Zettle Dock and Reader are sold separately. You agree, upon our request, to take all reasonable measures to assist us in verifying your Bank Account. Is this because it is a reverse charge supply so if a UK company were looking at offering a similar service it would be fully VATable? Any funds credited to your Zettle Account and held by us on your behalf at the time your Zettle Account is suspended or closed will be paid out to you in accordance with section 14, unless otherwise set out in these Payment Terms and Conditions. If you have a PayPal Account and you separately create a Zettle Account which you authorise and instruct us to connect to your PayPal Account, your PayPal Account and Zettle Account are connected ("Connected Merchant"). You agree to comply with any such requests without undue delay. Price excluding VAT for one (1) Zettle Reader 2 per new business user. To use the Payment Service for sales from a physical sales location, you must download and install the App and, unless you are solely using the Tap on Phone Service, obtain one of our compatible card reader devices (Zettle Reader). For each sale, there will be a receipt and two payments. Terminal pricing and fees subject to change. Monthly fee Free Phone support weekdays, 9am-5pm Integrates with popular apps App features include: Card and cash payments Sales reports Gift cards Refunds and discounts Staff management Sign up For more information about our fees, please read here. transactions where both the Card and the customer are present at the time of the transaction) by inserting the Card into the Zettle Reader or swiping the Card and obtaining the customers PIN or obtaining the customers signature. . Are all the sales on that report Vatable? Additionally, to secure your performance of these Payment Terms and Conditions, you grant us a legal claim against the funds in your Designated Account as security for any amount you may owe us. - The current account bank feed will be allocated as a transfer ex Zettle control, The beauty of being taught never (ever, or else!) Choose Undeposited Funds in the Deposit to drop-down. Enter the invoice payment details. Such change can be made unilaterally by us, the Card Scheme Rules administrators, or the Third Party Payment Providers without notice but we will try to inform you in advance. VAT (using VAT Margin Scheme) should be paid on 16.67% of 235.45 (sale price minus purchase price of item). PayPal QR code transaction fees are the same flat rate as card transaction fees for transactions you process with your Zettle Reader or Terminal. Our Acquirers and the Card Schemes may from time to time impose certain limits on Merchants annual Card transaction volume through the use of the Payment Service. A bill is pushed with a single line item with the expense account set to the Invoice fees account. When your customer has paid the invoice online by Card or by using any other online payment method made available by us in your jurisdiction in a correct manner, your customer shall be deemed to have fulfilled its payment obligation to you in relation to such invoice. *Additional terms and conditions apply. Filing options for small companies up for change. For the same fee, iZettle Go also offers the more flexible pay by link option, where a simple payment link can be sent by sms, email, or through WhatsApp or Messenger. iZettle fees are one of the lowest around compared with similar payment solutions. You undertake to ensure that all your employees and other eligible representatives who handle payment transactions on your behalf are informed of the content of these Payment Terms and Conditions in advance, and that they have received the training required to satisfy the requirements of these Payment Terms and Conditions. You are solely responsible for accepting and processing returns of your products or services. This is troublesome because any receipt that is produced by iZettle is simply not eligible and it makes accounting troublesome when paired with transactions with correct VAT. . The fee you pay to us is not affected by any of these fees. It is your responsibility to inform your customer that you will use the App to send them a receipt via email or SMS before doing so. If you have signed up for a service enabling you to sell products and/or services online, and such service has the requisite integrations with our Payment Service, you may also be able to accept and process payments from your customers who will be able to pay online using a Card or such online payment method made available by us in your jurisdiction. I note there is no VAT on iZettle charges and others who offer the same service. In addition to what is set out in section 11 of the General Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that we are required to report your business name and the name of your beneficial owners and/or principals to the MATCH listing maintained by MasterCard and accessed and updated by American Express, and the VMAS database upheld by Visa, if applicable, pursuant to the requirements of the Card Scheme Rules. I am 99% certain Zettle (Paypal) transaction fees are exempt from VAT. By accepting these Payment Terms and Conditions, you request and agree that we charge you the Fees (as a blended merchant service charge) assessed and calculated by us in accordance with the Fee schedule. Others (I know) are not. However the amount can't be matched from the bank, as the amount from the bank is the net figure. Zettle Go is our free point-of-sale app flexible and easy for any business. Stripping it down you sell an items to a customer for 100 + VAT. Pay the customer invoices in full to the iZettle account. You agree that you are solely responsible for verifying the identity of your customers and the eligibility of each presented Card used to purchase your products and services and for all reversed or charged back transactions, regardless of the reason for, or timing of, the reversal or chargeback as further described in section 17. You can find the agreements here. For more information about our fees, please read here. In addition to the fees set out in the fee schedule, we also pay fees to other parties involved in the payment flow. Your Output VAT on a 100 sale at standard rate is 20 - end of! If you have signed up for the Payment Service as a company or other business entity, you confirm and agree that we may require a personal guarantee from an owner, director, principal or other representative of your business or the establishment of a bank guarantee or provision of other suitable security for the due performance of your payment obligations under these Payment Terms and Conditions. iZettle fees are one of the lowest around compared with similar payment solutions. You may not in any way refer to us, our Acquirers or the Card Schemes as having endorsed your products and/or services. iZettle fees are one of the lowest around compared with similar payment solutions. If iZettle pay the client net of their fees and IZettles fees are exempt from VAT then my understanding would be that a VAT adjustment would be needed for the difference between gross sales (before IZettle take their 1.75%) and the net amount IZettle pay the client. By accepting these Payment Terms and Conditions you agree that, if and to the extent that the provisions of any Services at any time is subject to any legislation in any jurisdiction implemented for purposes of transposing PSD2 (PSD Laws): the following provisions of PSD2, as transposed by any PSD Laws, shall not apply to these Payment Terms and Conditions or to the provision of the Services: (i) Articles 40 (Charges for information), 41 (Burden of proof on information requirements), 42 (Derogation from information requirements for low-value payment instruments and electronic money), 44 (Prior general information), 45 (Information and conditions), 46 (Information for the payer and payee after the initiation of a payment order), 47 (Information for payer's account servicing payment service provider in the event of a payment initiation service), 48 (Information for the payer after receipt of the payment order), 49 (Information for the payee after execution), 51 (Prior general information), 52 (Information and conditions), 53 (Accessibility of information and conditions of the framework contract), 54 (Changes in conditions of the framework contract), 55 (Termination), 56 (Information before execution of individual payment transactions), 57 (Information for the payer on individual payment transactions), 58 (Information for the payee on individual payment transactions), 59 (Currency and currency conversion), 60 (Information on additional charges or reductions), 62(1) (Charges applicable), 64(3) (Consent and withdrawal of consent), 71 (Notification and rectification of unauthorised or incorrectly executed payment transactions), 72 (Evidence on authentication and execution of payment transactions), 74 (Payer's liability for unauthorised payment transactions), 76 (Refunds for payment transactions initiated by or through a payee), 77 (Requests for refunds for payment transactions initiated by or through a payee), 80 (Irrevocability of a payment order), 89 (Payment service providers' liability for non-execution, defective or late execution of payment transactions); and 90 (Liability in the case of payment initiation services for non-execution, defective or late execution of payment transactions); and (ii) where transactions are neither euro nor pound sterling transactions, the requirements regarding execution and time-value dating set out in any PSD Laws transposition relating to Articles 83 to 85 of PSD2 will not apply to this Agreement or to the provision of such Services, to the extent permitted by applicable law. *Youll find the full list of transaction fees for all accepted payment methods on our pricing page. You authorise us to direct questions to and obtain information from the relevant bank, including for the purpose of verifying your designated Bank Account. Price includes a USB cable for charging and wall plug. There is no lock-in contract, so you can cancel any time at no extra cost. You acknowledge and understand that the Gift Card Service only supports multi-purpose vouchers meaning that any VAT due is only payable when the voucher is redeemed for goods or services. If your annual Card transaction volume exceeds the amount specified by the Card Schemes Rules, you will need to enter into additional agreements directly with our Acquirers (Commercial Entity Agreements). If youre new to Zettle and your business takes over 10,000 in card payments every month, all year round, you might be interested in our custom rate plans. You may not issue gift cards through the Zettle Gift Card Service valid longer than thirty-six (36) months from the date of issuance. However I am confused by the impact of the ruling in HMRC v NEC which seems to say transaction charges are subject to VAT. How much do iZettle charge per transaction? Fees will be assessed at the time a transaction is processed and will be deducted from the funds received by us and credited to your Zettle Account or PayPal Account. Reader pricing and fees subject to change. In addition to any other warranties set out in these Payment Terms and Conditions and in section 14 of the General Terms and Conditions, you warrant to us that: a) any payment transaction submitted by you through the Payment Service will represent a bona fide sale by you, b) any payment transaction submitted by you through the Payment Service will accurately describe the products or services sold and delivered to your customer, c) you will fulfil all of your obligations to each customer on behalf of whom you submit a payment transaction and will resolve any customer dispute or complaint directly with the customer, d) you will, and any payment transactions submitted by you through the Payment Service will, comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to your business and the Payment Service, e) except in the ordinary course of business, no payment transaction submitted by you through the Payment Service will represent a sale to any principal, partner, proprietor, or owner of your business, f) you will not use the Payment Service, directly or indirectly, for any fraudulent undertaking or in any manner so as to interfere with the use of the Payment Service. You use and access the Payment Service and your Zettle Account with your PayPal Account login credentials. In addition to what is stated in section 22 of the General Terms and Conditions, we may terminate these Payment Terms and Conditions or your use of all or part of the Payment Services or suspend or close your Zettle Account or PayPal Account, without prior notice to you: a) upon request of a Card Scheme, an Acquirer, or a service provider, b) if our agreement with an Acquirer or Card Scheme expires or terminates for any reason, c) if we are de-registered as a payment facilitator by a Card Scheme, an Acquirer, or a service provider, d) if in our reasonable opinion, your activities or actions are damaging to, or may damage, our image or reputation or the image or reputation of a Card Scheme, an Acquirer, or service provider, e) if you have signed up for the Payment Service as a company or other business entity and there is a change of control of such company or other business entity, f) if owners or other persons associated with you appear on European or American sanction lists (such as OFACs SDN list and the EUs list of economic sanctions or list of terrorists), or g) if your Designated Account is your PayPal Account and your PayPal Account is closed down, either by us or by you. We will assume that you are the sender of any transactions and other instructions to us when sent using your Account Credentials. 1 - Zettle take the full amount from the customer. As a Fully Merged Merchant you authorise and instruct us to initiate payment of all funds credited to your Zettle Account to your PayPal Account. You must notify us immediately through our Website or by contacting our customer success team at support.uk@zettle.com if you discover or have reason to believe that there has been an error or unauthorised or illegal use of your Zettle Account and, where possible, change your Account Credentials to prevent any further errors and/or unauthorised or illegal use. We will only process Card transactions that have been authorised by the applicable Card Scheme or Card issuer, as the case may be. We reserve the right to amend these Payment Terms and Conditions in accordance with section 23 of the General Terms and Conditions, or a shorter time if so required by the Card Schemes or a Third Party Payment Provider, as necessary to comply with the Card Scheme Rules or otherwise address changes in the Payment Service. You authorise us to share information with law enforcement about you, your transactions, or your use of the Payment Service if we reasonably suspect that your Zettle Account has been used for unauthorised, illegal, or criminal purposes. Customer Information may include e-mail address, name, address, personal identification number (or equivalent), trade name, registration number, telephone number and information concerning the purchase. If we do process such refunds and it results in a negative balance on your PayPal Account, you agree to pay all funds owed to us immediately on demand and any applicable process described in the PayPal User Agreement may be enacted. The cost for a wall plug is not included. If you are a Connected Merchant, funds from a payment transaction will be credited to your Zettle Account and then paid out to your PayPal Account daily. You agree to pay all costs and expenses, including without limitation attorneys fees and other legal expenses, incurred by or on behalf of us in connection with the collection of all balances unpaid by you. We reserve the right to suspend your access to and use of the Payment Service and to terminate and close your Zettle Account if you fail to allow us, or a third party designated by us, to conduct such audit upon our request. So VAT payable would be understated by 35p so an adjustment is needed, Thats my understanding of it but happy to be advised if this is not correct. This authorisation and instruction will remain in full force and effect until your Zettle Account is closed or terminated. VAT Help Documents How to claim VAT on Stock Donated to charity. No record of the 4.55 iZettle fee as it is charged before we even see the money from this sale. Any closure or suspension of your Zettle Account does not relieve you of your obligations under these Payment Terms and Conditions and we may elect to continue to hold any funds deemed necessary pending resolution of any other terms or obligations defined in these Payment Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to Chargebacks, Fees, refunds, reversals, or other investigations or proceedings. PayPal QR codes are a safe, touch-free way for customers to pay in-store. This includes a transaction reference, the costs charged to you as a Zettle user (including the split between the interchange fee and the Zettle fee) and the amount of the transaction in the currency of the Zettle account.Information in the fee schedule There are three types of fees set out in the fee schedule. If any of the goods or services that you supply are VAT exempt or you are underneath the VAT threshold then you won't be able to reclaim the cost of VAT. The Payment Service will enable you to accept and process payments from your customers (i) by Card or their smartphone, tablet or other compatible mobile device enabling them to take contactless smartphone/device transactions through the use of the App installed a) on your smartphone, tablet or other compatible mobile device connected to your Zettle Reader, b) on a compatible mobile device enabling you to take contactless payments directly in the App (the Tap on Phone Service), or c) directly on a Zettle Reader enabling you to take contactless payments, (ii) when your customers pay an invoice online using a Card or any other online payment method made available by us in your jurisdiction (the Invoicing Service), (iii) when your customers pay for your products and/or services through a payment link provided to your customer by email, text message or similar communication tool, and (iv) by redeeming gift cards issued by you using our gift card service (the Zettle Gift Card Service). You are solely liable to, and responsible for, reporting your activities to the FCA in accordance with the provisions of the PSRs or EMRs. Subject to availability in your country, if you are a Full Merged Merchant, you may also use the Payment Service to process transactions where neither the customer nor the Card are present at the time of transaction and you manually key in the card number, expiration date, security code, and other required information via the App (Manual Card Entry). Essentially the VAT in your software needs to match the total VAT on the iZettle report. We will then automatically pay out all your funds in accordance with the selected intervals. Fees will be assessed at the time a transaction is processed and will be deducted from the funds received by us and credited to your Zettle Account or PayPal Account. If these funds are not sufficient, you understand and agree that we are not obligated to process the refunds. You will receive funds either to your PayPal Account or Bank Account (your Designated Account) depending on the group of Merchants you fall in as described in section 1 above: If you are a Fully Merged Merchant, funds from a payment transaction credited to your Zettle Account will be paid out to your PayPal Account per transaction. A step by step guide to starting your own practice. Additional information about the Zettle Gift Card Service can be found on our Website. You undertake to inform your customers of the possibility to pay by Card by displaying signage for all Card options provided by us as possible payment methods in your physical store or online. This includes a transaction reference, the costs charged to you as a Zettle user and the amount of the transaction in the currency of the Zettle account. You acknowledge that we must fulfil the obligations related to such listing and reporting, and you waive and agree to hold us harmless from all claims and liabilities you may have as a result of such listing and reporting. If the amount received of 117.90 was entered through the books the VAT on that would only be 19.65. The costs and fees of both compare well. You agree to assist us when requested, at your expense, to investigate any transaction processed through the Payment Service. Lock-In contract, so you can cancel any time at no extra cost the expense Account set to the fees... Vat ( using VAT Margin Scheme ) should be paid on 16.67 % of 235.45 ( price! How to claim VAT on iZettle charges and others who offer the same Service will only process Card transactions have., at your expense, to take all reasonable measures to assist us when requested at. ( 1 ) Zettle Reader or Terminal investigate any transaction processed through the books the VAT on a sale... 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