In-depth study of non-halal meat categories, Eating the following animals violates Islamic dietary laws. It must be understood for all Muslims to use Halal and Haram. A bird that is the offspring of one halal bird and one haram bird adopts the legal status of the mother. Muslims can eat kosher foods and know that they are halal. [9], Animal protection is more important than the fulfillment of religious obligations in special circumstances. [6] Eating halal meat creatures is sometimes haram: 1. A halal bird may become forbidden if not slaughtered properly. Annelids are a type of segmented worm that has a tubular body and a specialized digestive system. prey with it. Animals whose meat is Halal: 1) Camel 2) Goat 3) Sheep 4) Buffalo 5) Stag 6) Rabbit 7) Cow (including mountain cow) Wild-ass (The prohibition in the Hadith is of domesticated donkeys) 9) Fish (of all types, including prawns according to those who consider prawns to be a form of fish. The following is a list of Halal foods: Here is a list of foods prohibited by Islam. It says in al-Majmoo (9/26): We have Some Muslim jurists disagree on which animals are considered haram. Removing wool from animals is prohibited because it causes them vulnerability. Animal meat does not slaughter following the methods prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah. To make it easier for you to understand, heres an image of the Anthropoid classification. of the zarzoor (starling) type which are native to India, Burma and other [42][67] As for the kalb (Arabic: , dog), there are different views regarding it. These animals are for Islamic slaughtering purposes. Some foods purely have the word Halal printed on them. Fish (of all types, including prawns according to those who consider prawns to be a form of fish. Ruminants have 4 compartments, including a rumen. However, they are not allowed to be killed in Islam. Muslim names or titles like asad and ghadanfar (Arabic for lion), shir and arslan (Persian and Turkish for lion, respectively) and fahad (Could mean either a cheetah or leopard, however "nimr" is more common for the latter) are common in the Muslim world. Allah (SWT) created humans in such a way that everything they eat and drink affects not only their body but also their spirit. Thank you for being so thoughtful. List of Halal and Haram Animals and Birds Meat (10 Groups To Know). A bird that is the offspring of two halal birds is halal. These include lions, dogs, wolves, tigers, falcons, eagles, owls, reptiles, snakes, crocodiles. It gives enlightenment for us, malaysian.. A bird that is fathered by a halal bird, but with a haram bird for a mother is haram. Keeping birds in cages is not haram if that is to enjoy looking at them or listening to their voices subject to the condition that you give them food and drink. In verse 6:38, the Qur'an applies the term ummah, generally used to mean "a human religious community", for genera of animals. Islamic. Marine and freshwater organisms, such as the following are considered halal: When it comes to snails, however, their rulings may differ. ac For a Muslim, halal foods and animals mean that the products have met the requirements laid down by Islamic laws. Including me. "[83] According to a story by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, black dogs are a manifestation of evil in animal form and the company of dogs voids a portion of a Muslim's good deeds;[76][84] however, according to Khaled Abou El Fadl, the majority of scholars regard this to be "pre-Islamic Arab mythology" and "a tradition to be falsely attributed to the Prophet". Game may be eaten, if killed either by catching and slaughtering, or killed by a weapon that pierces the body, such as a bullet or arrow. Further, the verse explains that we cannot eat any meat that has been slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah. Whereas, examples of halal cetaceans are dolphins and whales. Camels We should look out for those meals that do not contain other types of Haram food (e.g., alcohol, pigs oil, etc.). They have a torpedo-shaped body that is nearly hairless and paddle-shaped forelimbs. There is a multitude of usage and meanings in the depiction of animals in Islamic art. We should provide them with enough space to roam, graze and get plenty of fresh air. Most monogastric animals have poor digestion of cellulose-containing foods like grasses. That which is off-putting, such as bats. A halal bird may become forbidden if not slaughtered properly. Eina here! Animals that are Halal in Islam are: All domestic birds, sheep, goats, all cattle breeds, camels, rabbits, ducks, fish, and locusts are Halal in Islam. And because it was against Arab tradition to eat insects and the like, they were deemed haram. They are air-breathing, cold-blooded vertebrates that have scaly bodies. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. Read my disclaimer for more information. Whereas, both freshwater and marine species are considered halal. Theres a child who only eats halal foods. Hamas officials stated that the ban was in response to rise in dog walking on the streets which they stated was "against culture and traditions in Gaza". Malaysia is a country where majority people are muslims, so it is easier to find/ to know/ to differentiate halal or haram products here in malaysia(many product with halal logos in malaysia, or the products made by muslim or non Muslim) An example of a halal carnivore is a hyena. which has talons with which it catches prey. And another hadith narrated by Abu Thalabah al-Khashani (may Allaah be pleased with him), said that: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade the eating of every carnivorous animal that has fangs.. It means that when the animal dies before the Islamic slaughtering takes place, then the meat is not permissible or haram. (Note: Birds with sharp claws such as eagles, hawks, falcons, etc. Lastly, their brains are much larger than most other mammals, allowing them to be much more intelligent. Team TheIslamicQuotes. So in this post, Ill be sharing the list of halal and haram animals and birds (based on the Quran and hadith). [78] The historian William Montgomery Watt states that Muhammad's kindness to animals was remarkable, citing an instance of Muhammad while traveling with his army to Mecca in 630AD, posting sentries to ensure that a female dog and her newborn puppies were not disturbed. those that it is permissible to eat. On the other hand, haram mammals are divided into 6 groups: According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, primates are a group of mammals that have developed great binocular vision. Animals that may be a pest in one area may not be considered a pest elsewhere, so Muslims may develop rulings suited to their area. The "Tree of Life" mosaic found at the desert palace of Khirbat al-Mafjar built under Caliph Walid II's rule during the Umayyad period, is perhaps one of the most well known mosaics depicting animals in figural form in the Islamic world. Sheep 4. End quote from al-Sharh al-Mumti (15/20). And do weigh their pros and cons. Poultry sold in most American stores is usually from animals that are considered halal, but are not considered properly slaughtered. Mesopotamia). [102], Many animals are often represented alongside "vegetal" (Arabesque) patterns and are often found in an adorsed position (represented twice, symmetrically, and often side by side). Remember, no animal has been cursed in any way. Tlili, Sarra, Animals, in Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God (2 vols. types: Birds which have talons with which they "[85] Individual fatw ("rulings") have indicated that dogs be treated kindly or otherwise released,[86] and earlier Islamic literature often portrayed dogs as symbols of highly esteemed virtues such as self-sacrifice and loyalty, which, in the hands of despotic and unjust rulers, become oppressive instruments. This method makes the slaughter fast and efficient. principle. According to a narration from Abdullah bin Umar, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: A large phylum of invertebrate animals is called Mollusca which includes snails, clams, and squids. Because of the spider web, their persecutors thought the cave must be empty; otherwise, there would not have been a web. ), Conclusion (Table of Information Included), Food that does not contain any harmful ingredients and may benefit your body is generally considered, Food that is bad and may harm your body is generally considered. [70] Muhammad rode on Qaswa during the Hijrah ('Migration') from Mecca to Medina, his Hajj in 629 CE, and the Conquest of Mecca in 630. [87], Domestic cats have a special place in Islamic culture. According to this rule, anything caught from the sea is fair game. Which in term demonstrates a dual use in visually portraying a lions. Forbidden (haram) is also the meat of domesticated donkeys, mules, any predatory animal with canine teeth and birds with talons. off-putting, which there is no room to discuss here. [5] ( Note: If a locust is caught by hand or any other means, it is halal after dying.) In the WEST PIG is a FARM Animal, so Here are some ways to identify Halal foods in your country: Also have a look at these Powerful Duas to Control Anger & Other Negative Emotions. Birds that are haram include hawks, vultures, falcons, kites, eagles, ospreys and owls. By practicing these laws, Muslims not only attain spirituality but also gain the wealth of health. [2] Certain animals can be eaten under the condition that they are slaughtered in a specified way. Al-Mawsoo'ah al-Arabiyyah al-'Aalamiyyah. They have an aquatic larval stage that is followed by a terrestrial, lung-breathing adult stage. When referring to food, halal Islamic dietary restrictions forbid consuming certain animals or any animal that is improperly slaughtered. Therefore, Muslims consider killing spiders ('ankabt) a sin. Birds that are haram include hawks, vultures, falcons, kites, eagles, ospreys and owls. not catch prey with its talons and does not eat carrion and is not Theres also nothing wrong with mentioning them separately sister . Here is a breakdown of all Halal and Haram Food and Animals in Islam. Although dogs are haram or forbidden for you to eat, it does not mean that Islam gives you the right to abuse dogs. Allahs Messenger () extended his hand toward It, Some of the women who had been in Maimunas home said, Inform Allahs Messenger ( ) what he plans to consume,. The general overarching Idea of the examples given above are that the use of animals as symbolic representations of humans, royal accoutrements, symbolic representations of power, etc. "[98], In permitting dhabiha, the German Constitutional Court cited[99] the 1978 study led by Professor Wilhelm Schulze at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover which concluded that "[t]he slaughter in the form of ritual cut is, if carried out properly, painless in sheep and calves according to the EEG recordings and the missing defensive actions. [50][51] Within the aforementioned chapter of "The Ant", there is an account of Sulaymaan (Solomon) talking to the eponymous ant[52] as well as birds, most famously the hoopoe. carrion. Unless it is an exceptional and an extreme case where no other halal food or drink is available; or the person is in danger due to extreme hunger or for medicinal purposes. I, pp. Domestic birds and some game birds are considered halal. We empower you to efficiently solve each new challenge and make your life better and easier. 10 Islamic Quotes on Interest or Riba, 20+ Islamic Quotes on Beards & Importance of Beards in Islam, How to Learn Arabic-9 Tips for Learning Fast & Fluent Arabic, Illness From Islamic Perspective & 30 Islamic Quotes on Sickness, 40 Best Proud to be Muslim Quotes with Images, 10 Ahadith for Teenagers & Young Muslims to Learn & Practice, 50 Islamic Quotes on Life with Images and Meaning, 30 Islamic Inspirational Quotes For Difficult Times, 10 Great Manners of Prophet Muhammad That We Need to Adopt, 50 Best Islamic Quotes on Women and Status in Islam, 35 Islamic Quotes About Greed Quran and Hadith on Greed, 50 Inspirational Islamic Quotes About Death with Images, Mecca Guide 11 Best Things That You Must Do In Makkah, How to Attend a Muslim Funeral? From an Islamic view, the appropriate shelter for an animal has three characteristics: In Islam, the rights of animals are respected in both life[34] and death. Deliberately eating or drinking them is a great sin. These animal representations in the Islamic are not static and tell countless stories. Allah has provided us with so much food that we can enjoy. This hadith is taken as evidence that it is permissible to keep birds , because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not denounce Abu Umayr for doing so. Sales manager for halal cosmetic products. Halal products in Islam are beneficial for Muslims and non-Muslims. Domestic birds and some game birds are considered halal. Apart from ferocity, the lion has an important position in Islam and Arab culture. This status is not affected by the death of either parent. ", "Dogs in the Islamic Tradition and Nature", "Chapter , - Sahih Muslim, Volume - Hadith", "Al-Hijr Archaeological Site (Madin Slih)", "Jami' at-Tirmidhi 1478 - The Book on Hunting - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad ( )", "The moment in history when Muslims began to see dogs as dirty, impure, and evil", "The Legend of the Seven Sleepers, and Its Message for the Modern World", "Dogs and Islam: The Devil and the Seeing-Eye Dog", BBC: "Hot dogs 'must be renamed' in Malaysia, says religious government body", "Hamas bans dog walking through the Gaza Strip to 'protect women and children', "Bundesverfassungsgericht - Decisions - Permission for ritual slaughter Muslim butchers", "Khirbat al-Mafjar and Its Place in the Archaeological Heritage of Palestine", "The Lion-Gazelle Mosaic at Khirbat al-Mafjar", The attitude towards animals in Islam according to Islamic rulings on the internet,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Foods that may contain any combination of the aspic, alcoholic pastries, etc. These include chickens, turkeys, ducks, pheasants, partridges, pigeons, quails, geese and doves. [3][4] It is forbidden to kill any animal except for food or to prevent it from harming people. (may Allaah be pleased with him), who said: The Messenger of Allaah [49], There is a whole chapter in the Quran named "The Ants". They did not have religious connotations behind them. The Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an states that this verse has been "far reaching in its moral and ecological implications. because there is nothing to indicate that it is haraam. One such narration is the Hadith that the Prophet of Allah (SAW) forbade the killing of 4 creatures: the ant, the bee, the hoopoe, and the sparrow-hawk. basic principle is that all birds are halaal, because Allaah says Search for Halal and Haram E codes online, or download apps that will scan the ingredients and tell you if it is Halal or not. Note; farm crows have red beaks and feet. Applying a sharp knife in shechita and dhabh, by contrast, ensures that no pain is felt: the wound inflicted is clean, and the loss of blood causes the animal to lose consciousness within seconds. Islam teaches us to show mercy to animals. Ill explain further the difference in opinions of scholars about the permissibility of anthropods below. is evidence that it is haraam; and based on the evidence there are four such I'msuper thrilled youvisited my blog. "[37], There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. In this case, the meat is considered halal. The prophet Muhammad also cautioned Muslims against declaring things forbidden without cause. End [103] This particular mosaic was found in a private room of the desert palace which served as a bathhouse complex for the purpose of leisure. If you are looking to buy halal meat, local Muslim-owned butchers are the place to go. [62], Verses 50 and 51 of Surat al-Muddaththir in the Quran talk about umur ('asses' or 'donkeys') fleeing from a qaswarah ('lion', 'beast of prey' or 'hunter'), in its criticism of people who were averse to Muhammad's teachings, such as donating wealth to the less wealthy. When determining whether a food item is halal, Muslim scholars discuss not only the species of animal, but the method of slaughter and any added ingredients. Some Muslim jurists disagree on which animals are considered haram. slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah (or has been slaughtered [94], In Malaysia in 2016, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department, a religious governing body, prohibited the use of the term hot dog to refer to the food of that name. Muslims must follow these guidelines and always avoid eating the forbidden food until it is a matter of life and death. a crow does not matter. Carnivores animals/birds. [83] Furthermore, "he found that a hadith from one of the most trustworthy sources tells how the Prophet himself had prayed in the presence of his playfully cavorting dogs. [94], Islamic literature has many stories of animals. An example of halal pseudo-ruminants is a camel. Islam Q&A, Buying beautiful birds because of their colours and voices, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in These include chickens, turkeys, ducks, pheasants, partridges, pigeons, quails, geese and doves. (Well, before I compiled this list, of course). The dwelling of animals should not pollute the environment or spread disease to other organisms. This includes insects, spiders, and crabs. Halal restaurant staff. Mynah is the name of several types of birds The following is a list of all the animals in the Quran: Lion Cow Calf Donkey Elephant Camel Monkey Pig Honey bee Ant Birds Spider Mosquito Locust What does the Quran say about Animals? Amazon Associate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to There is no text in Islam to say that it is haram to sell them or keep them. [104], Live animals or trophy pieces of deceased animals would sometimes be gifted to royal courts from one sultan to another sultan in the Islamic world. This list is based on the School of Shafi'i opinion or equivalent. Men noted for their bravery, like Ali,[89] Hamzah ibn Abdul-Muttalib[90] and Omar Mukhtar,[91] were given titles like "Asad Allh" ("Lion of God") and "Asad a-ar" ("Lion of the Desert"). Hello I am Syra! [77] However, this is not necessary for adherents of the Sunni Maliki school as "jurists from the Sunni Maliki School disagree with the idea that dogs are unclean. The entanglement of branches on the trees bearing fruit, the female gazelles grazing by the tree, and of course the lion (a stand in for the sultan) taking down his "prey" (a sole female gazelle), are all a testament to the sultan's (Walid II) reputation and exploits, which were well documented in the sultan's own writings. Mentioning a few of the Haram E-Codes to look out for: Islam is a religion that provides a way of life with protocols, rules, and manners governing every facet of life. Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback.Youre absolutely right, as Muslims we should try to gain more knowledge on this to avoid eating haram by mistake. He said, No. On the other hand, pseudo-ruminants has only 3 compartments in their large stomach and is has no rumen. This type also include vultures, because they only eat Allah Ta'ala has granted us human beings with innumerable blessings and bounties. Why are Honeysuckle Plants Poisonous to Dogs? For sweetmeats, look for the gelatin listed in the ingredients. These animals have soft, unsegmented bodies and are usually enclosed in a calcareous shell. Views : Assalamualaikum from malaysia.. on him) said: What is meant by talons here is not the thing [spur] that A spider is told to have saved Muhammad and Abu Bakr by spinning a web over the entrance of the cave in which they hid. Answer. Baiting animals for entertainment or gambling is prohibited. Examples of emulsifiers are lecithin and mono- and di-glycerides. Animals must not be mutilated while they are alive. It is also a sin if you fail to find out the food is halal or not. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. A quick loss of blood pressure and the brain is instantaneously starved of blood and there is no time to start feeling any pain. royal tapestries with animal motifs used to cover furniture such as the "Double-Face Textile with a Tree of Life & a Winged Lion," hailing from Rayy, Iran circa the Early Islamic Period. The top of their heads feature 1 or 2 nares that protrude outward, but they lack rear limbs. Reptiles like snakes and lizards who dont bleed profusely when chopped are especially haram. All poultry Mammals The Latin word mamma, which means "breast," is where the word "mammal" originates. All farm animals However, many Muslims, unfortunately, cant give the exact list of halal and haram animals and birds. [97][98] According to Judy MacArthur Clark, chairwoman of the Farm Animal Welfare Council, cattle require up to two minutes to bleed to death when halal or kosher means of slaughter are used on cattle: "This is a major incision into the animal and to say that it doesn't suffer is quite ridiculous." Chapter 15,The Two Festivals (Eids), Qualities that Allah Loves and Help You Get Closer to Allah, Powerful Duas to Control Anger & Other Negative Emotions, 20 Tips to Memorize the Quran Easily (Tested), 30 Important Duas From Quran For Every Need And Situation, 10 Miracles Performed by the Prophet PBUH We All Should Know, Benefits Of Surah Muzammil: 10 Reasons To Recite Muzammil, 10 Tips To Complete Recitation Of The Quran In Ramadan 2022, Concept of Purdah in Islam 8 Important Things To Know, Importance of Friday in Islam: 13 Things Every Muslim Should Know, 10 Reasons Why I Am Grateful To Be A Muslim Woman, 15 Beautiful Islamic Sayings for Whatsapp Status in 2022, 23 Quotes About Arrogance And Pride In The Light Of Islam, 16 Islamic Ways To Deal With Depression, Stress & Anxiety, Why Interest is Haram? To knowingly eat something that is haram is a great sin, and every Muslim must abstain. Fits the physical needs of the animal and its health and protect it from cold and heat. I think he was already weaned, and when he (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)) came he would say, O Abu Umayr, what happened to al-nughayr? a nightingale with which he used to play The nightingale is a kind of bird. that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who [35] Animals that are slaughtered in accordance with sharia may be consumed. . (interpretation of the meaning): Say (O Muhammad Best regards, document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I heard the Prophet (p.b.u.h) delivering a Khutba saying, The first thing to be done on this day (first day of, From: Sahih Bukhari. Crustaceans from both salt and fresh water are considered halal. him) indicated the guideline on this issue by saying: Everything that does In Islam, Allah (SWT) prohibits Muslims from eating some edible things (haram) and allows some (halal) things. Killing other non-domesticated animals in this area, such as equids and birds, is forbidden. That is why the main rule for an Islamic slaughter is that the animal must be alive or considered alive. The verse also mentions that Muslims cannot eat any animal that has been: Except for those animals that you had time to slaughter. it was said that farm crows are large and black. In some instances, this exchange of animals as gifts would come from outside the Islamic world as well. Thank you for the guide. Ads by Muslim Ad Network 2- There is nothing wrong, as far as Islam is concerned, in eating horses or camels' meat after they are slaughtered according to the Islamic way. As; He is the one who has created us. If you are eating from a street food vendor or at a restaurant that claims to be Halal certified; Make sure to see their certification. Crustacea is a large variety of animals that mostly live in water and have a body made of segments. May Almighty Allah help us to follow the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah! Could i get nuts from like planters like peanuts or cashews or almonds maybe even pistatios (spelled wrong and cant spell it right lol), All fruits, vegetables and nuts are halal. I would also request that you visit our Islamic forum to engage in Islamic discussions. The second group Hanafi consider it impermissible for Muslims to eat oysters as they do not fit under the category of fishes ( source ). Animals that are clearly haram are of 4 types: carcass, blood, pork, and any other animal not slaughtered in the name of Allah. As you know there has been mention of different types of animals in the Quran. So thank you for this post.. Walaikum Salam, [13], Muslims are not allowed to harass and misuse animals, which includes snatching a leaf from an ant's mouth. Are mountain ash tree berries toxic to dogs? Team TheIslamicQuotes. ), Edited by C. Fitzpatrick and A. Walker, Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2014, Vol. If the domestic animals which are not naturally ugly, disgusting and bad are slaughtered in conformity with the practices of the Shari'a (the Islamic Laws), their flesh is religiously halal, they can be eaten. I uttered: O Messenger of Allah! Is it prohibited? Whereas, ratites are birds that cannot fly and instead run along the ground. Prey refers to the living things that carnivores consume. Other birds that are halal include starlings, nightingales, peacocks, storks, parrots, ostriches, larks, sparrows and hoopoes. and Ahmad (may Allaah have mercy on them) stated that they are permissible. When referring to food, halal Islamic dietary restrictions forbid consuming certain animals or any animal that is improperly slaughtered. Such as equids and birds for Islam Q & a 1997-2023, geese and doves food animals... Note ; farm crows are large and black considered properly slaughtered, verse. 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Or 2 nares that protrude list of halal birds in islam, but are not considered properly slaughtered is... Purely have the word halal printed on them right to abuse dogs a breakdown of all and... Dwelling of animals in the Quran and Sunnah cats have a special place in Islamic discussions creatures is haram... Them ) stated that they are not allowed to be much more intelligent a form of fish top. Muslims can eat kosher foods and know that they are halal a special place in Islamic.... For all Muslims to use halal and haram food and animals mean that gives... To find out the food is halal or not of segments locust is by! Mutilated while they are alive halal and haram food and animals in the depiction of animals explains that can... ( 'ankabt ) a sin if you are looking to buy halal meat creatures is haram... ; otherwise, there would not have been a web monogastric animals have soft unsegmented., animal protection is more important than the fulfillment of religious obligations in special circumstances get of! Web, their persecutors thought the cave must be understood for all Muslims to use and! Kosher foods and animals mean that the animal must be empty ; otherwise, there would not have a! Animals should not pollute the environment or spread disease to other organisms food, halal Islamic dietary forbid! Killing other non-domesticated animals in the Islamic world as Well, 2014, Vol a nightingale with he... Has many stories of animals in Islamic discussions ( of all types, including prawns according to this rule anything... And marine species are considered halal or haram one who has created us Muslims consider killing spiders ( )! Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2014, Vol haram include hawks, falcons kites... And one haram bird adopts the legal status of the mother blood pressure and the brain is instantaneously of... ; and based on the evidence there are four such I'msuper thrilled youvisited my blog a web restrictions forbid certain... Eat, it does not eat any meat that has been slaughtered without mentioning the name Allah... Specified way should provide them with enough space to roam, graze and get of! If not slaughtered properly their large stomach and is has no rumen religious obligations special! Either parent food that we can enjoy practicing these laws, Muslims not only attain but... Why the main rule for an Islamic slaughter is that the products have the! Eat, it does not mean that Islam gives you the right list of halal birds in islam.