was forced to set the phasers to 1/100 power to disable a Kazon raider. Olivia and Typhuss later found Milo Surgant and Betras at a spaceport on Andoria. In 2399, Typhuss helped his enemy Miranda Tate to reform so she wasn't a professional thief, cat burglar or a criminal. In 2387, the USS Intrepid-A was sent across the now defunct Romulan Neutral Zone to search for any Romulans who may have survived the explosion of the Hobus star. Hoshi Sato and Amanda Cole opted to stay aboard the Intrepid-A when it returned to its own time. Typhuss soon aided Admiral Kathryn Janeway in breaking Seven of Nine, Icheb, and The Doctor out of Starfleet holding cells. In 2360, Typhuss served on the USS Kansas, a Galaxy-class starship as science officer with the rank of Lieutenant. On January 14th Helena was born in New York city. Janeway was able to get the duranium for the phasers and force the Kazon to withdraw. We are here today to rechristen the USS Intrepid, and to honor those who lost their lives one month ago. In 2383, Kira becomes pregnant with Typhuss's second child. Also, during this time, Typhuss admitted his true feelings to Helen and the two began a romantic relationship. In 2371, Agent Luther Sloan of the rogue intelligence agency called Section 31 unsuccessfully attempted to recruit Typhuss into the un-sanctioned spy agency's ranks shortly before Voyager's mission to the Badlands. In 2401, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Vice Admiral Kira and Captain William T. Riker took the USS Titan out of Spacedock on an unauthorized mission to find Doctor Beverly Crusher. Their friendship grew over the years that they became closer friends. The crew was immediately suspicious that Seska was luring Voyager into a trap, but rallied behind Chakotay and his responsibility to his son. However, over time Scully grew to admire Typhuss a great deal and became friends with him. Unfortunately for him, he got caught on his first assignment. After recovering Tierna, one of Seska's aids, Voyager set a course toward Kazon territory. Typhuss and Kira lived on Bajor, they became farmers in Dahkur Province. In 2385, Shepard was replaced as Director of Starfleet Intelligence by Vice Admiral Marta Batanides. Special Victims Unit and Gibb's SCIS team. After an understanding was reached with the Queen, the Intrepid joined the Borg in a coordinated effort to deflect a massive energy burst from a newly forming transwarp conduit. Of the captain's log, only Pizarro's last four entries remained. To some members of Starfleet, the Federation's response to the crisis was deemed thoroughly ineffective. Typhuss joined this new Starfleet with his wife Kira Nerys. Julia told Typhuss she was in love with him. Typhuss served on Starbase 32 for 7 months. Typhuss earned an impressive list of commendations during his career, including the Starfleet Medal of Valor with clusters, the Star Cross, the Preantares Ribbon of Commendation, Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, Federation Medal of Honor, Starfleet Medal of Honor and the Federation Citation of Honor. Following that incident Janeway was then taken hostage by Acrux and his mercenaries as Trabe Captain Nagrom's ship attacked. Eventually, the Remans were relocated to the planet Klorgat VII and Tal'Aura consolidated her praetorship; however, Donatra's faction of the Imperial Fleet remained rogue until December of 2380 when, in orbit of Achernar Prime, Donatra proclaimed the existence of the Imperial Romulan State and her own status as its empress. (VOY: "Basics, Part II"), Among all of his relationships with the crew, Typhuss had developed a specially close friendship with young Harry Kim. With no other options left, he plotted a collision course, intending to use the ship's autopilot to ram the Romulan warbird. Typhuss James Halliwell is a talented and compassionate male Human of the Tau'ri who was an accomplished and acclaimed officer in the United States Air Force, playing a key role in bringing the Stargate Program into existence as a member of SG-1. (TNG episode: "Night Terrors"; Star Trek: Intrepid). A year after the battle the Sanctuary team abonanded the Sanctuary in order to go into hiding at the new Underground Sanctuary. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Revelations Helena"). This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Terra to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Jennifer and Typhuss dated during this time. Upon Helen's return Typhuss gladly transfers control of the global network back to Helen. After providing medical care for a sick infant, the away team were able to convince the inhabitants that no harm had been intended, but his crewmate, Joe Carey, was killed. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. Typhuss was issued a commendation for his actions and reinstated as captain of the Intrepid. The Kingston returned Typhuss and his family to Bajor. In 2350, Typhuss first met Navaar at a bar, prior to joining Starfleet six months later. Typhuss was forced to do this, namely asphyxiate Magnus when she became infected with the parasite and threatened to kill them all by taking their submarine down so deep that it would have imploded. Then Typhuss and Kori started to date. Over the course of their journey with Xena, Gabrielle and Typhuss grew as friends, each coming to respect and admire the other. She, the Doctor, Kim and Kes then examined the virus that poisoned the planet and found that it was not native to Praja. The clone was aware of Ba'al's plan to go back in time and change the timeline in his favor by preventing the Stargate program from ever being created. (Star Trek: Intrepid episodes: "Falling In Love With Sam Again", "Sam With Child", "Getting Back Together With Kira"), Shortly after Typhuss's divorce from Samantha Carter in 2359, Typhuss ran into his old friend Julia Harris. Orion pirate Siroc was unable to transport Milo Surgant and Betras to his raider because the USS Enterprise-D disabled their transporters. Captains Jean-Luc Picard and Typhuss James Kira, with the assistance of Admiral Kathryn Janeway, onboard her former starship, the USS Voyager, met with T'Uerell and learned of her true intentions; she planned to conquer the Alpha Quadrant with the Borg. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Demon"), In 2375, this duplicate ship - unaware that it was a facsimile of the original Voyager crew - began suddenly dying one by one due to warp drive radiation. When Starbase Atlantis underwent a complete lockdown quarantine, Typhuss was trapped in a turbolift with Samantha Carter and Dr. Radek Zelenka for several hours until they were rescued. (VOY episode: "Fair Haven"), In the year 2376, the USS Voyager received Anticipation's distress signal when it entered the sector. He has demonstrated a strong knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering. The hardest rival Typhuss faced during his Starfleet career was the Romulan Nero, Captain of the Narada during the Battle of Capella IV in 2387. Typhuss chose not to retire from SVU after his aunt Reba was attacked. With this remark, he sunk the deal the Ferengi wanted to make and prevented Kim from paying too much for the crystals. Typhuss was still married to Samantha Carter and not Kira Nerys. This, coupled with numerous other threatening events that had happened throughout the Presidency of Nanietta Bacco, led these Starfleet officers to the idea that the Federation was not strong enough to deal with these modern threats. Its registry had degraded to be unreadable but Janeway recognized the Spanish escutcheon on the engineering hull. While looking for spare parts in the lower hull, Torres's team was attacked by a space parasite. In 2380, Typhuss and the USS Intrepid-A had a final confrontation with T'Uerell, a Vulcan who had been working with the Borg, inciting conflicts throughout local space, for two hundred years. There was only one survivor: a four-year-old Human boy named Jeremiah Rossa. The Regius Poem, or Halliwell Manuscript, is commonly referred to and generally accepted as the oldest Masonic document in existence today. Navaar and Typhuss fell in love. Despite the initial tactical advantage, Voyager was able to detect the battle cruiser by performing a metaphasic scan, and promptly disabled the cruiser's cloaking device and forward disruptor emitters with their phasers. Janeway then gave Chakotay and Neelix bands that to help them return. His choice to stay at the Sanctuary is made after a conversation with Dr. Magnus when she reveals her deepest secrets to him. I draw on a darkness every time I draw back my bow.Typhuss to Helen Magnus. Typhuss along with Oliver decided to separate themselves from the impersonator and continue serving the city by officially using their skills as an officer of the SCIS. While stranded on a hostile planet when the Kazon took over Voyager, he helped rescue Neelix and Kes from a primitive tribe on the planet. They were on a quest to find the savior of the Klingon race, the kuvah'magh. Typhuss was initially involved with the Earth Stargate Program and later became a leading member on the Atlantis Expedition and also a member of the expedition's flagship team, the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team, having been involved with the Earth Stargate Program for many years prior to becoming a member of the Atlantis Expedition. As the Defiant was attacked, several charges were detonated in the fusion core of the station causing severe structural damage and running the risk of the core breaching with the ejection systems offline. There is also some sexual tension between them. An investigation by the Enterprise crew discovered all but one of the ship's crew died under circumstances of violent suicides and homicides, determined to be caused by severe REM sleep deprivation. Contrary to appearances, though, Typhuss really does care for him on some level. Kohlar's battle cruiser firing photon torpedoes at Voyager. Typhuss is having a affair with Olivia Benson behind Leeta's back. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Ending A Deadly Threat"). Samantha made the first move and kissed Typhuss. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Hunters"), In 2374, while exploring a toxic, Demon-class planet, Paris, Halliwell and Kim came into contact with the planet's atmosphere and were bioformed. After Janeway had the planet sprayed with healthy bacteria that would heal the planet. After the divorce Typhuss and Sam remained on good terms and became good friends in 2360 after joining the Stargate Program and SG-1. Typhuss fought in the Tzenkethi War, from 2360 to 2364. Alive but only tenuously, Worf is beamed to the Enterprise as part of a ploy to lower the Starfleet vessel's shields, and is immediately transported to sickbay. Nero demands that Worf deliver himself as a captive. Worf agrees, but uses the surrender as cover to lead an EVA mission onto Nero's vessel. Heartbroken, Captain Janeway asked R'Mor to at least transmit the crews' messages twenty years later to their loved ones. Mere moments later, the station was destroyed. During its trip between galaxies, the Nakai managed to sabotage Destiny's Faster-Than-Light engine, which required the crew to remove one of the units from the drive section and bypass it. They were unable to find a solution and return to their reality. Helen noted that he had a lot of work to do at the Sanctuary. (Star Trek: Voyager), After playing a key role in bringing the Stargate Program into existence as a member of SG-1 during the 2360s, Typhuss has collabortated on almost all of Earth's advanced technology from the Daedalus-class battlecruisers, Naquadah generators, the F-302, and many more and a host of other alien technology. The away team restored emergency power and Seven copied what little remained of the degraded databanks. (VOY episode: "Prophecy"), While on the ship's first Starfleet-assigned mission in seven years, Typhuss, Tom Paris, Neelix and Joseph Carey were captured by a race that had been contaminated by an old Earth probe. Typhuss is often more skeptical of victim's accounts, which often brings the two partners into conflict. Fri 11 Apr 2014 14.45 EDT. Two months later they got married and eight months later their relationship was not working and they got a divorce. They successfully transported R'Mor through the wormhole onto Voyager and to the Delta Quadrant, only to find out that that R'Mor was from twenty years in the past. The crew was immediately transferred to the USS Kansas for medical care. Typhuss got married to Samantha Carter again. Typhuss also took classes such as Engineering, Klingon Physiology, Survival Strategies, Temporal Mechanics and Transporter Theory in his third year at the academy. Two members of a Voyager away team, Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris, moved through one of the fractures and were transported one day into the past, where they discovered that they were the cause of the catastrophe. Telek gave them information on Xindi ships. During the war, the Kansas pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt. After making contact with a Cardassian warship, Captain Halliwell lowered the ship's shields as a gesture of good will, but the Cardassian commander ignored the gesture and disabled the Zeus's weapons and impulse engines. The Zeus retreated from the sector with the warship in pursuit, the Zeus managed to regroup and flee. 6 weeks later Sam got a fast divorce from Typhuss and Kira came over to talk, Kira stopped the divorce and reconciled with Typhuss. (VOY episode: "Parturition"), At the end of the year, Voyager received a message from Seska saying that she had given birth to Chakotay's son and that the child was in danger of becoming a slave to the Kazon. Captain Kira joined up with the USS Enterprise-E and the Intrepid joined the battle near Earth. They arrived on the ship when they realized that it was jumping to several alternate realities. She returned to the Flyer, with the distributor and Kelly's body. His sister Piper got married to her boyfriend Leo Wyatt, his family missed him and hoped that Voyager would return to the Alpha Quadrant and hoped to see him when he returned to Earth. (VOY episode: "One Small Step"), A hallucination of Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter appears to Typhuss in 2376, In 2376, Typhuss received a head injury during the battle with Penk's starship but was later healed by The Doctor. Ransom himself stayed with his ship as it exploded. On stardate 48315.6, Typhuss leaves the Kansas after 11 years and was assigned to the USS Voyager as science officer by Captain Kathryn Janeway. They first met on Deep Space 9, where a Ferengi bartender named Quark was pressuring Kim to buy Lobi crystals. Upon graduation in 2354, the two were assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32. During the battle against the Xindi in the Ceti Alpha system, the crew of the Enterprise were aided by the USS Intrepid-A, which had come from the future from the year 2385, and were able to fight off the Xindi. James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-1889), was an antiquarian, literary scholar, and major collector of Shakespearean works and related documents. All of their masks were kept as trophies in Darhk's office. While changing in civilian attire in the locker room, Daniel voiced the concern to Typhuss and Mitchell that the Ba'al clone might have actually been telling the truth and that they hadn't captured all of the Ba'als as they thought. One night she met Typhuss at a high profile cocktail party and the two started a relationship. Eventually it was revealed that the Caretaker had pulled Voyager across the galaxy in the hopes of finding a people who could care for the nearby Ocampa. As Magnus's second in command, Typhuss has knowledge of all aspects of the Sanctuary Network as well as access to all of Magnus's contacts and resources. Starbase 32 pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps 1820-1889. Nevertheless, he did show a tendency to overwork, avoided formal vacations, and Zefram Cochrane on first... Crew was immediately suspicious that Seska was luring Voyager into a trap, but rallied behind Chakotay and bands., UK and Sam kissed him back what little remained of the USS Kansas, Galaxy-class. Became good friends in 2360, Typhuss joined this new Starfleet with his ship as it exploded by Starfleet week... 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