I believe that Texas was ancient Egypt, since Texas has a town called, Egypt Texas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt,_Wharton_County,_Texas. [1]TheCushitic languagesare named after Cush. [End quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cush_(Bible)]. Egypt shipped another 12.8% worth of goods to trade partners in North America. Who was Cush or Kush? It helped answer the questions that no one else has been able to answer. peace. According to this book you had ancient Egyptians in Maine that were writing hieroglyphics in the 1700s; Memphis, Tennessee was named from Egyptians that traveled to that land; and in Oklahoma in the 1800s, a stele of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amunhotep IV, aka, Moses of the Bible) was found before they knew who Akhenaton was. Yes, Peru was indeed the Holy City, because it is the Holy City of Heru (Jesus), who is the Egyptian son of God. This has to be true since the supreme axiom is the law of correspondence: As above so below. Based upon this law of correspondence, Lower Cush must be somewhere in North America, but where? Not only was a sphinx found, but they found an ancient Egyptian city buried too in the same area too. Conspiracy theorist John Rhodes claims to know the exact location of the caverns the site is guarded today by a lone soldier carrying an M-16 and that the caverns are a museum for civilization . To some of my friends this is not new information, because myself and others have demonstrated that the Americas is Ancient Egypt, aka, Old Egypt. History of Islam Notice all of the names of these Ishmaelite/ Moabite tribes of Moors or Berber Indians: Seminoles, Choctaws, Cherokee, Creeks, Chickasaws, Maskoki, Yamasees, Catawbas, Iroquois, Shawnees, Powhatans, Delaware, Algonquin, Mohawk, Miami, Abenaki, Pequot, Seneca (Senegal), Wampanoag, and many more Indian tribes that I did not name, but you can see them on the 1491 map in this post. Illini means, Best People, or Tribe of Superior Men, this is also where the term the Illuminati comes from. The same symbol for America! Las Vegas/Negas (light or bright serpent/dragon) is located where what used to be Utah Territory, which covered several states and reached all the way into Mexico, because Utah used to be a part of Mexico. Evidence to support the said place names is already given above in this chapter, but we do have more evidence with the ancient Egyptian artifacts found in Richard County, Illinois by Russell E. Burrows in 1982: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burrows_Cave. Yes, based upon the evidence, Cush and Cusco are one and the same. There are certain countries that some people struggle to locate in a continent. Phoenicians Ra was drawn as a man with a hawk head and a headdress with a sun disk. II - Paperback, America is the True Old World, Vol. But that racial identity has not matched the. Non-stop flights from United States to Cairo, Egypt: We couldn't find any nonstop flights to Cairo, Egypt directly from United States. They were not Ancient Egyptians, they were part of the global blackamoor civilization of the time, aka, Mu/Atlantis, thats why you find Egyptian looking artifacts and building style worldwide. The Garden of Eden was in the land of Cush according to the Bible, so yes Cuzco, Indiana is the lower land of Cush. The truth is that these were the Black Egyptian/Sumerian giants that were the offsprings of the Blue-Black Annunaki giants (Sirius beings) from the Sirius Star System that came here eons ago. I believe this to be true, since ancient Egypt was in the Americas: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-egypt-was-in-the-americas/, and since we have a town called, EGYPT, Tennessee, nearby Memphis, Tennessee in Shelby County, which is a predominately African American County. Source : Geofabrik. Egypt is the United States' largest export market in Africa. The Spanish considered the Saracens (Moors) uncivilized barbarians, because of their belief in Islam. They found many of these giant elongated skulls. This is a comparison between the Exhibit during the day and night. Phonetically, Cush and Cusco are the same because they have a similar sounding or pronunciation. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! [referring to a calcified pineal gland]. What a coincidence that we have a Cairo, well, a Streets of Cairo, nearby Memphis, Tennessee. In this post is a image of the Mississippi River and its seven streams, as described in the book of Isaiah 11:15 KJV, And the LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and makemen go over dryshod. Notice the seven streams that flow into the Tongue (mouth) of the Egyptian Sea (the Gulf of Mexico). Also, Cuzco or Cusco as we already known is the Spanish or Latinized way of saying Cush. A photo of the map of Utah Territory is in this post. The Black European Templar Christians/ Catholics that invaded the Americas were not Moors, because they hated Moslems/ Muslims. Egypt, Lean County, Texas, (3.) This makes sense too if we apply the supreme Axiom of, As above so below.. Thoth (thought) was an Atlantean priest King that founded all of the Arts and Sciences, built the Great Pyramid, and was the founder of Ancient Egypt in Africa. II (E-book). Guadalajara. Prester John Cuzco and the surrounding area contain extensive Inca ruins that reflect great skill in engineering, stonework, and architecture. The Memphis pyramid is a sight to see at night. By looking at the post image, the Great Sphinx of Mexico, aka, the American Sphinx, looks exactly like the Great Sphinx of Egypt. WERE THE MUURS REALLY THE BIGGEST RACE TRAITORS AND SELLOUTS OF THEIR OWN RACE? [.osm.pbf] (37.4 MB) [.shp.zip] [.osm.bz2] License : All OpenStreetMap derived data on the download server is licensed under the Open Database License 1.0. UBNEWZ was a Hebrew News media outlet that is on YouTube. The Streets of Cairo Exhibit from the 1897 Tennessee Centennial Exposition. The original streets of Cuzco are narrow and frequently stepped. [End Quote from https://www.britannica.com/place/Cuzco]. Europe 4 properties hide. Cairo is the Capitol of Egypt. What does Cush mean in its Spanish equivalent of Cusco/ Cuzco? These ready-to-use North America worksheets are perfect for teaching students about North America, the third largest continent in the world. The second red dot is the three pyramid structure in Giza, Egypt. Egypt. In Latin America, these mysterious constructions attract travellers from around the world. Cush or Kush means Black. Please read more about the Biblical Lebanon, by reading this blog post, Old Canaan in the New World, which demonstrates that America is the True Old World and that the Biblical Lebanon was in Lebanon Oregon: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/old-canaan-in-the-new-world/. The post The Americas is Ancient Egypt appeared first on America is the Old World. This is a Map of Utah Territory and as you can see it covered several states: California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, part of Oklahoma and Missouri. It is pretty worth enough for me. Ancient Ghana is Guyana: the first Gold Coast was in South America. -88.3833 Weather near Egypt Last report from Belize / Phillip Goldston Intl. Global Ping Statistics Cairo. (See, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and also you can refer to the Book sample link above or my Homepage at: I used to think that Western Scholars were racist or either biased when they would refer to Ancient Egypt as being in the Orient, until I did my research. UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time. Yes, Horus was from the Americas, because the Americas is the Old World. The carving was believed to take place between 1700 and 1400 BC, which was during the 18th Dynasty. Let us see what happens when you do so: PERU-salem, Yeru-salem, and HERU-salem. He was the brother ofCanaan(land ofCanaan),Mizraim(Egypt) andPhut(land ofLibya), and the father of the biblicalNimrodmentioned in the Table of Nations inGenesis10:6 andI Chronicles1:8. New Kingdom Egypt reached the height of its power under the pharaohs Seti I and Ramesses II, who fought to expand Egyptian power against the Libyans to the west and the Hittites to the north. Ancient Egyptian corn was referring to Egypt, Texas, in North America, since corn is indigenous only to the Americas, and since Texas is still a large producer of corn. Yes, the Orient means the East. Mount Roraima is also the source of freshwater for 3 mighty Rivers, one of which is the Amazon River (the upper Nile River). The Ohio Valley is akin to the Nile Valley Civilization, since you got the Ohio River, which is part of the Mississippi (Nile) River system, and you got a little Egypt in the area, a Cairo, a Thebes, a Karnak, and you got a Memphis further down. Well, according to an intriguing set of glyphs located in Australia, ancient Egyptian Sailors traveled to modern-day Australia thousands of years ago, proving that the ancient Egyptian civilizations had the capability of large-scale trans-oceanic travel. In ancient times, the Gulf of Mexico was known as the Egyptian sea and the book of Isaiah 11:15 KJV bible proves that as factual. The famous Stone of Twelve Angles is a fine example of this construction. Nile is a Greek word, which means, great river. Could the city of Port Caddo be the Biblical Thebes? Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and. When discussing ancient Egypt, the focus has to be on the Nile River System of the White Nile and the Blue Nile, which is allegedly the longest river in the world at 4,132 miles long. As such, Cush is alternately identified in scripture with theKingdom of Kushor ancientEthiopia. The tunnel is presently on a cliff wall 400 feet above the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Some of these tribes were major Indian tribes, so who can say that the Moors were not Indigenous when the Moors were also Indians from India Superior (the Americas)? U.S. exports to Egypt include wheat and corn, mineral fuel and oil, machinery, aircraft, and iron and steel products. Please Email me where i can purchase 3 and 4. okay, I will do and thanks for reading. The Spanish considered the Saracens (Moors) uncivilized barbarians, because of their belief in Islam. You also got the serpent in your body if you got a spinal column. The Algonquin tribes spoke Egyptian, and Hebrew and Arabic are the same language, but only with a different dialect, according to Dr. Alim El-Bey: The Indigenous Algonquin Tribes Spoke Egyptian (Ta Meri-An)-Phoenician Language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRbWa0PvoSw. Too many similarities for this to be just coincidence, so I am going to go out on a limb and say that Las Vegas was built on top of Ancient Luxor. Your email address will not be published. Also notice the symbol of the Egyptian flag an eagle! A previous civilization of Atlanteans/ Egyptians gave that area that name long before Europeans came to the Americas and Master Teacher Bobby Hemmitt seems to thick the same thing: https://www.facebook.com/delvinjihad.lawson/videos/614843569175431/. Interesting. Mount Roraima is nicknamed the Tree of Life because it was once a mighty tree that reached up into the heavens and it produced every fruit and vegetable in the world. Yes, Peru, was indeed Heru, which is more evidence that Upper Egypt was in South America. This massive structure was built with a total volume of 4.45 million cubic meters, which means it is even larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which has a total volume of around 2.5 million cubic meters. Total bilateral trade in goods between the United States and Egypt stood at $9.1 billion in 2021, the highest level ever. Cush is traditionally considered the eponymous ancestor of the people of the land of Cush, an ancient territory that is believed to have been located on either side or both sides of theRed Sea. Answer: Because of the Smithsonian cover-up. Additional clues can be found with a quick study of the etymology of the name, Missouri, you will learn that it is just a corruption of Mizraim. Yes, Ptah, a predynastic Egyptian/Atlantean god, is from the Americas, because his Territory was Ptah/Utah/Judah territory which covered Mexico and several states: California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and part of Oklahoma. As you can see, America is modern-day Egypt, heavily embedded with sun/Sun-day worship, periods of slavery, pyramids, Sphinxes, and other phallic, abominable symbols and obelisks most notably church steeples and skyscrapers. The concept of the dragon in Celtic mythology emerged directly from the holy crocodile (the Messeh) of the ancient Egyptians. Mount Roraima is also the source of freshwater for 3 mighty Rivers, one of which is the Amazon River (the upper Nile River). Another clue that North America is Lower Ancient Egypt is the Egyptian place names of cities along the Mississippi like Memphis, TN; Cairo, Illinois; Thebes, Illinois; Karnak, Illinois; and Egypt, Georgia. Here are the 5 Egyptian place names in Texas: (1.) We didn't even call ourselves Egyptians at first, but we were Atlanteans before we were Egyptians. I believe that the Egypt over in Africa was a satellite, a smaller Egypt, compared to Tameri/Tamerica (America), which is an ancient name for Egypt. Mound builders I was always taught that if you created or founded a person, place, thing, or an ideal, and you gave it a name, that is what it is called. During the 19th and 20th centuries, 37 new states were added to the original 13 as the nation expanded across the North American continent . Well, Mizraim, according to the KJV Bible was theson of Ham, and hewas the younger brother ofCushand the elder brother of Phutand Canaan (Phoenicians), whose families together made up the Hamitebranch of Noahs descendants. Egypt is associated with Pyramids; however, the most pyramids and the oldest pyramids are in the Americas. The Mu/Atlantean civilization that led up to what is called Egyptian been on earth thousands and possibility even millions of years. They also fear women obtaining their full rights, lest they take the place of men in leadership positions. Texas also has a Palestine, Texas, and a Lebanon, Texas, both of which are Biblical cities that are heavily associated with ancient Egypt and the Children of Israel, aka, the Israelites. Later, people were buried with figurines or shawabti instead. Hello, my name is Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey, and I am proud to introduce to you my new eBook entitled, America is the True Old World, but first let me tell you more about myself. Tartary Check out my Gibraltar of the West Blog post because I cover the Garden of Eden and the Foutain of Youth. Lebanon, Texas is interesting because of the Biblical Lebanons association with ancient Egypt and its famed giant Cedars of Lebanon, aka, the Cedars of God. Additional clues can be found with a quick study of the etymology of the name, Missouri, you will learn that it is just a corruption of Mizraim. 22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. [referring to the third eye, aka, the pineal gland being open] thePalestinian territories). [End quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_(region)]. The interesting thing about Memphis (Luxor) is that it was the first capitol of Ancient Egypt with Cairo nearby. The city itself had tens of thousands of inhabitants, perhaps as many as 200,000. Geneva. Christopher Columbus Ptah is basically an older form of the Egyptian God Osiris/Oscar/Arthur. source https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-americas-is-ancient-egypt/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-americas-is-ancient-egypt, Your email address will not be published. In this blog post is an image of the Old Testament Map of Ancient America that shows you Assyria (Iran/ Turkey), Babylon (Sumer), Mesopotamia, Moab, Egypt (Texas), and Jerusalem, all in North America. Grand Tartary America is the old world is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Tartarians Three pyramid structure in Giza, Egypt carving was believed to take place between 1700 and 1400,! Did n't even call ourselves Egyptians at first, but they found an Egyptian! Original Streets of Cuzco are narrow and frequently stepped where I can purchase 3 4.. In thee be darkness, how great is that darkness thing about Memphis ( ). How great is that it was the first capitol of north america is egypt Egypt with Cairo.! The true Old World, Vol that reflect great skill north america is egypt engineering stonework. 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