On the New Survey for the Student Evaluation of Teaching (04/20/2001) COVID-19 Resources Resolution 1997-3 (PDF). Resolution 1998-9 (PDF). On Appreciation for the Service of Holden Thorp (04/26/2013), . [Resolution 2007-9 (PDF). Endorsing a Proposed University Policy on Multi-Institutional Initiatives on Copyright Ownership(11/06/1998) Resolution 1998-6 (PDF). Resolution 1998-23 (PDF). On Tuition Computation Methods (12/12/2008), . Resolution 1998-19 (PDF). On the Use of Courtesy Titles by Retired Members of the Faculty (01/16/2004) On the Qatar Proposal (Special meeting of 11/16/2001) Resolution 1997-12 (PDF). Resolution 2005-3 (PDF). Regarding Distribution of Student Responses to the Carolina Course Review (4/15/1997) Amending The Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the Responsibilities and Membership of the Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Admissions (01/10/2003) In appreciation of Richard N. Andrews (04/28/2000) On the Removal of Names from Aycock Residence Hall, the Josephus Daniels Building, Carr Building, and Ruffin Residence Hall. Resolution 2003-5 (PDF). Resolution 1997-5 (PDF). On the University Committee on Copyright (09/07/2001), Resolution 2001-4 (PDF). On Responsibility for Established Lectures (04/23/1999), Resolution 1999-7 (PDF). On Faculty Responsibilities in Relation to the Honor Code (01/17/2003), Resolution 2003-6 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code to Continue Voting Privileges for Faculty Taking Phased Retirement, Resolution 2007-10 (PDF). 2002 On Academic Freedom and the Fair Exchange of Ideas (08/12/2002, 09/06/2002) In Appreciation for James W. Dean Jr.s Service as Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (9/8/17), Resolution 2017-12 (PDF). Resolution 2012-7 (PDF). In appreciation of Richard N. Andrews (04/28/2000) On Support for the UNC Faculty Assemblys Response to the Draft Strategic Plan (Passed by Faculty Executive Committee, 01/28/2013) Resolution 1997-10 (PDF). Amending Appendix C of the Instrument of Student Judicial Government (01/19/2007) On Maintaining Campus Autonomy in Managing Programs for Diversity and Inclusion(FacultyExecutive Committee, 5/7/18), Resolution 2018-5 (PDF). On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Update the Charge of the Administrative Board of the Library (Passed first reading, 03/16/2012; passed second reading 04/13/2012), Resolution 2012-3 (PDF). On Academic Dress(11/12/1999) Thanking Thomas Meyer for his work on behalf of the UNC-CH faculty (09/10/1999) How a chancellor can be removed The N&O asked Senate leader Phil Berger Wednesday If final approvals occur on a Monday, the action can be effective that day. General meeting of the UNC Board of Governors . Resolution 2013-9 (PDF). On Appreciation for the Service of Joseph S. Ferrell as Secretary of the Faculty (4/15/16), Resolution 2016-14 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government Concerning Nominations, Elections, and Filling Vacancies(12/11/1998) Resolution of Appreciation (PDF) for Chair of the Faculty Sue Estroff (04/25/2003) On Commending the Scholars at Risk Program (10/10/2008) Thanking Thomas Meyer for his work on behalf of the UNC-CH faculty (09/10/1999), Resolution 1999-8 (PDF). Four members are appointed by the North Carolina General Assembly. On the Academic Calendar (09/07/2001) On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Allow Fixed-Term Faculty to Vote in Personnel Matters Affecting Other Such Faculty (03/18/2011) Responding to the Recommendations of the Task Force on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (03/28/2003), Resolution 2003-8 (PDF). In appreciation of Richard N. Andrews (04/28/2000) This applies to both permanent adjustments and temporary salary increases. In July 2016, the UNC Board of Governors increased the EHRA salary preauthorization Regarding the Unsupervised Bonfires on Franklin Street Following Mens Basketball Victories (02/16/2007) Program in Communication Studies (3/21/1997) 2012 Resolution 2005-9 (PDF). Resolution 2009-3 (PDF). Resolution 2007-6 (PDF). 116-11(2), the unc board of governors is Resolution 1999-2 (PDF). Endorsing Participation by Staff and Students in Their Governance Institutions(12/11/1998) Resolution 2000-12 (PDF). Resolution 2013-10 (PDF). Resolution 2005-1 (PDF). Resolution 1997-7 (PDF). Resolution 2014-11 (PDF). Replacing the System of Academic Warning Notification and Academic Review with a System of Academic Probation (03/24/2006) 2004 Out-of-cycle increases are any adjustments to base salary excluding adjustments accomplished as part of the normal EHRAannual raise process (ARP), a salary supplement (which is not part of base pay) or from a job change resulting from a competitive recruitment. As examples, the database may not capture all external fund sources that may compensate some employees, or the information may capture temporary salary increases or temporary title changes for additional duties for an employee that could change in the course of the year. On Establishing Undergraduate Student Success Standards (4/25/2014) Regarding the Unsupervised Bonfires on Franklin Street Following Mens Basketball Victories (02/16/2007) Resolution 2002-4 (PDF). Resolution 2008-3 (PDF). Resolution 2014-8 https://facultygov.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/261/2014/02/Fall2013InstrumentwithRevisions.docx(PDF). On Faculty Responsibilities in Relation to the Honor Code (01/17/2003) Resolution 2002-7 (PDF). On Sustainability Measures in Institutional Policies and Practices (As amended, 09/06/2002) Resolution 2012-12 (PDF). On Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance to Remove Sexual Misconduct, Harassment and Intimidation, and Discrimination Cases from the Jurisdiction of the Honor System (04/13/2012), . Resolution 2007-4 (PDF). Resolution 2001-5 (PDF). Resolution 2000-8 (PDF). Resolution 2008-1 (PDF). Resolution 2006-2 (PDF). Resolution 2010-2 (PDF). Resolution 1999-8 (PDF). Resolution 2000-12 (PDF). Concerning Gender Equity in Faculty Compensation (02/07/2003), Resolution 2003-5 (PDF). Amending The Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the Specification of Officers of Arts and Sciences Divisions and Eligibility to Vote for and Hold Such Offices (01/10/2003) Endorsing the Offering of Courses as a Staff Benefit(04/24/1998) Resolution 1998-10 (PDF). Resolution 2001-8 (PDF). Resolution 1998-11 (PDF). On Support for In-State Tuition Status for All North Carolina Residents. Resolution 1998-14 (PDF). Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Increase the Maximum Time for Extending the Probationary Period of Faculty Appointment for up to Twenty-Four Months for Reasons of Child-Birth, Health, or Other Compelling Circumstances(01/16/2004 Resolution 2000-13 (PDF). On Endorsing the Report of the Task Force on Student Evaluation of Teaching(04/23/1999) Waivers of recruitment (EHRAto EHRA) that result in increases of 10% or greater require pre-approval of the Board of Trustees (BOT) and/or the Board of Governors (BOG). Resolution 1998-16 (PDF). Resolution 1997-3 (PDF). Justification for an increase due to internal-equity issues must identify the inequity and justify the rate of increase based on the relative job level, education, credentials, and/or experience of the affected employees. Concerning Phased Retirement (10/20/2000) Resolution 2005-5 (PDF). Comprehensively Amendment the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (01/17/2003) (09/13/2013) Updated at 5:25 p.m. Resolution 2009-1 (PDF). Resolution 2015-8 (PDF). On Endorsing Resolutions of the UNC Faculty Assembly in Response to the UNC Strategic Planning Process (Passed by Faculty Executive Committee, 01/28/2013), . WebThe thirteen-member Board of Trustees is the governing body for UNC Charlotte. On Appreciation for the Service of Judith Welch Wegner as Chair of Faculty, 2003-2006 (04/21/2006) On Information Technology (12/07/2001) Revising the Faculty Code of University Government Resolution 2002-6 (PDF). Resolution 2006-4 (PDF). On Oversight Authority of Centers and Institutes (Approved by the Faculty Executive Committee, 2/23/2015) Resolution 1997-14 (PDF). COVID-19 Resources Resolution 1997-11 (PDF). Resolution 2005-9 (PDF). Supporting Participation in the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (03/26/2004) (2/03/1997) Resolution 2004-8 (PDF). Resolution 2007-4 (PDF). Resolution 2005-5 (PDF). Resolution 2014-12 (PDF). Resolution 1998-21 (PDF). 2007 Resolution 2008-4 (PDF). Thanking Thomas Meyer for his work on behalf of the UNC-CH faculty (09/10/1999) On Revising the Regulations Concerning Withdrawal and Course Drops On Revising the Regulation Concerning Independent Studies for Credit (10/5/2012) On Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion (4/15/16), Resolution 2016-13 (PDF). Resolution 2010-3 (PDF). (2/03/1997) Resolution 2001-5 (PDF). Carolina Talent 2007 Statement on Thrive@Carolina (12/11/2015), Resolution 2014-1 (PDF) and Amendment to Resolution 2014-1 (PDF). Responding to the Recommendations of the Task Force on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (03/28/2003) On Monitoring the Status of Women in Leadership Positions (04/26/2013), Resolution 2013-10 (PDF). Resolution 1998-14 (PDF). On Intellectual Integrity and Independence (As amended, 03/26/2004) On Athletic Event Schedules that Interfere with Regular Instruction (12/08/2000) Establishing an Oral Competency Requirement (04/24/1998) On Tuition Computation Methods (12/12/2008) On Commitment to a Safe and Inclusive Campus (03/18/2013), [Resolution 2013-8 (PDF). On Adopting the Federal Definition of the Credit Hour (02/10/2012) Resolution 2001-6 (PDF). In Appreciation for Dan Reicharts Service (11/10/17), Resolution 2017-14 (PDF). Resolution 2011-4 (PDF). The UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees elected new leadership on Wednesday, following the appointment of six new members to the body. (2/03/1997) Resolution 2003-9 (PDF). Resolution 2002-6 (PDF). On Authorizing the Title Teaching Professor for Fixed-Term Faculty in Substitution for the Title Master Lecturer (4/25/2014) Resolutions 2002-1 (PDF). On Proposed Revisions to the Code of the Board of Governors Pertaining to Faculty Employment (09/14/2007) The following are justifiable reasons to propose an out-of-cycle salary adjustment: Out-of-cycle increase requests must be documented on the Recommendation for EHRA Base Salary Adjustment or Supplement Form. Encouraging Multidisciplinary Research(2/03/1997) Resolution 1997-7 (PDF). Resolution 2006-9 (PDF). On Faculty Ownership of Research (03/04/05), Resolution 2005-8 (PDF). Resolution 2000-9 (PDF). and 2000-7 (PDF). Resolution 2012-6 (PDF). On Establishing the Edward Kidder Graham Faculty Service Award (03/19/2010) On Selection of the Voting Delegate to the Atlantic Coast Conference (06/23/2003) Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Increase the Maximum Time for Extending the Probationary Period of Faculty Appointment for up to Twenty-Four Months for Reasons of Child-Birth, Health, or Other Compelling Circumstances(01/16/2004 On Adopting the Achievement Index as the Metric for University-wide Comparative Rankings of Students; defeated on 04/27/2007] Resolution 2004-4 (PDF). Endorsing Proposed Amendment to Appendix C of the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance to Clarify the Treatment of Cases Pending at Graduation or in the Summer, and to Provide for an Alternative Process for Addressing Large-Scale Cases (01/14/2005), Resolution 2005-5 (PDF). 2005 (12/07/2001) Amending the Faculty Code of University Government Concerning Nominations, Elections, and Filling Vacancies(12/11/1998) Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Increase the Maximum Time for Extending the Probationary Period of Faculty Appointment for up to Twenty-Four Months for Reasons of Child-Birth, Health, or Other Compelling Circumstances(01/16/2004 Resolution 1998-3 (PDF). Resolution 1998-13 (PDF). Resolution 1998-23 (PDF). and 2000-7 (PDF). Resolution 1997-6-1 (PDF). Amending Appendix C of the Instrument of Student Judicial Government (01/19/2007) On Unfunded and Underfunded Enrollment Increases (As amended, 03/22/2002), Resolution 2002-5 (PDF). Please note that calculations of the percentage increase amount are based on the employee's previous June 30 base salary and not their July 1 or current salary. (as amended) and 2002-2 (PDF). Salary adjustments (except job changes) are effective on the first day of the month following receipt of all required approvals. On Firearms on Campus (Passed by Faculty Executive Committee, 05/03/2013) Resolution 2003-12 (PDF). (as amended) and 2002-2 (PDF). Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Authorize the Faculty Ranks of Senior Lecturer and Professor of the Practice (01/16/2004) Resolution 2000-5 (PDF). Resolution 2008-2 (PDF). Resolution 2012-5 (PDF). On Smoking on Campus (09/14/2007) Resolution 2013-15 (PDF). Resolution 2012-8 (PDF). Resolution 2005-4 (PDF). On Weekday Football Games (defeated 30-26, 04/26/2013)] Amending the Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the Membership of the University Committee on Copyright (02/24/2006) Technical Amendments to Resolution 2006-4 (04/21/2006) Resolution 2009-4 (PDF). On Appreciation for Vincas P. Steponaitiss Service as Secretary of the Faculty, 2016-2021. Spangler, Jr. (4/15/1997) Resolution 1997-5 (PDF). Regarding the Unsupervised Bonfires on Franklin Street Following Mens Basketball Victories (02/16/2007), . Resolution 2012-7 (PDF). View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. On Establishing a Campus-Wide Two-Year Water Theme: H2O Carolina (12/9/2011) Resolution 2003-4 (PDF). Resolution 1999-7 (PDF). Resolution 1999-4 (PDF). Resolution 2015-9 (PDF). Revising the Final Examination Policy (03/27/1998), . Name and Charge of the Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged (1/10/1997) Endorsing the Report of the Undergraduate Curriculum Revision Steering Committee (04/25/2003) Effectively immediately, any SHRA or EHRA salary actions already in the preapproval pipeline that no longer require System Office or BOG approval are being returned to OHR. Resolution 2008-2 (PDF). (12/07/2001) (10/04/2013), . Resolution 2012-6 (PDF). On Endorsing the Report of the Task Force on Student Evaluation of Teaching(04/23/1999), Resolution 1999-5 (PDF). On Ratifying an Amendment to the Charter of the Faculty Assembly of The University of North Carolina (04/27/2007), [Resolution 2007-9 (PDF). 2011 Resolution 2014-5 (PDF). I recommend approval of this requested withdrawal. Any salary increase in any amount for a career-banded title for which we do not have delegated authority (or which results in an exemption to any standing OSHR policy) must go to UNC System Office Human Resources for pre-approval. Authorization to Establish a Ph.D. Amending the Class Attendance Policy (02/11/2005) Authorizing Continued Use of the Carolina Course Review for One Year (09/11/1998) 2005 On Increasing the Number of Credit Hours That Can Be Declared Pass/Fail (1/17/2014) Resolution 2003-12 (PDF). On Revising the Regulation Concerning Independent Studies for Credit (10/5/2012) Amending The Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to the Responsibilities and Membership of the Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Admissions (01/10/2003) Resolution 2003-2 (PDF). Amending The Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to The Schools and Colleges; The General College; The College of Arts and Sciences; The Graduate School; The Summer School; Records, Registration, and Undergraduate Admissions; Administrative Board of Student Affairs; and Administrative Board of the Library (03/23/2007) On Support for In-State Tuition Status for All North Carolina General Assembly,... Resolution 2012-12 ( PDF ) Policy ( 03/27/1998 ), Multidisciplinary Research ( 2/03/1997 ) 2003-4! Trustees elected new leadership on Wednesday, following the appointment of six new members to the Honor (... At 5:25 p.m qualifications for This position Trustees is the governing body for unc Charlotte Smoking on Campus Passed! General Assembly on Franklin Street following Mens Basketball Victories ( 02/16/2007 ) Resolution. 11/10/17 ), ), Resolution 2005-8 ( PDF ) and temporary salary increases Policies and Practices as. 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