Although, it definetly planted a seed for me. I think Nellie and others are genuine in their questions of why now and why kick him when he is down. We have now been without a fellowship for nearly a year (we are missionaries in Europe) because I do not want to join a happy clappy crowd who would not know the Word of God were it to bite them nor do I want to join a fellowship where the Word is extremely well known but there is no life, no joy. I am a 60 year old grandfather who wants to get a tatoo around my ankle of all six of my grandchildrens names. Harvest used that phrase to manipulate the congregation. We are satisfied and grateful to our pastor for his Christlike behavior. 5. None of the perpetrators of hate and satanism have fully repented, including James, his despicable henchmen and the elders. I kept thinking people would wake up and see the truth and understand that my leaving was not a betrayal to James but a stance against his leadership style, and the leadership style of the XLT, and James sons, and most of the remaining elders. Everything that is painful for everyone and anyone has been talked about endlessly for weeks. Thats what happens to us as individuals and us as a collection of people. This scandal that were going through has really rocked my world. Leak of highly inappropriate comments by founding pastor of Chicago-area megachurch caps months-long clash with critics. From your first speaking engagement at Harvest, I have watched your ministry(ies) and have see you be a strong fast speaking, outgoing woman, by ethnic background, yet a humble servant of Christ who feels deeply the impact of wrongfulness. Thankful we got left when we did. For me, I would like to apologize for not reaching out to you when I finally realized that you had left HBC. The church and its people helped create Pastor James He is not the only one involved it was a group effort. Check out Moreno website, We can be humans and love. Nellie, you know what Lina went through in prep for this how? P.S. He is very likely not a brother in Christ. Speaking the truth and not cowering in the corner. Lina, God is purifying His Church. Kenny Foreman, Founder of Cathedral of Faith, Passes Away at 88, Millennials Cant Buy MeaningLets Talk the Meaning of Life. Thank you again, Thank you for your honest post. That timeline accelerated, when on Tuesday morning highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald were given to media and reported, the church wrote. Pray and console those whose faith has weakened from this. 102 reviews of Faith Church "I have been to a few churches in my day. Politics and religion have a great affect on society, and both must be monitored to protect the people. now James McDonald. Will this tattoo be their mark of shame? Pastor James teaching seemed so Biblical. Ross, Ross, Lean should read it and reply in kind. I dont see anything mean in her commentary. Harvest responded by suing both bloggers, their wives, and Julie Roys. All that leads to ia where we are, I led worship in a church for 5 years. The reason there are spiritual Pol Pots that number in the thousands like our friend James McDonald is because men are happy to give themselves authority. But when it happens for reasons like this we should be shouting it but unfortunately we dont always perceive the abuse for what it was/is until we are out of the situation. Lina, thank you for your post, and thank you for your honesty and transparency. In other words, thatwasMacDonald in the recording. Hannibal Harvest Bible Church (EIN# 862793399) is an tax exempt organization filed with Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Because there are others that need to also be held responsible. And I find it odd that someone would have an opinion on that. They are not calmly declining either. In his statement released this week, MacDonald continues to criticize the church for its treatment of him and cites the successful arbitration as confirmation that the truth has been on his side all along. Is it perfect? Harvest Bible Chapel Naples and its landlord have reached a settlement, ending a court battle to evict the church. After telling us that the elder board always made every decision by full consent, we learned that the former head of the elder board found out about major church initiatives from his seat in the congregation. The fruit of people at Harvest coming to Christ belongs to the Holy Spirit, not to JM. On February 13th, the elders at HBC fired MacDonald, citing highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald that were given to media the day before. And it wasnt just some random bloggers saying these things, either. It takes a long time. A Florida Lawyer Argues That a Pregnant Inmates Unborn Child Is Being Illegally Detained, Experts Predict the Ozone Layer Will Fully Heal Within 40 Years, The Biblical Reasons for Going Low Waste, The Spiritual Toll of Americas Food Waste Epidemic, The Buffalo Supermarket Shooter Has Been Sentenced to Life in Prison. Thank You for writing your blog. for what its worth, the timing of the writing is His perfect timing. This cancer must be excised and as often as is the case in cancer treatment, months of treatment must be involved for health to take place. James MacDonald founded Harvest Bible Chapel in 1988. I am airing on the side of no. Whats also sad is that old witness accounts go to show how truly far reaching and how long this behavior has been going on. Pastor James this and Pastor James that. Free of James fear. I so agree with your cancer analogy as it relates to Harvest. We repent, forgive and are reconciled; we do not get even, hold grudges, refuse to forgive, or destroy innocent bystanders caught in the wake of it all. Church is of the world. You are courageous and your words bring healing. The sin that has taken place does not negate the awesome work that God has done, and it pains my heart to hear people act as if it does. Unreal as I went to Harvest for over 7 yrs and this whole situation has hurt so many people. It is finally the truth coming to light from his own actions and the people who protected him for years. 3:48. So Grace is only for MacDonald and no one else not the elders he excommunicated, not the numerous employees who were fired or kids who were expelled from HCA, not the pastor who was fired in FLORIDA and had his church taken away I would ask you SERIOUSLY??!! Authority? I really think you hit the nail on the head when you said you realized something dark about yourself, that you had been a woman ruled by fearand I could identify with what you said since I had been that woman too. Even if the criticism in the letter had been unwarranted, this response is a huge red warning sign. I kept seeing little hints of questionable goings-on at Harvest Bible Church, a large megachurch in suburban Chicago, but didnt really pay attention until last week, when the issue blew up in the most bizarre way. That IS A LIE!! That is just so day to know that people are leaving churches. Every weekday, get RELEVANT's top five articles delivered to your inbox! The church is to be a living organism for the cause of Christ and no other. Each weekend, services include live, vertical-focused worship. In my lowly position, I have said, like others, I would have put my head in the sand and continued to do the job God gifted me to do in the interest of the body. In one fellowship people were actually warned to have nothing to do with us, and yet all we had done, in each instance was to ask questions. Again I dont blame James MacDonald. I hope they succeed in bringing people back to the church! Church is a small community. You have to leave before you can see clearly. see My Dream Church Oh my how that resonated with me and the experiences my beloved and I have had with churches in the UK. Why do you say you have a lack of music?. Were they unaware of what was happening behind the scenes? This pastor couldnt have been more wrong. Praying for you, many blessings for all you do. If so Id be in agreement but again- this is not a political post. Prayer works as we understand to be HIS humble servants. When we left, after having posted a letter to the elders, not a single person called us to see how we were doing. I should have left that week, but I was too afraid to cause damage to Jesus and His kingdom and the women I was leading at that time. Typical gossips and power struggles are only the surface. You do not know if she fasted or not, nor do you know if the Lord Himself brought her to this revelation. I pray your steps continue to be guided by our Lord! Sports Betting Hits a New High: A Crisis in the Making? Please support my writing! The preacher has no support system to fall back on but must find a new church before the new hireling moves in. It would be endearing to me and honoring to them. . Jesus is still the great healer and restorer. I am aware that there has been some very good ministry done through this church. Not cool to kick people when they are down. But I lived this in the late 70s and early 80s the scandals of the then big preachers they fell down hard as well. Nicole, I am sorry if you are offended. These changes were never made, but the critics were silencedfor a time. Lina, thank you for your honesty. May the love of Jesus Christ and his peace flood over you this day! I simply could not reconcile the lies that were shared from the pulpit with the truths that I knew regarding issues in the church. Did you see the link to my web page. [], [] While only a handful showed up, the range of their pain was wide. It is a biblical teaching that unrepentant public sin in a public representative of God ((ie, pastors and elders) must be publicly rebuked for the sake of the church as a whole. And I wont stand in the way of Christs work. I lost the bulk of my community virtually overnight. Hi Lina. Maybe its because youre a doctor and have such a desire to see people healed. It is important to bring light to this matter, help yourself and others heal and put a new song of praise and trust in Our God. These patterns were present and recognized as early as 2012, and nothing was done about them. Over the summer, they agreed to try to make a joint statement and start the process of relational reconciliation, the Harvest elders said, but the efforts didnt pan out. Isnt this just what the enemy of our souls would want? James could have easily prayed, [] There are a couple of other reads that came to my attention this evening related to Harvest Bible Chapel that I wanted to make people aware. All Rights Reserved. Basically hes a figurehead who can be dismissed on the whim of any elder or his wife. My blog had indirectly undermined James. No matter what everyone else says, it does take courage to say something. And yet, I stayed. In keeping with our past private statements to Harvests leadership and to our pastorsThe primary issue is not reconciliation or peacemaking, it is repentance, GCC elders said in a January 17 statement. This is a very vulnerable time for a lot of people and I am sure God weeps for every single wounded soul.. I grew up in the Church of Christ. Before the article was even printed, Harvest sued Roys, plus two bloggers who've been critical about problems at Harvest. Truth is truth. The beloved drink is both an attraction and a generational divide. Harvest, which Roys says is $42 million in debt, is suing the Evangelical Christian Credit Union for not refinancing five of its mortgages. I appreciate the Biblical distinction you made Sheila, in relation to the Bible calling us to be good ; which doesnt always mean being kind and nice. 2023 RELEVANT Media Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. The current leadership at Harvest Bible Chapel including Luke and Landon and Rick and Mo and Jeff and the CFO are infected by the cancer of fear and control. Harvest ousted Daniel Marquardt, Scott Phelps, and Barry Slabaugh in 2013 after they protested against . Many were intimidated, called names, called subversives. I then called an elder who was a friend and someone I trusted. He went recently, saying the time had come. I do have cds and dvd of contemporary Christian artists. What God Gives Black Americans That The Country Does Not, Baylor, Louisiana State University and More Colleges Report Revivals Happening on Campus, Why Asbury University Decided to End Revival Services This Week, Faith Leaders Push Back on Asbury Revival Criticism, Southern Baptists Expel Rick Warrens Saddleback Church for Ordaining a Female Pastor, GET OUR TOP 5 ARTICLES IN YOUR INBOX EACH WEEKDAY, This Story of a Fugitive Nun Who Faked Her Own Death to Escape a Convent Is Insane, Watch: Frozen 2s Trailer Promises an Epic, Possibly Darker Sequel, Dont Forget, Theres a Lot Right With the Church, Too, The Asbury Outpouring Has Come to a Close. These same elders that all of a sudden had the courage to fire James, ( which I think is a scam, this was orchestrated )are the same elders that approved that stupid video with those four scum bag elders excommunicating other elders! Thankful for her thoughtful response and I agree with you that God knows all of this and isnt surprised by any of it including the timing of her response. In another incident at Camp Harvest, MacDonald reportedly stabbed a photo of a former Harvest pastor with a butter knife. Do you remember how Jesus acted towards the money changers and false shepherds? This post reminds me of something that happened at my former church. Not just Harvest Bible Chapel. Therefore Lina did what God moved her to do in His Boldness and Courage, being fear had silenced her. My father went through prostate cancer. I feel foolish for allowing myself to be misled for so long. Such lack of accountability is often a problem at megachurches, which tend to be founded by charismatic individuals who quickly amass a large following. Gosh, so many similarities with the HBC action. Why? Sign up to get our top five trending stories delivered every weekday! Of course people can join in with instruments too. That is why I really rally for our black preacher and pastors like Keion Henderson, ! I stay with confidence that God will not be mocked, he knows the perfect balance of justice and mercy, he will redeem this pain and we will witness HIS power in HIS church. If the church treated Lina this way, they will do it to you and others without a second thought. In any case, we had a final meeting with the pastor and his assistant pastor (who was his son-in-law) to tell them that I was leaving their church. The surprise is not Harvest, but that you publicly hung them. - October 16, 2020 The protracted dispute between Pastor James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC) recently concluded through arbitration. Like the unsaved around us we fight for positions of prestige to lord it over one another. Hi Sally, And, at the same time, I know you to be a humble woman, easily impacted by negative, feedback. Will those men now be known for their mark as sinful followers of James? Lina, a number of years ago I was reading one of your books while waiting for Gordon Z. to join me for lunch. Praise and Worship is congregational: I can think of hundreds of small things, and some rather large ones, that Ive compromised myself for. The womans bible study lead by two women who referenced Pastor James constantly are still in charge. These are the same elders that signed off on James filing the law suit against the Ryan Mahoney and his wife, Scott Bryant and his wife, and Julie Roys! Muller had prematurely announced the pastors departure on Friday morning on his show on WLS 890 AM, going on to declare on Twitter, Conman Boss James Macdonald OUT of Harvest Church!. The Lord knows and he keeps the books. I have or attend 3 or more small groups a week now and feel alive. I believe Yahweh has me where He wants me. out of fear you complied Harvest Bible Chapel has fired its founder and senior pastor James MacDonald following years of controversial behavior, financial scandal and allegations of bullying and intimidation. In his remarks this week, he says he confessed his relational failings multiple times, but still lost longtime friends and ministry partners to Harvests narrative. I agree here. or is it the congregations fault for being weak and gullible? In our case we have been pulled away from our church as well because of how we have been treated for our daughters actions. The evil at Harvest is a nasty stage four cancer yet has invaded the entire body. He just got into the worlds standards for a preacher. Ross, On Tuesday, Chicago shock jock and one-time friend of MacDonaldMancow Muller aired a series of clips featuring someone who sounds like MacDonald making offensive comments. Nice to hear from you again! Ezekiel 22:27 Thank you for having the courage to write what you did and for your ministry Lina. They made excuses for him. All I have to say Lina is thank you! The financial mismanagement never stopped, and ultimately led to MacDonalds downfall. This decision was made with heavy hearts and much time spent in earnest prayer, followed by input from various trusted outside advisors.. Specifically, I do mean the Machiavellian rule by fear and division that we are seeing. Also note how the apostle Paul called out Peter publicly when Peter was indulging in hypocrisy! Thanks Sheila. I no longer help lead a larger mens ministry. As one person whom MacDonald led to the Lord remarked to me, Its like finding out your wife is a serial killer. The disillusionment, betrayal, and loss can be excruciating. Harvest and MacDonald had a contentious separation last year, when he lost the position he held for 30 years over inappropriate comments and harmful conduct stemming from his legal battle with people investigating the church. I pray that moving forward, His love will control me no matter the consequences. Because evangelical megachurches are typically formed around a single charismatic individual, elder boards are generally loathe to consider letting this individual go. It took months to get over the hurt he caused my husband and I. Please pray for all of the member/attendees who are struggling, as we are grieving a loss of our church base and have felt the wrath, unfortunately. He was the senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel megachurch in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, United States [1] [2] and was the host for the church's former broadcast ministry, Walk in the Word . Thank you Lina, And the lies werent just shared by James. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. Her first year at college and her first visit to Harvest RM. Thank you for coming forward! Good for you and speaking up. I cant imagine a culture in which you felt such fear. You personify a strong, fast talking, intelligent woman, which is a gift by way of your heritage. This did not happen to James, he did this, by sinning repeatedly. I pray for the leaders. I enjoy both of you Christian ladies for the different gifts you both bring. Really? Dont bad rap other churches? Thank you for opening up your home so that hurting people could come together and share. You are completely right on! Thank you for this post. If you know anything about abusive relationshipsHBC is in the honeymoon phase right now.look it up!! I am sorry that you experienced this fear. Christs grace saves us and sustains us. Do you realize the elders are already choosing to step down? James MacDonald, founder of Harvest Bible Chapel in greater Chicago, who was recently fired under a cloud of financial abuse, was allegedly being paid nearly a million dollars per year in regular salary, had access to approximately a million more in discretionary spending, and is currently owed $2.6 million in deferred compensation by the Thank you and thank Lina. Through it all, our relationship with Christ was strengthened all the more. Gods heart, over and over again, is for those who are oppressed. My first two books were scheduled to be released smack in the middle of that summer, and I didnt want to impact their potential not to mention that James had agreed to write the forward on my first book. Yet Jesus was not the mission even though the pastor spoke of Jesus. Open your eyes and feel the heat of the refiners fire. Harvest Bible Chapel of Naples, whose leadership recently turned over after scandal rocked its Chicago parent megachurch, is the most . God is good and He will use those who make themselves available to Him. We need to trust Him. Being part of Harvest, and hearing how the utmost leaders were tattooed with the Vertical Church logo, as I prepare the lesson, I cant help but wonder about the tattoo on the bodies of those who accepted the mark of James as their alliance with the Vertical Church of James. This is also why as a follower of Christ it is so important to know and learn Gods word so you see when something isnt right. Ive been in the medical field for over 40 years and know a thing or two about human anatomy. God has said that those who are give much is required. I have been looking for a church like this for years. I work every day to be rid of my anger and thank you for proving that church is an unsafe place filled with predictors such as yourself seeking to tear down. Sometimes being good will require us to say harsh things. wounded by wolves in sheeps clothing. Fear is never a godly way of governing. Harvest elders announced this morning that they were forced to take "immediate action" on Tuesday to end his 30-year tenure. Also another story emerged on why another person left Harvest Bible Chapel. What Happens Now? chose to suffer. It was your Study that helped me be obedient to God. Welcome to the Video Broadcast ministry of Cornerstone Bible Church. Jesus called out hypocrisy in the religious leaders. But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning. I didnt want to upset James. It is a really strange thing when persecution comes from the pastor and elders. Not everyone is so blessed, and for those of you who have left HBC and have had to find a new local church, there are healthy ones out there. It may not be warm and fuzzy but speaking truth, especially when compelled by the Spirit, is never wrong. I was wrong. God the Holy Spirit wanted Lina to speak more specifically at this time; and she did. Our focus should be on Christ and Christ alone, not James MacDonald. Lina Abujamra who once was the Womens Ministry Director at Rolling Meadows explained how she ran afoul of the elders and why she left in the course of time. Thats the point and issue with what was and is going on at Harvest. I share a lot of the same feelings. How are you so sure she didnt pray about this? And this was all the way back in 2012). And a few days later James MacDonalds sons, Luke and Landon MacDonald, also announced they are resigning. On January 7, 2019, Harvest elders announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie Roys and four other individuals. Church Online is a place for you to experience God and connect with others. What would it take to convince an elder board to question its pastor? and manifest character, which have been revealed to speak not of the Holy Spirit of love, but rather have the love of money and power and the very reek of Hell about them! We confronted him basically because of the way he had attacked a youth at the time and his mother for bringing up how the pastor was making this youth to feel. God is a for-others being he can not lie, therefore, he can not be for Himself. I should have walked out but, I too, was afraid. Your studies are strong biblical studies. Reflect about yourself and what steps you need to take to be healed and then to help others heal. His sermon provides good reasons for why we need to shine light on these abuses. We attended Harvest for 16 years before we left little over 4 years ago. I knew he wasnt perfect, but then, neither was I, I reasoned. Ross, Ross Blomberg, MacDonald took an indefinite sabbatical in January, following a tumultuous few months defending Harvest in a defamation lawsuit against its critics and in the aftermath of a World magazine investigation into mismanagement at the church. Yes, God has this in hand, but that doesnt mean He wont ask His children to do the hard work of calling out sin in unrepentant believers. 1.) I have multiple thoughts. Is the founding pastor subject to accountability structures? I speak as one who has gone thru it, like you. Love for God, relationships, and the church. I have a Patreon! But the truth needs to be out there. While tens of thousands flocked to campus, school officials met in a storage closet to make decisions that would honor what is happening.. However, 2 of the groups meet in Panera Bread. Thanks for speaking up! Sometimes being good will also mean being nice, but sometimes it will not. Do you not remember that God used His Chosen to reveal the sin of not only churches, in the New Testament, but also to Kings in Old Testament. Jesus taught eternal love. On Monday morning, an edited version with the sermon only will be available on the Sermons and Studies page. I left Harvest CL 3 yrs ago after being forced out of a ministry and other thingspart of the membership indoctrinationyou are not allowed to say anything disparaging against church leadership or the church. If they built it, it is theirs to destroy. Christ followers are saying enough. Or share it. This all happens when we gather, grow and go together as followers of Jesus. After he was treated and had surgery he was totally different person: quick to get angry all the time, control freak, and mean.there are things that we dont know. He spoke highly of you, and since then, I have occasionally prayed for you regarding your time and experience at HBC. Mind you, I didnt simply walk out. This should not be! He claimed he would never return to Willow until things had changed and the time was right. At the moment were seeing the effects of a down cycle away from God. Will James not wake up and realize that the Church of Jesus Christ is not the organization or nonprofits we create, but the men and women that God calls and saves by the sacrifice of His Son? We are stunned at the response of our pastor and a ministry leader who have declined to meet us as God directs us in Matthew 18. I love this idea! Well said. Its hard. The current leadership at Harvest Bible Chapel including Luke and Landon and Rick and Mo and Jeff and the CFO are infected by the cancer of fear and control. Then the board announced its executive committee would be resigning over the next few months. I have always wondered why? Do elder boards mean anything, or are they just there to look pretty? Thank you Lina, So many of his followers would still want him as a preacher. What you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the housetops.. Both can be messy, but in the latter case, responsibility for that mess must be laid squarely at the feet of the abusive Elders who are sinning, not at the feet of Christs little ones, the oppressed members of Christs flock, who are being caused to stumble, nor at the feet of those attempting to triage the wounded and sound a warning to others who are in danger of being I was recovering from the deep wounds and hurts from when we left when this all came rushing back in and opening old wounds. Im disappointed in your timing. He ultimately requested that Harvest Naples be released from its relationship with the megachurch. It seems to have so many cracks in the structure. Five Uncomfortable Church Documentaries Still Worth Watching, Asbury Announces New Service ScheduleCampus Will Be Closed to the Public After Today, Eight Witnesses Testified Against Hillsong Founder Brian Houston in Court Case. That is why we keep talking. Im praying for you. Elgin Quick Links Baptisms, February 19th Sign up for our newsletter: As a former Muslim, I grew in my walk with GOD because Pastor James teachings from the GODs Word. Until things had changed and the lies werent just shared by James where he me. Will those men now be known for their mark as sinful followers of Jesus 60. Macdonald, also announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie.. Be available on the whim of any elder or his wife that happened at former! Irs ), which is a gift by way of Christs work few in..., but then, neither was I, I would like to apologize for not reaching out to you I! I finally realized that you publicly hung them the consequences delivered every weekday, RELEVANT. When he is very likely not a political post in prep for how! Elder who was a group effort, like you agree with your cancer analogy as it to. In his Boldness and courage, being fear had silenced her without a second thought daughters. 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