(Revelation 19:7) Maranatha Yeshua! For close to a year, the bride and groom would wait with their bridesmaids, groomsman, and guests for the father to say to his son, go, collect your bride.. I believe the Galilean wedding customs that Jesus alluded to in the Upper Room help us understand the grief of the Thessalonians (1 Thess. Dr. Paul Fedena TEXT: I John 5:19-20, WHEN YOU ARE DOWN, HE IS UP - Pastor Paul Fedena, THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT HEAVEN & HELL or HELL IS NO JOKE & HEAVEN IS NO FAIRY TALE By Dr. Paul Fedena, ALL SINS ARE SIN, BUT BELIEVERS CAN ALWAYS BE VICTORIOUS! In actuality the Rapture correlates to a Galilean-Jewish wedding. 3. Now, both parties, including the guests, await the grooms father. *FREE*, Thousands of Free Commentaris on the Old and New Testaments. 2 - Pastor. THE SILENT GENERATION--- THE BEST OF TIMES, SPIRITUAL PERFECTION IN 2022? SERMON SERIES BY DR. PAUL FEDENA - Over 300 Sermons Plus Thousands More! Once again Thank you! (Hebrew 12:24). But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom. ~Matthew 26:27-29. This is one of the most amazing revelations ever given to the Church an opportunity to do something that carries the highest priority in the heart of God. This may seem bizarre but its part of the Ancient Galilean Wedding tradition. Answer No. December 15, 2020. By Dr. Paul Fedena, 1984 - NOW? There is excitement as the bridegroom is preparing and as the bride awaits always prepared for her Groom Here are some extracts from the Bible that tell us what that Ancient wedding was like; the bridegroom wore a crown or garland on his head; Go forth, O daughters of Zion, at King Solomon, at the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding - Song of Solomon 3:11. John Bunyan once said, "You have never lived successfully until you have done something for someone who canNEVER repay you!". (OR A CURSE TOMORROW) - Dr. Paul Fedena - Deut.11:26-28, AS NOW --- SO THEN! The bride receives the covenant or proposal - an agreement stating that the couple would soon be wed was ratified and read aloud followed by an exchange of gifts, including a dowry (the MOHAR - an amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage). The Ketubah While the exchange of Covenant Vows between a man and woman who love each other is a blessing in any culture, there are aspects of the Jewish wedding celebration that are rich in spiritual truths. or "ON NOT BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT" - Ecclesiastes 3:4-8 - Pastor Paul Fedena, RECYCLED SAINTS (GOD USES FAILURES) by Dr. Paul Fedena, ITS A JUNGLE OUT THERE! What if Paul, while in Thessalonica, described the Rapture in terms of a Galilean wedding just as Jesus did in the Upper Room? If this covenant were only made to the disciples in the upper room, we would not be called to do it every time we meet, but that is not the case (1 Corinthians 11:23-27). In the same way, when we, as . Some WILL be left behind because they were NOT ready and their lamps not filled with the OIL of the Holy Spirit when the BRIDE (the true Church) is finally , The Ancient Galilean Wedding is symbolically the same way the Church will be , Everything on Earth is a fore-shadow of what is to come. Is our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) coming back? Luke 24:13-35 - Dr. Paul Fedena, If A Man Die Shall He Live Again - Job 14:14 - Pastor Paul Fedena, Palm Sunday - FROM MEEKNESS TO MAJESTY TO MIGHT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Zechariah 9:9, Bible Verses About Thanksgiving - (King James Bible), WHAT IS CHRISTMAS TO YOU? 24:32-44, HE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME! This crown was apparently not a symbol of king Solomons power, but it was the marriage crown, a garland of flowers and greens tied together with ribbons that was always worn as part of the marriage celebration until the time of Vespasian. - Dr. Paul Fedena, BROKEN THINGS - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 18:30, FROM A DULL STONE TO A SPARKLING DIAMOND - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 119:67,71,75, DISTILLED DOCTRINE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Deuteronomy 32:1-4, WHEN THE COMFORTER IS COME or JESUS' REPLACEMENT - Dr. Paul Fedena - John 15:26-27, FOUR MISTAKES IN THE BOOK OF JOB! 1:8-10, A SONG TO SING ON THE WAY TO CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 100, 5 Bible Facts To Defend The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ, I Love My Attorney - Jesus Christ Advocate - Paid In Full, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 1:3, BLEST BE THE TIE THAT BINDS PASTOR & PEOPLE! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 20:28, IS THAT YOUR FINAL ANSWER? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 21:1-11, STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE! It is a pre-millennial, pre-tribulation Rapture, and the early Church, understanding the Galilean vernacular, knew this. . and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may also be. ~John 14:3. Gods Word is true! The Bible is the "document" that states Gods promises to us, and our rights as "His Son Yeshuas Bride the true Church." - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 14:1-3, OH GOD!- Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 42:1, MILE MARKER CHRISTIANS Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 5:41-48, THE BATTLE FOR VICTORY (or Pauls Autobiography) - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 7:14-25, MAN: THE REMARKABLE REFLECTION OF GOD - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:26-27, MISERABLE COMFORTERS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Job 13:4; Job 16:2, MEMORIES, MEMORIES - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 65:17, TOO MANY CHIEFSNOT ENOUGH INDIANS! Signing the KETUBAH (marriage contract) in Ancient times protected the rights of the bride by specifying the grooms responsibilities in caring for her, and the amount of support that would be due her in the event of a divorce. 4:1-6; 1 Tim. Jesus will be coming soon to collect (rapture) His bride. (DID WE MISS THE RAPTURE?) She was to be ready, as well as her bridesmaids. One of the main topics of parables involved a wedding. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 27:36, A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 23, THE CHURCH (Universal, Local, or Both?) (Pastor Paul Fedena) - Part One, SAME OLE, SAME OLE or VAIN REPETITION? A man crowned with laurel leaves leads the processionand carried high above the others on a queenly litter rides a veiled woman, splendidly adorned. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 5:13, IFTHEN! The City Of Perpetual Blessing - Human Reproduction in Eternity - Dr. Paul Fedena, SONGS ABOUT HEAVEN AND THE BELIEVERS FUTURE - Rob Madden, Possible Scenarios From A Pre-Tribulation Rapture View Point For Christians In America By Rob Madden - The Madness of King JoeBama and the specter of WWIII By Scott Lively, At Heavens Gate By Holly Spate - The Best Is Yet to Come, ETERNAL STATE - Largest and Most Comprehensive On The Subject of Heaven - Paul Fedena - Robert Madden, Eternal Affairs in the Holy City by Don Koenig - Revelation commentary: chapter 22, THE ETERNAL STATE: The Millennium is the First Thousand Years of The Eternal Kingdom, SOME EXCELLENT ARTICLES THAT GO IN DEPTH About Eternal Human Reproduction in the Millennium and the Eternal State, The Greatest Mystery of Bible Prophecy The Eternal State By Dr. David R. Reagan. to make her holy, cleansingher by the washing with water through the word,and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." We need to know about this Ancient Jewish Galilean Wedding, to be able to understand what the Lord meant when He spoke to His Disciples as it gives us clearer understanding of the Rapture and Word of Yeshua (Jesus) to us for End times. Because of this, it is often easier to interpret the meaning of what He said by looking at it through the eyes of a Galilean. Jesus will be coming soon to collect (rapture) His bride. What Makes Critical Race Theory So Harmful to Our Society. This shocking insight will reignite hope for believers and prepare the world for what's coming. (5) Dabar - A glass of wine to seal the contract. Weddings are among the most exciting events of our lives! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:27, Abortion is Pagan Child Sacrifice and is a Denial of the Cross of Jesus Christ, Is abortion a sin? According to Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum in his must-read book The Footsteps of the Messiah, there are four steps involved with such a wedding: The father of the groom makes the arrangements; After a period of time, the groom fetches his bride under two conditions: This period of preparation during an Ancient Galilean wedding traditions of a long period wait and aligns with another statement Yeshua (the Bridegroom) told His Disciples (His Bride) during the Last Supper; I go to prepare a place for you. Need A Great Wed. Or Sun. Everything on Earth is a fore-shadow of what is to come! Parallels Between the Galilean Wedding and Jesus' Return Examine the parallels between the Galilean wedding feast rituals and Jesus' return. COURT IS NOW IN SESSION! TEXT: Romans 1:17-21 - Dr. Paul Fedena, THE TRIAL RESUMES - GODS CASE AGAINST HUMANITY - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:21-27, CASE CLOSED: VERDICT-GUILTY - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:28-2:1, Dr. Paul Fedena Sermons - WHATS IN A NAME - LORD, DO IT AGAIN - ITS TIME TO CALL 911, Revelation: A Complete Commentary By William R. Newell, Paul Fedena's Studies With A Brief Description, Broken Hearts and Broken Home Series. for many are called, but few are chosen!" Only the FATHER knows the time and hour Neither the Groom nor Bride knew the day or the hour that the wedding would take place! With Shalom to you and your family always. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Kings 10:15, THE SHOULDERS, HEART & HANDS OF OUR SAVIOR - Dr. Paul Fedena - Exodus.28:9-29, The top twenty Pre-Tribulation Prophecies, ENTERING THE HOLY OF HOLIES a verse-by-verse exposition of the Book of Hebrews - Dr. Paul Fedena, Introduction to the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews - Dr. Paul Fedena, MILK & MEAT MILK - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 5:12-13, Topical Sermons and Bible Series By Dr. Paul Fedena, Study On The Life of Joseph Dr. Paul Fedena Genesis 37-50, GOING PLACES WITH GOD WHERE YOUVE NEVER BEEN or STEP INTO THE WATER! LOOK FOR THE RAINBOW - Dr. Paul Fedena - Gen. 9:11-17, HELP FOR THE HOME - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6, Where I Tell It Like It Is - Dr. Paul Fedena, GODS (BROKEN) CONTRACT WITH AMERICA - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalms 2, 80% RIGHT WITH GOD - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 18, GETTING TO KNOW THE HOLY SPIRIT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 8:11, HOW GREAT THOU ART! Volume 1 and 2 of Bible History. 12:2 THESIS: To illustrate the biblical doctrine of separation. Lordship Salvation Forgotten Truth or a False Doctrine? By Dr. Paul Fedena, HURTING and WANDERING SHEEP - Psalm 23:3 - By Dr. Paul Fedena, THROUGH THE VALLEY TO THE VICTORY - Psalm 23:4 - By Pastor Paul Fedena, SHEEP IN THE VALLEY - TEXT: Psalm 23:4 - By Pastor Paul Fedena, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SHEEP - Psalm 23:5 - Pastor Paul Fedena, THATS ENOUGH! (2) Consent - The bride's consent. The Galilean Wedding Ceremoney A Type of the Pretribulation Rapture by Brent Miller Jr. This custom was unique in Galilee, as it was not seen the bride having a choice in surrounding cultures. After a year of waiting and preparing, the bride and groom are finally together, reunited, forever. A. Seiss, C. H. Spurgeon - Commentaries, Articles, and Lectures, Oliver B. Greene Books, Sermons, Audio, Tracts, Booklets, and Listen Online, John F. Walvoord - Books, Commentaries, and Writings, Parables of Christ Series (8 Sermons) - Dr. Paul Fedena, King James Bible Outlines For Every Book of the BIBLE, Articles and Books by Louis T. Talbot - BIOLA UNIVERSITY. 24:21-25, Judgement of the Sheep and Goats - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 25, I WANT YOUR REWARDS! Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support especially during these very difficult times. In the Old Testament - the groom left with an escort, carrying a dome shaped canopy to lift up his bride, and carry her away lifted up (final step of preparation) to her new home. You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant. - Malachi 2:14. He IS watching to see how the nations are treating His people , This is one of the most amazing revelations ever given to the Church an opportunity to do something that carries the highest priority in the heart of God. Many teach that the 10 Bridesmaids to Israel during the Great Tribulation - some Jews are saved, and some Jews will not be saved. Jesus and His disciples were Galilean Jews. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information. This is the Rapture. ", Bible Doctrine and Great Truths of the Scripture, Theology Proper - Dr. Paul Fedena - 24 Page Doctrinal Study, Great Doctrines of the Bible by William Evans, I LOVE THE OLD BIBLE - Pastor Paul Fedena, FREE Christian Books To Read and Download - About the Bible and the Christian Life Compiled By Brother Rob Madden, Christian E-Books - Alphabetical List of Authors' by Last Names, BOOKS YOU MUST READ - Recommended By Dr. Paul Fedena, Moody's Stories Articles by Dwight Lyman Moody, Welcome to the Bible Truth Library - 65,000+ Articles, Sentence Sermons, Bulletin Fillers, Edifying Quotations, Pithy Proverbs (Hundreds of These), GOD'S PROPHECIES FOR PLAIN PEOPLE by William L. Pettingill, Over 88,000 Sermons & Bible Studies.- You can find a message for any verse in the BIBLE. 5 Bizarre New Plagues That Have Hit America. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Corinthians 12-14, THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Peter 1:18-19, ARE YOU THE PREACHER'S FRIEND? Caliphate and kingdoms vs The Kingdom of God. 5:1-11, SIGNS THAT GODS JUDGMENT HAS ALREADY BEGUN IN AMERICA, 10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation Page, BE READY, ITS CLOSE TO THE END! the 9 th day of the month of Av, has become a topic of much interest lately among pre-Trib Rapture adherents. (Are YOU?) (5) Dabar - A glass of wine to seal the contract. We are to have oil in our lamps so we wont be shut out of the marriage supper (Matthew 25:1-14). We are chosen as the Bride of Christ, and we are meant to dwell with Him for Eternity. and Beyond, From Chief of Sinners To Pattern of Saints, SAVED BY GRACE ALONE! But unlike today's modern wedding, the 1st century Galilean wedding ceremony had very different customs, traditions, and rituals. In the New Testament - Yeshua (Jesus) will come to Rapture us away, meeting us in the clouds, and carrying us to our new home;In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. - I Corinthians 15:52. McGee's Book-by-Book Notes & Outlines for the Five-Year Bible Study, Booklets by Dr. J. Vernon McGee on a wide variety of topics, THE LARGEST THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY ON THE WEB, OR THE INTERNET! - Matthew 22:14. In the Ancient Galilee Wedding tradition, scholars have found that the hour of the wedding would be in the middle of the night! Prophetic Significance of the Mount of Olives! But until the Bride is reunited with the Groom, much has to take place. 7 Reasons NOT to ASK JESUS Into Your Heart Answering The Question: What Must I Do To Be Saved?. It is a pre-millennial, pre-tribulation Rapture, and the early Church, understanding the Galilean vernacular, knew this. - Gender Confusion - Dr. Paul Fedena. Yeshua warned His disciple to be ready for His Second Coming in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2. Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB), "WHAT NEXT?!" On today's Countdown 2 Eternity James Kaddis and Don Stewart will talk about the "Galilean" wedding traditions and the parallels (if any) to the biblical teaching of the rapture. The Matan Presents for the bride The Galilean bride would receive gifts to remind her of the bridegrooms love for her during their separation; "I adorned you with jewellery putting bracelets upon your hands, and a chain on your neck, a jewel on your forehead, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head." The Fathers house in the Ancient Galilean Wedding is where the marriage supper banquet takes place with all that have heard and beckoned to the call in the darkness of night. Many will be left behind and the door will shut them out of the Feast (Isaiah 26:19-21). All 10 bridesmaids get up BUT only 5 have enough oil and are prepared. coming of Christ, WARNINGS FOR GODS PEOPLE - The End Is Near. This passage reiterates the wedding analogy to the disciples that one day, Christ would return, but only the Father (God) knows when. In order for us to better understand the words and parables of Jesus, we must first understand the culture He was in. How does understanding the nuances of a Galilean wedding provide insight and clarity on the return of Christ? And, while the groom is preparing the Feast and their new home, his bride is busy making her wedding gown. And, when it came to weddings, the Galileans traditions were distinct from the rest of Israel. YOU WILL ESCAPE THE TRIBULATION - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew. As a Christian, I wonder if it is possible for another Christian to be a Democrat? (1 Maccabees 9:39). Understanding ISLAM - the Enemy of the West! Frequently Asked Questions - Why support Israel? - Genesis 24:4. This is the first of Jesus Miracles. Ephesians5:26-27. 'The Galilean Wedding' presented as a sermon at the 2015 Midwest Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference. They were to always be ready! We are to be spiritually prepared, eagerly anticipating the grooms call. God's Hebrew Alphabet & Prophetic Meaning. The procession of men to the brides house was neither quiet or sedate as the groom was sounding the "SHOFAR" to warn that he was collecting his bride; "They looked out and saw a tumultuous procession with a great amount of baggage (this would be gifts for the bride and her family); and the bridegroom came out with his friends and his brothers to meet them with tambourines and musicians." The World NOT ready Yet - When God Shakes things. My goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach others about the Kingdom of God, and to be an example of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. - Genesis 24:57-58. ARE YOU A GOOD BACKSLIDER? Galilean wedding is a year -long sequence of events Jesus, the church, the rapture and the second coming are a sequence of events that occur over a long period of time The Groom begins the marriage tradition by leaving his father's house and going to the home of his prospective Bride Israel was and still is despised today and a despised nation continually turning away from God BUT nothing ever altered the purpose of God for that nation. Robert Wimer Living in Galilee along the shores of the Sea of Galilee we have often wondered what life must have been like 2,000 years ago during our Lords time and how the Galilean people lived here two Centuries ago Did you know that our Lord was well aware of the customs of the people in Galilee and used language associated with the Galilean customs? Perpetual Generations In Eternity - Compiled By Rob Madden, FUTURE WORLD or And They Lived Happily Ever After By Pastor Paul Fedena. The bridegroom then takes a sip from the cup, solidifying their Covenant. or THE PRICE OF REVIVAL- Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Chron.7:14, FROM NOTHING TO NOWHERE? This sort of wedding procession is still common in the Middle East today. or A MISS IS AS GOOD AS A MILE TEXT: Jonah 1:1-3 THESIS: To show that being backslidden is simply not fulfilling Gods purpose for your life. Alfred Edersheim M.A. We hope that you enjoy and become more informed by our work. Notice how perfectly parallel this presentation is with our relationship to our Lord: we are united with Him by the rebirth, but we are not publicly and everlastingly reigning with Him until by faith we leave our honeymoon cottage (where He has dwelt in our hearts and prepared us for service) and abandon ourselves to Him, ever after sitting at His side, attending His will. The Galilean Wedding and the Rapture. - Pastor Paul Fedena, BY SPECIAL DELIVERY - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:2-4, SAINTS IN THE CITY OF THE CAESARS or ARE YOU CALLED TO BE AN APOSTLE? - Pastor Paul Fedena - Romans 1:5-7, FAMOUS FOR THE FAITH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:8-12, READY FOR ROME - Dr. Paul Fedena - TEXT: Romans 1:13-16, HEAR YE! Procreation In Eternity and Heaven - Will there be natural life on earth for all eternity, as God originally intended? 4:12-16 (15 Sermons), PEOPLE ARE TALKING IN TONGUES! TO WANDER - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 91:1,2, Mortgage Burning @ FBC Easton, PA - Dr. Paul Fedena Pastor Art Gilmore, Bible Study Tools - Sermon Illustrations - Sermon Quotations, Bible Verses by Topic - KJB Bible Dictionary, THE BIBLE ALMANAC - ALL PEOPLE AND PLACES OF THE BIBLE, How to Study the Bible by Dwight L. Moody, Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Thru the Bible Commentaries, Notes and Outlines Articles On Biblical Truthes, Dr. McGee's Book-by-Book Notes & Outlines for the Five-Year Bible Study, Dr. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom. ~Matthew 26:27-29. Thank you for your love and support for God's chosen people (Ruth2:12). The conditions for the bride were to always be pure and to sleep in her wedding gown and her bridesmaids were there to help her out when the Groom comes unexpectedly, at an hour they did not know. Just as the bride, we are to not to fall asleep (Spiritually) as the world but to remain pure and ready at all times because the Groom WILL appear at any moment. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Kings 6:1-6, YOUR GOD AND YOUR GOLD - Dr. Paul Fedena - Philippians 4:10-19, When God Tests Our Faith - GLORIFYING GOD IN THE FIRE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 24:15, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO ---- SATAN! During Ancient Biblical times, a wedding was the biggest event in town for anyone. - Dr. Paul Fedena Definition: Websters 1828 Dictionary: Something very odious; detestable; sinful. Looking for solid proof of the pre-tribulation rapture? This is the only love story that truly ends with; and they live happy for ever and ever. Therefore, take heed, be pure and be ready for the soon coming of our Lord. Let's examine what an Ancient Galilean Wedding would look like through the procedure as follows; (1) Shiddukhin - The father chose a bride for his son. - (Revelation 21:1 - 22:5), PROPHETIC FEASTS OF ISRAEL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Leviticus 23, Recognition Of Israel By Harry Truman - 1948, Maddens Humor Page - Humor Break - Clean Christian Jokes, THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL By Dr. Paul Fedena, KNOCKING ON HEAVENS DOOR By Dr. Paul Fedena, MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 1:1, DONT LOSE YOUR HEAD! The groom and company will get the notice around the early morning hours, usually around midnight. The disciples would get further confirmation of the marriage found in John. - The 2nd. Your eyes are doves behind your veil" - Song of Solomon 4:7. If we look carefully, we are able to connect the rituals of Ancient Galilean weddings with what Yeshua (Jesus) told His Disciples about the Rapture. Her face was completely covered with a veil, which would stay in place all through the wedding festivities; it would only be removed when the young couple went to the bridal chamber; "how beautiful you are, my love, how very beautiful! Paul Fedena - Judges 14:5-9, A CHARGE TO GRADUATES - Dr. Paul Fedena - Eccl. The Dabar a glass of wine to seal the contract After the covenant, gifts are exchanged, the Groom offers the bride a Cup of Joy. The bride then has the power to accept or reject the offer of the Groom. 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