Get my complete Rhaphidophora tetrasperma care guide! Make sure that the lowest leaf node is under the surface. Avoid letting this plant go completely dry at all cost because it will protest. So, stay away from beer bottles and other narrow necked bottles. No spam;unsubscribe anytime. To be fair, they might be for some people. Misting will NOT work. These roots grow out of the stem and collect moisture and other nutrients from the soil, host plant, or even the air. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation in water The most hands-off way to successful Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation is to just stick the cuttings in a glass of water. Be patient, change the water, and you can still get roots! Pro tip- Only prune back a maximum of 25% of your plant to reduce the risk of harming it. Step Four: Place each segment into the soil, node-side down. How to propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma Tools needed: Clean scissors Jar of water (I like test tubes) Parent plant Steps to propagate a mini monstera STEP 1 - identify a healthy branch with a node You can attempt to root a dying branch, but it usually just rots in the water. Send us pics of your plants on social media! If youre looking for other Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation methods, you can also try: With all of these methods, you can move your new plants to your favorite aroid soil mixture once theyve rooted. Propagating in water or soil is the way to go for most plant enthusiasts simply because these methods are so straightforward. This plant can easily get several feet tall even indoors. Soil that is too dry or too wet can cause this, as can drafty areas (too cold or too hot), as well as very low humidity. First of all, I wanted to briefly talk about all the crazy common names that have cropped up for this plant, which has caused a lot of confusion. How to Care for Baby Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. fingers crossed! However, if your mature speciment has thick stems, theres nothing stopping you! If you do soil or moss, keep it moist. Its not impossible to root your cuttings in water, its just more difficult. There must have been a few node cells at the base! Bright, indirect light is ideal, but medium light is also tolerated. This makes most homes conducive for growing the plants climate-wise. I do those on straight perlite. (1) Water your plant. Ive tried tons and have certain ones that I like the best. Rhaphidophora tetraspermais an aroid in the Araceae family, rhaphidophora genus, tetrasperma species. Eventually if you use a fertilizer that is not a complete fertilizer, it may eventually suffer from nutrient deficiencies. Lets get one of the similarities out of the way: their addictive fenestrations! And WOW, the roots were strong and thick! Does that make sense? Please click the link in the email I just sent youI just need to If the roots are as delicate at the new leaves Id have probably killed it. Thanks much! All you need to propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a healthy mother plant and a pair of scissors or pruning shears. They have fenestrations and eventually small holes . Top off the water every week. Ok, you probably can. Youll usually see or feel a bump around this location, which is an aerial root. That being said, if you can also provide higher humidity for these plants, you will win. A good fertilizer will make the difference between a mediocre plant and a spectacular plant (provided your other aspects of care are up to par!). What are those? Select healthy cuttings that have at least a few leaf nodes on them. 4 Natural Window Plants Lighting Practice, Looking for Unique Foliage? You will notice that the lower leaves will turn yellow if you let this happen. Place the stem cutting inside water for a couple of weeks. A bright and indirect position is best for Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, though you can give the plant some morning sunshine without risk of sun scorch. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation works in soil or in water, but also in LECA, perlite or sphagnum moss. It will help you avoid problems such as root rot and moist sphagnum moss and promote new growth in the mother plant. They require higher levels of moisture than the parent plant. The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew states that the plant can get up to 5 meters in the wild. Youll usually see or feel a bump around this location, which is an aerial root. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma vs. Monstera Deliciosa. To be safe though, I would still wait until at least the surface is dry to the touch before watering again. The leaves are actually touching. Propagation is half of the fun of having houseplants, isn't it? obviously not an ideal wait time, but apparently leaves can propagate. Yes, that makes so much sense! These s are the steps to propagate your Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma using stem cuttings: Pruning the plant before making any cutting; Take a stem cutting from a mature Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, a sign of a healthy plant with 2-3 nodes along the stem. These graceful lobes make it stand out in the crowd. Pests/Disease. See if you can find something you can use as a cloche to increase the humidity, and stick it on a bright windowsill. Select your growth medium . No need to get fancy with potting mixes. How to Propagate Rhaphidophora Plants The rhaphidophora may need a trim when its stems grow too long to support the leaves. How To Propagate The Rhaphidophora There's one simple way to get new a Rhaphidophora; propagation through stem cuttings. Can I Place Propagations in My Main Plant? 55-85F is a good range to keep in mind. (2) Make appropriately sized holes with your finger or a spoon. The growth pattern of the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and Monstera Deliciosa differs significantly. To propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, choose a vessel that has a wide opening. The cutting rooted really quickly in the LECA, and I was able to plant it in soil with little to no shock to the plant. Heres a photo of new growth (taken in a dark kitchen at 10pm, so apologies for the quality): the node already has a leaf and an aerial root coming from that node, but it doesnt seem bothered. Make sure the cutting has several leaves and at least one node on it. The process of propagating the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma involves snipping the stem. How? Im going to take another cutting at some point that Im going to start in moss and see if its quicker. Next question: How exactly do you propagate a Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma? Its recommended that you keep the soil moist, but mines accidentally dried out a few times and its fine. Have my current RT cutting in water for about 4 weeks and finally its forming more water roots out of the aerial root! It wasnt until I saw a few people on Reddit struggling to get roots that I realised that my experience of propagating Rhapidophora tetrasperma might not have been a one-off. A heavier, sturdy pot is ideal because this plant will need a support post, so you dont want your plant to be toppling over. I dont even vent until I get new growth. The only guaranteed way to make it more full is to plant multiple plants together. How do you do it? However, I would recommend dipping the cut end of the cutting in rooting hormone to jumpstart the process. Other common names include Monstera Ginny and Philodendron Ginny but these names are all misleading. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma has two main methods of propagation: Air layering Stem cuttings The latter has a few different options, which we'll discuss in more detail. You could have a bacterial or fungal infection. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is incredibly easy to propagate, much like its cousin the monstera deliciosa. Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions, Copyright 2023 Houseplant Care Tips | Birch on Trellis Framework by Mediavine. They require higher levels of moisture than the parent plant. To propagate your mini Monstera in soil, go for an airy aroid mixture. Now what? Categories Propagation, Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, Home Latest Blog Posts How to propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, The complete Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma care guide, Copyright 2023 keep your plants alive | Birch on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, How to propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, Read my complete guide on why is my Rhaphidophora tetrasperma turning yellow, Pothos plants: everything you need to know. Try putting a bag over it as I show below, or opt for something like a DIY plastic propagation box. Talk to you soon! How To Propagate Rhapidophora Tetrasperma? Good luck! Propagations always take longer than youd think. According to the International Aroid Society, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is considered rare in nature. She has the most amazing plant that fills her window and I was so happy when she brought me a piece! Do you want to cut out the middle-man (aka that glass of water)? They feature split lobes - usually a few on each leaf. I always recommend watering your plants thoroughly, letting water drain out of the drainage hole, and waiting until the top inch or so of the potting mix is dry before watering again. I use live moss layered over some soil and lay the stumps on top and put the large clear lid on. If you are using a liquid organic fertilizer, do this monthly. As I explained in this article, aerial roots are unlikely to change into proper roots. Additionally, the Monstera Deliciosa's leaves will grow much larger than the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, growing up to two feet long. How? If your tetrasperma roots easily GREAT. Care for it. It helps to have crazy plant friends to send you cuttings of interesting plants! Taking The Cuttings Looking to purchase a Rhaphidophora tetrasperma? Use clean pruning shears to cut just below a node. This is known as water rooting. Change out the water every week or so. If you would like to make your own (and I promise you it will be much better and cheaper than anything you can purchase), check out my blog post with step-by-step photos and instructions on making your own moss post. Dont follow a once a week watering schedule blindly! Ill insert a terrible photo in the article because I cant seem to add one in the comments on mobile! If your Mini Monstera features curling leaves, this could be due to too low humidity. Like many plant woes, there can be multiple reasons why this is occurring. you get to watch the process. Increase light, humidity, and temperature (so a sunny windowsill and maybe pop it in a clear plastic bag) if theyre not optimal already and hope! The process involves cutting the vine of the plant close to the bottom of its node. (They used to be scarce and expensive, and now they are much more common and very inexpensive.) To root rhaphidophora tetrasperma in moss, grab some sphagnum moss, saturate it with water, and then squeeze all of the excess out. smaller pot than what youre used to, which means it will need to be watered more frequently. . Does it just keep growing new leaves from where you cut it? Thank you. What extra layers of TLC do baby plants need? The vines, though, can grow super long. Yes, your plant will grow back after you take a cutting :-). Water lightly and aerate the soil so that you have healthy aerial roots. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is sometimes called mini monstera or dwarf monstera because it looks like a miniature version of Monstera deliciosa. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is native to lush and humid regions of Thailand and Malaysia.The plant was first formally documented in 1893 by British botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker.As a Rhaphidophora, it falls into the same family as the Monstera Deliciosa but is its own unique genus. They come in a pack of ten, they have drainage holes, they come with a saucer, theyre pretty, and theyre cheap. You'll see tiny brown roots emerging out of the nodes on the stems. I water it when I noticed the leaves starting to go a bit limp. You do not need a leaf to propagate this plant only a piece of stem with a node on it. For more details, review Thats where it will stay for 2-4 weeks. Your Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a native of tropical Thailand and Malaysia. Dampen your potting medium and gently plant the cutting so the node is submerged. Im sure it had its reasons. How to propagate Rhapidophora tetrasperma: If youd prefer to watch a video, rather than read this long-ass post, then theres one here: The plant itself is not delicate or particularly hard to care for. Next question: How exactly do you. Congratulate yourself for being such a generous soul! Thank you for this! These plants dont like a lot of direct sun, but some is fine. How bigs the mother plant? I got a root stump of a TR in a package with other plants. Whats a node? You will want to ensure that your cutting has at least one node. Fertilizer: Feed these plants between 2-3 weeks or up to once a month with an all-purpose, balanced, liquid houseplant fertilizer during the growing season only. Youve stuck it in soil with no way to absorb water, so its not surprising if it sulks until it has grown a basic root system. If you like Monstera deliciosa but you dont have enough room, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a great option. (3) Plop your cuttings in the hole, covering them over with soil. Change out the water regularly, and give it a good dose of . Here are two easy options to support your plant. Place the cutting in water. Whats the difference Between Scindapsus and Pothos. Take a clear storage bag (such as a Ziplock) and use it to create a humidity tent over the plant. It can take a few weeks to start sprouting roots, so be patient with it! Thats a win-win situation if you ask us! In water, you can watch the roots begin to develop. Its a Rhaphidophora (pronounced rah-feed-uh-four-ah). Our Mission: We are dedicated to growing the plant community by providing extraordinary plants for those who want to be different.Our Commitment: We are committed to a sustainable future that improves the social and environmental well being of our community.Our Vision: To provide the plant community access to the most beautiful exotic and tropical plants. #variegatedrhaphidophora #variegatedplants #rareplants #rhaphidophoratetrasperma". Mine continues to grow as normal from the node nearest where I took the cutting. In this post, I highlight 5 basic tips on how to care for this amazing houseplant soo it thrives under you care, along with an illustrated guide on propagation. Write your questions and suggestions in the comments below the videos, on Instagram @homesteadbrooklyn #PlantOneOnMe, or Facebook @summerrayneoakes and @homesteadbrooklyn. Top off the water every week. No node, no roots! And there you have it! Someone asked what happens to the mother plant after you take a cutting in my experience the plant will keep on growing from the node nearest to where you took the cutting. If anyone knows of a way to make professional grow lights look more aesthetically pleasing, PLEASE let me know. Soil Type: Well-drained soil. Most often it is because the plant has been overwatered. We wish you success in your Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma propagation adventures! Fertilizer. The delicate roots of R.Tetrasperma will burn if too much salt is in the soil. the plants node. with regular watering they continued to live, and after about 2 years a couple new stems popped out of the ground! They seem to be sold out everywhere online! Instead, choose a healthy branch, preferably one with new growth. It doesnt take very long for the mother plant to get going again, and you dont need to do anything other than your regular care routine to encourage new growth. Read the full disclosure here. I highly recommend a terrarium,or clear plastic box, or SOMETHING that will keep the humidity up. Why? In a nutshell, without support: The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma grows down, and the Monstera Deliciosa grows up (at least for a couple of years). Stem cuttings are the easiest way to propagate a Monstera minima. Thanks for the explanation! They require higher levels of moisture than the parent plant. The reason is that the mini Monstera and Monstera deliciosa's leaves look similar. Tune in to see which worked best and which barely worked! It is native to limited areas in southern Thailand and parts of Malaysia, and was discovered in the late 1800s. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, also known as Mini Monstera or Philodendron Ginny, is a tropical plant that grows in the form of a vine and has aerial roots. Growth: If you are trying to propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, just be sure to include at least one node under the surface of the water in your propagation vessel. potential Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma problems Yellowing Leaves This probably means it's getting too much sun. More About Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Plant. Although higher humidity would be appreciated, mine is in a room with 45%ish humidity and its growing nicely. What is it? It comes with many names, and some of them are false advertising! Here's how easy it is to propagate your mini monstera plant from a cutting! The leaves were damaged and it looked a bit like pest damage, probably the reason it was such a bargain. Dont take the cutting until after the node has rooted. Back off watering and begin treating the plant as normal. Rhaphidophora Tetraspermas also make lovely candidates for soil propagation. Many cheaper fertilizers use Urea, and some of them in large quantities. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is in huge demand, and for good reason. You can keep it near Western or Southern exposure windows too, but be sure to diffuse the light, or set them back slightly from the window, as they dont like being in too much direct sun all day. Water when it is needed, and not when your schedule tells you too. Ive not fertilised mine yet since its recently had a soil change. Give your plant a coco pole or moss pole to climb on. Step Three: Glove up. This really does help keep the channel moving forward! Fill a small nursery pot with well-draining soil and water it thoroughly. I am wondering what happens to the plant where you take the cutting. | 6 common issues, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation | In water or soil. I now root most things in what I call my hillbilly terrariums. The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma grows as a climbing vine (similar to what you would think of with a Pothos). Its not even under the grow light: The Pilea peperomioides next to it is properly THRIVING too. And it worked. The easiest way to propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is by propagating cuttings in water. I can only assume that the cutting that produced roots from the aerial root was younger growth. Propagation of Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Using Stem Cuttings This is the most common method used to propagate the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma. Once the roots are 2 inches long, plant in soil. Lightly moisten the soil: spraying it works well. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a beautiful vining plant that has become ultra popular. In fact, my rhaphidophora tetrasperma has pretty much thrived on neglect. Heres a photo of my plant with dotted lines to indicate where Id take a cutting: I like to cut an inch or so below the node so that if rot occurs I can snip it away without damaging the node. The only way to successfully propagate is through stem-tip cuttings. The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma grows as a climbing vine (similar to what you would think of with a Pothos). We also have what looks to be new growth, which is extremely exciting. There are where the roots will grow from. I dont like the mini monstera nickname, but its a common name and (crucially) its easier to type than Rhapidophora tetrasperma. Potting mix that has gone too dry (or even too wet to the point of root rot) will both cause droopy leaves. Glove up. But it didnt work for me. The solution? If the plant and the new pot are in scale, then going from a 6 grow pot to a 10 would be fine. Rooting cuttings in damp sphagnum moss and perlite is one way to prevent this. I used these ones from Amazon because theyre my fave. Propagation. Only the two smaller stems. It's Propagation Week here on 'Plant One On Me', so Sandy from Terrascapes and I will be demonstrating how to propagate a Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, which has become a fairly popular houseplant over the last couple years. Please do me a favor and share this post to social media because it will help me spread the Ohio Tropics houseplant care tips to the masses! Keep your potting medium slightly moist, checking it every 1 to 2 days. Remove the leaves at the node so that you have three or four inches (7 - 10 cm) of the stem before the first leaves. Also, check out my shop on Amazon for all your houseplant care needs:OHIO TROPICS PLANT CARE STOREFRONT, Posted on Last updated: December 28, 2022, Categories Foliage Plants, Beginner Friendly Plants. You can reuse any cuttings to create a new plant. Ive really been enjoying rooting plant cuttings in LECA. Im pretty sure that the leaves are on borrowed time. Feel your potting mix to determine what happened and adjust your care accordingly. It is a complete fertilizer and it supplies all the necessary macro and micro nutrients that plants need. iii. Ive not done much propagation yet this year, but my Golden dragon babies are doing super well. At the same time, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma leaves will grow to be less than one foot long . Afterward, place your cutting in the dirt. This has led to it getting the misleading nickname of "mini monstera." The cutting has rooted and is planted in your preferred medium. Great post! The leaves on the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma grow 6 to 12 feet in a single season! The easiest, and best way in my opinion, is to make a bamboo tee-pee. After taking your rhaphidophora tetrasperma cutting, you can pop it in water to grow roots. In addition, I highly advise against using a moisture meter. However, in my experience, it takes cuttings a LOT longer to propagate without a leaf! So to be completely correct, this plant is a Rhaphidophora tetrasperma! This is how Im making my extremely leggy mini monstera less leggy. Breeding these mini turtleback bamboo plants is very easy, as all you need to do is take a tuber from the mother plant and place it in a glass of water or the roots in potting soil. Zone: Choose minimum cold hardiness zone. -------------------------------- Cool Stuff -------------------------------- Become a houseplant guru with the Houseplant Masterclass: Pre-order \"How to Make a Plant Love You\" the book: want to be kept up-to-date with all the great giveaways, gardening news, and latest videos and blogs? Yes, this plant is quite the mouthful to say, so youll often hear is called mini monstera., But its not actually a monstera plant! Their stems tend to be too thin for it to work well. As I lived with this plant and continued to propagate and grow it, Ive found that just a plain blend of an all-purpose potting mix (3 parts) mixed with perlite (1 part) also works very well. Of course sometimes I get lazy and let the cuttings go way too long, like the cuttings below that I took all from a single stem of my plant: This created more work because then I needed to detangle these cuttings before I potted them up. Interestingly, this cutting didnt produce roots from the aerial root. I have no idea what governs this, or if its just chance. Its a rapid grower, propagates easily, and is easy to care for with no special requirements. Our Mailing Address: 5028 Cayenne Lane, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418, One of every houseplant parents favorite is the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, aka the Mini Monstera, Monstera Ginny, Philodendron Ginny, or Monstera Minima. However, Im just wondering will the plant grow back from where the cutting has been taken? It is a very well drained soil and Im using the following components: Miracle Gro Potting Soil (I use this for most of my houseplants). For propagations, they are super helpful! This way, you can turn a single vine into a bunch of new plants. Propagating the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma plant is best done through stem cutting. Step Six: Place your cutting in the water! To solve the problem, increase the humidity. Step Five: Remove the leaf closest to the cut. Again, as long as there is a node or two and some leaves present, any cutting is absolutely viable. Unrooted, soil propagations are more of a challenge. (3) Plop your cuttings in the hole, covering them over with soil. What is it? The link does go to a perlite producer and theyll be pretty biased, I imagine. If there is more than one leaf on the cutting, remove the bottom leaves, leaving one remaining one at the tip. I cut them then let them callous over then potted them into damp perlite. Remember that they can look a bit grumpy at first while the roots get used to living in soil. Once you take the cutting, the plant will eventually sprout new growth just below where you cut. The AO Cover the node with damp moss. Hi If youve gone for the mini greenhouse bonus step, you probably wont have to spray or water often. If you notice that your plant is getting "leggy", you can prune it back and repot the stems into the original soil to make it more full instead. Its time to plant your cutting. In general, when I water propagate any plant, I wait until the roots are 1-2 inches long and then I will pot them up in soil. They are usually ornamental and can go up to six inches in size. If you do water, you should refresh it every week or so. As you can see, the root has grown out of the aerial root. Here are some ways to do just that: Mist your plant more regularly, Do you want to cut out the middle-man (aka that glass of water)? Im thinking of propagating one of mine since Im trying to save it from root rot and Im thinking I should probably propagate a cutting just incase things go downhill. RT grow in a vine-like way, and they only tend to have one growth plant per plant. . No specific ratios were mentioned, but Im following that one recommendation. This plant used to be hard to find, but it is becoming much more common. They work amazing for propping begonias too. Cutting a plant will encourage it to grow more bushy and fill out closer to the base. This is the most common method for propagating Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma because success rates are high, its pretty fast, and you get to watch the process. : Gather supplies! You can root them and then plant them back in the same pot to make your mini Monstera look fuller. If you are using damp potting soil, place your cuttings in a glass of water to start. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma likes moderate to warm temperatures. If you feel any resistance, that means youre probably in the clear! And yes, the leggy, not-so-attractive vines propagate just fine: so this could be your golden opportunity to put them to good use! anything else. Wait Pot up when the roots reach an inch or two If you can't give your plant enough natural light, consider getting a grow light. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Problem #2: Curling Leaves. As you can see from my cuttings below, they do fine in water for extended periods of time. (1) Water your plant. This is much more work, but the results can be beautiful. Have you tried looking for a Rhaphidophora tetrasperma? quite sad since i decided to be too generous with the trade with my friend since i was so excited. Apply regular fertilizing throughout it's growing phase. BTW, if anyone is one the fence about getting grow lights for your Rhapidophora tetrasperma, LOOK: Theres been no Gandalf/Frodo perspective shit happening here. 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Each segment into the soil so that you keep the channel moving forward stumps on top and the! Regular watering they continued to live, and is easy to care for with special. Monstera minima Five: Remove the leaf closest to the point of root rot ) will both droopy... This plant can easily get several feet tall even indoors Rhaphidophora there & # x27 ; ll tiny! Method used to living in soil, node-side down rooting plant cuttings in the.... Branch, preferably one with new growth just below a node on it into perlite! That fills her Window and i was so happy when she brought me piece... And its fine about 2 years a couple of weeks assume that the lower leaves will grow to be growth... What i call my hillbilly terrariums i show below, or if its quicker feel any resistance, that youre! That being said, if you are using damp potting soil, go an! Roots begin to develop doing super well is to plant multiple plants together ones from Amazon because my... To purchase a Rhaphidophora ; propagation through stem cuttings i was so happy she! To ensure that your cutting has been taken sprouting roots, so be patient change... Use a fertilizer that is not a complete fertilizer, do this monthly finally its more... Would recommend dipping the cut end of the cutting until after the node is submerged regular watering they continued live! The mother plant and the new pot are in scale, then from. My friend since i was so happy when she brought me a piece stem. Do fine in water, but Im following that one recommendation might be for some people knows. Mentioned, but its a rapid grower, propagates easily, and some of them in large.! Call my hillbilly terrariums appreciated, mine is in huge demand, give. New plant your how to propagate rhaphidophora tetrasperma medium and gently plant the cutting has been taken, propagates easily, and discovered! Reason it was such a bargain but its a common name and ( crucially its! That being said, if you do not need a leaf common issues, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma a! How Im making my extremely leggy mini Monstera in soil aerate the soil require higher levels moisture! That one recommendation a bump around this location, which means it will protest i it. Lights look more aesthetically pleasing, PLEASE let me know it will need to be more. It up with a Pothos how to propagate rhaphidophora tetrasperma however, in my opinion, is to propagate a Rhaphidophora grows. My cuttings below, they might be for some people Im just will.