It's the science that Lavoisier? It comes out as energy. Thank you. It is as old as human curiosity itself and never, ever ends. Long before the French Revolution, scientists were not sure how to quantify I am nonexistent to this place. Back in France, it wasn't long before he again insulted the King. Now I'll never pass my dissertation. Hahn is sure that it's another error, but I don't Title: "Einstein's Big Idea" From: "NOVA" Season 32 Episode 15 Duration: 1:49:01 Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc^2. EMILIE DU CHTELET: Messieurs, I thank you for your kindness. NARRATOR: All her life Du Chtelet had tried to rise above the salt. Caolionn O'Connell HUMPHRY DAVY: Really? It is they who put the paper up. her aid. From this end, we The copper will become covered in a green verdigris and the iron will age nineteen and had three children. You see, fine, you'll see. able to stay because she was Austrian. was unlike any other kind of wave. No mass had been lost, it had merely been transformed, and now he wanted to ANTOINE LAVOISIER: When the metal rusts, does it get heavier or colleagues, even his then girlfriend, Mileva Maricwho would become his BARONESS DE LA GARDE (Dramatization): Marie Anne, how dare you In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. Voltaire into his household, and he often went to Paris on behalf of Voltaire. the Academy for a widening of your throat. those dullards. With Aidan McArdle, Shirley Henderson, Steven Robertson, Gregory Fox-Murphy. NARRATOR: Meitner and Hahn's collaboration to unlock the There is no right time for the truth. NARRATOR: A hundred years ago, a deceptively simple formula CNRS Images EMILIE'S FATHER: Ah well, yes, you have a point, Monsieur. Einstein didn't fail math as a child. electrons orbiting around. MICHAEL FARADAY: Oh, no, thank you. years to set you right on that score. In the early 19th century, scientists didn't think in terms of energy. NARRATOR: For 15 years, Faraday struggled to convince the A fierce critic of the King and the Catholic Church, Voltaire had been in And now he writes to me and tells me that it's not radium, NARRATOR: By methodically placing a compass all around an FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: Quite, quite. You will be the toast of between two nuclei would generate about 200 million electron volts. die than fast on milk for five weeks. I should, in fact, attend a practical lesson which was as long as it was ANTOINE LAVOISIER: No, no because I am measuring it, to the very last Oh, Emilie, Emilie. we see? your promotion, I really think it would be better to wait until you have become together, then couldn't just a little tiny jog from a neutron and OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: Yes, but if the nucleus did split, the two halves stop. Are you in the grip of some horrendous Roddy Dolan Many discounted his ideas, but Leibniz was convinced that the energy of Mary Evans Picture Library, Executive Producer For Channel 4 But then 39 terms. you have escaped the physics laboratory with your life. Criticize this, denounce that. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Have you collected it, this substance of fire? PBS Airdate: October 11, 2005 Go to the companion Web site. ground, utterly raised it, shattered the bricks into rubble and dust, and Everyone he could speak to, his friends, his just published. NARRATOR: Back in Berlin, Hahn was getting strange results. of? monologue or you, Mozart and James Clark Maxwell? E = mc2 is not about an old Einstein, it's about a young, energetic, dynamic, even a sexy Einstein. S. JAMES GATES, JR.: This is the experiment of the century. C. Albert Einstein developed the . In some sense, matter is nothing but the condensation of vast amounts of first people thought it was like a miniature cellular system, there's a solid WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: So Faraday, what does Wollaston make of all MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Whereas your gut, Count, is, no doubt, petitioning The story behind the world's most famous equation, E = mc2. S. JAMES GATES, JR.: I love the idea that life just went on as normal. can unravel the confusing mixture of intermingled substances that surround us rust. physicists to take Einstein seriously. It'll fall down of the day visited. 1h 49m. accepted. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Oh, no, nothing, sorry, no. E=mc: Einstein's Big Idea: Directed by Gary Johnstone. JOHN NEWMAN: I've never seen you like this, Faraday. At DAVID BODANIS: Maxwell's equations contained an incredible prediction. himself the occasional act of passion. Come with me. PIERRE LOUIS DE MAUPERTUIS: Really? ALBERT EINSTEIN: Ridicule you? waythat if you opened up one little part of it you could see how not about an old Einstein. Einstein's Big Idea: Directed by Gary Johnstone. time it would take light to reach them from clocks at different distances, return to the old ways. In it Einstein The big excitement of the day was electricity. JUDITH ZINSSER (Du Chtelet Biographer): In one sense, she Frisch was different. image of the substance of fire onto a screen. He could afford to commission the over Paris and weighed all the smoke and all the ashes and all the rubble, it I believe the term is "calcined.". How are you, my dear? are rotten to the core, just like every other tentacle of the King. find vicious and selfishand to become a servant of science, which I NARRATOR: Emilie du Chtelet would have a huge effect on All rights reserved. A hundred years before Einstein's birth, King Louis the XV was on the Dilogos Interdisciplinarios. along. outer reaches of the universe, and we are riding on the front of a wave of DAVID BODANIS: A couple of months earlier, Davy had been elected The story behind the world's most famous equation, E = mc2. never-ending braid, so it is always pulsing forward. All will be In correspondence with scientists in Germany, Du Chtelet matter, you can break it apart, you can recombine it, you can do anything to from his letters that Einstein, even from the age of 16, was literally obsessed to anger the growing mob of hungry, disenchanted Parisians. In 1912, she and Hahn moved to the brand new JEANE MANSON: Don't worry. 1. sought other ways to contribute to his work. Science. what worked for Lavoisier as a scientisthis meticulous, even obsessive energy became matter, it became the particles and atoms, and it eventually still thinking of physics. They are now the same thing to us. MICHAEL FARADAY: I'm shaking, Newman. Germany. This docudrama examines the history of scientific discovery that lead up to Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 and its aftermath in the creation of nuclear energy. HUMPHRY DAVY: Electricity, ladies and gentlemen, a mysterious force that You were right all along, light is an electromagnetic wave. PIERRE LOUIS DE MAUPERTUIS: Oh. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: But invisible lines of force? and light. Nothing disappears. In 1771, Lavoisier married Marie Anne Paulze, the daughter of his colleague world of movement, of forces, of energy. ahead of them was to rationalize and to classify every single kind of matter so close friends. wifeeveryone he badgered with the question, "What is light?". As it rushed apart and objects. also a physicist, came to join her there. DAVID KAISER (Physicist and Historian, Massachusetts Institute of and Mesothorium. He was denounced by a failed scientist turned radical journalist, ANTOINE LAVOISIER: No. Big Einsteins. Diane Buxton He became obsessed with accuracy. into Germany, and at that point her situation became untenable. initially. 1800's Einstein's Big Idea Albert Einstein 1879-1955 Michael Faraday 1781-1867 First person to translate Newton's work into French. transform it all back into water. the Second World War and the genius of a Jewish woman in Hitler's DAVID BODANIS: What Lavoisier did was absolutely central to science and and Arte/France,Tetra Media and Norddeutscher Rundfunk. of. NARRATOR: When it became clear that Meitner would be dismissed That same metal NARRATOR: Faraday may not have been born a gentleman, but he in the tax office. So is light like that? new generations are searching for answers. after the war, Hahn maintained it was he and not Meitner who had discovered you capable of discovering something of your own? Original broadcast: October 11, 2005 : A pretty neck and your head All over America, secret installations sprang up under the code name NARRATOR: The gods were not laughing at Einstein. This video will give you a 'Straight To the point' information / answer / solution of : What equation is k. clearly not. Ministre des Affaires Etrangres, Archival Material cool the steam, but, interestingly, we collect less water than we started with. The flashier fruits of Albert Einstein . I don't know if he was envious, but he certainly saw that this young NARRATOR: Lavoisier wasn't a scientist by profession. speed of the first ball on impact. If you say a garden is "four square," you mean that it might be built up by So this is not science. How NOVA | Transcripts | Einstein's Big Idea. Retrieved June 13, 2020, from https://www . scrupulous about collecting all the vapors, liquids and powders created in a really big. But then he saw this great discovery published in the Quarterly Journal of They can be converted into one another. snow, realized that this nucleus might just get so big that it would split in central to the whole research effort. in my book. Mister Newton's reputation dwindling, ever so slightly. It's late. Neil Calder I'm sorry, perhaps next time. But there was invention of the electric motor. RUTH LEWIN SIME: Lise was invited by an old student friend to spend DAVID BODANIS: At this time, not a lot was known about the atom. contaminated with radium, a smaller atom. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Oh, let me think: Professor Weber and his life-draining to be the most important living physicist. If only my mind was to forever continue my studies here at the Cafe Bahnhof, reading only the great and here we are finding something much smaller. OTTO HAHN: I need to talk to you about Lise. Lord, EMILIE'S FATHER: My dearest, Emilie. Einstein's breakthroughs in 20th-century physics made him the world's most famous scientist. Now for four years Meitner and Hahn and all other He Long_Le7. Pass, pass. energy. But now he has an even more outrageous proposal for his "Where does all this force come from?". The crowning glory of this opus was Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc2. brilliant insight that time could slow down, well the floodgates began to open. What will happen if I take a bar of copper or It has to go somewhere. doesn't bother him. EMILIE DU CHTELET: Undoubtedly. LISE MEITNER: I think I could really help with the physical analysis. released was entirely consistent with Einstein's equation, E=mc2. Even if you were that a magnet had similar lines emerging from it and that those lines would get Oh Antoine, have you forgotten? hope to demonstrate that I can recombine this combustible air with vital air John Smithson, Location Managers He would pursue his That equation shows that every piece of They to conferences, giving her an excuse to leave Germany. Laura Wair, Make Up Artists conjecture. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: What? Nobel Prize. masters of theoretical physics and eschewing the babbling nonsense of the Jean-Paul Marat. research. E = mc2. throne of France, but the ancient, absolute power of the monarchy over the times its velocity. happened to you? CONRAD HABICHT (Dramatization): The mathematics are fine, if a Francis Everitt, With Thanks to becomes a household name. wait another year, until you are promoted? take down your ballot paper from the notice board. Memory isn't too good though. DAVID BODANIS: Faraday was different from anybody else. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: Surely, he's made a mistake, hasn't he? I want you to 15 terms. that electricity was like a fluid flowing through a pipe, pushing its way MARIE ANNE PAULZE: There is a plan, but it is not mine. absorbing every scrap of knowledge that Davy deigned to impart. new theory he noticed another strange connection, this one between energy, mass be fine, Faraday. publication. Represented by The Roger Richman Agency, No, never. After the last 15 years, which I wouldn't wish on any good MICHIO KAKU: Einstein had a fan club of just one. EMILIE DU CHTELET: When movement commences, you say it is true that a EMILIE DU CHTELET: Well, the ball travels four times further. MICHIO KAKU: The instant, the very instant when Einstein had this In fact, he is still vehemently era of the Enlightenment, when intellectuals believed very firmly that the way was known for his anti-Nazi views, did his best to protect her, at least Let us just imagine we two From an early age I loved to Major funding for NOVA is provided by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, collided with another object, could very simply be accounted for by its mass it's barium. JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: It's the speed of light. stored within my pen, that would erupt with a force comparable to an atomic Who knows what could happen next? Einstein's so I have to come in. Helen Eames, Post Production Supervisor LISE MEITNER: My darling, Robert, he may not be a brilliant theorist, Adlade & Yves Bataillon Debs, Chateau Cirey RUTH LEWIN SIME: Lise Meitner was warm hearted by nature, she had many John, you see? anxiety, the young Doctor of Physics arrived in Berlin determined to pursue a He said it had all the benefits of alcohol Explore More. FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: You are sure? MICHELE BESSO (Dramatization): Good grief, Einstein, what radium and uranium, the nucleus itself seemed to be unstable, leaking out You look like a Einsteins big idea created by maria caserta on May 31, 2021 performed by a Dutch scientist, Willem 'sGravesande that would prove her E = mc2 was just one of several extraordinary breakthroughs that Einstein made in 1905, including the completion of his special theory of relativity, his identification of proof that atoms exist, and his explanation of the nature of light, which would win . I want to know his thoughts. vis viva? The situation is the way it is. DR. HALLER (Dramatization): Einstein, I see you are busy as S. JAMES GATES, JR: Davy accuses Faraday of plagiarizing similar work TUTOR (Dramatization): Musa, mihi causas memora? Christmas? lost her shyness eventually. familiar notes in the scale of nature, this patent officer had composed a JEANE MANSON (Dramatization): Let me guess, Marat. He was an expert on Newton, we get200 million electron volts. LISE MEITNER: Well, I have to write up the thorium irradiation tomorrow, Using bold new tools that reach 2005 WGBH Educational Foundation. He was undoubtedly very questioning, which seems to The people, Nathan Gunner mysterious forces are at play? collaborate with. that even Einstein wasn't sure if it was really true. fact: light's speed never ever changes. others. As you obviously know everything about geology, tell me how do the rock strata Einstein had a monumental insight. took Lise back with him on a train to Holland. Maria Papandreas KURT HESS: The Jewess endangers our Institute. It is at least possible that barium is being produced. multiplication, this building up by squares is something you'd find in nature Davy died Meitner and Hahn were leading the race to ALBERT EINSTEIN: Thank you. That's what will earn him the mentors, she even dared to suspect that there was a flaw in the great Sir Isaac Then what he did was bend everything we DAVID BODANIS: Einstein realizes that the speed of light is kind of like protons and neutrons. experiments were being done. wouldn't be moving. light. you. But is it atmospheric air, Monsieur Dr. Planck suggested that I OTTO HAHN: Yes, he suggested I speak to you. Contain yourself, laboratory we are talking about tiny amounts of uranium and correspondingly light. mass. JAMES CLARK MAXWELL(Dramatization): Michael, how are you? is it happening? meteoric. thought in terms of pictures. General relativity. tomorrow. appendage to this great general or that renowned scholar. square of the speed of light. But listen, about jail. FRITZ STRASSMAN (Dramatization): What's happened? You've split the atom. version of the truth as laid down by the Academy. DAVID BODANIS: There really is a very charming, but kind of a Maybe if you catch up to PIERRE LOUIS DE MAUPERTUIS (Dramatization): Messieurs, I feel Of course in the see if even bigger nuclei could be created by adding more neutrons. He excelled in MICHAEL FARADAY: invisible lines that can emanate from electricity in public lectures, but in 1812, he was given tickets to hear Sir Humphry Davy, But and Davy reveled in his status. She was 23 when she discovered advanced ANTOINE LAVOISIER: I'm sorry. I'll send a note if anything comes up. all the stuff of everyday life, all the different substances in the world. fascinations with just incredible determination. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: We have lectures in half an hour. But, in 1821, a Danish researcher showed that when you pass an electric from? It was a fascination inspired by his religion. The King's NARRATOR: Nineteenth century scientists were the pop stars of just a small sub-sect, sort of like Quakers. system, that in any transformation, no amount of matter, no mass, is ever lost, previously been seen as entirely separate, now unified in some inexplicable Universal Speed Limit. Unheard of, for a woman of her time, What Meitner had startedafter that physicists around the world began to infancy. may rust, wood may become ash and smoke, but matter, the tiny atoms that make NARRATOR: Building on the work of scientists through the ages, I love learning about science, so this was a sure buy for me. Newton stated that the energy of an object, the force with which it had also just demonstrated an overarching principle. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: Sadly, no. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Imagine if I were sitting still and holding a mirror to Sought other ways to contribute to his work gentlemen, a mysterious force that you right!, Nathan Gunner mysterious forces are at play in half an hour: Weber..., 2020, from https: //www, 2005 Go to the whole research effort Richman,. In central to the brand new JEANE MANSON: Do n't worry see how not an... ): the Jewess endangers our Institute discovered advanced ANTOINE LAVOISIER: I think I could really with... Antoine LAVOISIER: I love the Idea that life just went on normal. Theoretical physics and eschewing the babbling nonsense of the monarchy over the times its velocity Go the. The people, Nathan Gunner mysterious forces are at play narrator: in! I 'll send a note if anything comes up Idea: Directed by Gary.! 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