Asian American newspaper. Cushing Library / Ragan Military. Apr. Freedman's Press. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 13, title 3. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 80, title 6; reel 105, title 2. The Hips Voice. Aug. 1-23, 29, 1904. Oct.26, 1914. 25, 1786-Sept. 11, 1787. 1900, Oct. 1909-Dec. 1910, Nov. 9-Dec. 31, 1918, Aug. 1920 (some issues missing). Microprint 20. Quanah Quirt. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Feb.9, Mar.2, 1882. De Andere Krant. Chicago Defender (National edition). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 3. El Observador Fronterizo (in Spanish). African American newspaper. Oct. 24-Dec. 29, 1944. 1969-Fall 1970. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 11, title 9. Nov. 1969. Military newspaper. Continued by The Peoples Conservative, and Trades Union Gazette. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 52, title 1. This is a collection of scrapbooks covering African Americans; contents date from 1901 to 1950. Daybreak. Dec.1, 1970-July 15, 1974. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 34. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Microfilm / N /788. Feb.-June 1945 (some issues missing). African American newspaper. When: January 13-22, 2023. Also in paper copy: 1949-1965. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 36, title 16. The Sun Reporter. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Apr. June 25, July 2, 9, 1970. Within any given year, newspaper issues are arranged first by the publishers names and then in chronological order. Boston Chronicle. 31, 1945. Houston Post. Astral Projection. Sept.14, 1901. June 22, 1775-Apr. Nov. 7, 1834-Dec. 28, 1870. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 1, title 5; reel 2, title 14; reel 7, title 4; reel 18, title 1; reel 43, title 3; reel 76, title 1; reel 98, title 8. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 12, reel 38. Gold Coast Assize. Anarchos. Young Socialist. Lunar New Year (First Day) - Macau. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 80, title 7; reel 105, title 3. Bellville Countryman. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 40, title 21. South Carolina Gazette and Country Journal. Apr.24, Sept.11, 1886. Los Angeles Underground. Log in to get personalized recommendations, follow events and topics you love, and never miss a day again! Giddings Weekly News. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. Oct. 22, 1799-Jan. 6, 1886. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 53. Microfilm / N / 636. Womens newspaper. 20 issues, 1969-1970. 1978: Aug. 10Nov. Apr.1968-June 1975. Nov. 9, 16, 1839, June 4, 1842. Pennsylvania Socialist. Serv. Federal Union. Microfilm / N / 619. Aug. 15, Sept.19, 1968-Feb.13, 1969, Mar.21-Apr. Frontier Echo. Veteran Stars and Stripes for Peace. South Carolina Leader. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 17; reel 7, title 10; reel 18, title 3; reel 44, title 1; reel 77, title 1; reel 100, title 2. La Gaceta Chibcha (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 37, title 11. The Texas Free Press. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 5, title 10. Jan.15, 22, 1970. Survey data is powered by Wisevoter and Scholaroo. Suspended publication between Feb. 8 and July 4, 1880. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 8. Apr.1, 1891. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 39. Chicago Crusader (title varies: New Crusader). Microfilm / N / 533. 25, 1781-May 16, 1792. Mar.23, 1916. Yipster. Microfilm / N / 590. Oct. 1969. Nova Vanguard. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 7, title 12. La Guardia. Distant Drummer. Radicals in the Professions Newsletter. Turn the heat up in your kitchen or on your dining table by adding hot sauce to everything you eat today. Satyrday. Oct. 28, 1942-Sept. 15, 1945 (some issues missing). 1 Jan. 1971-Dec. 1971. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 7. Aware. Teaspoon and the Door. July 9, 1943-Mar. Feb.14, 1968-Dec.17, 1970 (many issues missing). Feb.24, May 11, 1844, Aug. 9, Nov.15, 1845, Apr.15-21, May 5, Oct.13-27, Nov.10-17, Dec.15, 1848-Apr.4, 1866 (many issues missing). Microfilm / N / 489. St. Louis Free Press. North Carolina Magazine, or Universal Intelligencer. African American Culture and History: The L.S. Oct.11, Nov.1-Dec.27, 1839. Charasee Press. Open Process. Apr. Massachusetts Spy. View from the Bottom. Aug. 24-Dec. 31, 1918. Rattler (Rattlesnake Bomber Base). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 98, title 7. Feb.-July, Sept.-Dec. 1972. Apr. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 6, title 2. Business newspaper. Ext. Many holidays overlap with each other in September, resulting in the name " Silver Week ," similar to May's Golden Week. Santa Fe Weekly Express. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 65, title 3; reel 86, title 4; reel 112, title 5. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Microfilm / S / 1165. Other Scenes. Free You. Sept.10, 1891. Jan.14, 1906. Jan.1898-June 28, 1902. Dec.1, 1968-Oct.1969. American Indian newspaper. Womens newspaper. Common Sense. Mar.-Nov.1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 13, title 9; reel 24, title 6. July 13, 1854-Mar.4, 1856, Jan.19, 1861-1878, 1880-1891, 1893-1902 (many issues missing). Microfilm / N / 188. 5 issues, 1968. 7-Dec.12, 1968, May 19, 1969 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 27, title 10; reel 27, title 18; reel 28, title 20; reel 33, title 5. Microfilm / N / 1006. Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3609. Microfilm / S / 1155. May 2, 1916. Oct. 8, 1924-Feb.1930. Advocate of the People's Rights. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Jan. 9, 1970-Dec. 8, 1972 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 592. Relfs Philadelphia Gazette, and Daily Advertiser. Feb.19-Mar.4, Sept.15-Oct.5, Oct.31, 1870 (some issues missing). Aug.23-26, 1783, Jan.2-5, June 9, 1802, June 1-Nov.16, 1805, July 22, 1806, June 4, 1808 (some issues missing). Witte Krant. July 16, 1867- . Greece Today. 23, 1945. Apr. (International Socialist). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 50, title 1. Apr. Film S / 117 / U8, reel 152, title 2. Cuban refugee camp newspaper. Dalhart Buzzer (Dalhart Army Air Field). Press Service. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38, The News. Cushing Library, Cavitt Papers. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 66, title 6. State Holiday Mon, January 16: Idaho Human Rights Day: Idaho State Holiday Mon, January 16: Civil Rights Day: Arizona, new hampshire State Holiday Thu, January 19: Robert E Lee's Birthday: Florida State Holiday Thu, January 19: Confederate Heroes' Day: Texas State Holiday Sun, January 22: Chinese New Year: Observance June 1, 1971-Dec. 1, 1972. Feb. 1962-July 11, 1977. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 16. Microfilm / N / 584. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 32, title 5. Jan.1, 1795-Mar.28, 1800. Microfilm / N / 668. Oct.1958-May 1960. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 29; reel 36, title 12. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 4, title 1; reel 12, title 7. June 2, 1944-Dec. 31, 1945 (some issues missing). Sept. 19, 1901-Sept. 30, 1910, Jan. 6, 1927-Dec. 28, 1955. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 54, title 2. June 17, 1893. (Place varied; included Corpus Christi, Tx., and Matamoros, Mexico). Military newspaper. May-Sept.1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 32, title 23; reel 41, title 39. AAPA Newspaper. The Straight Creek Journal. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 47. Om. Title varies. Microfilm / N / 658. Microfilm / S / 2657. The Old Market Press. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 116, title 1. May 1967. Chicago Seed (also titled The Seed). Quicksilver Times. 1923-1988. Thorn. Lone Star. Cost: $45 for a 3-course, prix fixe menu . Campo Libertad Periodico (in English and Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 11; reel 6, title 16. May 27, 1854, Mar. Microfilm / N / 637. Dec. 12, 1885-Dec. 15, 1899. Tyler Telegraph. Drover's Journal (Published in Chicago before July 1966). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 13a; reel 11, title 5. Civilian and Galveston Gazette. Saturday Journal. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 17. February 21, 2022. June 14-Nov.30, 1970. Oct. 26, 1895. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 10; reel 51, title 2. Texas Baptist. Johnson County Review. 11, 1837. Dec.25, 1884. Feb.17, 1900. Sunday issues are not included from 1925-1967; Saturday and holiday issues are not included for some years. Microfilm / N / 528. Liberation News Service. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 16. Texas Countryman. National Hot Tea Day. El Progreso. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 1, title 1; reel 1, title 4; reel 2, title 2; reel 5, title 11; reel 15, title 6; reel 42, title 2; reel 71, title 1; reel 92, title 1. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 8. El Azote (in Spanish). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 48. Microfilm / N / 149. Jan.27-Nov.2, 1969. Reflector. Oct. 1968-Mar. Miss Blanche. Negocios y Finanzas (in Spanish). Suspended publication, Dec. 1, 1978-Nov. 12, 1979. American Exile in Canada (later title Amex-Canada). M.D.S. Impacto (in Spanish). Off Our Backs. Microfilm / N / 584. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. Oct.1970-Jan.1971. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, no.4. El Buena Presna (in Spanish). (Continues Camp Bowie Blade). May 2, 1885, Dec.19, 1885-Feb.6, 1886, July 10, Oct.30, Dec.6, 1886 (many issues missing). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 40, title 13. La Empress (in Spanish). La Voz del Valle (in Spanish). You can read more about it, Restoration of the Czech Independence Day, National Slavery And Human Trafficking Prevention Month, Run It up the Flagpole and See If Anyone Salutes It Day, National Take Down The Christmas Tree Day, National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Anniversary of the Independence Manifesto, National Step in the Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day, Anniversary of President Laurent Kabilas Assassination, Anniversary of Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumbas Assassination, International Snowmobile Safety And Awareness Week, National Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day, International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, Remembrance Day for the Victims of National Socialism. 1979-1990. 28, May 5-26, June 9-Aug. 25, Sept. 15-Nov. 3, 1852, Nov. 17, 1852-Jan. 12, 1853, Jan. 26-Feb. 5, Feb. 16-Mar. Ag. Oct. 1, 1969. Sept. 5-25, Oct. 28, 1969. Christian Witness. Rohwer Transmitter. Military newspaper. Jan., Mar.-Apr., July, Sept., Nov., 1967, Apr.-Dec.1968, Jan.-Mar., May-Dec.1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 18; reel 35, title 13. Nov.1928-May 1944. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 16, title 5. (Published first at San Felipe and then at Columbia). Quanah Chief. Feb.1-15, Mar.15, 1968. Sept.14, 1963. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 48, title 1.San Diego Free Door to Liberation. Argo. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 4. May 10, 1976. Ag. Winter 1969 issue. Xanadu. Microfilm / N / 598. Oct.1968-Apr.1969. Aug. 2, 1836-Apr. Microfilm / N / 650. Hundred Flowers. Indian Head. Federal Holiday-424: Jan 6 - Thurs: Epiphany 2022: Christian-419: Jan 7 - Fri: Orthodox Christmas Day 2022: Orthodox-418: . Newspaper published in Baltimore before 1848. El Progresista (in Spanish). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. Nov.18, 1831. Aug.5-Nov.7, 1941. La Verdad (in Spanish). Oct.4, 1890. Long Beach Free Press. Sept./Nov.1978, May 1979. Salem Gazette. East Bay Monitor. Dec. 1, 1943-Nov. 30, 1944. June 15, 1900-May 19, 1911. Paper. Jan. 1822-Nov. 16, 1868. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 25, title 3; reel 68, title 1. Jan.3, 1930-Dec.26, 1941 (some issues missing). Apr. So check the calendar often; you never know who will show up next! Dec.14, 1833-Feb.1, 1834. El Monitor Mexicano (in Spanish). Hard Core. Indianola Bulletin. Microfilm / N / 344. 1721-1727. June 27, 1964-Dec.25, 1965, June 1966-Dec.1980, Jan.-Dec.1982, Sept. 8, 1984-Dec.1993, Jan.1995-Dec.1997. Yellow Dog. The New African. Reel 35, title 8. Microfilm / N / 788. Feb. 1666-Dec. 1800. May-July 1972. First Issue. July 1969-Oct. 1969. May 24, 1865-June 16, 1866. Feb. 15, 1820-June 1868. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 7; reel 34, title 12. Sept.25, 1967-Feb.29, 1968. July / Aug. 1977. African American paper. Microfilm / N / 275. July 2, 1873-Sept.7, 1881, Jan.1, 1896-Dec.28, 1898, Jan. 7, 1903-Dec. 21, 1904 (some issues missing). 1, 1792. Wheelock Enterprise. Microfilm / N / 950. Humanitas. Privacy & Terms. Stars and Stripes (in English). Apr.25, May 23-Aug.1968, Nov.1969. Oct.18, 1883. Microfilm / N / 977. Oct. 10, 1835-Apr. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 10. Jan. 6-Oct. 30, 1945. Nov.7, 1975, Feb.8, 1975. Dec. 15, 1855-June 10, 1922. El Grito del Norte (in English and Spanish). The Paper. 20, 1971. La Gaceta Popularo (in Spanish). Sept.1, 1918. Pittsburgh Fair Witness. Oct.1, 1919. Guide: Microtext Reference E / 185.6 / T87 / 1976a; microfilm: Film E / 185.6 / T87 / 1976a. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 3. June 15, 17, 23, 1893. Pandora. Basement Collection AP / 4 / M2. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 11, title 13. 1, 1928-Dec. 30, 1930. Military newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 96, title 3. Stars and Stripes. Weekly New Mexican Review. Microfilm / N / 670. Film HX / 83 / S63 / 1975 / pt.1, reel 131, title 239. National Pharmacist Day. Raya was shot dead some time later after he opened fire on SWAT . Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Jan. 4, 1800. Campus Underground. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 7, reels 13-14. La Gacetta de Mora (in Spanish). Front Range/People's Press. Some places in the U.S. this holiday is instead used to celebrate Indigenous Peoples. Aug. 7-Dec. 18, 1942, Jan. 1-July 30, 1944. African American newspaper. Dec. 1933, Jan.-May 1935 (some issues missing). Hamilton Socialist. Jan.1, 1971-July 4, 1972 (some issues missing). Nov.20-Dec.20, 1970. Microfilm / N / 545. Jan. 6-May 1, Sept. 15, 1969. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Oct.17, 1874. June 9, 1967-May 30, 1968, Aug. 16, 1968. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. 14, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 12, title 2. Dec.22, 1719-Jan.7, 1723. Marijuana Review. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 2 / C462. 1890-1910 (some issues missing). Dec.9, 1968-Dec.17, 1969 (some issues missing). Nov.16-Dec.1, 1967, Jan.4-Oct.24, 1968, Jan. 29, 1969. Cushing Library, Cavitt Papers. Microfilm / N / 534. Microfilm / N / 716. Apr.1, 1976. Mar. Mar.15, 1845. 21 Mar. Broadside. Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3584. July 11, 1955-Sept.16, 1974 (many issues missing). La Voz del Cuhamil (in Spanish). Join the Conversation 7 Comments. Oct. 1969, plus 1 undated issue, 1969. Jan.8, 1896. Mar.5-Nov.23, 1889. May-July 1969. Microfilm / N / 545. Common Sense. Worcester Magazine. Apr.4, 8, July 18, Aug.22, Oct.10, 24, 1886. Harry. Friday. F / 381 / T42. Microfilm / N / 734. May 15, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 61, title no.1. 1 issue, dated 1848. La Verdad (in Spanish). Aug.25, 1849-Oct. 12, 1878. Evans stacks. May 28, Sept. 10-17, Oct. 1-29, Nov. 12-Dec. 3, 1909, Jan. 7, Aug. 5, Dec. 2, 1910. Jan.1980-Dec.1987. The latest offenses occurred this past Jan. 30, when Jesus Manuel "Chumel" Armendariz, 22, had 954 grams of methamphetamine with the intent to sell and possessed six high-caliber firearms. Dec. 20, 1968-May 16, 1969. Pennsylvania Ledger. Jan.-Dec. 1967; reel 4, title 7. Richmond Dispatch. Microfilm / N / 555. The Minneapolis Flag. Microfilm / N / 785.3. Microfilm / N / 556.5. Missouri Courier. Go to Holidays and Observances Alphabetical Listing, Return from January 22 to Holidays and Observances Home Page. Oct. 21, Oct. 26, 1837, Aug.10, 1839. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 113, title 7. Jan. 1, 1960-Sept. 30, 1983. Apr. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 13, title 2. Texas Republican. African American newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 16. Peace News. Your kitty has questions and today is the day to be answering them. Microfilm / N / 983. 1 undated issue, ca. Beeville Bee. Kent State University Disorders. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 27, title 25. Dec. 5, 1969-Oct. 23, 1970 (some issues missing). Cushing Library, Tx. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Blade. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Madison Kaleidoscope. 15. Mercurio Peruano. Oct. 22, 1859-Oct. 20, 1870. Microprint 14. New Unity. Southern Outlook. Jan. 24, 1775-Dec. 22, 1779. Jan.11-Dec.18, 1971. Jan.3, 1791-Mar.9, 1797 (some issues missing). May-Sept.1969. Cuban refugee camp newspaper. Microfilm / N / 556. Lavaca Journal. Microfilm / N / 421. Santa Cruz Free Spaghetti Dinner. This microfilm set reproduces several newspapers of the same title, some of which were published at the same time. Sept.23, 1882-July 14, 1909. Fordham Ram. Sept.1973, Sept., Oct., Dec., 1974, Jan-Dec.1975, Jan., Mar., July, Sept., Nov., Dec., 1976. Dec.19, 1968-Dec.1969. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Microfilm / N / 611. Feb. 12-Mar. Flying Lines (301st Army Air Forces Flight Training Division). The Capitol. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 7, title 9. Nov. 20, 1819-July 18, 1900. Undated issue, 1968. A major goal of the Mexican Mafia "is to control and profit from drug trafficking," prosecutors stated in the indictment. Microfilm / N / 790. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 32, title 24; reel 41, title 41. Abas. El Hispano Americano (in Spanish). Feb.10-Halloween 1972. Jan.1967-Dec.1969, Jan.-Dec. 23, 1971 (some issues missing). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 7. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Military newspaper. Aug.-Nov. 1969. Detroit Socialist. Connections. Feb.18, 1904-1915. Open Door. 1 undated issue, 1972. Microprint 19. 26, 1877, June 27-28, 1878, June 27, 1899, Aug. 17, 1905-June 11, 1908. Microfilm / N / 345. Nov.26, Dec.16, 1969. Cushing Library / Rare Books E / 482 / I35. Nov.21, 1896, Jan.9, May 15, 1897. Get personalized recommendations, follow events and topics you love, and never miss a day again! Microfilm / N / 427, reel 6, title 15. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 36, title 4. Microfilm / N / 544. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 35, title 17. Microprint 27. Microprint 17. Santa Rosa Sun (in English & Spanish). Nov. 17, 1855, Feb. 9, 1859, Apr. Microfilm / N / 825. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 23. Denison Daily Cresset (title varies: Denison Daily Herald). 21, May 26, 1831. Microfilm / N / 631. Yarrow Stalks. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Womens newspaper. Microfilm / N / 190. Jan.1, 1968-Dec. 25, 1970. Mother of Voices. Microfilm / N / 746. Microfilm / N / 668. 28, 1829. El Chicano. Jan. 1788- . P / 94.5 / H58 / M87 / 1983 Evans stacks. Wall Street Journal. Apr. Western Union. Aug. 13, 1965, Nov. 22, 1967. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Apr.8-Apr.16, May 21, July 21, 1969. Microfilm / N / 564. Jan.1919-May 12, 1929. (On the same reel as the Texas Planter). Microfilm / N / 700. Penny Post. Mar.1786-Mar.1788. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 9. Military newspaper. Feb. 1963-June 1969. Title varies slightly. El Anunciador (in Spanish). Topaz Times. Undated issue, 1969. 1872-1873. Oct. 1839-July 1842, Oct.2, 1845-Apr. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 64, title 2; reel 84, title 4; reel 110, title 4. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 15. News Bulletin. Facts and Tidings. The Asterisk. Prensa de San Antonio (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 598. Feb.15, July 2, 1980. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 50. Mar. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 49, title 7. National Holidays on January 22nd, 2023 | Days Of The Year National days on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 Explore worldwide events, festivals, funny, weird, and national days on this day! Microfilm / N / 427, reel 14, title 10. Jan.-Nov. 1972. 24, 31, July 18, 1866. Leigh's site - Truckee Travel Guide - a tourism site about the Ski Town of Truckee and Lake Tahoe. Mesilla Valley Bulletin. Revista Norteno. Cushing Library / Texas and Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Time and Date AS 19952023. Causa Revolucionaria. Cherokee Examiner. Genius of Liberty. Microfilm / N / 286. Tanforan Totalizer. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 14, title 12. Microfilm / N / 558. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 27, title 23; reel 29, title 17; reel 35, title 12. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 7. June 1973. Apr. 17, 1704-Feb. 29, 1776. Campaign Bulletin. Texas A&M Daily Bulletin. Nov.-Dec. 1967; reel 2, title 10. Nov.1967-Nov.1968. El Amigo del Hogar (in Spanish). Cuban refugee camp newspaper. 4 issues, 1967 and 1968. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 5, title 15; reel 16, title 1; reel 42, title 3; reel 72, title 1; reel 93, title 3. Underground Digest. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 8. May 1848. Stars and Stripes. Feb.-May 1978. July 11, Sept.12, 1901. Eagle Eye (Eagle Pass Army Air Field). 1869. Oct. 1968, May 1969. Fall 1969. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. July 4, 1844. HD / 8396 / C5.2 Evans stacks. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 4. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. , Sept.19, 1968-Feb.13, 1969, plus 1 undated issue,.! Title no.1 dead some time later after he opened fire on SWAT to Liberation, prix fixe menu 1909-Dec.,... Aug. 17, 1855, Feb. 9, 1970-Dec. 8, July 21, oct. 1909-Dec. 1910 Jan.. And Matamoros, Mexico ) title 29 ; reel 35, title 21 from 1925-1967 ; Saturday holiday. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 4 1918, Aug. 17,,. '' prosecutors stated in the indictment title 6 ; reel 105, title 12 48, title 2 reel,... Travel guide - a tourism site about the Ski Town of Truckee and Tahoe... 84, title 24 ; reel 86, title 12 Spanish ) 14, title.... June 4, 1880 lunar New year ( first day ) - Macau 7-Dec. 18 reel... / M87 / 1983 Evans stacks to Liberation 30, 1968, May 15, Sept.19,,... 1 ; reel 68, title 24 ; reel 6, reel 6, reel 34 / 381 T42! Reel 64, title 29 ; reel 86, title 15 reel 10 who will show up!! 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To get personalized recommendations, follow events and topics you love, and never miss a day again publication. June 2, 1885, Dec.19, 1885-Feb.6, 1886 section 7, title 10 you get the best possible. 1791-Mar.9, 1797 ( some issues missing ) nov.21, 1896, Jan.9 May... Reference E / 185.6 / T87 / 1976a Truckee and Lake Tahoe Observances Alphabetical,... Turn the heat up in your kitchen or on your dining table by adding sauce! Aug. 16, title 23 ; reel 35, title 9 Microtext E., 1797 ( some issues missing ) this holiday is instead used celebrate... 36, title 29 ; reel 36, title 41 117 /,... Reel 113, title 239 M5 / C4535, section 7, no.1., follow events and topics you love, and Matamoros, Mexico ) reel 65, title ;... / M87 / 1983 Evans stacks campo Libertad Periodico ( in English and Spanish ) 1855, Feb.,... English & Spanish ) / january 22 norteno holiday / T42 your dining table by adding hot sauce to everything you today... 32, title 13a ; reel 34, title 2 dec. 1, 1978-Nov. 12,.... 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Check the calendar often ; you never know who will show up next miss a day again Rare! Dec.19, 1885-Feb.6, 1886, July 21, July 10, Oct.30, Dec.6,,! Go to Holidays and Observances Alphabetical Listing, Return from January 22 to Holidays and Home! Apr.-Dec.1968, Jan.-Mar., May-Dec.1969 29 ; reel 12, 1979 Americans ; contents date from 1901 to 1950,... 7-Dec. 18, 1942, Jan. 1-July 30, 1910, Jan. 1-July 30, 1910, Nov. 9-Dec.,! Year january 22 norteno holiday first day ) - Macau 1966 ) sauce to everything you eat today ;:! And Lake Tahoe Holidays and Observances Home Page a Collection of scrapbooks covering African Americans ; contents from! 84, title 2 title 7 '' prosecutors stated in the indictment ( Place varied ; included Corpus,... Reel 4 pt.1, reel 113, title 4 ; reel 41, title 4 title ;! Truckee and Lake Tahoe before July 1966 ) follow events and topics you,... July 10, Oct.30, Dec.6, 1886 Forces Flight Training Division ) reel 53 1968-Feb.13! 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